The Isle Guide

Surviving the Isle : Staying Ahead of Your Enemy for The Isle

Surviving the Isle : Staying Ahead of Your Enemy


Survival is hard. Really hard. That’s why you need to be on the top of your game at all times. Danger could be around every corner, and what better way to see it before hand than a mirror. Actually, this is a guide, not a mirror. But thanks to rigerous gameplay by multiple Isle players on Steam, you can learn to survive and become the Apex of the Island. So what are you waiting for? Get surviving!


The Isle is a dangerous place, filled with prehistoric beasts that eat fight die, and live together. To survive, you are going to have to be smarter than your enemy, and to do that, you’re going to need all the help you can get. Luckly for you, you have a multitude of guides on the game that can help you better prepare and teach you how to survive, just like this one.

Jynn may have created a guide similar to this one (I had no idea you were making one too) but the thing is that more sources is better than just one. You should give Jynn’s guide a read. It has a few of the guides listed below in my guide, but whatever. Jynn goes over stuff I didn’t. Plus, Jynn has a bit more experience the I do.

Make sure you give it a read!


But hey, you clicked on this guide. Might as well read it too. Below, I have listed multiple tips, guides, lists, fact sheets, and theorized/known data and lore that can help you survive the Isle. It’s a dinosaur eat dinosaur world out there. Let’s get chewing.


To find exactly where you are on the map, coordinates can be used to pinpoint your location. To check your coordinates (and vitals such as health, food, water, stamina, points, and speed) press “Insert” on your computer. To close it, press Insert again (see HUD and Controls).

If you can’t use the coordinates, you may be out of luck if you don’t use your natural surroundings to direct yourself.

Find Your Bearings

One of the most important things to take into account in the Isle is identifying your environment. Throughout the history of the Isle, maps have come and gone. Although the official maps have not been released, there are ideas for the main biomes that will be encountered, and a possible map has been hinted at. You can find them on Rodrigo Vega’s Deviantart page.

In the meantime, the current maps are a training ground for titanic beasts locked in a battle for survival. To stay ahead of your prey and predators, you need to know the playing field.

Version 3 – The current map, Version 3 is roughly 3 times larger than any of its predecessors, and has a wide range of biomes, from dense forests, lush grasslands, crystal clear lakes, and mysterious mountains.

Nights here are incredibly dark save for the strange auroras that form overhead, so when the sun starts to set, find a place to hunker down for the night. A large ocean surrounds this map with salty marshes along the borders. In the center of the island, there are some large sources of water in the desert, but beware. Apex carnivores battle for supremacy along the edges of the watering holes.

There are derelict forts scattered in the mountains, and could provide shelter for those strong-willed enough to find them. The deserts and mountains are your best natural guides here if you can’t use coordinates (see Biomes).

Dress Accordingly

So you know your surroundings. Good for you. Unfortunately for you, that’s only half of the problem.

The Isle is full of the biggest and baddest monsters that have existed, and with the appearance of the powerful Alpha Predators (Strains), they are only going to get bigger and badder. To avoid being eaten or not eating, you have to choose a skin that fits your environment well. Very well.

Currently, due to the amount of foliage in Region 3’s maps, the main feature is grasses and forests, so greens and browns are a good choice. Unfortunately, with the initial release of progression, there is little control of what skin you will spawn in with, and you do so randomly. This will likely change in the future, so hang on Carnotaurus players.

Most people don’t know what the official names of the skins are, and this can be a problem when your pack mate says the “green Diablo” is weak. Luckily, the complete list of active skins listed on Trello, the website below.



Progression is the all new method of evolution and survival. In this main game mode, you have to survive as the weakest and smallest, aka a Tier 1, dinosaur in your group, Herbivore or Carnivore.

As you survive as a carnivore or eat special Progression Plants as and herbivore, you will begin to rack up Progression Points (pp), allowing you to pay to progress the the next type of dinosaur based on that dinosaur’s Cost. Some dinosaurs require you to have been another, smaller species to evolve into them, but don’t worry. You can always go back to play as the prerequisites.

Eventually, you will be able to evolve into the Highest Tier (Herbivore) or Apex (Carnivore) of your Class, granting you enormous amounts of power, strength, and respect.

Once you die however, you have to start all over again from the very beginning, so be wary about everything (see Growing Up / Nesting).

While progression is unfinished and the Classes not set up, the progression chart is subject to change in the future. For now, you can utilize these charts and info graphs below.



Tiers, Dinosaurs, Costs, and Requirements :

Tier 1-
– Psittacosaurus – 0

Tier 2-
– Dryosaurus – 30 (Psittacosaurus)

Tier 3-
– Gallimimus – 25
– Pachycephalosaurus – 25
– Diabloceratops – 30
– Maiasaura – 35

Tier 4-
– Therizinosaurus – 50 (Pachycephalosaurus)
– Ankylosaurus – 50 (Pachycephalosaurus)
– Triceratops – 45 (Diabloceratops)
– Stegosaurus – 50 (Diabloceratops)
– Shantungosaurus – 50 (Maiasaura)

Titan Tier-
– Puertasaurs – 240 (Teir 4)



Tiers, Dinosaurs, Costs, and Requirements :

Tier 1-
– Velociraptor – 0

Tier 2-
– Juvenile Tyrannosaurus – 30
– Herrerasaurus – 30
– Austroraptor – 30

Tier 3-
– Subadult Tyrannosaurus – 120 (Juvenile)
– Utahraptor – 120 (Herrerasaurus)
– Allosaurus – 120 (Herrerasaurus)
– Baryonyx – 60 (Austroraptor)

Tier 4 –
– Adult Tyrannosaurus – 240 (Subadult)
– Carnotaurus – 180 (Utahraptor)
– Acrocanthosaurus – 180 (Allosaurus)
– Suchomimus – 120 (Baryonyx)

Tier 5 –
– Spinosaurus Type T – 120 (Suchomimus)
– Giganotosaurus- 120 (Acrocanthosaurus)

Know the Players

You know the skins, sure, but how do you play as your dinosaur. Well, this guide doesn’t go to into great depth on the subject, but you can find out more about your dinosaur in books, on the Internet, documentaries, even other guides on steam like my fantasy dinosaur field guide, the Isla Sorna profiles, and many others.

