This is my attempt for an overall guide for the game that focused on the most difficult content which is the Eclipse mode. Within this guide, I explain the game stats, mechanics, items, enhancing, amalgamation, farming, general builds and specialized builds. In order to unlock Eclipse mode up to level 100(and above), you will need to beat Story mode first.
Character & Warhorse Stats
Here are the stats from the game, as per the game manual. However, from testing, I don’t think all of these are correct, and there are various soft and hard caps to the stats.
Character Stats
Your Sub-Weapon cooldown period will shorten as well.
Warhorse Stats
Items skills, quick maxing out items and Enhancing
Item Skills
Attack Up- increases base attack.
Defense Up – increases base defense.
Technique Up – increases base technique.
Vitality- Increase Vitality.
Luck Up – Makes it easier to get better war spoils.
Death Blow Power – Increases Death Blow power.
Dexterity – Shortens Sub-Weapon recharge time.
Equine – Increases Warhorse efficiency.
Flair- Increase sub-weapon power.
Guard – Makes Precision Guard easier to pull off.
Range Up – Increase Attack range.
Evasion – Extends time of the Dodge Invincibility.
Daunts Resistance – Makes it harder to get staggered by enemy attacks.
Force – Increase charge Attack power.
Aerial – Increase damage dealt to flying enemies.
Potency – Increases Normal Attack power.
Dazzle – Makes it easier to stun enemies
Rapacity – Increase the amount of damage done to stunned enemies.
Stun – Extends time enemies are stunned.
Slow Burn – Extends Frenzy Mode duration.
Death Blow Inertia – Makes Death Blow Gauge fill easier.
Frenzy Offense – Increase Attack in Frenzy Mode.
Frenzy Inertia – Makes Frenzy Gauge fill easier.
Regeneration – Death Blow Gauge refills gradually (whilst in Frenzy mode)
Resurgence – Frenzy Gauge refills gradually.
Warhorse Skills (unique)
Equine Resurgence – Frenzy Gauge refills gradually while on Horseback.
Centaur – Powers-ups actions while on horseback
The tier system in terms in item rarity is as follows:-
Tier 1 Grey, Cyan, Brown
Tier 2 Silver, Red, Gold
Tier 3 Red, Gold
Please keep in mind the colours below that correspond to the enhancing material, as if you put all red skilled items, upgrading will be considerably faster and more efficient.
Tier 1 Base Stats Increases capped at 999 – Grey, Cyan, Brown
Attack Up(Red) Level 99 provides +80 Attack
Defense Up (Green) Level 99 provides +80 Defense
Technique Up (Brown)Level 99 provides +80 Technique
Tier 1 Base Stats Increases capped at 9999 – Grey, Cyan, Brown
Vitality Up(Blue)Level 99 provides +1000 Vitality
Tier 1 Secondary Stats Increases caped at 99 – Grey, Cyan, Brown
Range Up(Green)
Aerial (Green)
Daunts Resistance(Brown)
Luck Up(White)
Death Blow Power(White)
Tier 2 Secondary Stats Increases caped at 99 – Silver, Red, Gold
Death Blow Inertia(Black)
Frenzy Offense(Black)
Frenzy Inertia(Black)
Tier 2 Secondary Stats Increases uncapped – Silver, Red, Gold
Regeneration (Blue)
Tier 3 Secondary Stats Increases caped at 99 – Red, Gold
Slow Burn(Black)
Tier 3 Secondary Stats Increases uncapped – Red, Gold
All items have base stats and reach their maximum value at +9, broadly speaking the +9 means its been modified 9 times however, you can in fact modify an item as much as you want. Do not focus on improving the base stats of items through enchantment this is a waste of materials.
How to max out an item quickly
Go to Amalgamate, pick your base item, pick four skills you want, depending on what you are trying to max out, you may want to use the item sort option. Firstly add the four base stats that you want onto your item, by doing single amalgamations (if needed). Secondly max out each skill in turn, naturally the rarer items tend provide higher stats however certain items usually have a locked base stat. So you have now used up every single item you had, now go to enhance and use up all the materials.
Enhancement and Materials
There are three tiers of materials, however in terms of upgrading skills you can use all tiers for the correct corresponding colours, I would suggest always uses the bottom tier and uses those up first.
