This is the full walkthrough/guide to Madgaz’s map ‘Fabrik der Untoten’ whether it’d be perks, weapons, easter eggs and so on.
Map Sections
Spawn Area – This is where you spawn. You have a Sheiva and an RK5 on the wall with Quick Revive along with 4 barriers. Just your typical spawn area all in all.
Sewer & outside MrDalekJD’s office – This is the door that is available for purchase to the right in spawn. This area will have the perk Crusader Ale and the stairs brings you down to the Sewer area where you will find a Vesper on the wall along with the perk Madgaz Moonshine. In the Sewer, it also has a mystery box location. Taking this door from spawn is one of the two ways you can take to get to power.
Tedd’s Room – In the Sewer, you will find a very narrow hallway which leads to a door that you cannot open. This is Tedd’s room that can only be unlocked by completing the map’s main easter egg. In here, you will find PCDev’s office key and a buyable Rocket Shield for 500 points.
Furnace Room & Nacht der Untoten Room – This is the door that is available for purchased to the left in spawn. In the furnace room, you will find Double Tap 2.0 along with a KRM-262 wall buy and a mystery box location. Down the stairs, you will come across a room that is very similar to Nacht der Untoten. In this area, you will find the mainframe pad for the teleporter along with a L-CAR9 wall buy and Deadshot Daiquiri. Taking this door from spawn is one of the two ways you can take to get to power. At the debris in Nacht, you will come across an electric trap.
PCDev’s office & outside power – The outside power hasn’t got much to offer on both sides whether it’s the sewer debris or the Nacht der Untoten debris. However, the sewer debris has a Weevil wall buy. PCDev’s office is on the Nacht der Untoten side meanwhile and it can only be unlocked by completing the map’s main easter egg. In the office, you will find a MG-42 wall buy along with the perk Perk-A-Lot.
Power Room – After you have unlocked the debris on either side, you will come across the power room. In the power room, you have the power switch, Juggernog and a buildable table.
MrDalekJD’s Office – If you go back to spawn and turn to the right side if you went the Nacht der Untoten way or just come back up from the sewers, you will notice that the power door at MrDalekJD’s office would have opened after you have turned on the power. MrDalekJD’s office offers a VMP wall buy along with a mystery box location and Stamin’ Up.
Amm-O-Matic Area – Much like MrDalekJD’s office, this area is now unlocked after you have turned on the power. This area can be seen near the back of the spawn area. In here, you have the perk Amm-O-Matic along with a mystery box location and a M8A7 wall buy.
Courtyard – You can get to this area by buying the debris by Amm-O-Matic, the debris on the other side of MrDalekJD’s office or jumping off the balcony of MrDalekJD’s office. The courtyard is the most open spot of the map and is quite a good training spot if you play your cards right. In this area, you will find Mule Kick and Man-O-War / Claymore / Bowie Knife wall buys. You will also see a hole in the ground. If you drop down this hole, you will fall back down into the Sewer area.
Catwalk & Teleporter – There is no debris to this area and you can easily get to it once you can get to the courtyard. There is a teleporter, a KN-44 wall buy and on the catwalk, you will come across the perk Banana Colada. There is a mystery box location also here. The catwalk plays much like Der Riese’s catwalk though with two staircases instead of one. At the entrance of this building, you will come across an electric trap.
Speed Cola Area – You will notice a debris on the left side of the Amm-O-Matic when facing it in the courtyard. If you unlock this, you will then come across Speed Cola and a Kuda wall buy. There is another debris here but the debris only brings you back to the Furnace room.
Origins / Mob of the Dead / Kino der Toten Pack a Punch – Once you link the teleporter to the mainframe and teleport, you will be randomly teleported to one of two areas first. The areas can either be Origins or Mob of the Dead. In Origins, you will find Widow’s Wine. In Mob of the Dead, you will find Electric Cherry. After a few seconds, you will then be teleported again to the Kino der Toten Projector room and here you will find the Pack a Punch machine.
