lists outside NPCs around the Ark and some Mission markers which will be updated with more info regularly.
Starter Area
This is where you first start out.
ARK BASE Mission markers
This is the main Ark building. More missions will be marked when I update the map.
Outside ARK base NPC locations and mission markers
All NPCs near the ark, and some mission markers (will be updated with more markers soon).
Say thanks to these guys if you see them in-game!! They helped out with some marker locations!!
Jason2000k for helping with prospecting shaft locations
Schrodinger for many of the mission markers
Soulhunter for Bear Trap locations
RainOfTerror for many marker confirmations and locations
The Dump
East of the wall
Work in Progress
Weapon Vendor Locations and their wares Harbinger side
Surrounding ARK
Temporary Merchants come and go and have various items for sale. What you see in these maps are potential gear each time it spawns. This does not gaurantee they will have this item when you find them.
Weapon Vendor Locations and their wares – EAST
EAST of the wall
Temporary Merchants come and go and have various items for sale. What you see in these maps are potential gear each time it spawns. This does not gaurantee they will have this item when you find them.
EAST OF THE WALL – level 10+
This is a list of most of the missions available. It willl be updated when more missions are discovered or completed
I don’t know where to pick them up aside from the world missions which are marked on the maps.
This list is just to compare to see if you may have missed something along the way.
It will be broken down into the 3 sections that are in the mission log.