You’ve chosen to begin your journey into the lost paradise of Shangri-La. In these ancient ruins lies the mystery of two explorers on their own journey to prove the existence of Argartha. Richtofen brings the crew here to acquire a very powerful artefact for his Grand Scheme. Follow this guide to free the explorers and help Richtofen obtain the Focusing Stone.In this guide, I will explain step by step the Main Easter Egg Quest as well as other Easter Eggs and information pertaining to this map.I hope this guide is intuitive for you to follow and I hope you enjoy unravelling the mysteries of Shangri-La.
For this Easter Egg, you will need:
- Four players
- The 31-79 JGb215 (eventually upgraded to the The Fractalizer for later steps)
- Trip-mines
- Napalm Zombie
- Explosives
Accessing Pack-a-Punch
To begin, you must have first activated the Power.
Around the map, you will find 4 status with rotating sections. Each section of these status can be locked in place by standing on the button nearby. All players in the game must find an unpressed button and stand on it. If you are playing Solo, only one button will need standing on as the rest will be pre-pressed for you.
The first one is located in spawn.
The second is located half way down the tunnel next to Jugger-Nog.
The third is located at the far end of the bridge near the tunnel leading towards the Water Pool.
The fourth is located between both the Power Switches in the Power room.
After the statue sections have stopped rotating and are locked into place, make your way to the stairway leading to Pack-a-Punch. A few more steps will have risen and you will now have timed access to the Pack-a-Punch machine.
Main Easter Egg
Important Note: My game shows one player doing the Easter Egg which is not possible without mods. I’m using mods for the purpose of the guide but four players are required for a legitimate run of this Easter Egg.
To begin the Easter Egg, Power must first be activated. Shangri-La features 2 Power Switches that must be activated to bring Power to the map.
After activating Power, navigate to Spawn and you’ll see four buttons protruding the area where Quick Revive sits.
These buttons are used to activate Eclipse Phase which is where practically all the Easter Egg steps must take place. Have all 4 players interact with these buttons simultaneously to enter Eclipse Phase.
(Note: If you fail any steps, you can re-enter Eclipse Phase to restart that step rather than flipping a round like in other maps).
Make your way to the area left of Quick Revive and head near the tunnel entrance. You’ll hear what sounds like a Pickaxe hitting rocks which should help guide you. You’ll see a brick construction with a button with a skull on it that resembles the 4 Eclipse buttons.
Press this button and you can begin the step.
24 Stone Tiles will have now appeared on the map. (12 in the area the button was pressed next to Jugger-Nog leading up near the Minecart and 12 Just after the Mud Maze heading towards the tunnel near the bridge).
The 24 tiles are in pairs and you’ll notice that there are only 12 different symbols among them. This is because the tiles on one side of the map are paired with another in the opposite tile spawn area.
The objective here is to match up each of the Stone Tiles one by one to make them disappear. One player must stand near a Tile to see its symbol.
The player must move away from that Tile and describe what the tile looked like to the opposite player.
The other player must move across all their Tiles until they find the matching symbol. When found, the first player must stand on that Tile again activating the matching pair. This will then cause that matched pair to disappear. If a mistake is made, Eclipse end will force end and you’ll need to start the step again. This can be done in the same round so activating Eclipse does not need a round flip. Do this for all 12 Tile pairs and a Crystal will raise indicating success.
Activate Eclipse Phase and have all players make their way over to the water slide. Have 3 players use the slide and when at the bottom, wait and do not move. Have the final player use the slide and whilst going down, notice a Lever on the right which must be interacted with (you can spam interact).
If successful, the fourth player landing at the bottom will cause Brock and Gary to start talking saying that you have helped them.
This will cause Eclipse Phase to end once again.
(You’ll need the 31-79 JGb215 by this point to proceed).
Activate Eclipse Phase and you will hear a large Crystal come crashing down into the map. Head to the right of Quick Revive through the Mud Maze through to the top of the Water Slide. Here you’ll see a large crystal lodged into the rock face above the Slide.
Use any explosive (Ray Gun included) to blow the Crystal down to ground level.
Use the 31-79 JGb215 to shrink the Crystal and knife it to have it move.
Follow it down the Water Slide until it sits into the Geyser.
Stand with it in the Geyser to activate the Geyser which will launch you and the Crystal up. You will fall in-bounds and the Crystal will eventually fall into a rising Crystal Stand.
Eclipse Phase will end again indicating success.
(To waste as little Eclipse time as possible, you might want to wait for a Napalm Zombie to spawn before beginning).
Activate Eclipse Phase, go into the tunnel next to Jugger-Nog and you’ll see a Red Valve and a Lever.