However, maybe you don’t have the time to look at the full guide cause your her is on the move or your being chased by that Tyrannosaurus. Well this portion of the guide tells you the name, health, damage, speed, and a basic guide to your prehistoric survivor.

Dinosaurs that can be encountered are listed below. Officially released dinosaurs are named in bold. There is a full list of confirmed/possible dinosaurs in the guide below


Template :

Name – (Health) (Damage – Bleed not included) (Speed KPH) – Summary

To find a dinosaur’s advanced stats, view Queen’s guide below :

Dinosaurs – Carnivores

Trannosaurus – (2100) (500) (34.9) – You start out very small and weak, so avoid confrontation with other carnivores. You have to gradually mature to the ferocious Titan of the island, so it is better to scavenge and keep a low profile. Although fast when you start out, you will eventually get slower but stronger as you mature.

Carnotaurus – (1700) (650) (47.8) – You are the fastest second on the island, but you can’t risk being injured in a fight. Launch ambushes on the forest edge, close to grasslands. Avoid other carnivores. Forming a mob is a good idea, but the food has to go around. Use your speed to dart in and make a quick get away with prey. Stay away from other carnivores and away from dodgy spots.

Austroraptor – (200) (50) (44.6) – You are the hight of a human, but this makes you very small compared with other carnivores. Once fish is out, hunting will be a lot easier, but for now, target small herbivores. Use your size to hide well in the grass and undergrowth. Note : Austros often make passive sounds (2) to tell each other their location while hunting.

Allosaurus – (100) (35) (40.5) – Being one of the fastest predators in the Isle, you are faster than almost any other animal you can encounter. Unfortunately, the safest prey items you can hunt, Dryo and Maia, are slightly faster than you. Luckly, most of your skins are well camouflaged to launch ambushes like a Carno. You are a Jack-of-all-trades when it comes down to it. Allo players are friendly to members of the species, often resulting in packs.

Suchomimus – (1700) (200) (37.8) – Your are similarly built to a Rex, save for the fact that you can attack at lightening speed. Stay far away from mountains and hills, as your legs are built for swimming, not absorbing impact. Currently, fish is absent from the game, so your only hope is to pulverize anything as big as a Galli. Your speedy bites could take out a Diablo or even a Theri, but be careful for their counter attacks. Big bushes make excellent cover. Submerge underwater for frightful ambushes.

Herrarasaurus – (150) (25) (39.8) – You are one of the smallest carnivores in the game, so literally everything is going to try and attack you. Once the Compy is out along with your septic bite, this won’t be a problem, but for now, any other carnivore is ready to hunt you. Utilize your coloration and size to hunt smaller dinosaurs. Although packs are a great idea, lone Herras can be unpredictable.

Utahraptor – (650) (?) (57.2) – Members of your species are very friendly and social to one another. Currently, there is no jump for you, so you have to surround your prey out in the open. Take turns running in and biting to avoid friendly fire. You are the fastest dinosaur in the Isle, so you can effectively run down any prey animals you want. Avoid very large carnivores.

Acrocanthosaurus – (?) (?) (?) – Your the high spined lizard and your sharp toothed jaws can slice and dice through big game. Your insane bleed damage means all yo have to do is take a few bites and wait to avoid injury. Stay alone for most of your time cause you need lots of food, but when you see a large herbivore, gather up some friends. You may be the Alpha Species of the Bleeder Branch, but with Carcharo and Giganto being released (alternate skins), you’re going to have a bit of competition. Rexes may actively try and hunt you, so use your greater speed to escape from them.

Baryonyx – (750) (?) (?) – Your kind of slow, so make sure to stay in places that have easily accessible getaways, such as the lakeshore or underbrush. Suchomimus appear to be tolerant of you, so you could form a symbiotic relationship with them. Due to your slow speed and weak build, you can’t attack really fast animals or really big animals. Ambush is your friend when hunting dinosaurs, and thanks to your size, you can do just that. Wait for fish to be added.

Velociraptor – () () (56) – You are small. Very small. Speed can compinsate and you can hide well, but there isn’t much on the menu for you. Use that speed to run down the little guys and escape the nasties, but try to progress as soon as possible.

Spinosaurus Type T – (2400) (420) () – You are the highest Teir carnivore in the game, so take it with pride. Half bleeder, half crusher, all toothy maw, you can run fairly fast, but utilize ambush tequniques. That sail is very big, so you need to choose hiding places wisely. Smaller fishing dinosaurs often worship you in the shadows, so you can decide between having an army or an unlimited supply of food. You are faster on land, but slower in water than Spinosaurus Type A.

Giganotosaurus – (2100) (400) () – Being the second largest carnivore on the planet is hard. Prey is going to see you from a mile away. But what they can’t see, they can’t run from. You are a master of ambush, and to top it all off, the fastest of the Apex dinosaurs when you do said ambushes. With your juggernaut build, you can plow down prey in front of you. You only have a few seconds of speed, but you can outrun every living thing you set your sights on.

Dinosaurs – Herbivores

Gallimimus – (150) (25) (57.2) – You’re the fastest terrestrial animal on the Isle and every predator wants to take a bite out of you cause you’re so darn delicious. In an open field, you have little to fear, so stay out in the grasslands and prairies. Stay away from the crowded forests and high peaks that could break your beautiful legs. Your best bet is to flock with members of your own species. That way, you know when your natural enemies, Carnos and Utahs, are sneaking up on you. Make sure to check out the Herbivore and Code of Claw sections to stay ahead in the race. Your attack is laughable, so don’t bother slowing yourself down (KOS Gallis rush in fast and die faster). In the immortal words of BestInSlot: “Pump those crazy legs”.

Puertasaurus – (∞) (∞) (12.3) – IT’S OVER 9000!

Shantungosaurus – (2800) (700) (36.3) – At 15 meters from nose to tail, your larger than a practically any other carnivore. Your powerful stomp can cripple and kill in 2 hits, but watch out. You’re stationary while you do it. You can use your reinforced skull and charge to fight enemies, or escape quickly on all fours. You can stay alive longer if you travel in a herd mostly of your own kind, so you can make an impenetrable fortress together (2 hits is all it takes). Despite being so massive, you can blend in with the underbrush well. You can even keep carnivores from following you by trotting (Z), as your back footprints look identical to those of a Rex! Sometimes you gotta think outside your box-shaped head.