Warhorses cannot be upgraded only unlocked.
Farmings Builds and equipment
Item Skills my opinion
Attack Up – Solid Stat.
Defense Up – Solid Stat.
Technique Up – Solid Stat.
Luck Up – Pretty useful.
Death Blow Power – Essential.
Dexterity – Pointless.
Equine – Pointless.
Flair- Pointless.
Guard – I quite like this.
Range Up – Pretty good on most characters.
Evasion – Pointless.
Daunts Resistance – Good on level low characters or with low defense, pointless on Guts, Zodd, Wyald.
Force – At maximum stats I don’t see much different.
Aerial – If you can get aerials this is great extra damage.
Potency – At maximum stats I don’t see much different.
Dazzle – Simply doesn’t work with some characters, ones with natural stuns.
Rapactiy – Good extra damage, stun then death blow.
Stun – Great, you can stun lock an enemy.
Slow Burn – Adds maximum of 5 seconds of Frenzy.
Death Blow Inertia – Essential .
Frenzy Offense – Essential .
Frenzy Inertia – Essential .
Regeneration – Generally quite useful, this is mainly for difficulty bosses especially where you are being throw around.
Resurgence – Generally quite useful, this is mainly for difficulty bosses especially where you are being throw around.
Warhorse Skills (unique)
Equine Resurgence – Most useful stat on a horse I have found
Centaur- Pointless.
Efficiency Vs Perfection
If you are only interested in beating Eclipse mode level 100 with all characters, then the way to go is using three “The Hawk of Light Idol” . This is because this item can be used on all characters at all levels and provide balanced stats of +100 Attack/Defense/Technique.
The only real use of money is leveling characters.
The problem for me, I really enjoy eclipse mode however the more Efficienct or Perfect your build the easier it becomes.
Steam user “Nerhak” general build – Efficienct for most characters.
Slow Burn
Frenzy Offense
Frenzy Inertia
Death Blow Inertia
Death Blow Power
With this build you passively gain frenzy and death blow, plus Slow Burn and you can keep in frenzy mode for a good amount of time.
My Farming Build
Death Blow Power
Luck Up
Regeneration OR Dazzle + Rapacity + Stun OR Aerial
ResurgenceOR Dazzle + Rapacity + Stun OR Aerial
Frenzy Inertia
Frenzy Offense
Regeneration OR Dazzle + Rapacity + Stun OR Aerial
Resurgence OR Dazzle + Rapacity + Stun OR Aerial
Slow Burn
Death Blow Inertia
At present I really like Dazzle as it stuns, Rapacity increase the damage to stun enemies. Stun increases the time stunned, I find my death blow stuns whatever survived then whatever damage I then go is increased again by Racapity. It is possible to constantly stun lock enemies, this can be great when your character is a low. Aerial can also be good, as knocking the enemy is quite easy unless its a giant boss. At the highest difficulties anything to improve your damage is great.
In my opinion all the characters are pretty good at farming, however I mostly enjoyed Zodd (beast form) & Wyald (normal) .
Just get all healing items, perhaps defense increase if you think you could be one-shotted.
For farming I would use Palamino unlocked by Serpico Layer 10 which has 99 luck.
Cheap Trick
If you think you are going to lose save the game. I always save at Femto. Sometimes the game bugs and you get all your equipment back so more heals.
Builds for new characters
If you wanted to make a build or follow my builds. You won’t unlocked their best accessory until the higher levels of eclipse, so use Hawk Idol as place holders.
Desire Unlocks
Progress 10% Outfit Guts Helmed Mercenary
Progress 20% Warhorse Cuder Light
Progress 30% Character Wyald
Progress 40% Warhorse Midland Light
Progress 50% Outfit Guts Helmed Member of the Hawks
Progress 60% Warhorse Heavy
Progress 70% Outfit Zodd Band of the Hawk Reborn
Progress 80%Outfit Griffith The Band of the Hawk Reborn
Progress 90% Warhorse The Hawk of Light
Progress 100% Outfit Griffith The Wings of Darkness
Advanced Combat
Dashing/ Animation cancelling
Firstly, main chain combos leave the player open for attack. So, after finishing a combo dash, I often find dashing backwards towards the camera as a good option.
You can always use dash to cancel an animation, lets say you was starting your combo then a boss is setting up their special move, dash like mad!.
