Achievement guide for Grill master (Grill Simulator mini game) in MSC.
Hey guys, I assume you came here, because you are achievement hunters aswell, otherwise, i can’t see the reason for checking out this guide… Also my English is not perfect, so sorry for the mistakes 😉
So the goal of the Achiev is to serve 20 foods in GrillSimulator (Grilli) on PC. Problem is that you can’t understand a thing.
Im not gonna tell ya which food you should pick because there are a lot of options from each of the characters… but it will be a HUGE help for you to complete the achiev.
I’ve been browsing internet a lot to find any help to get this.
Well… there were few people who said that you should write down what the characters say and try to figure it out and yeeee, that didn’t help me.. :/ So I just ♥♥♥♥♥♥ recorded it… 😀
Trick is to start up the Grill Game and record the first guy (use Nvidia Geforce Experience, Fraps, whatever u guys can get..) after he stops talking turn it off. I also recommend turning off the music because I didnt know that u can do it in the menu.. OK, now u have the recording of the mumbling.. 😀 The thing you need to do is just compare it to my file in which u can find ALMOST ALL of the voice lines.. There are few lines that i could not find out to which order they belong but hopefully you’ll be lucky and just figure it out 🙂
I’ll give you an example:
First guy will appear (let’s say it is PRIEST), u turn on the recording. After he stops talking, u turn it off, ALT+Tab, u check the video and try to remember it.. after that u go to the file and scroll for the Priest. The videos are named like this Priest – n.1/2/3…. – 1/2/3/not 1/(1)
- Priest – Name/Look of the character
- n.1 – number of voice line
- 1 – Food number one
- not 1 – Not the food number one
- (1) – PROBABLY food number 1
After u figure which food does the character want u just alt+tab back to game and give the correct order to him. And there u goo, now u just have to do it 20 times.
!!! I had problem with 2 characters. 1st is Grandma and 2nd is the Fat guy with mustache. So if they came up you just have to be lucky 🙂 !!!
!!!!! FAIL ON 20th DISH otherwise the achievement does not have to pop out !!!!!
LINK TO DOWNLOAD THE FILE[drive.google.com]
Hope this guide will help atleast few people. Feel free to share it, like it or ask a question.. I’ll try to help ya if I can 🙂