Therizinosaurus – (810) (7000 max) (38.2) – You are the fastest of the Tier 4 herbivores, and you wield your scythes like some sort of primordial ninja. Unfortunately, you move kinda awkwardly and all that fluff behind you is a target for predators. It’s going to be tough until target damage is added. Your primary attack can hit 3 times and kill anything trying to eat you, but you have very little health to go on. It is better to avoid confrontation before it even starts, so stick to the deep forests. One alternative is grouping in large flocks. Together, you can make a defensive ring to protect your vulnerable rump.

Diabloceratops – (900) (250) (30.3) – You’re slow, you’re tiny, you’re bright yellow, and it doesn’t help that everyone calls you a potato. The best environment for you is the Bush, due to the dark yellows and browns of the ground and the large plants for you to hide in. Lucky for you, you can inflict some serious bleed damage to your enemies, and your small stature helps you get right underneath them. Stay away from all the action for now though.

Dryosaurus – (125) (???) (44.6) – This dinosaur was once notorious for being a stupid, attention seeking little rat that would quickly loose the will to live if it didn’t receive constant attention over its “cute” appearance by brainless Rexes. Now with progression being added, the Dryos that stooped to this level are quickly being eradicated like the pests they are, what with how much food carnivores need to survive. To be a smart Dryo, stay in the deepest forests you can find and stay away from large lakes. If you hear a predator, crouch in the grass and remain still. When you run, your tail is held in an easily visible position above the grass. Try to stay with large herbivore herds, but avoid being crushed by friendly fire. The Dryo is one of the low Tier herbivores, so even though you have an attack, it is very weak and is practically suicide to use.

Triceratops – (1650) (550 max) (24.3) – You’re the behemoth with the frill and 3 sharp horns, but you also have a loud and very easily detectable roar, so keep vocalization at a minimum to prevent unwanted attention. Your biggest weaknesses are your slow speed and exposed hindquarters. You could still easily crush or gore an attacking predator, so your only threat is a huge unrealistic pack. Try to attract members of your own species and form a herd. That way, each of you can protect the other in a formidable wall of shields and lances. Together, you can intimidate and fend off virtually any attack.

Stegosaurus – (1650) (400) (27) – An easily recognizable dinosaur, you have no attack in the front, but your spiky tail can be used like a long sword, and almost reaches your side. You can also accelerate to top speed quickly, but carnivores can group together and take you out. Try to avoid the larger predators and stay close to a herd, whether it be your kind or some other. You are a heavy hitter and can deal 30 bleed per thagomizer.

Maiasaura – (950) (150) (44.6) – You are essentially a watered down version of a Shant, and to compensate, find other herbivores, preferably your kind. Much like zebra, you can confuse your enemy if you all look the same, and seemingly meld into one another to hide your numbers. You can head butt, much like a Shant, but due to your weak health and exposed sides (perfect targets for bleeders), use this literally as a last resort. Your best bet is to stay together in a herd. You can even use your small(ish) size to hide in bushes.

Ankylosaurus – (1650) (400) (18.4) – Thanks to your medieval club tail, you have a 95% chance to break the leg of any carnivore with one fell swoop. Along with that, your short legs make it hard for predators to reach you, and dinosaurs can’t crouch with a broken leg. Unfortunately, armor is nonexistent at the moment, so a single bite from a larger predator can literally end your life. Stay in areas with tall grass and large bushes and trees, preferably with rocks in the area. That way, you can hunker down and become a rock. Make sure to hide in a great place, because you can’t stand up from a resting position very easily.

Pachycephalosaurus – (750) (150) (32.4) – You are a small, thick skulled herbivore. Unfortunately, you are very slow for your size and have very little health. Try and stay behind an attacking foe and target their legs with your powerful skull. Alternatively, you can hide in places with dense vegetation. You are short, but your bald spot can stick out like a sore thumb. Travel in herds with other herbivores. If a carnivore attacks, you can hide in the confusion and avoid being eaten.

Psttacosaurus (100) (0) (>18.4) – A very small and weak dinosaur, you have to stay hidden from enemies. Lucky for you, your size works against them. You can blend into the grass just by resting, and nobody will be the wiser. However, you have very poor stats, so you can’t leave the a resource rich environment. Stay by a lake with lots of food.

“Dinosaurs” – Survivors

– Quetzalcoatlus – () () (112.6) – This dinosaur is currently unplayable to everyone exept developers. However, on some servers (which are the reason for commands being removed from the game), this sky beast is playable and often fly in endless circles, aggressively attacking anything that reads as negative on their “Quetzal-radar”. They attack in a really cheap way, but this will change with collision. Their takeoff should be changing too, as it is really fast and just… Happens. This flying reptile has officially been announced to be delayed one extra day for every comment to release it soon, so everyone just wait. We have forced Dondi’s hand to irrational measures. No offense Dondi. It would be kinda hard to deal with being asked about its release over and over. I should probably stop talking now. Yah.

Leafs on a Tree

Unlike the herbivores, the Carnivores now have a special addition to progression based on their game mode, called the Carnivore Tree.

Each branch, there is an “Alpha Species”, or Strain, that is the most sophisticated and hardest to obtain in that group. However, being able to grow into these Alphas is not only an indicator of skill, but also grants the player immense power which they can wield to great effect. This system is a work in progress, but the guide below should be very very very accurate.

Special thanks for Karmasaurus, who went above and beyond the call of duty to find out this information.

Crusher Branch – (??? – Gorgo – Rex) – Using this branch, you start out small and fast, and become lumbering and slow. The Alpha Species Rex will be the most powerful natural terrestrial predator. However, it is very slow and must rely on stealth and ambush. Some herbivores are part of this branch as well, but are not alphas.

Bleeder Branch – (Marhso-Allo-Acro) – Using this branch, you maximize hit and run tactics by heavily increase the DOT bleed you deal. The Alpha Trio, Acrocanthosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus, and Giganotosaurus, will have ridiculous levels of bleed damage, and will be able to hunt down large game.

