The XBox DLC has been integrated into the PC version. This is a “who’s who” of DLC content. I made heavy use of the spoiler tag to try and protect you from unwanted information but even the names of some of the content will have some spoiler information.
At the end of 2008, a few free DLC packs were added to Last Remnant for the Xbox. When the game was released for PC, this content was incorporated into the game proper. They show up as guild quests but the quests are, to say the least, extremely vague with no clue at all where the encounters may be and sometimes not even what you’ll be up against.
Most of the quests are simply difficult encounters but there’s also an entire dungeon waiting to be explored! That dungeon has lots of special ingredients that let your party upgrade their weapons and give them challenges well beyond Battle Rank 100.
None of these quests are required to complete the game. In fact, the hardest ones are way beyond what you need! They exist for people who are looking for even more of a challenge – quite possibly in their second play-through of the game. Don’t get it in your head that you “need” to do these!
The most important quest would be The Fallen. That’s the only one that doesn’t stay open through the end of the game and you need to complete it to open the bonus dungeon. Be sure to read up on it before you hike over the mountain to Undelwalt.
The single encounter quests don’t seem to scale with your BR level. I would suggest trying them fairly soon after you unlock the quest then, if you get beaten badly, come back again later. If you wait too long to do these quests, you’ll completely destroy them which really isn’t fun at all.
The Eldrich Dragon
Unlocked by: Golden Chalice guild quest to find 3 phials of holy water (quest 45).
Notable reward: The Witch’s Seal, which lets Khrynia do her Dual Snowpetal attack with Irena. Also a couple of Reya’s Notes from the guild quest to defeat the dragon.
This is simply a great, big, nasty dragon sitting in Forstrand. Just walk through the area – you can’t miss it. The ‘eldritch’ in the name is deserved – this thing knows some wicked spells.
Tactics: Wicked spells like the top powers of each of the attack spell lines plus blackout and whiteout, which do damage to your entire party. He likes to do his breath weapon at the end of every other turn but you can change that to a wail if you can push your morale up high.
Cyclops Standard Model
Unlocked by: Get to Undelwalt in the main quest line (which isn’t a problem) and attain rank 5 in the Golden Chalice guild (which is a problem). You’ll probably want to read the Wikia[lastremnant.wikia.com] to see what monsters you need to defeat to get that done. Once all that is done, you can complete quest 23 to open up this quest.
Notable reward: Reya’s Notes (particularly for the guild quest)
This is basically a re-run of the battle you had against the Cyclops in the main story. You’ll find the thing clear at the bottom of the big Aveclyff room. This encounter doesn’t scale with BR level.
Tactics: Unlike the first copy, this one hits you with Gae Bolg at the start of every single turn! The lower morale is, the more that will hurt so your first priority is to keep morale as high as you can. The only other real worry here is boredom. Even though the battle is hard, watching the Gae Bolg animation every single turn gets really tedious.
The Fiery Gates
Unlocked by: Quest 57 of the Sword of the Three Realms guild. This is just to have 18 active members and a party member with 45+ INT. So basically, if you’ve got access to the guild, you’re going to get access to the quest pretty easily.
Notable reward: Blizzard formation and another Reya’s Note if you’re lucky.
Hell hath no fury like the Gates of Hell scorned! This is a re-run of your battle against the Gates of Hell only this time with stronger powers and even more homunculus guards. You’ll find the thing right where you fought it the first time but you’ll have to get there another way.
The Idols
Unlocked by: Guild task 56 in the Ring of the Labyrinth. This simply requires having one of your characters get the commander class and you have to complete the whole six bases thing in the main quest. If you don’t have anyone of that class, you might be able to hire somebody who does.
Notable reward: A bunch of Yama weapons can drop plus a few other magic components. You might get some jewel steel here if you’re lucky. Complete the guild quest gives you 100,000g and the Comet formation.
This is yet another re-run but this time there’s a twist. Instead of just fighting one idol, you’ll be fighting all three idols you encounter in the main story back to back plus a fourth idol (which seems to be an exact duplicate of the charged idol to me). You’ll find them waiting for you in the first area of the Darken forest.