You can also use dashes to shorten the distance between you and the enemy.
You can also hold dash to sprint, it will take a second or two before you start sprinting.
Be warned if you cancel an animation too soon, you will not gain the effect of your action
So some animations are unskippable.
Animations and cooldowns
Death Blow Gauge, Frenzy Gauge and Sub-Weapon cooldown all continue during character animations. To gain the maximum benefit from this fact you will need the regeneration & resurgence skills on your equipment.
To start a combo or combat I often use the sub-weapon which stuns, as I am use my sub-weapon my frenzy gauge is going up. When in frenzy mode and using a death blow the sub-weapon cooldown is active. When using the sub-weapon the death blow gauge is active. See Zod character build for a video.
Animation and Equipped Items
From my testing you can infact use item during many animations such as death blow’s. It would be advised to use healing items during Frenzy mode(whilst you can not be hurt).
Walls & Stun Lock
Walls or the outside of the map can be used to great effect. Its very much like getting your opponents on the rope, with their back against any surface you can use any move to attack, ideally something that attacks multiple times in quick succession it doesn’t need to be powerful. In order to quickly gain your frenzy or death blow guage.
Wyald with 100 Stun is one of the best characters at stun locking.
Roar, then rolling attack, then Death Blow and rolling attack and repeat.
Here is a video showing both wall attack and stun locking and how effect it can be.
Precision Guard
Time “Block” with an incoming attack to stagger the enemy. Guard will not work against powerful attacks.
Characters like Judeau will get knocked about easy and its sometimes cannot simply counter attack, so instead using precision guard is more effective. This can if used properly be used on Femto as it stops his combo from the first hit.
Understanding Character attacks
Looking at the image below, which is Casca attacks. The little purple symbol mean attack that breaks and enemies guard, learning this are essential for bosses and generals. The red effect around the attack means attacks that have a chance to Obliterate during Frenzy mode, so spam these during frenzy mode for even more death blow gauge.
Spaming buttons
Whilst spamming normal, charge attack and sub-weapons you can do this whislt holding down B (Frenzy/Death Blow).
A quick refresher of the stats.
Warhorse Stats
Firstly unlike previous Dynasty Warrior style games you can not use Frenzy whilst on a Warhorse.
Secondly you can not run over generals or bosses, they will cause your horse to stagger even at 999 Endurance.
Normal attack is the same always
There are two charge attacks, stationary and sprinting . The sprinting charge attack is pretty good, however after some distance you will stop, which could leave you open to attack.
My main use of Warhorse is simply to speed up the ecslipse run, so get on your warhorse go straight for the general, kill them, straight for the warp.
Warhorse can also be used to speed up really slow players, Zodd for example is insanely slow. If a general is in the middle of their combo, its quicker to jump on the horse, ride to their back then the second their combo ends attack them. This way you are keeping a good distance, just in case you get sucked into their combo. The Skeleton Knight’s Warhorse has Resurgence so you can ride around and get frenzy, also the Skeleton Knight’s Warhorse is the fastest horse in the game.
Be careful not to leave your horse in the way as instead of dodging an attack you may get on your horse and take the attack in the face.
Character Build – Guts
Stats at level 99
Vitality 8000
Attack 880
Defense 720
Technique 640
Black Eyepatch+9
Attack 100
Defense 100
Technique 100
Ring of the Black Beast+9
Attack 80
Defense 80
Technique 120
Slow Burn(locked)
Vanguard Captain’s Mark+9 dropped by Femto
Attack 70
Defense 70
Technique 140
Resurgence (Locked)
For best stats Black Eyepatch+9 x 1,Ring of the Black Beast+9 x 1, Vanguard Captain’s Mark+9 x 1 (A999 D970 T999)
Second best stats Black Eyepatch+9 x 3 OR The Hawk of Light Idol+9 x 3 (A999 D999 T940)
This build is to maximise damage when playing using berserk armor (beast of darkness outfit).
Non-berserk armor remove aerial and put on whatever you like Dazzle, Luck Up, Regeneration, Resurgence .
My current Build V8000 A999 D970 T999
Ring of the Black Beast+9
Slow Burn(locked)
Death Blow Inertia
Frenzy Inertia
Frenzy Offense
Black Eyepatch+9
Death Blow Power
Vanguard Captain’s Mark+9
Resurgence (locked)
Range Up
Frenzy Mode – The power and range of his attacks increase.