Pounce Branch – (Deino-Austro-Utah) – Using this branch, you specilize in being a small jack of trades creature. Not the fastest or strongest, but well balanced as a Utahraptor. The Alpha Species of the group, it will gain the ability to pounce on victims.

Venom Branch – (Herrer-Mono-Dilo) – This branch uses primitive biological warefare such as a septic bite or an anticoagulant in their saliva, but the Alpha Species Dilo shall have a potent venom. It shall deliver this venom via bite to slow and weaken victims.

Speed Branch – (Cerato-Majunga-Carno) – A heavily specialized group, you will deal increasingly less damage in exchange for greater speed. The Alpha Species of this group, the Carnotaurus, will deal very low damage but will be the fastest of all predators, able to strike quickly and run with ease.

Flight Branch – (Dimorph-Ptera-Quetz) – Take to the skies! This tree allows flight and great speed in exchange for fragility and relatively low damage. The Alpha Species of this group, the Quetzalcoatlus, will be able to lift small victims off the ground.

Aquatic Branch – (Bary-Sucho-Spino) – A water-loving group, these dinosaurs are highly specialized for hunting marine life. The Alpha Duo, Aqua and Terra Spinosaurus, will be able to run along the bottom of the water at high speeds, but slow on land, and vise versa for the latter.


Once the player has gained the Alpha Species, they will have the ability to evolve (in a currently unknown way) into one of three highly specialized and deadly variations, called the Alpha Predators, or more commonly, Strains. Heavily studied by leading expert Doctor Rodrigo Vega, we are beginning to understand the inner workings of these monsters.


This Strain grants the dinosaur incredibly massive boosts in Health and Damage. When a dinosaur evolves to this form, they grow 25% – 45% larger than their unaltered form to reach maximum size. They also gain a stronger hide that can protect them against brutal attacks. Studies on a tagged individual (a tyrannosaurid, code named, D0N-b1) show that these animals locate their prey primarily through sound, so make sure to stay away from loud animals, especially its favorite prey, it’s own (un-strained) kind.

Dr. Vega has noted that this armor is made up of an odd assortment of chemical compounds, such as Auxin, Cytokines, Jasmonic Acid, Brassinosteroids, Gibberellins, and Abscisic Acid. These are hormones commonly found in plants that allow regeneration of damaged leaves and cause accelerated growth. This is what probably causes the varying amounts of green pigment in the Hyperendocrin.

This armor has the ability to heal grievous wounds in mere seconds (work has already begun on an Anti-Hyperendocrin Cannon, or the “AHC”, that will have the ability to punch a hole in the creature’s regenerative armor).

However, this armor is not lightweight, and this causes (proportionally) slowed movement speed, and animals that can jump have an altered jump. Not only that, but the animal needs constant food, or it will lose health regeneration. And water and sunlight ain’t gonna cut it…


This is the only Strain to be extensively studied thanks to the capture of an individual, a female called Specimen 15. Specimen 15 was held for a total of 17 days before she escaped the compound. Her current whereabouts are unknown. However, in the time she was contained, sufficient data was collected and is now being studied.

Specimen 15’s skin was covered in chromatophores, color changing pigments, that gave her the ability to blend in with any surrounding object, or switch to one at will. Along with camouflage, she had acidic bile that could be used as a projectile, and melted through our tests of human structures, armor, and… Prey. Bladed quills covered her tail, and could be latched onto targets, emitting pheromones that allow for tracking, and she could see in a combination of binocular and infrared vision.

Studies showed that Specimen 15 was actually a tyrannosaurid of some kind, and although she had slight boosts to damage and health, she had a major increase in movement speed and gained the ability to jump. Her jaws had large, polymicrobial colonies growing inside of them, and although it wasn’t tested, were possibly laced with deadly neurotoxins.

Specimen 15 was a true prodigy and abomination in biological warfare.


This is the strangest, most alien, and least observed of all the Strains. There are claims that this Strain has increased brain activity, allowing it to leave its own host body and float around like a spirit, communicate with other species, and have the telekinetic abilities. These seemingly impossible existential abilities are still being debated in their validity by the island’s (limited) scientific community, but there are some… Unsettlingly irrefutable accounts such events occurring. Our scientific knowledge can only go so far.

However, in the few encounters with this strain, we can identify some real world dangers. The animal seems to gain decent boosts to damage and health, but appears to gain immense (but not clearly visible) muscle mass. These muscles are akin to that of Electrophorus electricus and can generate electrical pulses through rapid polarization thanks to an odd, arterial structure that appears on the side of such specimens.

It is assumed that this structure can move oxygenated and deoxygenated blood across the muscles, giving them the energy they need for the charge, and could possibly help keep the animal’s vitals stable by cooling and heating from then expansion and contraction of valves.

Some simulations have been run in the creature’s electrical abilities, and results suggest the ability to produce a massive electrical current, or EMP, that could disable nearby electronics. However, this is still under debate.

But that’s not all. There are other, more monstrous beasts that inhabit the Isle that have only recently been coming to light. These things are truly the stuff of nightmares.

– The Matriarch – Not much is known about this creature, besides that it is very hard, borderline impossible, to obtain, very strong, carnivores, and probably a female (hey, I’m a simple person, alright?). However, she will start out at less than a meter in length. During her early years, she will be in great danger until she begins to grow. Sources say that the Matriarch can grow to be over 100 meters in length and with an appetite to match.

– Hyperendocrin Colossus – Very little is known about this brute, but one thing is for sure : it is no dinosaur. The Colossus should be very similar to the Hyperendocrin Strains, but it is unknown whether or not it is actually playable. Survival tips : be faster than the guy next to you.

