Was created to show the mistakes which occure when building fortifications.RUS version —-> https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2496542117
As we all know, we have many abilities and possibilities of building fortifications and bunker bases, shape and look of which are a matter of builder’s imagination. Here I want to give you some advice from my personal experience and some examples of how you should not do, from personal experience, again.
So, put on your helmets, we begin!
***Guide is not full and not always correct, so it may be redacted
Bunker Bases
Everybody knows that we have no certain restrictions in building bases (except for terrain).
Consists of Bunker “Core | Basis | Ground” (Whatever you call it) – 6 or more (no more than 9-10 because the stability and its health are decreasing noticeably), and all the structures that are joined to it – Rifle | Machinegun | AT | Howitzer Garrisons, Foxholes and other structures (each consume “gsupps” and “bsupps” – Garrison and Bunker Supplies).
Lets begin with the Entrance.
1) ALWAYS, you hear?, always build it on the opposite side from front and enemy push. Let the supplying be not as comfortable but thus you will save everyone respawning there from being spawncamped and just leave this bunker.
2) Don’t block it with chests, vehicles, structures and God knows what else.
Building defences
Bunker expansion allows you to use more advanced protections and you should build it in a proper way, BECAUSE:
1) They cannot be built next to Garrison | Command Upgrades.
2) They cannit be built next to each other (Rifle Garrison will not allow you to build AT Garrison and so on).
3) Shooting sector may be blocked by terrain, vehicles, structures and objects.
For example
To improve the situation we can use at least 3 methods
This, for example, is how you should not build (Yeah, the anti-tank thing has monolith texture that you cannot shoot through):
Trenches. I have certain doubts about them. In open areas, where there are no buildings or terrain does not provide you with a reliable cover, you can dig a couple of trenches to shoot more or less safe. But building trenches near your structures may help enemies instead of you.
For example
Though we can have a great profit from trenches if we dig it somehow like that and put Barbed Wire (but don’t put too much of it, because sometimes it is worse for your teammates rather than the enemy and it consumes Gsupps)
And this screenshot will give you some more information
It was what I personally saw on the frontline during few wars, there are more things I am still not familiar with or just forgot about, but I rely on your help in comments, so I will check the information and add it to the guide later.
Thanks for reading this!
See you on frontline (I hope that not on the different sides of the barricades).