Layer 10 Warhorse Midland Heavy
Layer 20 Start at level 21
Layer 40 Start at level 41
Layer 50 Dragon Slayer (Accessory)
Layer 60 Start at level 61
Layer 70 Kushan Warhorse
Layer 80 Start at level 81
Layer 100 Outfit The Beast of Darkness (Bezerker Armor)
Character Build – Wyald
Stats at level 99
Vitality 8000
Attack 800
Defense 880
Technique 400
Black Dog’s Ring +9
Attack 80
Defense 80
Technique 120
Slow Burn (Locked)
Black Dog’s Knights Code of Conduct+9 dropped by Femto
Attack 70
Defense 70
Technique 140
Resurgence (Locked)
For best base stats Black Dog’s Knights Code of Conduct+9 x 3 (A999 D999 T820) , however if you feel you don’t need so much Resurgence then opt for a Black Dog’s Ring +9 you will also lose 20 Technique (A999 D999 T800).
My current Build V8000 A999 D999 T960
Black Dog’s Knights Code of Conduct+9
Frenzy Inertia
Frenzy Offense
Black Dog’s Knights Code of Conduct+9
Technique Up
Death Blow Power
Black Dog’s Ring +9
Slow Burn
Death Blow Inertia
Technique Up
Frenzy mode – nothing written, I am going to assume higher damage.
Layer 10 Horn (Equipment)
Layer 20 Start at level 21
Layer 40 Start at level 41
Layer 50 Heretical Remedy (Equipment)
Layer 60 Start at level 61
Layer 70 Large Warhorse
Layer 80 Start at level 81
Layer 100 Outfit Apostle
Normal Combat
Seems to have Daunts Resistance.
Does not benefit from Dazzle.
His guard breaking is spam Y.
Use roar when its useful, best attack by far is X X Y (spam), the barrel roll.
Use his attack increase sub-weapon whenever it does have like a 60 second cooldown, I think it last for 30 seconds.
You will need to use a lot of animation cancelling as Wyald laughing after most attacks.
Wyald Club does mimimum damage, can be great after you use your deathblow and they surive with minimum health then club finishes them off.
His death blow attack is awesome, usually always hits and stuns by default and pretty good damage.
Personally I do not like his transformation. His normal attack have low range and so slow and can’t use dodge properly.
His charge attack can be good, it actually has three hits, so when you jump listen or look at your death blow gauge and see if its moved three times (if you had good accuracy on your jump).
The death blow attack is good, a simple instant kill.
Wyald’s Log is what you should spam in between jumping.
Avalanche I am not a fan, seem to weak.
Rock Gravel, not high damage but can be used to pin an enemy at range
Throw rarely works on generals and sucks
Stun locking
Character Build – Zodd
Stats at level 99
Vitality 8000
Attack 880
Defense 720
Technique 560
Broken Horn+9
Attack 100
Defense 100
Technique 100
Black Lion Ring+9
Attack 80
Defense 80
Technique 120
Slow Burn (Locked)
Band of the Hawk’s Mark+9 dropped by Femto
Attack 70
Defense 70
Technique 140
Resurgence (Locked)
For best base stats Band of the Hawk’s Mark+9 x 3 (A999 D930 T980) , however if you feel you don’t need so much Resurgence then opt for a Black Lion Ring+9 you will also lost 20 Technique and gained 10 defense (A999 D940 T960).
My current Build V8000 A999 D970 T999
Broken Horn +9
Range Up
Technique Up
Band of the Hawks Mark+9
Death Blow Power
Luck Up (you could change for whatever, I would suggest Regernation.
Black Lion Ring +9
Slow Burn
Death Blow Inertia
Frenzy Inertia
Frenzy Offense
Frenzy Mode – The power of this Attacks increases.
Layer 10 Lightly Armorer Warhorse
Layer 20 Start at level 21
Layer 40 Start at level 41
Layer 50 Secret Remedy (equipment)
Layer 60 Start at level 61
Layer 70 Berzerker Horn (equipment)
Layer 80 Start at level 81
Layer 100 Outfit Apostle
Normal Combat
Seems to have Daunts Resistance.
