Dust: An Elysian Tail Guide

What to bring to Cirelian Trials for Dust: An Elysian Tail

What to bring to Cirelian Trials


Extra resources to help you get through there in time! =D


The Cirelian Trials are an ancient-looking hall from Falana’s past. They are tests of skill, speed, and power. There are 6 in total. They are scattered through the map pretty much 1 per area except Hidden Cove, Sanctuary, Blackmoor Mountains, and Everdawn Basin (which have none).
More info: HERE [elysiantail.wikia.com]

  • You need to progress at least halfway through the storyline to have access to all of them, especially since at least 1 Cirelian Trial area requires wall jump/vine or iron grip in order to access.
  • It’s advised you complete the FULL story, get all the ability orbs, treasure chests open, etc. to excel at the trials.
  • Disable Auto-Assign for Skill Gems. (Available via options menu). Focus on Dust and Fidgets’ attack stats.
  • You can get fairly good equipment from treasure chests as in pendants (necklaces), rings, chest armor, etc. Craft the rest. Fill all your item slots.

KEEP IN MIND YOU ONLY NEED THE IMPENDING BATTLE STRATEGIES SECTION FOR 2 of the CIRELIAN TRIALS because they include monsters!!! The other ones don’t!!!


PS Stock up on Dog Tags in the Shop whenever possible. For whatever mysterious reason, the mysterious shopkeeper doesn’t stock many. They are expensive though so be careful. They’re good for high-end crafting.

Getting the Stuff you Need

The only “complete” and usable items you will ever receive in-game are from other characters, crafting via Haley (hopefully, using her transmitter), from treasure chests, or from completing a Cirelian Trial. That’s pretty much it.
To get what you need, scour the maps with free keys and open up treasure chests. Don’t bother buying keys, it’s not worth it. Save your money for crafting materials or the expense of crafting.
Don’t buy revive stones. There’s no point in reviving in the Cirelian Trials. It wastes precious time. Again, save money for crafting materials and such.

  • Equip Master Ring of Vigilance to increase item drops by 3x
  • Equip Master Ring of Wealth to increase the amount of gold dropped by enemies (1.5x)
  • Equip Master Ring of the Artisan to increase your experience gain by 1.2x

Pendants are the other main item that will increase your non-combat attributes. You can find and craft a wide variety within the game. Make sure you battle lots of enemies to get blueprints (recipes) for them, or open treasure chests. Try and get increased item drops first.

More info on equipment:

Battle Strategies for the Areas with Monsters

Don’t invest skill points in defense or HP. You can have a maximum difference of 4 bars. Max out your attack and “minion” stats (Fidget =D ).
Don’t rely on single-swipe attacks.

  • Instead, DO use Aerial Dust Storm, combined with Fidget’s projectiles. All kinds of projectiles are great. Everyone has their preferences, and personally, they’ve all been very effective in combat.
  • Downward smashes are efficient, too.

Movement Strategies (Your Primary Concern)

Your regular sideways movement (left-right) is fairly fast.

  • Don’t use Slide unless necessary.
  • Use Dash and Aerial Dust Storm to maneuver sideways. Dash or Jump over cliffs to save time. Don’t Double-Jump unless necessary. It often launches you further in the air, than needed.
  • Run and use the downward smash to descend a long ways efficiently. No need for jumping!
  • If you are able to, don’t stop between different kinds of movement.

—For example, if you drop into an arena with monsters – followed by a cliff – descend, then weave back and forth a few times through the enemies with an Aerial Dust Storm. With your remaining time using Dust Storm, head straight for the cliff (while still in Aerial Dust Storm) and use a Downward Smash.

Ideal (Battle) Equipment Set for those 2 Cirelian Trials

(for use in the Cirelian Trials, not preparing for them)
Ideal Gear

Keep in mind to focus on damage bonuses. In other words, forget the chest armor and focus on other things. The most important things are your skill gem investments, and the rings and augment you use.

  • Chest Armor: Robe of Mithrarin
  • Augment: Mithrarin’s Augment
  • Pendant: Battle Master’s Pendant
  • Rings: Equip TWO Foul Ring of Devastation

Alternative Gear

  • Chest Armor: Snow Suit, Mountain Gear, Magma Mantle, Soldier’s Armor
  • Augment: Frozen Blade, Metal Augment, Military Grade Augment (I wouldn’t recommend anything other than these, but you may be able to manage)
  • Pendant: Pendant of the Madman, Pendant of the Marsh, Warrior’s Pendant, Pendant of Wisdom (these offer a bit better options for Dust than the rings – as opposed to Fidget’s bonuses with the rings)
  • Rings: Ring of the Apprentice, Ring of Patience, Master Ring of the Broken, Ring of Study, Master Ring of Focus, Wedding Ring (make sure you increase Fidget’s Power quite a bit)

Picture Dump

Because those darn pictures won’t align properly with the text! >,<

Additional Resources


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