You’ll also hear Brock and Gary coughing. Spin the Valve 4 times until the characters stop coughing.
You’ll now see gas leaking from 4 areas:
Near the Valve near the tunnel entrance
Near the Geyser close by the Mystery Box location
Just past the perk machine
Just before the doorway to the Power room
Have the Napalm Zombie walk past each of the four gas leaks to ignite the gas.
When all 4 leaks have been ignited, make your way back to the Valve and instead pull the Lever.
This will complete this step.
(Note that this step must be done in a single Eclipse Phase hence the advice on having a Napalm spawn prior to activating the Eclipse Phase).
Buy the Trip-mines (found in the Power room), activate Eclipse Phase and navigate to the tunnel past the bridge. In the tunnel, you will see 4 holes on one side down the length of the tunnel. (3 of the holes will be glowing blue but the final 4th hole will not be).
Place Trip-mines in front each of the holes and have Zombies trigger the Trip-mines. You will see that a projectile from the Trip-mine will have lodged into the hole blocking it.
Do this to all 4 and then go out the bottom of the tunnel into the Water Pool. On the rear side of the rock face you’ll see a protruding brick.
Interact with the brick to force water down.
As long as all four holes were successfully blocked, this step will succeed causing another Crystal to rise above the Mud Maze.
Main Easter Egg (Continued)
Activate Eclipse Phase and navigate around the map to find 12 Stone Tiles that have spawned. All players must do is melee the Tiles to cause a symbol to appear on them.
The Stone Tiles are located:
In spawn facing the door right to Quick-Revive facing the Mud Maze
Across from the previous Tile right next to the Mud Maze spikes next to spawn
In spawn immediately left of the Pack-a-Punch staircase
In spawn facing the Jugger-Nog side near the Meteorite
Across from the previous Tile in the passageway next to spawn heading into the Jugger-Nog area
Through the passageway left of Quick Revive left of the passage exit towards the Mine-cart
Just past the previous Tile closer the the Mine-cart of your left
Through the Mud Maze on the right side of the Zombie Barrier to the Right of the Maze
Night next to the Mud Maze as you exit heading towards the Water Slide
In the Power room on the left of the left Power Switch
At the bottom of the stairs intersecting the Power room in the room with the Geyser below spawn
In the same room as the previous Tile in the Water section next to the weapon wall-buy
Once all twelve Stone Tiles have had their symbols revealed, go up to the Mine-cart area and look out on the left of the hut. You will see a Wooden Teepee which must be destroyed with grenades.
Once done, Eclipse Phase will end indicating success.
Activate Eclipse Phase and make your way into the Mud Maze. You will see 4 large dials that can be rotated. The goal is to have the dials represent the numbers “16, 1, 3, 4”.
The symbols represent the values:
[ = 10
I = 5
• = 1
This then means we need the symbols:
[I• = 16
• = 1
••• = 3
•••• = 4
(Optional: A radio will have spawned on a crate nearby the Mine-cart which would give you the numerical code but never changes and thus is not required).
Facing the Mud Maze from spawn:
Set the dial on the far right to [I•
Set the dial directly on your right from spawn to •
Set the dial on the far left to •••
Set the dial immediately on your left from spawn to ••••
If done correctly, the Eclipse Phase will end.
Activate Eclipse Phase and near Pack-a-Punch you will hear Gary mention that his bag of Dynamite has been lost during his venture with Brock. If you navigate to the Crystal just on the left of spawn through the passageway, you’ll notice some Dynamite stuck on the Crystal Stand.
To retrieve the Dynamite, you’ll need to cause the Crystal to resonate and shoot the Crystal with the Dynamite with the upgraded 31-79 JGb215 (The Fractalizer). To get the Crystals to resonate, you’ll have to melee 4 correct Gongs out of a total of 8.
The Gongs are located:
Across from the tunnel entrance next to Jugger-Nog
In the same area nearby the the Step 1 button structure
On the left side of the walkway heading to the Mine-cart
In spawn on the left on Quick Revive next to a weapon wall-buy
On the left of the Mud Maze entrance heading from spawn
On the right of the Mud Maze exit right across from Speed Cola
On the far right nearby the last Gong when exiting the Mud Maze
On the right most side across the bridge past the Pack-a-Punch stone button
There is no specific order to which the correct Gongs must be knifed. They can knifed in any order. When an incorrect Gong is knifed, the Crystals will glow red indicating that Gong is not one of the four required for the correct Crystal resonance.
As you continue to knife the correct Gongs, you will hear the Crystals begin to resonate. When the 4 correct Gongs have been hit, the Crystals will be at the correct resonance and will have a yellowish golden glow.
