Wargame: Red Dragon Guide

Wargame Red Dragon Battle Guide to Create Effective Deck with The rationnal and Multiplayer Demonstration for Wargame: Red Dragon

Wargame Red Dragon Battle Guide to Create Effective Deck with The rationnal and Multiplayer Demonstration


This is a very simple and yet substantial series of guides explaining all the rationnal of every single units choice used in very effective and balanced Deck. This will effectivly teach beginner as well has player with some experience many specifity of each units as well as illustrate the optimal context to use each of them with a live demonstration in multiplayer.

Note From The Author (You can skip it if you are eager to learn)

Before telling Christopher Columbus that he should have used a GPS.

Here is a bit of a reminder. For new players to the game and old timer that may have miss this series of guide when the game came out and happen to come here to watch and learn. This Series of video was started on the April 6, 2014 11:57 AM and more videos were posted subsequently in the years that followed. The game release came out on April 17, 2014 on steam. This imply that those guide include informations that varies from a time where the game was a Work in Progress (not even released to the public), and consequently may have outdated information from when it was just out and from the different iteration the game evolved toward. While some newer may have more current information in terms of balance and units strategies as the guides were more recently release. While some videos are old (think in years), they factually helped shaping the deck making mindset of many of the most commited players of this game and remain a good ressources that will allow you to tweak your deck toward perfection.

If you want to experiment the closess thing there is to the deck in the videos, make sure to use the import function using the code in the description bellow each videos. ( If they don’t work TELL ME.)
The codes are trying to reproduce the decks from the videos in most cases in order to maintain coherence between what is explained in the guides and what people trying to reproduce the deck expect. While some other decks code may not be so close to those guides for various reason.

These deck are not necessarly designed to be the ultimate decks that everybody is using and we could say that if there was an ultimate deck as some fairly common narrow minded peoples seem to think. You really wonder why Wargame would need 1700 differents units! and EUGEN would not simply give us that single mighty deck?

One of the great enjoyement of this game is simply to try thing out. Try to beat your enemies with the most underated deck ever and you will have a great satisfaction.

Once a player that I played many hundred rounds with and against asked me: “Attila how come I never see you play a strong deck?”. My answer is simple, if I was using a strong deck, I would lose interest in the game because it would not provide the challenge and satisfaction of beating those strong deck with a weaker one.

I hope those guide with allow you to share the enjoyement this game provide for as many hours as it did for me.

Wargame Red Dragon Motorized Eurocorps Deck Guide

recorded on 25 août 2016
code for this deck:
This guide was recorded on: Apr 6, 2014
You can use the deck I’m using in this by using this code:
(Note that deck code has been updated to the Nation Pack: Double Nation Red DLC with a few changes).

Wargame Red Dragon Nato Navy Deck

This guide was recorded on Apr 13, 2014
You can use the deck I’m using in this by using this code:

Wargame Red Dragon Pact Motorized Deck Guide

This video guide was recorded: Apr 9, 2014

You can use the deck I’m using in this by using this code:
(Note that deck code has been updated to the Nation Pack: Double Nation Red DLC with a few changes)

Wargame Red Dragon US Armored Deck Guide

This guide was recorded: Apr 7, 2014
You can use the deck I’m using in this by using this code:
(Note that is is an updated version of the Deck Nation Pack: Double Nation Red DLC)

Wargame Red Dragon Nato CommonWealth Deck Guides

This guide was recorded on: Apr 29, 2014
You can use the deck I’m using in this by using this code: (Remove the ” – ” added to the code by Youtube.)
(Note that deck code has been updated to the Nation Pack: Netherlands DLC with a few changes)

Wargame Red Dragon Nato Korean Deck Guides

This guide was recorded on: May 1, 2014
You can use the absurd deck I’m using in this by using this code:
(Note that deck code has been updated to the Nation Pack: Double Nation Red DLC with a few changes)

Wargame Red Dragon Blue Dragon Deck Guides

This guide was recorded on May 6, 2014
You can use the absurd deck I’m using in this by using this code:
(Note that deck code has been updated to the Nation Pack: Double Nation Red DLC with a few changes)

Wargame Red Dragon Scandinavia Deck Guide

This guide was recorded on Apr 30, 2015
This is a guide for the Scandinavia Deck.

You can learn more about the game here

You can use the deck I’m using in this by using this code: (Remove the ” – ” added to the code by Youtube.)
(Note that deck code has been updated to the Nation Pack: Double Nation Red DLC with a few changes)

Wargame Red Dragon German Deck Guide

This guide was recorded on: May 5, 2015
This is a guide for the German Deck.

You can learn more about the game here

You can use the deck I’m using in this by using this code: (Remove the ” – ” added to the code by Youtube.)
(Note that deck code has been updated to the Nation Pack: Double Nation Red DLC with a few changes)

Wargame Red Dragon US Armored Deck Guide

This guide was recorded on May 6, 2015
This is a guide for the US Armored Deck.

You can learn more about the game here

You can use the deck I’m using in this by using this code: (Remove the ” – ” added to the code by Youtube.)
(Note that deck code has been updated to the Nation Pack: Double Nation Red DLC with a few changes)
Here is an other exemple of how to use this Deck
This video was recorded on May 7, 2015

Wargame Red Dragon Nato Norad Deck Guide

This guide was recorded on Jun 7, 2015
Here is a small guide for a NATO Norad to Deck in Wargame Red dragon
Here is the code for it:

Wargame Red Dragon NATO ANZAC Motorized Deck

Here is one of the most effective Australian deck I have been using.

Wargame Red Dragon NATO Canada Mechanized Deck

This is a very effective Deck For Canada that I have been using to great effect.


Wargame Red Dragon Pact China Motorized Deck

This deck is really effective and flexible. It’s certainaly one of my favorite Deck for Pact.

Wargame Red Dragon Norad Motorized

This is a Wargame Red Dragon Norad Motorized Deck it’s a bit tricky to use but very powerfull.
Here is the Code

Wargame Red Dragon NATO Armored.

This is a guide that I would only recommend to player that seek some challenge. It has many weakness but if you use this well you can actually do substantial damage.
