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How to get an S in Outlaw Run


This guide will help you get an S in Outlaw Run, allowing to farm the casino coins to buy all the items, skills and themes.


Outlaw Run is one of the easiest ways to farm casino coins, either for the achievement or for unlocking all the presents and themes. While a little intimidating it can be a consistent way to earn approximately 40,000 – 100,000 coins per game (which only takes 2 minutes).

Getting an S rank in this minigame multiples the amount of coins you bet by x10, requiring 20,000 points to do so. To get 10,000 casino coins required for the achievement you would have to bet 1000 coins. Getting 10,000 casino coins allows you to bet the maximum amount of 9,999, which can get you rewards of up to 99,990 coins for getting an S, or close to 40,000 for getting an AAA.


There are three difficulties for Outlaw Run, Kind, Normal and Mean. For your first time playing in this gamemode I recommend starting with Kind for at least 1 game, but if you have enough coins skip straight to Mean. Normal is completely useless in this gamemode but if you aren’t confident going straight to Mean it gives more coins per win than Kind does.

This minigame can be quite easy as it has the same track layout every single playthrough, with the people you run over and cars staying in the same places every time you go through. This means that with enough playthroughs you should be able to memorise the placements to easily get an S.

Similar to games like MarioKart, timing the first acceleration of your car to start on the GO!! (x on Ps4 controllers) will give you a speed boost. This speed boost is very important in order to get an S, so make sure you get it every time.

Every time you hit a person with your car you build up your combo score. Getting 10 hits in a row will give you the maximum amount of points of 100 per person, and it is very important you maintain this to get an S. It is pretty much impossible to get an S if you lose your combo unless you get lucky so be careful when getting the speed boost.

Every minigame in the Casino features the Monokubs, and this one is no different.

Getting a Monokid in Outlaw Run will give you a massive speed boost, making the car hard to control but giving you a push forward necessary to get the best scores. It is important when going for an S to get at least one Monokid speed boost.

Getting a Monodam will give you a large amount of points (think the cherry in Pacman) equivalent to your current combo. If you are getting 100 points per person hit you’ll get 1000 points from hitting a Monodam!! It is vital to get as many of these as you can in the last stretch of the minigame to get an S.


There are cars that you will have to dodge as you get through the course. If you get hit by a car you will not be able to get an S, unless you somehow perform a miracle. If you do run into a car I recommend just trying to get a score of 15,000. This will give you your original bet back.

Getting hit will cause your car to spin out, wasting around 5 seconds of time, losing all acceleration plus breaking your combo. If this happens just do your best to get the 15,000 points to get your original bet back and try to avoid making the same mistake the next time. Be warned that when you start driving again after taking a hit you should not try and turn, as it will slow you down even more.

Another thing that can happen is if you hit the side of the road, you will slow down a bit as recoil. You can do this once or twice per game at maximum if you want to get an S so be very careful when driving. It is better to hit the side than hit a car, but try and avoid both.

A warning that I haven’t seen around, if you get hit by a car in the area past where there are only two lanes, you are guaranteed to hit another car when you go into the next area with only one lane. Sometimes you can actually get hit by two cars in this area. This is a guaranteed loss. It’s a stupid feature but trying to dodge it or slow down will do nothing so just ram into it and recover as fast as possible.


Summary of tips to get an S

  • Keep your combo going no matter what, losing your combo pretty much guarantees you won’t get an S. Hitting 10 people in a row will give you the maximum amount of points per hit, and Monosukes count towards the combo counter. Be careful though as Monokids DO NOT. It can be very easy to lose your combo when you have a Monokid on your car so be careful.
  • Regular people are worth 10 points base and Monosukes are worth 100 points base, so with a multiplier of 10 you would get 100 points from a regular person and 1000 from a Monosuke.
  • You will need at least 3 Monodams to get the 20,000 points needed for an S.
  • Try and avoid the Monokids when you are learning how to play on the course. Practise getting them a couple of times before going for your first S but be careful as it is very easy to hit a car when getting them. It is necessary get at least 1 Monokid to get an S, but its more guaranteed if you get 2.

After a bit of practise getting 99,900 casino coins becomes extremely easy and it only takes around 500,000 casino coins to buy everything in the casino (not including the Love Keys as that varies on each persons RNG). I advise keeping at least 25,000 casino coins at all times in case you lose all your coins by hitting a car or two on accident, though you can reload your save if you do muck up.


In the course you will learn quickly that you are playing the same track every time. Every section has a different way you need to drive to get the most points you can get, and to get an S there is a rough time you should be reaching certain places. I wil be labelling each section by number.


You start in the first area, with a short zig zag with around 12 people to run over. It is impossible to hit all of these people when getting the speed boost from starting at GO!!, but it is possible to get around 10 or 11 of them. The next area has 3 sections of 4 people in a row, which are quite simple to hit. This is the best possible place to get a Monokid as there is only 2 cars you can hit, so if you see one do your best to grab it.




I hope this guide helps you get an S rank in Outlaw Run. If there is anything else I should add please leave a comment. This has helped me get every single present, skill and theme, as well as the achievement. I’ll make S rank guides for the other two arcade games if there is a demand.
