Men of War: Assault Squad 2 Guide

How to download and enable mods from steam workshop for Men of War: Assault Squad 2

How to download and enable mods from steam workshop


A tutorial on how to install workshop mods

Downloading mods

Mods are downloaded quite easily.To download a mod all what you need to do is to click the subscribe button

After that the mod will begin downloading.Some mods also require other mods to work properly.Downloading them works the same.They can be found either in the description of the mod(like a link) or on the right side appearing like this :

Enabling mods

To enable a mod you need to enter the game(entering the game will take longer since the game will neeed to “extract” the downloaded mods which should take several minutes).After the game is fully loaded click on the options tab .There should be a mod section

Click on that.It will bring you to this :

Select the mod you want to enable(In my case it’s the Robz mod) and click on the >> icon.After that the mod should be in the right box.

If you want to enable more mods just repeat the process.
Incase you selected the wrong one just click the << icon and it will return the selected mod to the left box.

Finally you need to apply the mods you selected.To do that click the apply button

When you click apply the game will start enabling the selected mods which could take several minutes to complete.And that is it when it comes to enabling mods.To disable the mod you just need to click the mod you want to disable,then click the << button and press apply.