Mauser C96 – 0 points, Starting weapon
RK5 – 500 points / 950 points, Spawn Area / mystery box
Sheiva – 500 points / 950 points, Spawn Area / mystery box
Rocket Shield – 500 points / 950 points, Tedd’s Room / mystery box
L-CAR9 – 750 points / 950 points, Nacht der Untoten Room / mystery box
KRM-262 – 750 points / 950 points, Furnace Room / mystery box
Kuda – 1250 points / 950 points, Speed Cola Area / mystery box
Weevil – 1250 points / 950 points, Sewer debris / mystery box
Vesper – 1250 points / 950 points, Sewers / mystery box
VMP – 1300 points / 950 points, MrDalekJD’s Office / mystery box
KN-44 – 1400 points / 950 points, Teleporter / mystery box
M8A7 – 1500 points / 950 points, Amm-O-Matic Area / mystery box
Claymores – 1500 points, Courtyard
Man-O-War – 1750 points / 950 points, Courtyard / mystery box
MG42 – 2000 points / 950 points, PCDev’s Office / mystery box
Bowie Knife – 3000 points / 950 points, Courtyard / mystery box
BRM – 950 points, mystery box
Pharo – 950 points, mystery box
Dingo – 950 points, mystery box
PPSh-41 – 950 points, mystery box
48 Dredge – 950 points, mystery box
ICR-1 – 950 points, mystery box
Wunderwaffe DG-2 – 950 points, mystery box
Ray Gun – 950 points, mystery box (free + upgraded if completed step 1 of the easter egg)
Monkey Bombs – 950 points, mystery box
Trip Mines – 950 points, mystery box
SVG-100 – 950 points, mystery box
Drakon – 950 points, mystery box
Locus – 950 points, mystery box
Gorgon – 950 points, mystery box
XM-53 – 950 points, mystery box
Argus – 950 points, mystery box
Haymaker 12 – 950 points, mystery box
205 Brecci – 950 points, mystery box
HVK-30 – 950 points, mystery box
Trample Steam – Buildable, Power room
Quick Revive – 500 points (Solo) / 1500 points (Co-op), Spawn Area
Double Tap Root Beer 2.0 – 2000 points, Furnace Room
Deadshot Daiquiri – 2000 points, Nacht der Untoten Room
Crusader Ale – 2000 points, Outside MrDalekJD’s Office
Electric Cherry – 2000 points, Mob of the Dead
Stamin’ Up – 2000 points, MrDalekJD’s Office
Juggernog – 2500 points, Power Room
Madgaz Moonshine – 2500 points, Sewers
Banana Colada – 3000 points, Catwalk
Speed Cola – 3000 points, Speed Cola Area
Mule Kick – 4000 points, Courtyard
Widow’s Wine – 4000 points, Origins
Perk-A-Lot – 10000 points, PCDev’s Office
Madgaz Moonshine – When you slide, an explosion will happen in front of you, killing any zombies or bosses in the explosion. 20 uses per round. Every few zombies you kill will be caught on fire.
Banana Colada – When you slide, you leave a trail behind which stays in place for up to 10 seconds. During the time it’s there, it can kill zombies or make them slip. You also negate all explosive damage and fall damage.
Crusader Ale – Rebuild all damage done to your Shield automatically at the start of each round but does not work if Shield is completely damaged. Makes any melee weapon insanely powerful with a 5x damage multiplier. When meleeing, you will get an extra 70 points.
Perk-A-Lot – Gives you all perks available on the map. It takes up a slot though.
Trample Steam
– In the Sewers by the mystery box location
– On the top floor of MrDalekJD’s Office by the mystery box location
– In the Speed Cola Area near the wall to the left side when coming in from the Courtyard
– On the Catwalk, opposite Banana Colada
Easter Eggs
Main easter egg
1. Shoot all 6 bananas in the following locations:
– In the Sewers
– In the zombie barrier at the bottom of MrDalekJD’s Office
– On this building near the Courtyard
– In the sink in a cell of Mob of the Dead
– On the shelf in the Kino der Toten Pack-a-Punch Room
– On a box in the middle of Origins
2. Take the upgraded Ray Gun from the teleporter and shoot the power box in front of the tank in the Courtyard near Mule Kick.
3. Fill the power box with souls until an explosion takes place.
4. Near Stamin’ Up, collect the Juggernog bottle.
5. Take the Juggernog bottle to the zombie on the catwalk and fill it with souls.
6. Go to Tedd’s Room and collect PCDev’s Office key.
7. Open PCDev’s Office.
– You can only have 6 perks so make sure you keep a slot for Perk-A-Lot.
– The codename for Fabrik der Untoten is zm_testlevel.
This walkthrough wouldn’t be possible without the following people:
– Swaginator457
– EndlessHeat CSOFFER.ME
– Dank Memes, Wet Dreams
– The Black Deaf
– Silver El Perito de Plata
– .itsHyrican
– Novek