Medieval Dynasty Guide

Medieval Dynasty Ultimate Guide (All You Need to Know) for Medieval Dynasty

Medieval Dynasty Ultimate Guide (All You Need to Know)






Taxes – Basic Knowledge

* You have to pay tax every Spring to Uniegost in Gostovia.

Patch v0.6.0.0
* New feature in dialogues – The wife can pass on taxes and debts.

* You pay tax for your building property.
From the start of Spring tax, will be added towards the next season and the next.
If a building is destroyed within the current season, the tax will not be included for the next season.

* Fields, Crops, and Orchard do not get tax.

* Interest apply when you don’t pay tax for each year.
Default global settings are 3 days per season.
1 Year is 4 Seasons. From the first Spring, Summer, Autumn (Fall), Winter.
Then the next Spring where the tax is due to be pay.

* It will lead to a game over when reaching 10,000 Coin in debt.

* In the next Spring due pay tax in your journal.
You need to pay your tax before the end of Spring, when it changes to Summer it will fail.
Then you would have debt. Also, -1000 Dynasty Reputation when failing to pay tax debt each season.

* King reputation may affect your tax outcome.
Pay attention to your MAP. If the tax icon is “-%” or “+%“.
If “-%” means the tax is lowered than normal, “+%” the tax is higher than normal.

If you do not see any indication in the game of tax icon or the word tax and followed by the amount of coin.
It does not get tax. So do not assume.


* Example of King tax calculation

Current King tax is -10% = Tax is reduce by 10%.
Which is good.

Default House tax is 30.
King tax at 0% = Normal.

King tax % x default building tax (Normal) = Tax increase or decrease.
Default building tax (Normal) – Tax increase or decrease = Current building tax.

10% of King tax x default House tax 30 = 3 Coin.
Default House tax 30 – 3 Coin = 27 Coin for current season tax.

This is calculated automatically once the King tax is taken into effect within the game.
Increase “+%” or decrease “-%“.
Which it will show as the current tax under the “Buildings” tab.


Legend – Basic Knowledge:

Spring tax: Past year tax (debt)
Summer tax: Past year tax (debt) + Spring tax
Autumn (Fall) tax: Past year tax (debt) + Spring tax + Summer tax
Winter tax: Past year tax (debt) + Spring tax + Summer tax + Autumn (Fall) tax
Spring – Tax due: Past year tax (debt) + Spring tax + Summer tax + Autumn (Fall) tax + Winter tax


* How to pay my debt?

After paying your tax, talk to Uniegost again to pay your debt.

Example tax reading:
“Current Tax (Debt)”

Current Tax.

Failed to pay tax.

Pay debt only available after paying your tax.


Taxes – Prove of Tax

Medieval Dynasty – Prove of Tax


Taxes – Test 1

The test branch into two from the first “Taxes – Test 1” section.
Taxes – Test 2A: if there is “NO” building is destroyed within the season.
Taxes – Test 2B: if there is building is destroyed within the season.


Testing on how Tax calculated – Patch v0.2.0.2

3 days default Global Settings.

This gameplay is tested using older save game before Patch v0.2.0.0 was introduced.

Year 7 – 1st Spring Tax that needs to be paid.
This is a tax from previous seasons.

Tax paid.

0 Coin Tax on the 1st Spring Year 7.


Year 7 Spring: 0 Coin Tax


Farm Animals

– Current Tax 0 Coin

Building Property Tax Calculation
8 Simple House II x tax 20 = 160 Coin
2 Food Storage III x tax 60 Coin = 120 Coin
1 Resource Storage II x tax 60 Coin = 60 Coin
1 Woodshed II x tax 20 Coin = 20 Coin
1 Woodshed I x tax 10 Coin = 10 Coin
1 Excavation Shed I x tax 10 Coin = 10 Coin
1 Barn III x tax 100 Coin = 100 Coin
1 Henhouse x 15 Coin = 15 Coin
1 Pigsty x tax 20 Coin = 20 Coin
1 Goose House x tax 30 Coin = 30 Coin
1 Fold x tax 40 Coin = 40 Coin
1 Cowshed x tax 50 Coin = 50 Coin
1 Hunting Lodge II x tax 30 Coin = 30 Coin
1 Hunting Lodge I x tax 15 Coin = 15 Coin
1 Fishing Hut II x tax 20 Coin = 20 Coin
1 Fishing Hut I x tax 10 Coin = 10 Coin
1 Smithy I x tax 50 Coin = 50 Coin
1 Workshop x tax 20 Coin = 20 Coin
1 Sewing I x tax 20 Coin = 20 Coin
1 Sewing II x tax 50 Coin = 50 Coin
1 Tavern II x tax 80 Coin = 80 Coin
1 Tavern I x tax 40 Coin = 40 Coin
Total Building Property Tax = 970 Coin


Year 7 Summer: 970 Coin Tax

No building was destroyed and build, and I can confirm that Fields is not counted as Tax.
I did use Fields for harvesting, not for making roads.


The tax will branch from here into 2A or 2B


Taxes – Test 2A

Year 7 Autumn (Fall): 1930 Coin Tax

If no building is destroyed, it will count towards Autumn (Fall) Tax.
However, since one building was destroyed in Summer at the end of 3rd days (Woodshed – Tier 1).
The tax does not count towards Autumn (Fall).

