A complete achievement guide in logical order. I hope to update this some time but struggle to find the time.
Many achievements require you to play with Permadeath on. You can tell if your current save is on Permadeath when it shows “MORTAL” above your life bars.
I suggest you to simply do the first achievement and then continue with Permadeath on, as many require that as well as far progress in the game. I am not entirely sure about all achievements but I marked those, where I am certain Permadeath is required. You can make a save of your save, copying //C/Users/[Name]/AppData/LocalLow/Amistech to a save place. Deletion of your save can also be prevented by quickly ALT-TAB out and close the game.
The achievements are in a order that allow to do them all after each other without having to start a new save, after you did No.1. Exception is No. 29, as it is currently not working. Try it though and report if it worked your you.
I appreciate ratings, suggestions and remarks.
1. I am coward. – No permadeath for you.
Start a game with permadeath switched OFF. You do that at the bottom of the driving license.
2. Proud to be mortal – When I die, I die for good
Let’s get real and start a game with Permadeath switched ON!
3. Welcome to Finland – You just experienced a Sauna.
Take a (hot) Sauna. Switch on the sauna as soon as you started the new game and begin to build your car. Come back to take the sauna, after aprox. 20 minutes.
Get that willy above half the scale before you get the steam going.
4. Golden steam – Enjoy the smell.
Pee on the hot sauna oven and inhale the steam.
5. Ultimate survivor – Drinking your own piss like a pro.
Drink your own urine by peeing straight up. Requires Permadeath to be switched on.
6. A true hillbilly – Shopping groceries with style!
Take the tractor and trailer to Teimo’s store and park by the fuel pumps.
7. Poor people go away – A real money man.
Shop at Teimo’s for over 2000 Marks. Easy to combine with No. 8, so read that one too.
8. An Idiot – An idiot is definiton of you.
To prove yourself once again how stupid you are, breake the window of Teimo’s shop. Press H to punch. Teimo will ask for 2760 Marks. Paying that will unlock No. 7.
9. Case solved – 24 bottles of beer consumed
Finish one crate of beer completely. Note that you will pass out if you drink more. That will unlock Magic Portal and Finnish wedding. I suggest to combine 10. 11. 12. and 13. though and do this one overtime.
Alcohol is dangerous, kids.
10. Finnish wedding – Your traditional Finnish wedding
Get really drunk. Nice to combine with 11. 12. and 13. so read these too.
11. Party time – Bottle of booze drank quickly
Drink a bottle of “booze”. Can be found in the shed next to the tractor, by the firewood. Respawns after each time loading. Nice to cimbine with 10. 12. and 13.
12. Working man’s Saturday – Time to relax.
Drink a bottle of booze on a Saturday. This will automatically unlock 11. aswell. Continue drinking and 10. and 13. can be unlocked aswell.
13. Magic portal – Somehow you don’t remember anything.
Pass out by drinking too much. Do that in the late evening or early night, so you will wake up in daylight and you find the way home. When lucky you wake up on yor couch… or if unlucky somewhere outside.
Doing that will unlock 10. on the way. Nice to combine with 11. and 12. if done on a Saturday. Your head will be shaking when you wake up.
14. You have a new friend! – He is drunk, so he must be a friend.
Let the phone plugged in over night. By chance a drunk guy will call you when you are sleeping and ask to pick him up at Teimo’s bar. He will be waiting at the bus station on the opposite side of the street. Take him to the gray house (close to the firewood guy) marked on the map eastern to the road between Loppe and the intersection to your house.
Stop on the road next to his house and he will give you 650 Marks and fall into the ditch. Good night, buddy.
Watch out for moose on the road at night!
That’s where he lives.
15. Full of Crap – 10000 litres of crap. Good job!
Do 5 sewage jobs without emptying the truck. When you hit 10.000 litres the achievement will unlock. Find a nice way to dispose the poop.
16. Dakar rally – You just keep on going.
Pee in your radiator. It must not be completely full to do this, so if you have filled it already detach the bottom radiator hose for a few seconds. Open the cap, jump on your fender and aim percisely. Once the fillment bar appears the achievemnt should unlock.
17. It runs! – Your car actually started, good job!
Get the Satsuma to run and you get this achievement.
18. Pimped! – That really does it.
Get the pink dashboard cover for you satsuma. On the second picture you see where to aim to detach this lovely decoration for maintenance purposes.
19. Money well spent – Better luck next time
Fail the inspection. Easiest is to take the warning triangle to the inspection, but get it out of your car before you start it, to then do No. 20.
20. Responsible citizen – You got your car through inspection.
Passs the inspection of your Satsuma. You can’t do 19. anymore after this in your save. So I suggest to do 19. before this! Simply put the warning triangle on the yard and then back in to pass in a second attempt..
21. Rusting fast – Over 200km/h with Satsuma!
Go over 200kph in the Satsuma.
You do that by:
1. Getting all the racing parts: Exhaust, muffler, header, radiator
2. Getting RALLY tires. Other tires won’t do, because they are too small.
3. Getting your engine tuned at the repair shop and a gear ratio of 3.700
22. Thank you government – Crime is for poor people only.
Pay a lot for speeding tickets at once. Rumours say around 20.000 marks. Fleeing the police should get tickets send to your home. I am still figuring this one out.
23. Jackpot! – Maybe you should do Lotto too?
Win the maximum price at the slot machines. Takes time and patience. Don’t forget to set your bet to 5 via the blue button. 3 coins will then get you 250marks. You can only hold a coin in the middle, as coins on the side give you a price.
Good luck! Watch a show doing that or enjoy some nice drinks.
24. Sliding Swede – Coming after Flying Finns!
Make it to the 3rd position in the rally race.
25. First loser – Coming second is just a first loser.
Make it to the 2nd position in the rally race.
26. Flying Finn – Top breed of racing drivers.
Win the rally on 1st position.
27. Don’t answer that call – Thunder called you and you got killed.
Pick up the phone during a storm. Takes several attempts and kills you. Having loaded a permadeath save this will also unlock 28.
Wait for bad weather and a phone call.
28. And it’s gone! – Say goodbye to your saves
Die in a loaded save with permadeath on.
29. Grand Theft Teimo – You little punk!
Rob Teimo’s store.
Break the shop window while both store and pub are closed.