– Tissoplastic Reaper – Very little is known about this creep, besides the fact that it lives in caves and is not gonna let you sleep anytime soon. The Reaper should be very similar to the Tissoplastic Strains (duh), but it is unknown whether or not it is actually playable. Survival tips : stay out of the dark. Note : There are eyewitness reports of some of the less sociable natives riding these nightmares into battle

– Neurotenic Mastermind – Very little is known about this freak, exept that the cannibals worship it and call “her” Echidna. The Mastermind should be very similar to the Neurotenic Strains, but it is unknown whether or not it is actually playable. Survival tips : Nope nope nope nope nope


Growing Up

When you start off, you will begin a lifetime of survival as a juvenile dinosaur. You have to survive to something that has a better chance of survival, and there are multiple choices that could help you, which include (but are not limited to) :

1) Find a larger member/group of your own kind
Pros : Larger and Stronger specimens to care for you
Cons : (Carnivore) Adlults could potentially eat you

2) Avoid contact with any other dinosaur
Pros : No running into aggressive members of your own kind
Cons : Nobody to back you up when you run into trouble

3) Find other dinosaurs your size
Pros : You all are trying to reach the same goal
Cons : Potentially unpredictable behavior

4) Find a suitable environment to grow up in
Pros : All the rescources you need
Cons : Could run into conflict/Nobody to back you up

When you

Sub Adult
Elder (Veteren)


Based on Sorna Realism’s Herding/Packing Guidelines

Herbivores often group together in herds, flocks, or pods as a form of protection from predators. Although mixed herds are a common sight as of now, competition for food may drive herbivores to stick to their own species.

In a herd, the main priority is to take care of oneself before others. There may be exceptions, such as protecting young, but for the most part, you are trying to give yourself the best possible chance. Some social animals such as hadrosaurs aren’t as selfish, but the main rule must still stand.

There are two kinds of herds, Basic and Leadership

Basic – These dinosaurs have no set leader, and will often wander aimlessly across the island, occasionally competing with each other for food as they go. They tend to have no organization and stay together to protect themselves from predators.
– Vocalization
1: Location/Victory/Announcement
2: Friendly/Remind of presence.
3: Stay away/Move away – (For both predator and herd-mate)
4: Flee/back down
F: Competition (Thats my food!)

Leadership – These dinosaurs are lead by a matriarch or bull who decides where and what the herd’s course of action is. You may have do defend or enforce your position by fighting challengers and reprimanding those that don’t follow your orders (see Challenging). For the most part, however, these hands are harmonious.
– Vocalization
1 Location/Victory/Announcement
2: Friendly/Remind of presence.
3: Challenge Rival/Threaten a Hostile
4: Flee/back down
F: Pick up the pace

Rule to remember : You are only as strong as your team – although you are competing within your group, this is usually a passive-aggressive behavior. Make sure to cooperate with your herd mates to a certain degree.


Based on Sorna Realism’s Herding/Packing Guidelines

Carnivores compete all the time with one another for food and resources, so mixed packs are nonexistent, as they will attack and even eat each other on sight.

Some Carnivores are solitary, but others form packs together for safety and successful hunting. Larger carnivores tend to be more solitaire and it is usually the smaller carnivore that form groups, weather they be harmonious or not.

There are two main kinds of packs, Primal and Complex

Primal – These dinosaurs compete to reach the position of leader. Once their, a leader can enforce their rule in any way they want to. However, they must make sure that they are not overthrown by other members of the pack. Very little coordination.
– Vocalization
1: Territorial/Victory/Announcement
2: Friendly/Submissive
3: Attack/Threaten/Dominance/Challenge
4: Back down/Flee
F: Dominance/Follow

Complex – These dinosaurs are lead by an alpha who commands the entire pack. The alpha has little fear of being overthrown like a primal leader (but occasionally can be, see Challenging), and often has a second in command or beta helping them. These dinosaurs tend to plan out attacks and will use many methods of communication during the hunt, primarily air biting. The pack has a social order when it comes to resources, with alpha first, beta second, members in order of rank next until omega goes last.
– Vocalization
1: Territorial/Victory/Announcement/Distraction
2: Friendly/Submissive/Crouch
3: Threaten/Challenge/Dominance/Attack (Mid Combat)
4: Back down/Flee
F: Follow/Attack (From Ambush)

– Actions
Air Bite x1: Flank Left
Air Bite x2: Flank Right

Rule to remember : You are only as strong as your team – although you are competing within your group, this is usually a passive-aggressive behavior. Make sure to cooperate with your pack mates to a certain degree.


In the wild, animals compete for food, water, and shelter. Dinosaurs are no different. Carnivores of different species tend to be aggressive against eachother, especially if they both compete in the same niche. Herbivores may not have to fight as much, but their need for food can cause lots of pushing and shoving.

There are some things that you should know have the capability of sending dinosaurs into a brawl :
– Food –
– Water –
– Territory –
– Shelter –
– Progress Plants –
– Water Towers –

Dinosaurs are going to primarily compete to raise their young (see Nesting). Offspring need certain kinds of food that is usually different from their parents, and this can force them into competing with other nesting families that require the same resource.

If worst comes to worse, dinosaurs will even kill babies of another species or their own kind…

Herding and Packing can cause competition within the ranks aswell for status. Often, fights can break out for supremacy of the group or the best choices in food and shelter.

As a result, stay fit and healthy. Try to avoid injuries if possible, because being less then your peak condition can cause you to fall behind in the food chain.



Sound is the best way for dinosaurs to communicate with one another besides using the chat box, which is accessible by pressing Enter (Press [ and ] to scroll from Global, Group, and Local Chats).

The chat doesn’t work between species (herbivores being the exception), and thus, roars are used. There are plans for other features such as sent and body motions planned for the future of communication. However, there are 5 roars available at the moment, each accessible by pressing a Number Key or holding V to access the voice wheel :

Broadcast – Press 1 or the Blue Icon – This is (usually) the loudest and longest lasting roar in the game. It is used to locate, attract, or deter other players. It’s great when your trying to tell other players where you are or assert your dominance, but this can attract unwanted attention, and due to how long it lasts, you can’t attack in this state.

Attract – Press 2 or the Green Icon – This is a short, soft sound that shows one’s peaceful intentions. Players that use this roar are trying to say “hello” or “I’m nice”. Watch out though, because Austroraptors tend to make this sound when hunting.

Threaten – Press 3 or the Red Icon – A dangerous sounding growl, usually followed by head shaking or open jaws. This roar means that the player wants you to get lost, or that you are not a friend. These roars mean business, so steer clear of the players that direct this at you. Herbivores will often make this sound when they spot you (as a carnivore), so,when that happens, try your luck elsewhere.

