FAR: Lone Sails Guide

How to use the Ship for FAR: Lone Sails

How to use the Ship


Small guide on how to use the ship (no story spoilers)

How it all works.

1. Winch: Used to help you reverse the ship.

2. Refuler: Place fuel on the platform where the arrow points up. Press the button with the /.

3. Fire Hose: Puts out fires. HOT HOT HOT! Was told it requires Fuel to put out. (never had a no fuel issue so)

4. Cargo hooks: several around the ship, can hold one item each.

5. Elevator: Gotta go up!

6. Steam Gauge: Don’t let it get full!


8. Steam engine throttle: Push in to make the ship to start to move forward, consumes fuel and builds steam. Slowly resets itself.

9. Fuel tank: The stomach of the ship.

10. Respawn point: Has a few hooks and a bed. When you load a save you spawn here.

11. Health Bars and Mileage marker: Health of various parts of the ship. Match the symbol to the corresponding part. Mileage marker carries over each new checkpoint reached.

12. Winch button: More hooks and a winch button. Pulls the forward winch in.

13. Forward Winch: Can pull the ship when your out of fuel.
