Tower Unite Guide

Best build to play ZM Solo (UPDATED) for Tower Unite

Best build to play ZM Solo (UPDATED)


UPDATE: 04/07/18 (Overhaul of Guide)Welcome! Maybe you saw that I modified the whole thing almost. It’s come to my mind with the help of some comments that I should change this guide into a build guide, not a complete 100% guide with only using a class. So, I hope this helps, I’ll still be putting the Survivor class on the guide, but only optional, you can choose whatever class you want. I understand from some people that “Doctor” is quite viable enough to cure yourself. I choose the path of some brute force, but choose the one you’re comfortable with :D:Anyways, let’s go.

Getting Started

You can skip this, but the best way to play solo in my opinion is with the Survivor class.

You can choose the class that you find most comfortable, I’ll mostly be showing you a guide on the universal upgrades, so this should be compatible with your class.

Survivor has 2 abilites:

Blade Trap and Ramming Shield.

Blade Trap is simply a trap you place and you instantly kill anyone who gets in the radius. You can easily get 5 kills for the Combo Power, the Ramming Shield.

Ramming Shield It’s a really powerful dash you make, while you’re dashing, you literally disintegrate anyone who’s in your way. But be careful tho, make sure you gain some speed before you use it, because sometimes the dash won’t work, just make sure you are holding W in a straight and clean line and then bam, you press the combo power key.

Ramming Shield:

Blade Trap:

And another important thing is to choose the Compound map, don’t get scared by the Hard tag, It’s good for Units and with this guide, hopefully you’ll be able to finish it with no problems.

How to play Solo (Alone)

At the start menu, click on the Zombie Massacre title below the Condo/Plaza.

Then click on the Create Game tab, click on any level that you’d like and then on the upper-right, press “Friends-Only”

General Tips

  1. Make sure you Zoom out with your scroll wheel; there are some mob spawns that you can’t see in the default camera Zoom.
  2. Best choices for weapons are SPAS-12, Laser Rifle, M4A1, Minigun, Dissector, Dual UZIs, sometimes the Dual Barrel Shotgun, and such.
  3. I don’t usually trust melees but the best ones are the Katana and Chainsaw imo.
  4. [SURVIVOR] Don’t trust your Ramming Shield with vampires and wolves, they take up to 2 hits, so, if there’s a huge line of zombies but one or two vampires, they’ll still live. They can even stop your dash.

    (Btw, this is the vampire)

  5. [SURVIVOR] A bit of the same goes for the Blade Trap; The blade trap can kill almost anything, just stop walking, place it, and don’t move from there unless you need to. (don’t really do this at LVL 1 Blade Trap because you can still get hit)
    However, if you’re standing there slicing a bunch of zombies and you see a Vampire at the distance, start shooting at him from your position because he’s not just fast, he can dodge the trap sometimes and it would result in a painful health loss.

  6. [SURVIVOR] When you’re at 3 seconds away from your trap being destroyed, use the dash to escape before it happens, because you’ll start to recieve random damage for the reason that the trap stops killing eventually
  7. [SURVIVOR] If a zombie sets you on fire, use the shield to cover yourself from its damage until it goes out of you.

So, let’s get to the days:

Day 1

Just survive with your basic abilites and you’ll get through with.

With Survivor, I place the blade trap on some corridors or usual zombie spawns.

Day 2

If you did that right, use your 7k points on only ONE upgrade, the Dual Handguns.

The point of this guide is to show you the best way to save points possible, so if you see that you still can buy other upgrades, just save them for later, k?

Now, you’ll do something a little boring but it’s a good chance to farm points without harm, and the only one you’ll have (you can skip this tho, if don’t like it)

So what you’ll do is, when you spawn, go to the lower right corner of the spawn point and point up, you’ll see that zombies will be going after you in a straight line (sorry for recycling words, I’m not the best in English lmao).
Just point at that direction and hold your mouse button and kill, kill and kill.

Be careful with the wolves though, If you see one approaching at you, kill it first and then return to the usual shooting.

With Survivor, if the line gets really crowdy, I just use the combo power and I wipe them out.

Day 3

Now, you’ll probably have around 10k+ of points at this point (hehe), use them for this:


Now, DO NOT repeat the same tactic of the previous day, you have a bigger trap, and this is the day where Vampires will start spawning, so remember the general tips for them, you do not want them to stack up, kill them at all cost.

Also best music.

*: This can depend on the type of ability you have.

Day 4

At Day 4, you should upgrade to these:

Combo Power*

The UZI is the best DPS weapon for mid-game, and combined with the max damage, it’s a good combo.

*: This can depend on the type of ability you have.

Day 5

Do NOT spend on anything

You’ll have to skip any kind of upgrades for Day 5, even on the Sawed-Off. You can survive the day with your previous upgrades.

The reason of the skip is that you’ll need up to 20k of points for Day 6, which is the Boss level, so, If I can do it, you can do it, don’t get spook’d.

Day 6

Let’s get this over with.

Combo Power*

You’ll be ready and armed to the teeth for that boss.

The best way is to continually aim at the Giant spider, for the zombies that get in your way. If you need to get out quickly in a crowd or you’re covered in spiderweb, use anything with your class that involves being invulnerable or quickness, such as the ramming shield for Survivor.

It’s best to dodge and spin all around the scenario the whole time.

[SURVIVOR] You can use your Ramming Shield against the boss, it appears that I found out that it does actual damage. Not the Blade Trap tho, it doesn’t do anything to her.

For the best damage, use the Laser Rifle/M4A1/Minigun, SPAS-12 and Kimber (somehow a bit good). Never stop shooting at the boss, never, and it’ll be dead in no time.

The End

If you did all of this correctly, you”d win 20.000+ Units, at least that’s the most usual money I get after these tactics.

I hope this really helped out for newcomers or anyone playing the game, looking for a good money income.

If you have a need to criticize any point of the guide, please feel free to comment constructively below and I could easily fix it, This is my first steam guide and I’m trying my best to be as useful as possible. Also if you need photos or more details, I can give you anything about it with no problem.

Thank you very much for reading my guide! I hope it was helpful.