Danger – Press 4 or the Yellow Icon – A plaintive cry or squeal, this sound means the dinosaur is in danger, has spotted danger, or is in dire need of help. The roar can also be used as a sign of submission in confrontations, and is usually followed with the dinosaur high tailing it outta there. Edit : I have always thought about the possibility of a hungry carnivore feign-limping and using this call to attract smaller carnivores looking for an easy meal…

Generic – Press F – This roar has no definite meaning, and is essentially a shower version of the Broadcast Roar. Some players use it as a way to locate pack members in thick undergrowth, a pre-aggressive roar, an as a way to tell the herd “let’s go”. Some people just like making this sound for the fun of it.


Running is by far the the most important features in the game. Obviously. You have to move to find food, water, shelter, escape danger, keep up with the herd, or chase something down.

Depending on what you are, however, can effect how well you can do that. In a sense, it can tell you what to avoid, what’s safe, and what you can or can’t hunt. Below is a speed chart for a few of the Isle’s denizens.

It is not a complete chart, and one must take into consideration the fact that not all dinosaurs are on it. You can estimate the speed of an animal by taking into account how large it is and comparing its speed to those of similar size if need be. This works for most animals, but always be on your guard.

(Important! – Some dinosaurs take a little bit to accelerate to top speed, most notably the Gallimimus. Carnivores have no such problem and can do from 0 to High Gear almost immediately. In a sense, it isn’t just speed that counts, but acceleration and stamina)


From what I have heard, a simple system of weight has arisen in the game and has greatly effected combat. The weight system states that creatures do less damage to those larger than themselves, but more to those smaller than themselves.

An example would be if a Carnotaurus attacked a Gallimimus, it would do more damage than if it had the Carnotaurus attacked a Shantungosaurus, and similarly for the herbivores (Ex: Pachy does more damage to Austro than it does to Rex).

As a result, carnivores have to specialize in hunting certain kinds of animals, and may be forced to compete with one another (see Competition).

The exact effect of weight and damage is currently a mystery, but thanks to Predatoria and Jynn we can have a vague idea of how it works.

For the Calculator :
Compare the Attacker’s Weight to the Defender’s Weight.
Example : Austro attacks Shantu = Austro < Shantu by 3
Because Shantu is + 3 Austro’s Weight, Austro does 0% damage to Shantu.


Very Tiny: Compy, Taco
XSmall: Veloci (?)
Small: Austro, Dryo, Hererra
Medium: Juvinile Rex, Utah, Galli, Pachi, Bary,
Large: Diablo, Acro, Allo, Carno, Subadult Rex, Sucho
XLarge: Shantu, Theri, Adult Rex, Anky, Trike
Untouchable: Puerta

Weight to Damage Calculator

Weight -2: 200%
Weight -1: 150%
Weight +0: 100%
Weight +1: 50%
Weight +2: 25%
Weight +3: 0%


Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Water is the most important thing in the Isle, alongside food. But water is just as hard to come by. There are large and small lakes scattered across the island, and a few you can’t even drink from, so find out where the closest DRINKABLE water is and fast.

Water is also a place where animals gather to drink. Take your time when you see the lake. You don’t know who’s watching from the trees or just under the surface.

In the future, the lake water will not give you full water. To get that, you will have to find water towers with puddles underneath. This means venturing into human territory, but the risk is outweighed by the reward.

Jynn made a water map guide you can use to find the lakes around the island. You can find the guide below. Thanks Jynn!


Foraging – Herbivores


As an herbivore, you’re primary source of food is plants. Hopefully you already knew that.

As of now, you’re only source of food consists of red and blue plants, each one giving you a special perk. In the future, edible plants will be highlighted in different colors to show a certain species specialized food source.

Red :
– these plants help boost your hunger. They can often be found in Redwoods, Swamplands, Salt Marshes, Clearings, and Fields

Blue :
– these plants help you gain 1 progression point per plant. They can often be found in Redwoods, Swamplands, Salt Marshes, Clearings, and Fields

Hunting – Carnivores

Carnivores need food, and lots of it, so you need to be a great hunter. However, most animals aren’t just going to lie down and be eaten. They’re going to fight back, and more often than not, you’re going to fail 9 times out of 10. To compensate, you have to learn what to hunt, what not to hunt, and how to do it :

Small Herbivores – Ttaco, Dryo, Galli – Insert evil laugh here

Small Carnivores – Austro, Herra – Make for an easy meal. They can hardly do too much to you, but watch out. They can be a bit nippy.

Medium Herbivores – Pachy, Maia, Diablo – Herbivores that are a mixed blessing. What they lack in health they make up in speed, and what they lack in speed they make up in health. Go after them if you are bigger than they are and can deal and take punishment.

Medium Carnivores – Utahs, Carno, Bary, Allo – of the fastest dinosaurs, they don’t make very good prey unless you are bigger, sharper, stronger, or smarter than they are. Don’t go near them if you’re smaller than them.

Large Herbivores – Shant, Stego, Trike, Theri, Anky – Only the toughest carnivores can take these one out. The very toughest. These herbivores can dish out devastating attacks far worse than any carnivore. One on one they are deadly. Attack with friends.

Large Carnivores – Rex, Acro – If you’re small, run. If you are medium, only as a last last last resort. If you’re the same, you gotta get the first bite.

Titan Herbivores – Puerta – No

Strains – Are you stupid?

Damage, Bleeding, and Limping

Damage. It’s how monsters do their battle. But how to you inflict and deal with it?

Damage is inflicted by pressing either the Left of Right Click buttons on your mouse, provided you are within biting / smashing / battering / clubbing range of your enemy. Some animals have two attacks, and some can do more or less damage.

When damage is inflicted, the victim will gain an Injury Overlay, as shown on the Maiasaura above. These slashes and gouges will become darker the less health the victim has, and fade when they regain health (Elder (Veteran) dinosaurs may have SCARS, but these don’t mean that they are hurt).

Damage can have drastic effects on victims, and can jeopardize their survival.

Bleeding will be indicated by a Blood Drop Icon appearing on your HUD

Bleeding happens when when a carnivore or herbivore attacks you. This isn’t always the case with herbivores, but carnivores cause you to bleed when ever they bite you. This makes you deal damage over time, and more so if you are running.

The only way to escape Bleeding is by resting (press H) to make your Bleeding Level (amount of Bleed) go down. You will still loose health during this time, so hopefully you aren’t too low on health and have to high of a Bleeding Level.