Does not benefit from Dazzle.
Guard breaker Charge attack.
For groups, spam X X X Y Y Y this is a nice ranged AoE
For single targets spam either YYY or XXY(spam) , XYYY is also pretty nice for putting them in the air.
Personally I play Zodd non-transformed then transform when I need to. This is because Apostle Zodd is so big, you cannot dodge hits from every enemy so you basically a huge target.
Transformed Combat
Might Roar is great, have a long animation but really good range
Tail sweep- spam this its awesome
Death Hand this is insanely satisfying basially throwing everyone including generals around.
XXXX ends in a tail whip which is pretty cool
Y you flying and attack, if lined up up correctly take a lot out
Rampage is epic, I tend to use Tail whip first then Rampage. Rampage can be used to pin enemies against walls for awesome damage and death blow gauge.
Death blow attack with Aerial Skill does awesome damage and look sick.
Whilst transformed you should be able to spam tail whip, death blow and rampage.
Also if you are about to run out of Frenzy mode use rampage, even through you should transform back you don’t. So you can then kill more enemies and try to finish on a full death blow gauge.
Be warned, sometimes if you use transformed Roar it will put your non-transformed roar on cooldown.
Transformed low frenzy with Rampage double kill
Transformed tail whip and death blow combo
Character Build – Schierke
Stats at level 99
Vitality 8000
Attack 840
Defense 560
Technique 720
Frenzy Mode – Her Sub-Weapon cooldown period and Spell chanting time both decrease.
Layer 10 Red Taliman (Item)
Layer 20 Start at level 21
Layer 40 Start at level 41
Layer 50 Green Talisman (Item)
Layer 60 Start at level 61
Layer 70 Brown Talisman (Item)
Layer 80 Start at level 81
Layer 100 Outfit Hatless
Currenty Build V8000 A999 D999 T970 , I opted for all unique items then maxed the stats.
Shell Eyepatch +9
Defence Up
Range Up
Ring of the Witch +9
Slow Burn (locked)
Death Blow Inertia
Frenzy Inertia
Frenzy Offense
Witch’s Eyeglass +9 dropped by Femto
Resurgence (locked)
Death Blow Power
Normal Combat
Does not benefit from Dazzle.
Guard breaker Charge attack.
Basic combat, summon golem move away. Cast Root Magic then Aspiration Magic over the same spot. Cast Doubles Magic, then cast spells, I love XXXYY cool fire blast.
If you get hit during spell casting, it will end and you will also lose Double Magic.
Gameplay video
Using standard attack combos, and death blow spam which is OP
Character Build – Serpico
Stats at level 99
Vitality 8000
Attack 680
Defense 640
Technique 800
Holy Iron Chain Knights Mark+9 worse than Hawk Idol
Attack 100
Defense 80
Technique 100
Pendant of Remembrance +9
Attack 110
Defense 110
Technique 60
Resurgence (Locked)
My Currentt Build V8000 A990 D999 T999
Hawk Idol+9
Range Up
Holy Iron Chain Knights Mark+9
Slow Burn
Death Blow Inertia
Frenzy Inertia
Frenzy Offense
Pendant of Remembrance+9
Death Blow Power
Defense Up
Frenzy Mode – The number of hits he can make increases and uses the Sylph Sword.
Layer 10 Palamino Warhorse
Layer 20 Start at level 21
Layer 40 Start at level 41
Layer 50 Outfit The Holy Iron Chain Knights
Layer 60 Start at level 61
Layer 70 Holy Iron Cahin Knight’s Warhorse
Layer 80 Start at level 81
Layer 100 Outfit Heled Holy Iron Chain Knight
Normal Combat
Does not benefit from Dazzle
One guard breaker Y
SW Crossbow is terrible
SW Lighting Cut can break guards
SW Slylp’s Blessing defense buff, use when required
SW Wind Vaccum can be use offensively and defensively. If you are low on health, throw this and run away. If on attack, use then then either push through as everyone is being pushed back OR run to where they will end up then attack them in the back.
Character Build – Judeau
Stats at level 99
Vitality 800
Attack 600
Defense 680
Technique 720
Jester’s Ring+9 worse overall stats then Hawk Idols.
