Have you wanted to climb on top of that thing, but it was just a bit out of reach. Worry no more. With this one “easy” trick now you can.
The trick
To climb to this new height you need just a little help from a friend. Grab your choice of notched melee weapon. (axes, hammers, crowbar) The sledgehammer and the fireman axe are the best tool for the job.
Next, find a ledge you want to reach. Crouch with your weapon pointed up with both hands, (try to get the weapon head as high as you can) then jump and hook the edge of the ledge with the weapon head.
You’re almost there. Now, pull yourself up a bit and let go with one of your hands and quickly reach it over the ledge. Then raise your other hand still holding the weapon on top. Crouch in the game as well as in reality and walk forward. Stand up in game and you should be on top of the ledge. Congratulations!
Note: this trick works on ledges that can’t be grabbed normally too.