Make your way back to the Crystal with the hanging Dynamite and shoot it with The Fractalizer (upgraded 31-79 JGb215).
As the Crystals bounce the Fractalizer energy around, the Dynamite will fall which you must catch by standing just below the Crystal that held the Dynamite.
Shoot the Crystal located above the Mud Maze with The Fractalizer.
The energy will bounce around the Crystals and eventually the energy resonance will cause the resonating Fractalizer energy to shoot off toward the Element 115 Meteorite that is crashed on the temple at Pack-a-Punch.
The Meteorite will shrink and can be heard bouncing round the back wall of the temple.
Go up to Pack-a-Punch and you’ll notice that the machine is gone and you can hear Brock and Gary talking. Interact with the wall to give them the Dynamite and you will be ejected from the area shortly after.
Access Pack-a-Punch once again and you will see an Alter built in the name of Richtofen. Above it is the Element 115 Meteorite you previously shrunk. This is the Focusing Stone which Richtofen has been in search of. Any player can pick up the Focusing Stone and will receive permanent perks.
This is the conclusion of the Easter Egg. All players will be awarded the “Time Travel Will Tell” Achievement.
Obtain the 31-79 JGb215 from the Mystery Box and shrink a normal Zombie, Napalm Zombie, Shrieker Zombie & Monkey Zombie.
Complete the Main Easter Egg Quest and obtain the Focusing Stone.
(The Black Ops 3 version of Shangri-La only includes these two achievements unlike the Black Ops 1 version which had five).
Easter Egg Radio Transcripts
The radios found scattered within Shangri-La (some of which only appear as the Easter Egg progresses) reveal two explorers “Brock” and “Gary” once journeyed through the catacombs below. Brock’s plan with his assisting explorer Gary was to prove the existence of Argatha. As players listen to the radios, it becomes clear that these explorers inadvertently activated the Eclipse Phasing which sent them backwards through time and got them stuck in a time-loop. With our four characters also making use of the Eclipse Phasing and hence travelling backwards in time as well, our characters doing the Easter Egg is what causes the events in the radios found as the Easter Egg progresses.
Brock: “The heat and humidity is just excruciating. According to the locals, the temple should be in this mountain range, just up this river. Gary, do you hear that? A waterfall, we must be close! Hand me the binoculars! There is a structure up ahead. If this is truly a gateway to Agartha, my work will finally be validated!”
Gary: “Uhh, Brock, I don’t think this place is abandoned.”
Brock: “Don’t be silly. This place has to be thousands of years old”
Brock: “I have found some unfinished carvings around the structures I can’t make out. They do not look like…wait…what is this?”
*Sounds of objects being moved are heard, followed by the Eclipse Phasing sound*
Gary: “What the hell is that? Why is the sky dark?”
*Zombies can be heard*
Brock: “It’s an eclipse! We must’ve-“
Gary: “Run!”
*The two are heard running*
Gary: “What are those things?”
Brock: “Zombies. We’ll have to find another way.”
Gary: “Zombies? What’re you talking about?”
Brock: “The writings must’ve been right. No! Don’t touch that! Damn, take a look around and try to find a way out”
Gary: “I got nothin’.”
Brock: “We will have to conserve our supplies. Take your shoes off and hand me your socks.”
*Zombies are once again heard*
Brock: “I have been trapped in the temple structure for days. Gary is dead. I don’t see a way out of here. I can still hear the zombies outside. I fear this is my last recording, as the battery’s about to die. And I will soon follow. One thing I can be certain of, is that blood-“
Brock: “We are moving through a small network of tunnels. This appears to be some sort of aqueduct system. Unless this was carved out of the much later-“
*Rocks are heard tumbling*
Gary: “Holy crap!”
Brock: “We need to start digging and get past this cave-in!”
*They are heard digging*
Brock: “Well, we lucked out on that!”
Gary: “I wouldn’t classify any of this as ‘lucky’.”
Brock: “Well we are still alive.”
*Zombies heard moaning*
Gary: “Shh, do you hear that?”
*Zombies now screaming*
Brock: “Quickly! Under there!”
*Zombie moaning stops*
Gary: “Great, another dead end.”
Brock: “Well at least we’re safe for now.”
*Machinery is heard moving*
Gary: “Really?!”
*Gas is heard and both are heard coughing. Coughing then stops and thumps are heard*
Brock: “Gary! Gary, get up! Hello?!”
Brock: “That did it! His leg is free and the way is clear! Let’s get moving.”
Brock: “We’re moving through a small network of tunnels. This appears to be some sort of aqueduct system. Unless this was carved out of the much later-“
*Rocks can be heard tumbling*
Gary: “Holy crap!”