Tactics: Like the Cyclops Standard Model, you’ll be getting hit by a lot of huge area attacks so you want to keep your morale up. This one is hard enough that you might want to start turning off area/union powers that don’t do status effects. You only fight one at a time so the AoE’s will end up doing a lot less damage than single target attacks. Cachexia can be handy for turning off those end-of-turn attacks.
Jhana Royals
Unlocked by: The Ring of the Labyrinth quest to open 50 treasure chests. You’ll get this one easily by just playing the game assuming you’ve found out how to get into the Ring of the Labyrinth guild.
Rewards: Mystic Henge formation from the corresponding guild quest. Lots of different ancient and auld weapons can drop from the battle, too.
A battle royal for sure! You’ll be fighting waves of the toughest Jhana plus a special guardian they recently acquired. This will probably be the longest battle you’ll see in the game – it’s even bigger than the battle Nora asks you to help her with. You’ll find them waiting for you in the Heroic Ramparts.
Tactics: This is an endurance run so make sure you’re stocked up on herbs, lotions, and other components you need for item powers. You’ll be getting hit by a lot of AoE powers so it’s probably best to split up into five unions. One thing that gets me pretty often in this battle (and sometimes in the Idol battle) is the switch from enemy to enemy. When you finish off the special guardian, the round ends immediately – cutting off any healing you were planning to do – and the royal family shows up. There’s a good chance they will start shooting off huge, arcane attacks before you can re-issue and execute your healing commands. So try and keep everyone as healthy as you can, especially when you’re just about done with the special guard.
If you would like a complete and total spoiler, here’s a full video of the fight I had in hard mode. You might want to make some popcorn, it’s over half an hour!
The Fallen
Unlocked by: Doing the Frustrations quest and getting the story line past the point where you’re required to go into Darken Forest.
Locked by: Advancing the story to the point where you go over Mt. Vackel and walk into Undelwalt. You can go as high up the mountain as you want but, if you exit from the top, The Fallen’s quest vanishes.
Rewards: Access to The Ancient Ruins, Rush can learn Wards, Wyngale can be hired, 250,000g, a very nice magic component, and some serious bragging rights.
Technically, this isn’t part of the DLC content. It’s so critical to the PC edition’s bonus content, though, that I had better include it. It’s certainly the hardest battle in the main game by far. Wyngale in Baaluk’s pub will show you the way to this quest. Note that you must beat this encounter within 10 turns or you will lose in unspectacular fashion! The walls will start flashing on the last round to warn you.
Tactics: You will know pain. You will know fear. And then you will die. Probably quite a few times. I wasn’t able to get even close to defeating this thing in my first play-through. When I did defeat the thing, tactic that worked for me was to attack it with Cachexia (the top power in hex arts) as much as possible. Unfortunately, getting that power early enough in the game to use it on The Fallen takes some dedication. Even with Cachexia, you’re going to need to pull out all the stops on this one. Turn off powers you don’t want to use in this battle for every character that’s fighting. Take the time to get everyone into exactly the formations and positions you want. Consider all your options when you’re in the battle, don’t just grab the command with the highest AP cost. This can be done without exploiting the game but it’s definitely a challenge!
First, here’s how NOT to do it…
OUCH! OK, let’s try that again….
The Ancient Ruins
Unlocked by: Defeating The Fallen.
Rewards: Lots of encounters dropping jewel steel, pangu’s bone, and Damascus ore. One even drops Reya’s Notes! Various formations, weapons, and magic items can be found here, too.
A whole bonus dungeon chock full of the highest level critters in the game. You’ll need to go here to train up for the hardest DLC challenges. You will NOT need to go here to complete the main quest.
Tactics: At the very top (bottom ?) of the ruins you’ll find Demigod. It’s pretty much a copy of The Fallen only with more hit points, stronger attacks, and no ten turn time limit. You’ll need to defeat it in order to face the White Conqueror.