Animals that are bleeding will leave a blood trail, so hopefully (though astronomically unlikely) your pursuer won’t follow you…

Broken Bones will be indicated by a Broken Bone Icon appearing on your HUD

Broken Bones cause your dinosaur to limp, and can be obtained by falling down or being severely damaged (usually by extremely low health, Tyrannosaurus bites, and Ankylosaurus clubs).

Limping causes your dinosaur to noticeably limp and move much slower. Carnivores favor these crippled animals, so heal quickly. To heal, you have to rest (press H).


They can’t run away if they don’t know you’re there.

Your primary objective when hunting sould be to find a suitable hiding spot to launch an attack. Ambush points must be able to camouflage you not only from prey animals, but also any carnivores that may be in the area. There are many places that you could launch such an attack

– Forest Edge
– Underwater
– Watering Holes
– Abandoned Structures
– Progression Fields
– Feeding Grounds

Most herbivores want to progress to the next level as soon as possible, so they will often be around areas with Blue Progression Plants. These plants can be found in forest clearings, and are a great place to wait for herbivores or even other hungry carnivores. Food is another thing herbivores need, and can be identified by Red Plants. However, these fields are often on mountain tops in the open. Hopefully your prey is distracted during this time
Herbivores often fight for Red Plants/Blue Plants, so corpses may be in the area if you are really lucky.

Make sure that you are concealed in an area that not only blends in with your surroundings, but also has structures to blur your outline. Large bushes, stones, and redwood trunks are exelent places to hide behind.

Try not to make much sound or stand up when ambushing. There are two stances that you sould definitely take when launching an attack.
– Crouching (C)
– Resting (H)

Crouching is the taller of the two stances, but it can allow you to move without any noise and transition straight to a sprint by pressing Shift. Try to keep motion at a minimum, as the human eye is often attracted to movement.

Resting makes you unable to move or even quickly get up, and when you do, you stand at full height. That being said, you regain stamina faster in this pose than you do when Crouching, and you are even harder to see. Make sure you are in an especially tall bush for this position.

Crouching also gives you a special ambush buff, giving you extra speed for a limited amount of time, in exchange for major stamina drain. To learn more, click the link below


Things to Avoid

There are lost of things on the Isle that are ready to kill, maim, and seriously injure you. That’s why you need to be careful

Carnivores – A given due to, oh, I don’t know, EATING MEAT! Carnivores are dangerous to approach even if you are the same species. Who know how hungry they are…

Herbivores – Some herbivores are just nasty, especially to carnivores. Be careful around large herbivores, ESPECIALLY if you are a carnivore. Just cause it’s a veggi-saur doesn’t mean it won’t squash you to a pulp.

Albinos – Albino Dinosaurs aren’t a threat at the moment, by eventually, dinosaurs that kill and / or eat their own kind will slowly become albino. These rouge dinosaurs must be ousted from any pack or herd (excluding Dakotaraptor), and should be regarded as “Public Enemy Number One”.

Humans – They can blow up your face. Stay away from boomsticks.

Primitives – Primitives use dinosaurs for food / shelter / tools / and training in a very brutal way. If you like your hide and you freedom, stay away from these guys.

Cannibals – nope nope nope nope nope.

Strains – Stains are going to eat you alive with no remorse if you are the same kind of are. As far as they are concerned, they’re the only ones of their kind, and you’re just dinner.

Night – Night is a time to sleep and not get eaten.

Water – Watering holes are a life and death sort of thing. Water to help you live, and carnivorous predators waiting in and around the water to rip your head off.

Cliffs – Broken bones are no fun. Unless your a predator that sees someone break their leg.

Bleeders – Bleeder dinosaurs can end your life with literally one bite. As your guts spill out, they take their time to set up the cutlery and put on a bib.

Crushers – Probably worse than Bleeders. They can not only cause you to bleed, but also break your bones. Great. Just what we needed.


Humans. Those squishy little things than try an run from you as best they can but just never seem to make it. As it turn out, humans are a force to be reckoned with and slight factors can tip the scale to or against their favor

Humans are categorized into 2 major groups : Humans [Survivors and Mercenaries] and Primitives [Tribals and Cannibals]. Both groups behave very differently and can react differently to dinosaurs.

Humans can craft tools, vehicles, shelters, and guns to aid in their survival. This is not Primal Carnage. Human guns are very dangerous. Even one well aimed shot can fell an adult Tyrannosaurus. They don’t start out with guns though, and are defenseless when they begin surviving.

Primitives can craft clubs, knives, poisonous arrows, traps, and many other things. This may make them seem less equipped than the Humans, but on the contrary, they can prove to be even more dangerous. Primitives can forcefully catch and train dinosaurs to do their bidding. While they may grant them weapons and armor, they show very little compassion. To top it all off, they too can evolve into a strain with… Monstrous results.

One must take into account how much more fragile humans are compared to the dinosaurs. Whereas dinosaurs begin life with all necessary tools, humans must build their defenses overtime. Humans are only slightly taller than a Dryosaurus, so a pounce from a raptor, a stomp from a sauropod, or even being knocked to the side by a Tyrannosaurus’ head can mean instant death.

Humans need to build in derilict shelters, and often find useful supplies there. This can be a way to quickly find tasty humans, shelter in abandoned man made structures, or even find pure water under water towers, but take into consideration that these little guys bite back.

Code of Claw

The Code of Claw is an assortment of rules, tips, and secrets, very similar to those in the Quick Tips section except for the fact that they go into much more detail. The Code can be found in the guide below, and while not a necessary to read, it is very helpful and has a lot of helpful tricks, both accessible in the game and naturally occurring in real world animals.

(Guide Coming Soon)

Learn From the Best

The best way to learn is to do what others do. In this instance, look at modern day animals. They have developed all sorts of ways to hunt, avoid being hunted, survive, find food and water, and so much more. Read some books about animals, look on the Internet, maybe watch a documentary or something. Who knows? Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two that you didn’t know before.

Final Note

The Isle is a hardcore survival game, designed to test your limits and be the most successful man or beast on the island (something a few people failed to notice). However, it’s all just a game, so don’t take things to seriously. Just. Have. Fun.


