Hi,This is a no nonsense, quick, easy to read guide for those who want to play and read less.This is based on my most recent run, where I killed the final boss as lv 25 ranger.
Character Creation
Based on my experience ranged based characters make Magicite SO MUCH EASIER!
Melee Build
Race: Noble
My Preferred Traits
- Potion Brewer – Crafts big potions with only basic ingredients (now 50% chance after 1.1.5 nerf).
- Gatherer – Collects twice as many ingredients when gathering.
For my melee runs, I prefer a 6 HP, 4 ATK, character.
Skills: Choose All the red icons when you lv up at lv 5, 10, and 15
Armour: Only use/make armour from the smither. This armour increase HP and ATK.
Ranger Build
Race: Noble/Dwelf
My Preferred Traits
- Potion Brewer – Crafts big potions with only basic ingredients. (now 50% chance after 1.1.5 nerf)
- Swift – +2 DEX
For my ranger runs, I prefer a 5 HP, 5 DEX, character.
Skills: Choose All the green icons when you lv up at lv 5, 10, and 15
Armour: Only use/make armour from the leather tanner. This armour increase HP and DEX.
Hat (Optional)
Miner Cap: 20% chance to unlock after mining 10 ores within a single playthrough: 25% chance yielding another ore when hitting an ore deposit with a pick.
Having extra ores makes a HUGE difference.
Why these choices?
I used Noble because of the free stone axe. A good axe is necessary for making money.
Dwelf for the +4 DEX.
The reason why I chose these traits is because healing is scarce.
Gatherer: more herbs, more ingredients to make HP points. (Apparently works only in multiplayer????)
Potion Brewer: when creating HP potions, you create big potions healing for 5 HP instead of 2 HP.
(now 50% chance after 1.1.5 nerf).
Basic Crafting
R to open inventory
Hold Shift left click to craft
(XXXX) is the either bone, wood, or any of the metal types
Note: You can only make wood, bone, stone blades in the biomes by combining them together. For all other metals, you need to use a furnace.
- Stick + Stick = Axe Handle
- (XXXX) Bar + (XXXX) Bar = (XXXX) Blade
- (XXXX) Blade + Axe Handle = (XXXX) Axe
- Stick + Stick = Axe Handle
- Stick + Axe Handle = Pick Handle
- (XXXX) Bar + (XXXX) Bar = (XXXX) Blade
- (XXXX) Blade + Pick Handle = (XXXX) Pick
- Wood + Wood = Refined Wood
- Stick + Refined Wood = Sword Hilt
- Wooden Plank + Wooden Plank = Wooden Blade
- (XXXX) Bar + (XXXX) Bar = (XXXX) Blade
- (XXXX) Blade + (XXXX) Hilt = (XXXX) Sword
- Pick Handle + Stick = Unstrung Bow
- Spider Web + Spider Web = String
- String + Unstrung Bow = Bow
- Stick + (XXXX) Bar = 5 (XXXX) Arrows
Crafting Cheat Sheet By JOATI and ASHHW
Great work by both JOATI and ASHHW in putting this together.
I’ve included the image in this guide below. You have to save the image to view all of it.
Otherwise go to the wiki to view it, in all its glory.
Winning Strategy
Make Money!
The key to any good Magicite run is money. The best way to get money is to chop wood/sticks and sell them to the store. The better the axe you have, the more efficient your woodchopping is. This is why I chose the noble race because they start with a stone axe.
After crafting the basic tools, work to get a better pickaxe ASAP.
When you have 4 bone or 4 stone pieces make a pickaxe. If you have enough materials, also upgrade your axe as well. Chop as much wood as possible, since each piece of wood sells for 1 gold (after 1.1.5 nerf).
This is the process, chop wood, sell wood and buy a better axe, pickaxe, weapon, and armor in that order. Then repeat.
Range/Mage Class
These two classes are far superior compared to melee because you avoid the risk of damage caused by contact from the mobs. By keeping a distance, it makes dodging enemy projectiles easier. Lastly, as an added bonus you can hit and run your enemy while spamming arrows/spells.