The Enlightened Seven
Unlocked by: Complete the Golden Chalice quest to defeat 20 weredragons, which opens after you have access to the Seventh Path.
Rewards: You can hire members of the Seven, two Reya’s Notes, and 150,000g. Also you’ll get drops from the various characters you defeat.
All the bosses of the Six Bases, two at a time, back to back! You’ll see Snievan (the white Sovani) standing on the other side of the chasm near the entrance to the Catacombs of Elysion. Unfortunately, you have to go all the way around to get to him and start the battle.
Tactics: Unlike the Six Bases battles, you can’t re-organize before each fight. You’re not going to see any big unions attacking you in this fight, just one or two unions with one character in each, so single target attacks will do the most damage. None of them can be blacked out or poisoned so be sure to turn off all those powers in the party screen. Like all hard fights, morale is extremely important so morale buffs like bluff, mixed message, bewitch, cheer, and rousing flare should be turned on for sure.
The first round of the fight is against Snievan and Milton. Snievan isn’t too bad at all but Milton is wicked. Your evasion is likely a lot better than it was back in the six bases so unions with four or five people might manage to block enough of his attacks to survive. As long as you handle him carefully, you can defeat Milton.
Unfortunately, you don’t need to just defeat these two, you need to defeat them with pretty high morale (or a lot of orphatic wards). As soon as the last one falls, Ludope and Zuido will reinforce (lowering your morale) then Ludope will raid lock (lowering your morale even more) then Ludope will cut loose his Galaxy 3 attack on the entire battle field. If anyone survives that, Zuido can waltz over and give them a good punch. THIS is the actual make-or-break point in the battle. If you can pull yourself together after this ambush before Ludope throws another Galaxy 3 at you two or three turns later, you’re probably going to win.
Naturally, you want Ludope dead FAST. He can cast some wicked full-union attacks, too, so don’t expect that to be easy. Silence him if you can or give him a regular diet of cachexia spells. If you can take him down, Zuido really isn’t much of a problem. Before he goes down, Zuido IS a problem. Unions with low hit points are advised to stand clear. Zuido is surprisingly fast, too, and seems to enjoy intercepting unions that are trying to rez a fallen union.
When Ludope and Zuido fall, Young comes in all alone and hits somebody with his Brawl attack. It does heavy damage to that union and might splash over to unions that happen to be close (all those flying teeth). As long as you’ve healed up pretty well against Zuido, though, this shouldn’t be a problem. Fight Young like normal, keeping your morale up as much as possible.
That leaves Hinnah and Hannah who come in and… don’t attack with Dual Snowpetal! At least they didn’t in my last fight. They do it next round and every two or three rounds after that but at least you don’t get ambushed by it. It still does massive damage to the entire battlefield, of course, but they don’t have much else to back it up – certainly nothing like Ludope blowing away unions with Grenade Impact 5 and Bewitch 5. Keep your hit points and morale high and you should survive it. Hinnah’s enthral power is the only other thing that worries me. Hannah will heal Hinnah so you probably want to take Hannah down first. Hinnah will go into overdrive but, as long as you don’t get overconfident and send everyone in at once, you should prevail.
The White Conqueror
Unlocked by: Defeat Demigod at the end of the Ancient Ruins.
Rewards: Half a million in cash and bragging rights.
This is the Conqueror with all possible powers and then some. He does follow a set pattern but it’s one devastating pattern! I still haven’t beaten him.
The Lost Remnant
Unlocked by: Task 15 for Sword of the Three Realms guild (defeat fourteen Glagonos). The task will open up after reaching Undelwalt.
Rewards: Trident formation and 120,000g.
Like the Fallen only with stronger powers and a five turn limit.
Tactics: Like the Fallen only now you’ve got really strong characters. Much stronger. It’s a struggle to get even one character to the point of casting cachexia for the Fallen but you’ll hopefully have a few by the time you’re fighting the Lost. After a few trips through the Ancient Ruins, you’ll likely have some characters with special weapon arts[lastremnant.wikia.com], too. So the tactics for the Lost are the same as the Fallen, you just have to be twice as strong.