Building Property Tax Calculation
* If you don’t have any debt in Spring, it should be 0 Coin.

Year 7 Spring: 0 Coin Tax
Year 7 Summer: 0 Coin + 970 Coin Tax
Year 7 Autumn (Fall): 0 Coin + 970 Coin + 960 Coin = 1930 Coin Tax
Total Building Property Tax = 1930 Coin

1 Woodshed I x tax 10 Coin = 10 Coin

* Where do I get 960 Coin?
Year 7 Summer: 970 Coin Tax – 10 Coin = 960 Coin for Autumn (Fall) Tax.

Now, build Mine in Autumn (Fall).
The tax should add up in the next Winter – Year 7.


Year 7 Winter: 2920 Coin Tax

Building Property Tax Calculation
* If you don’t have any debt in Spring, it should be 0 Coin.

Year 7 Spring: 0 Coin Tax
Year 7 Summer: 0 Coin + 970 Coin Tax
Year 7 Autumn (Fall): 0 Coin + 970 Coin + 960 Coin = 1930 Coin Tax
Year 7 Winter: 0 Coin + 970 Coin + 960 Coin + 990 Coin = 2920 Coin Tax
Total Building Property Tax = 2920 Coin

1 Mine x tax 30 Coin = 30 Coin

* Where do I get 990 Coin?
Year 7 Autumn (Fall): 960 Coin Tax + Mine tax 30 Coin = 990 Coin.

* This Tax should be paid in the next Spring, Year 8: 2920 Coin.
Assuming, you did not build or destroy anymore building.
If you do build or destroy, it will add or subtract the current tax.


Year 8 Spring: 3910 Coin Tax

Building Property Tax Calculation
* If you don’t have any debt in Spring, it should be 0g.

Year 7 Spring: 0 Coin Tax
Year 7 Summer: 0 Coin + 970 Coin Tax
Year 7 Autumn (Fall): 0 Coin + 970 Coin + 960 Coin = 1930 Coin Tax
Year 7 Winter: 0 Coin + 970 Coin + 960 Coin + 990 Coin = 2920 Coin Tax
Year 8 Spring: 0 Coin + 970 Coin + 960 Coin + 990 Coin + 990 Coin = 3910 Coin Tax
Total Building Property Tax = 3910 Coin

Pending 3910g Tax to be paid to Uniegost or his successor.
Once you paid your Tax. Spring Year 8 would turn into 0g.
Repeat the process of the Tax calculation, depends the building existed within the season.


Taxes – Test 2B

Year 7 Autumn (Fall): 1930 Coin Tax

If no building is destroyed, it will count towards Autumn (Fall) Tax.
However, since one building was destroyed in Summer at the end of 3rd days (Woodshed – Tier 1).
The tax does not count towards Autumn (Fall).

Building Property Tax Calculation
* If you don’t have any debt in Spring, it should be 0 Coin.

Year 7 Spring: 0 Coin Tax
Year 7 Summer: 0 Coin + 970 Coin Tax
Year 7 Autumn (Fall): 0 Coin + 970 Coin + 960 Coin = 1930 Coin Tax
Total Building Property Tax = 1930 Coin

1 Woodshed I x tax 10 Coin = 10 Coin

* Where do I get 960 Coin?
Year 7 Summer: 970 Coin Tax – 10 Coin = 960 Coin for Autumn (Fall) Tax.

Now, build Mine in Autumn (Fall).
The tax should add up in the next Winter – Year 7.

But, if it was destroyed within the season, will it still count towards the next season?


Year 7 Winter: 2890 Coin Tax

Building Property Tax Calculation
* If you don’t have any debt in Spring, it should be 0 Coin.

Year 7 Spring: 0 Coin Tax
Year 7 Summer: 0 Coin + 970 Coin Tax
Year 7 Autumn (Fall): 0 Coin + 970 Coin + 960 Coin = 1930 Coin Tax
Year 7 Winter: 0 Coin + 970 Coin + 960 Coin + 960 Coin = 2890 Coin Tax
Total Building Property Tax = 2890 Coin

* Where do I get 960 Coin for Winter Year 7?
Year 7 Autumn (Fall): 960 Coin Tax.
Any building that is built and destroy within the season does not count towards the next season.

* This Tax should be paid in the next Spring, Year 8: 2890 Coin.
Assuming, you did not build or destroy anymore building.
If you do build or destroy, it will add or subtract the current tax.


Year 8 Spring: 3850 Coin Tax

Building Property Tax Calculation
* If you don’t have any debt in Spring, it should be 0 Coin.

Year 7 Spring: 0 Coin Tax
Year 7 Summer: 0 Coin + 970 Coin Tax
Year 7 Autumn (Fall): 0 Coin + 970 Coin + 960 Coin = 1930 Coin Tax
Year 7 Winter: 0 Coin + 970 Coin + 960 Coin + 960 Coin = 2890 Coin Tax
Year 8 Spring: 0 Coin + 970 Coin + 960 Coin + 960 Coin + 960 Coin = 3850 Coin Tax
Total Building Property Tax = 3850 Coin

Pending 3850 Coin Tax to be paid to Uniegost or his successor.
Once you paid your Tax. Spring Year 8 would turn into 0 Coin.
Repeat the process of the Tax calculation, depends the building existed within the season.
