Dying Light Guide

Survival 101, Pick your skill and survive Harran!! for Dying Light

Survival 101, Pick your skill and survive Harran!!


Dying light adopt it’s predececor genre, a zombie action survival game with RPG element added and bring it to whole new level. Dying light has 3 different category skill and each of them has spesific requirement in order to gain exp and level.

  • Survival: This category are mostly about crafting and hook (Haran spiderman ftw). Survival tree gain experince from completing quest (mine, side, daily, random quest), collecting air drop, and surviving the night.
  • Agility: This category are mostly about free-running and unarmed technique. Agility tree gain experience from free-running action (Climbing, jumping through obstacle, mostly everything you do on training mission), and using agility technique such as drop-kick, ram, etc.
  • Combat: This category are mostly about hitting someone to death with your weapon or some instant kill technique. Combat tree gain experience from hitting someone with your weapon, or by killing the enemy

Because most of the skill tree are too awesome to get pass on, some people end up taking detour by taking the utilities (skill that you rarely used) and making their character harder to progress. Bellow are the skill recomendation for wannabe runner of harad in order to able to survive the day, while also having more luck at night!!

Also bellow are the video proof that you can be as deadly as possible while doing it in style.


-Must take!!

  • 1. Every Core skill (octagon icon): Remember to take these when it’s unlockable.
  • 2. Backpack & Master Backpacker: More space for more loot.
  • 3. Lucky Repair: Give chance on repairing to no consume weapon repair charge. Now you can use your favorite zombie slayer weapon more often!!

-Good but not too important

  • 1. Shuriken Enhancement: Allow you to create Burning, Exploding, and freezing shuriken. Burning shuriken + Flamable liquid are a deadly combo
  • 2. : Who doesn’t like extra loot??
  • 3. Boosters: Buff enhancement, but if you don’t do drugs then it’s skipable
  • 5. Barter-haggle-Hard Bargain: If you are a type of person who like to spend your money on nearby trader, get this thing ASAP!!
  • 4. Craftsman: More damage for crafted weapon

-Utility purpose, skippable

  • 1. Traps: Allow you to certain trap type that spread accross the city. The bad news is sometime you are nowhere near them when you need it the most.
  • 2. Camouflage: Holding V on zombie corpse will make you able to blend around them. Tehnically a good stuff when you are trying to lockpick police van, but the hard way also work in this scenario and it doesn’t waste any skill point.


-Must take!!

  • 1. Slide: This skill provide knocdown for normal type enemy (walker, viral, rais thug) making it one of the best tool of both combat and escaping. Either take it first, or after taking graple.
  • 2.Graple-Brutal Grapple: With this skill you are able to negate many attack such as walker bite, Viral & Bandit Rush, Hazmat slow slap and turn it to your advantage. Brutal grapple will knock down your apponent, combine it with stomp for instant kill combo. Judo is a must for zombie apocalypse situation!!
  • 3. Vault: This skill enable you to make your foe as a walking trampoline, enable you to jump higher to a unreachable place, or you can combine it with several technique, such as ground pound and drop attack, or landing on top of your enemy to knock it down.
  • 4. Dropkick: Even though it’s quite cliche, this skill will guarantee a stun to goon type, allowing you to add couple hit with your melee weapon. Also work wonder when you see some obstacle in front of you. This move is inefective against viral and bandit.
  • 5. : The core skill give you more running stamina and faster climb. It’s pretty much take if you unlock the talent because positioning are soo much important on Dying Light.
  • 6. Tackle-Ram: Or simply “GTFO” skill, this and graple serve as one of the core skill you must take in order to achieve higher survival rate at night run. Ram has knockdown guarantee against viral.

-Good but not too important

  • 1. : Give extra damage to your drop kick. Take it if you rely on this magnificent WWF movement
  • 2. Light drop-Forward Roll: A must skill if you want to grind your agility experience by doing night run. This skill will be your life savior. So if you want to do night run as soon as possible, make this “a must”
  • 3. : This skill actually make stick on the wall for a brief time while also enable you to climb higher place by keep sticking to other wall as soon as possible (just like what Rockman does, ah the wonderfull memory).
    -Utilities, skippable

    • 1. : Give slide extra attack that broke the leg, permanently immobilize the enemy. The sad news is that it only work on walker and viral, and these guy is already easy enough to kill, which making this kill pretty much overkill
    • 2. : From reducing time getting chewed by walker to completely negate them. Only take this skill if you think you are getting grabbed by them 24/7
    • 3. : Enable to throw while looking backward, look awesome but somehow unecessary


-A must take

  • 2. Conserve Weapon: Your weapon hit durability are decreased by 25%, a must if you don’t want to change weapon everytime.
  • 3. Stomp: Instant kill downed enemy, trust me kicking downed apponent in the face are more much effective than bulgeoning downed apponent in the face.
  • 4.Hammer Pound: Give your Two handed an Aerial AOE
  • 5. Drop attack: Combine it with vault, it’s certain death for bandit type enemy.
  • Focus: Good vs enemy with large amount of HP

-Good but not too important

  • 1. Throw weapon: Now you can throw your weapon, deal good amoun of damage too. Careful not to lose your legendary stuff.
  • 2. Your throwing consumable deal more damage, thus make them better alternative.
  • 3. Focus: Good vs enemy with large amount of HP
  • 4. Power attack-Swing: Give your one hand large damage, and your two hand 360 degree swing.
  • Carefull not to get bite while charging your arsenal.
  • 5. Takedown: Instant kill the enemy from behind, sometimes the victim miraculously survived at online game.

-Utility, Skippable

  • 1. : Give buff to your health, but max health increase means you need to use medikit twice to fully restore your health.
  • 2. Whirlwind: Your swing use less stamine, take this only if you like to spam 24/7
  • 3. Blood Rage: Every kill increase your damage, sadly your current weapon damage doesn’t need any damage bonus.