This guide is just for the help if you dont know how enable a mod in this game.
This guide is for help you to enable the mod in Transport Fever.
Why i have a bad grammar ? Is because in real life, i speak french but i think i should speak english here because steam is more english.
How do this ? [New Game]
Just Look the image
- #1 Click Free Game
- #2 Go in scenario and click on custom
- #3 Click on Advanced
- #4 Now, you can see the “Available Mods” And the “Active Mods”
Dont forget the achievements cannot be earned when a mod is active
How do this ? [Existing save]
If you want to add a mod in a existing save.
#1 Go to Load game
#2 Click on the “+” (Advanced options)
#3 Now you can select what mods you want in your existing save !
I hope that this guide has help you and if you have any question, you can write it in the comments.