!This guide is currently being updated! I am curreltly working on a improved map, which has taken me a long time, but I am almost done. After that I will work on the guide again. Hello and welcome to my guide, Here you will find the location of everything there is to find on the MSC map: places, items, vehicles, & much more.I put a lot of time in the maps and hope that you like it!(If there is something missing or I made a mistake, let my know in the comments! Thanks in advance☺)
The Map
The basic structure of the map.
This is the map of Peräjärvi, the municipality where the story of the game unfolds. I modified the map a bit and made it more readeble. In the game you can find this map in your house, above the telephone.
In this guide I will show you what you can find where on the map.
The game ‘My summer car‘ has 4 main area’s of interest, little communities: Peräjärvi, Loppe, Kesselinperä & Rykipohja.
Peräjärvi is the main urban area in the game
1) Wastewater treatment plant, here you must empty the sewage that you pumped up with the Gifu. The Gifu can also be found here.
2) Lindell inspection shop: when you want to make your car roadlegal, you have to pass the inspection.
3) Teimo’s shop & Pub Nappo
4) When you progress far enough into the game, you can help Jokke move here.
The basics
On the map there are 3 important places; your home, the town by the mechanic and the town by the shop.
-> Your home: here do you live and build your summer car. You can find here the van, the boat, the sewagetruck and the tractor. (The boat is on the lake, some 100 meters before the house and the truck and tractor are in the shed, some 100 meters behind the house)
-> The Mechanic: here you can buy new tires and spare parts fore your car and Fleetari can repare your car aswel!
-> The Shop: Here you can buy everything and you can also do your enveloppes in the mail and pickup your post- order!
The other places
The Jobs
-> In total there are 5 houses where you can clean a sewage. 2 By Teimos shop, 2 by the Mechanic and 1 at the bottemright of the map. You can empty your truck at the sewage dropoff by teimos shop.
(When Freetari calls you, you can drop exactly 10000 liters of poop by the inspection, he pays you 10 bottles of booze)
-> You can drop the firewood at the bottemright of the map
-> In total there are 3 wrecked cars (1 at the top and 2 at the bottem of the map). If you wanna do Fleerari and your wallet a favour, you can pick them up and drop them of by Fleetari, he pays ofcourse.
-> When the drunk guy calls in the middle of the night, you can pick him up at teimo’s store and drive him to his house at the rightmiddle of the map. Each time you pick him he will tell you a story. After 5 stories a suitecase with much monney will drop in one of these places: (!Warning: if you steal the suitcase, he will come after you and murder you!)
-> When you don’t steal his monney, he will call you to help him move his stuff to his new home, by thiemos store.
The vehicles
The free items
Here are the places were you can find extra items:
-> At the mechanic: between the green car and the tractor at the left of the shop, you can find 2 long coil springs. (! THEY WILL NOT PASS THE INSPECTION !)
-> At the dump, by the toilet, you can find a sofa (to sleep on) and a 5th wheel)
-> At the partyhouse, you can find in the house a fireworkbag and a camera and in the sauna the kiljubucket.