Attack 100
Defense 100
Technique 80
Slow Burn (Locked)
Unit Commanders’s Mark+9 dropped by Femto
Attack 100
Defense 120
Technique 60
Resurgence (Locked)
Best base stats Hawk Idols+9 x 2 , Unit Commanders’s Mark+9 x 1 (A900 D999 T980), this will give maximum defence instead of maximum Technique otherwise Hawk Idols+9 x 3 (A900 D980 T999).
My Current Build V8000 A980 D999 T980
The Hawk of Light Idol +9
Death Blow Inertia
Frenzy Inertia
Frenzy Offense
Slow Burn
The Hawk of Light Idol +9
Death Blow Power
Range Up
Unit Commander’s Mark +9
Attack Up
Frenzy Mode – The amount of hits they can make increases and they can chain together an infinite number of normal attacks. Also can use throwing knives during combos, but I rarely use this feature.
Layer 10 Outfit Helmed Member of the Hawks
Layer 20 Start at level 21
Layer 40 Start at level 41
Layer 50 Rhino Knight’s Warhorse
Layer 60 Start at level 61
Layer 70 Bad Luck Dice (equipment)
Layer 80 Start at level 81
Layer 100 Outfit Helmed Member of the Hawks, later years
Normal Combat
Does not benefit from Dazzle.
Four Guard breakings attacks.
My favourite attack to spam is X x 7 and Y(spam),this does tons of hits and ends with a flying kick which stuns
Counter is a strong attack, spam it whenver you can, best against a single target
Against groups and single targets, simple spam throwing knives.
Death blow attack always stun which is awesome, however target flys away so dash close before spam more knives. You want to be as close to your target as you can get but also having enemies behind the target, as your knives will go through all.
Crossbow seems to be complete broken and hits too low to do any damage.
Keeping closing and maximising throwing knives
Character Build – Casca
Stats at level 99
Vitality 8000
Attack 640
Defense 560
Technique 800
Ring of the Hawk+9 (worse than Hawk of Light Idol+9)
Attack 100
Defense 100
Technique 80
Casca’s Mark+9 dropped by Femto
Attack 120
Defense 100
Technique 60
Resurgence (locked)
For best stats Casca’s Mark+9 x 2, Ring of the Hawk+9 x 1 (A980 D860 T999)
I do not feel range up really helps Casca.
Generally you want to use the combo where you run away and attack, just keep attack everyone in their backs even when they are attacking. You are so fast you can easy outflank. You can also use the +60 second speed boost whenever its safe to. Use your Death Blow, try to get easy stuns then use counter for big damage, Hand to Hand combat can also single target and do a lot of damage.
My current Build V8000 A980 D860 T999
Ring of the Hawk+9
Death Blow Inertia
Frenzy Inertia
Frenzy Offense
Slow Burn
Casca’s Mark+9
Resurgence (locked)
Death Blow Power
Casca’s Mark+9
Resurgence (locked)
Frenzy Mode – The amount of hits they can make increases and they can chain together an infinite number of normal attacks.
Layer 10 Helmed Member of the Hawks
Layer 20 Start at level 21
Layer 40 Start at level 41
Layer 50 Blue Whale Knight’s Warhorse
Layer 60 Start at level 61
Layer 70 Mercenary’s Horn (equipment)
Layer 80 Start at level 81
Layer 100 Outfit Helmed Member of the Hawks, later years
Character Build – Griffith WIP
Stats at level 99
Vitality 8000
Attack 720
Defense 560
Technique 880
Frenzy Mode – The amount of hits they can make increases and they can chain together an infinite number of normal attacks.
Layer 10 Outfit Helemd Member of the Hawks
Layer 20 Start at level 21
Layer 40 Start at level 41
Layer 50 The White Hawk’s Warhorse
Layer 60 Start at level 61
Layer 70 Hawk of Light Feather (Accessory)
Layer 80 Start at level 81
Layer 100 Outfit Helmet Hawk Reborn
Credits and References
Thank you for all the sources and references I have used, sorry I I forgot any.
From memory here is a rough list:-
GameFAQS – Berserk and the Band of the Hawk [gamefaqs.gamespot.com]
Steam – Eclipse Mode tips?
Accessory & Jeweler Achievement Guide
All feedback in welcome barring grammar and spelling mistakes.
I have spend more than 10 hours on this guide and I plan to send more time on it.