Hi! This is a guide on how to easily and quickly gain a stupid amount of XP and Legend Levels. All it requires, is fast fingers, 1 airdrop, and a high quantity of any crafting material. This is a cheaty alternative for players who don’t want to grind for hours and hours in Nightmare difficulty after reaching Legend 1 and then dying to 1 zombie and losing all of their XP. I’d encourage you to mainly do this after you’ve beaten the campaign because it is most helpful for Legend XP, but you can use it however you want.
In order to be able to do this exploit, you need to have 1 Disaster On-site Relief Package (An Airdrop).
They are easy enough to get simply by tracking down an Airdrop and getting to it before the enemies do. But, for an even more speedy way to get it, try going to the Stuffed Turtle Quarantine zone. It is very, very easy to acquire one there.
Inside the Stuffed Turtle there is water on the floor and electricity that will zap you. There is a switch on the other side of the store that you can get to by climbing on top of the shelves and standing on the wooden palates near the switch
Once the switch is off, there is a care package on the desk to the left of the switch.
Once you’ve picked up the airdrop you don’t need to worry about having to complete the quarantine zone, you can leave without completing it and still keep your care package.
Once you’ve exited the Stuffed Turtle, find the nearest safehouse for the next phase!
The Process
Now that you have your care package and are at a safehouse, I can show you how the magic happens!
First, you’ll want to go and find your player stash. And what you’ll want to do is store everything from your inventory into your stash, to make it easier for the next part.
Now in your stash, take a material you have a lot of and put it in your INVENTORY.
Also make sure that your care pacakge is in your stash!
Hover your mouse over your material, and EXIT the stash.
Upon opening it, your cursor should still be where you left it.
Open the stash again, and the INSTANT you hear the ‘menu opening’ sound effect, press both your LEFT and RIGHT mouse buttons at the same time.
Enable subtitles so you know when the menu sound effect plays!
If done successfully, you will be able to move your mouse while the second menu is still open.
In the background, scroll down until you find the Disaster On-site Relief Package, SELECT IT and press ‘C’ or click on ‘TAKE ALL’. The item will now appear in your inventory as the same quantity as your material that you selected. So for example, I had 242 metal parts, and I now have 242 care packages.
Note: You must be quick to nail this every time, i mean really quick!
After you’ve gotten all the care packages your heart desires, run over to the Quartermaster or Spike and just press F!
Using the method I’ve described so far, you can also duplicate the material you want to use to the desired amount.
Enable subtitles so you know when the menu sound effect plays!
The End!
I’ve now shown you how to skip all the pesky grinding and get straight to punching zombies to death in 3 hits!
‘Hope you enjoyed my guide and my method is efficient and consistent enough!
Remember, timing is key; trial and error!
Peace out 🙂