Gary: “Let’s get out of here before spikes shoot out of the walls and the floors open up to a pit of lava!”
Brock: “This place is massive! The architecture is not what I expected to see. It’s more of an interpretation-“
Gary: “What the hell’s wrong with you? If this place doesn’t kill us the freaking undead will. We are stuck inside some kind of trap-filled temple of death surrounded by a horde of undead and you are talking about the rugs not matching the curtains. If you don’t-“
Brock:”Well, this is unfortunate.”
Gary:”I rest my case.”
Brock:”The walls are too slippery to climb. I can see a tube about halfway up the side of the well, but we can’t reach it.”
Gary:”Huh? What is that? I think something just swam past my leg.”
Gary:”I dunno!”
*Drowning and then static is heard*
Brock:”Yes, we can reach the top!”
Gary:”I can see the outside.”
Brock:”Thank heavens, we’re finally out of the wretched catacombs.”
Gary:”There’s still a full eclipse!”
Brock:”Yes, it’s very strange. I’ve been thinking about those unfinished carvings we saw before the eclipse occurred and can’t help but think they hold some kind of key clues. We should investigate the stepped pyramid for some clues.”
Gary:”I think we should get the hell out of here while we still have a chance!”
Brock:”But we’re so close to proving the existence of Ag-!”
*Bear trap is heard going off*
Gary: “I can see the outside!”
Brock: “Thank heavens we’re finally out of the wretched catacombs.”
Gary: “There’s still a full eclipse.”
Brock: “Yes, it is very strange. I’ve been thinking about those carvings we saw before the eclipse. Give me a moment. *Zombie scream in the distance* Hmm.”
Gary: “Aw jeez, man. Do we really need to do this now?”
Brock: “Yes! They do match the pictures on the tattoo! It’s a code: 16, 1, 3, 4. This doesn’t mean much. Perhaps the answer lies inside that stepped pyramid.”
Brock: “We’ve made it inside the top of the temple. I can see an antechamber through a crack in the wall but there is no way to get inside, it’s completely infused.”
Gary: “If we had a stick of dynamite I could get us in there.”
Brock: “Well unless you brought some I think we’re not getting any further.”
Gary: “I had some in my bag but dropped it when we were attacked by that horde of zombies. By the look of it out there, we’re not gonna be able to stroll around looking for it.”
Brock: “So close to the answer”
Gary: “We need to get the hell out of here before it’s too late.”
*The humming of the Element 155 Meteorite music Easter Egg noise is heard throughout*
Brock: “Now entering the antechamber. I see some sort of altar and there is a rock suspended above it. This is just wonderful, an inscription: Rich-tof-en. Richtofen. Gary, take an etching.”
*Etching can be heard as Brock continues*
Brock: “Rock above the altar seems to be suspended in thin air! I am going to remove it now!”
*Eclipse Phasing noise is heard*
Gary: “We’ve been in this jungle for days and haven’t seen any sign of this hidden temple.”
Brock: “We cannot give up; it has to be here.”
Gary: “I can’t shake this feeling like we’re going in circles.”
Brock: “We should head to higher ground and take a look.”
*Trampling though the forest is heard.*
Brock: “The heat and humidity is just excruciating. According to the locals, the temple should be in this mountain range, just up this river. Gary, do you hear that? A waterfall, we must be close! Hand me the binoculars! There is a structure up ahead. If this is truly a gateway to Agartha, my work will finally be validated!”
Doctor Monty: “Shangri-La! The city of gold! Hm, no, hang on, I got that wrong. T-The city of gold was somewhere else. Well, it would’ve been if it actually existed. Anyway, a lot of explorers went looking for it, believing that it might reveal the gateway to Agartha… Gasp! Two such misguided fools, Brock, Gary, they got themselves locked into a temporal loop, doomed to relive the same events over and over again. Poor souls… Either way, that kind of thing happens more often than you realise. So, other than all that, Richtofen was looking for the Golden Rod, or some such thing. Can’t say I know quite why, but that’s Richtofen for you.”
Music Easter Egg
Like in many other maps are 3 Element 115 Meteorite rocks hidden around the map.
They can be located:
At the very back left corner of spawn on the left of Quick Revive
Near the left side of a Zombie Barrier on the left side of Widows Wine
Past Speed Cola at the start of the bridge on the left
Activating all 3 Element 115 Meteorites will activate Easter Egg song “Pareidolia”.
Zombies Timeline
Here are links to the daily Zombies Timeline events as they occur:
Steam: [link]
Telegram: [link]
Discord: [link] (Server with a dedicated timeline channel which can be followed in your own server)