Here a screenshot of my first run using this strategy. I finally was able to make some progress in this game after dying repeatedly in 15 mins runs for the first 5 hours of playing this game.
Hope this helps! Game on!
Biome Selection
Try to stick to these biomes:
Forest Biomes: Green entrance
Good for collecting herbs and wood
Minions to watch out for: Tyrannox, Wasps, Wasp Hive, Boars
Phyical obstacle: moving spike blocks, easy to dodge
Boss: Percy the penguin pirate,
Swamp Biomes: Purple, teal entrance
Good for collecting wood
Minions to watch out for: Tiki Magi (R)
Phyical obstacle: purple flowers shooting balls vertically, easy to dodge
Veldt Biomes: Pink entrance
Minions to watch out for: Shroom Magi (R)
Phyical obstacle: None
Avoid the following biomes if possible. Ordered by hardest to hard:
Dungeon: Grey entrance
Good for collecting treasure chests
Minions to watch out for: Mimics, Genies (R), Skeleton Archer (R)
Phyical obstacle: Rotating spike balls, difficult to dodge in numbers
Boss: Skeleton King
Volcano: Yellow, orange entrace
Good for mining ores
Minions to watch out for: fire dragon (R), Mimics, Red bull (doesn’t aggro unless attacked)
Physical obstacle: fire balls, difficult to dodge if numerous, blends with background
Boss: Black Dragon
Tundra: White entrance
Physical obstacles: Falling snowballs
Boss: Ice Queen,
Cave: Purple entrance
Minions to watch out for: bats
Physical obstacles: None
Boss: Brood Mother, spawns every 3-4 spider eggs that you break.
Misc Stuff
Use two coal or a coal and a stone to make a firestarter. When you eat cooked meat it will decrease hunger by 3 and has a 50% chance of healing 1 HP. If you eat raw food, it will only decrease hunger by 1.
Run! It’s the Scourge!
When you’re in a biome and the music changes, that means that you spent too much time in the biome and the scourge has invaded. YOU MUST RUN! You can’t fight it because it does 9999 DMG.
20th District: Scourge Lair
If you’re melee and you got here, congratz! You’re reading the wrong guide.
If you’re a ranger congratz! Read on!
After several unsuccesful runs, I’ve finally managed to defeat the final boss!
Here’s how I did it:
- 1. I ran away from the boss and cleared out the entire level of all AI minions. Run back and you can now hit and run the scourge without having to worry about multiple enemies.
- 2. Ammo. Make sure you have the best arrows available and as many as possible. I died in a previous run because I ran out of ammo.
- 3. Kill stuff before mining. You’ll need a diamonite pickaxe to mine the crystal ores.
- 4. There is no exit, so if you don’t kill him, you will die.
- 5. The crystal ore can be combined with itself into a throwable weapon that deals 150 DMG.
The miner’s hat helps out alot here. After I cleared the level and mined all the crystal ores, I had around 20 of these crystal weapons. That’s 3000 DMG. This is unconfirmed but supposedly, the final boss’ HP is 3300 + (700*number of players).
Setup before facing the boss.
FYI, after i took this screenshot, I took all my ores and made them into arrows.
TL:DR Section
1. Get a good axe and chop as much wood as possible to sell for money.
2. Be a range class. Range OP. I easily beat the Black Dragon and 5 giant spiders in the cave biome.
3. Have a diamonite pickaxe to mine and use crystal shards to deal 150 DMG to the scourge.
4. Have FUN!
- Created separate biome selection section. Minor other changes.
- Updated 20th Disctrict Section with sucessful run info. Minor changes to other articles.
- Updated 20th Disctrict Section with possible way of dealing 150 DMG to final boss????
- Add new crafting cheat sheet section.
- Updated Misc.
- Added stuff about ranger class.
- Added TL:DR and 20th District Section
- Made formatting changes too!