The Isle is home to a variety of biomes, and each can has a different landscape and tactics to thrive in them. Make sure that you know where they are and what to expect for each of them.

These areas tend to be on the edges of the desert and all along the mountains. They are good places to see an enemy approaching, and in the hills, on the grazing on the fields of Red Plants, but due to their elevation, they carry the risk of a fatal fall. Lower elevations often hold massive lakes and water sources. Use green coloration and a watchful eye here.

Once a vast part of the Island’s habitat, the massive deserts have now been reduced to the edges of the ocean and a small spot inland. Predators often hide right inside of the forest edges that border these areas, and moving dinosaurs and their footprints are easily visible here. It is very hard to hide here, so try to avoid moving in broad daylight. Brightly colored dinosaurs thrive here, but don’t push your luck.

These spots are few and far between, but can be a gathering place for weary travelers. Always be on the lookout for predators though. With the addition of fish, some predators will take no bother in you, but until then, drink quickly and listen carefully. Dark colored or small dinosaurs can hide in and around the the water.

Not technically a biome, these areas through the forests, particularly redwoods, are filled with a variety of small and large plantlife, all of them thick and leafy. The ground is a usually dark brownish/yellow, and the area is great for small animals to hunt and hide in the leaf litter. Dinosaurs small and large fair well in this environment if they can conceal themselves well enough.

Conifer Forest
These forests are the most widespread of all the biomes (possibly excluding the grassland). Although there are not as many low lying-plant life, the denser trees can hide even a resting Shantugosaurus, so be on the lookout. The trees can often break up the outline of brown, green, and dark colored dinosaurs, especially at night. Due to the close proximity of the trees, frantic dinosaurs may find themselves stuck in the small gaps. Don’t loose focus.


This biome surrounds the entire map and penetrates its interior in some places. The water is murky deep, and undrinkable. Swimming across them can drain your stamina, so find the shortest way across or land bridges. These areas can provide excellent ambush points for predators with the ability and patience to use it.


Salt Marsh
This small environment fringes the vast ocean. Many Red and Blue plants grow here, but inlets of water are undrinkable. Drink form the deep pods that can be found up the cliffs. There are numerous nooks and crannies within the rocky slopes, and even small, dead tree bridges or terreces for those nimble enough to use them. A place for small herbivores, it’s no wonder this place full of food, water, and shelter is a spawn point. In fact, the majority of the island’s dinosaurs can often be found here. Small dinosaurs with heightened agility and small stature rule this land.


In these weed-choked bogs, light rarely reaches the ground level, thanks to the titanic cypress trees. Many of the lakes are drinkable, but are very deep, with ghastly horrors squirming in the depths. Such noxious marshes are inhospitable for large dinosaurs, especially for the ever present Strains. However, due to this, it is a safe haven for small animals, so human residences pop up here and there along with small dinosaurs looking for the strange Progression Plants or prey. Piscivores and small dinosaurs fare well in these habitats.


The most beautiful biome on the island, the titanic Sequoia trees provide shelter for even the largest of dinosaurs. Between their soft-barked trunks, huge plants ferns have grown with massive boulders peppering the forest floor. Camouflage is easy in this environment, as even a Puertasaurs is dwarfed in such places. Forest clearings often hold Red and Blue Plants along with water for herbivores and carnivores alike. This ecosystem is perfect for any dinosaur with that has learned the art of hide-and-hidden. But beware. Titanic predators often stalk in the shadows…


Baby wildebeest have to know how to walk ad run in a few minutes after birth. You may have to know how to do that in a shorter period of time. To fin your controls, go into Settings by pressing Escape. This way, you can see all Controls listed and rebind them to what every keys you prefer.

Then again, the controls are listed here AND tell you what they do!

Rest: H
This helps you regain stamina and heal negative effects, but be aware that it takes time to stand up and you can’t attack in this position

Feign Limp: G
This makes it appear that you are limping, even if you aren’t. This can be used to show submission during a fight (see Challenging), tricking adversaries into coming within striking range, or keeping alongside an injured friend

Jump: Spacebar
Kind of self explanatory. However, not all dinosaurs can jump, and the Utahraptor has not received the ability yet. However, Pounce Branch dinosaurs (see Leafs on a Tree) will be able to latch onto prey in the future

Sprint: Left Shift
Makes for an easy catch up, speedy attack, or a quick getaway. However, it does use up Stamina, and once you run out of it, you can’t run until you regain it (see HUD)

Crouch: Left Ctrl
Can you go down low? This allows you to crouch and can help you hide in bushes. You can run from this position, so you can use it when ambushing (see Ambush) or if you feel uncomfortable resting, as you regain stamina in this position as well (not negative effects though).

Vocal Wheel: V
Opens up the Voice Wheel to allow you to make sounds (see Vocalization)

Roar: F, 1, 2, 3, 4
Much easier to use than the Voice Wheel (see Vocalization)

Use / Eat / Drink: E
Helps you eat, drink, (and if you are a human) pick things up.

Hide / Reveal HUD: Ctrl-H
Hides the HUD, making screenshots look much better (press F12 to screenshot)

Chat: Enter
Types into the chat to talk to other players. In the future, you will make sounds when talking in the chat. To scroll up and down, press Page Up and Page Down. Press Enter again to close out / Change Chat Channels.

Change Chat Channels: [ and ]
Allows you to change from Global Chat to Group Chat, to Local Chat. You can’t be in chat to do this.

Stats / Coordinates / Health: Insert
Checks your vitals, location, and progression points (see. To hide, press Insert again.

Player List: Tab
Brings up a list of all the players on a server. To add a player to your herd / pack, click on the green +. Players of your species (only for carnivores, herbivores automatically join) will gain an invite, which they can accept by pressing F1. You will be able to see each other. within a certain range / while standing and communicate in the group chat.

Information Overlay

Hunting Tactics – Carnivores

Plan ahead before you act. This section tells you how to plan a hunt with your pack mates, provided you are a complex pack (see Packing). These are a few ways to hunt down your chosen prey.

Dondi Net Cast – Walk in a line with a reasonable gap between each member. Attack any animal that runs between you and your pack mates


Survival Tactics – Herbivores




To find a dinosaur’s tracks, view Jynn’s guide below :


Night Vision