ULTRAWIDE 21:9 HUD on screen user interface. Healthbar: Left Hand Side. Radar Map: middletop low opacity (can see through). Quests message: Right Hand Side with very low opacity (bearly visable)WidescreenUltrawideUltrawidescreen2560x1080
Guide for Ultrawide HUD
- (0). Brief on file locations.
Options Chose your option:
- (1). BEST PRACTICE, I’ll show you what I did so you can learn it and change to how you like.
- (2). : START HERE : Keep it simple stupid, just download, run, fun.
(note you can still alter the file after).
- Task Menu RHS transparent (can turn off in Dying Light option menu
- Radar minimap middle top of screen transparent. Easy see target locations and red highlighted infected. (ver102: moved lower to make top visible)
- Healthbar LHS top corner (ver102: legend icon was effecting bar position hope ok pre-legend not tested)
- Prime weapon LHS lower corner (ver102)
- Second weapon/item RHS lower corner (ver102)
What you need to know: Folder & Backup & Edit locations
This is really simple to do, once yourv’e done it its easy.
note Data0 do not edit, Data3 is for editing, game reads from data0 then it reads data3 uses those changes otherwise data3 is empty ready for moding. When running multiplayer backup your data3 edit and replace with your original data3 file.
Location of files.
First if you right click and copy this url then open it in a browser, you can reference that rather than jumping back here.
0. Open file location
In steam library information, open folder location (folder where game is stored)
1. Copy both Data0 and Data3 (edit latter on)
2. Create a Dying Light & backup folder in My-documents (or anywhere) I‘m using red as original backup and green as edit folder (yes data3 was a bad name, data-edit better name.
3. paste Data0 & Data3
4. You need to unpack data0 (its just a winzip called .pak) download winzip or 7-zip and open file, extract.
5. Open: Data>menu>hud copy hud.xui
6. paste hud.xui into edit folder (I created folders Data>menu>hud to know where file belongs)
^ So this is the file we want and edit
- If 7-zip, it has too many right-click menu cluster, make it cleaner select only what you need
BEST PRACTICE (farming fish)
Here are the changes, so you can learn & alter to how you like.
The more that people know how to do little changes to get if perfect to the way they like, rather than i’ dont know how to, will someone else do it for me.
Copy of the text changes in nexus download folder & next section.
software notepad++
You can open both original hud.xui file and ULTRAWIDESCREEN hud.xui files, then compare the two to see the changes, if you want to edit can do.
Reason to open archive in
steamappscommonDying LightDW
> drag and drop ‘data’ folder
close achieve
When I tried to pak data folder as data3.pak (rename .zip to .pak) replace data3, the game didn’t work.
So using original data3 worked.
If you want to move the HudRadar
original was:
moved to middle
As far as I can tell the HUD screen is 1280 Width 720 Height
my Ultrawide is 2560×1080
thats why -35 to take it above (outside Hud screen)
You might have to change position for 3440 x 1440 display
Caution dont edit files inside datao folder, extract and put into data3 thats what is for.
Text changes
Copy of this text in nexus download folder:
update: healthbar + legend icon issue :
Changes to original: Data0/menu/hub/hud.xui
Save to: Data3/menu/hub/hud.xui
>Healthbar: Change health_wrap instead of HudHealthIndicator
>Weapon Icons: Move Prime/Second icon to RHS & LHS corners
! original !
* change *
(This is the user task panel)
START HERE : Keep it simple stupid: Skip all above 1 2 3 done,
The above is more helpful if you want to do a few changes, and for reference.
I would create the back ups, but verifying game in steam will default everything back to original.
1. Download ‘data’ folder.
2. steam GamessteamappscommonDying LightDW Open data3 (right click open archive in 7-zip) It only contains “placeholder.file”
3. drag ‘data’ folder into 7-zip (so now has ‘data’ & “placeholder.file” : close 7-zip
run game message will appear that you have a mod and to use single player game.
If you want to go back; open data3 delete ‘data’ or use the back up and create a copy of your modified data3.
Ref: acknowledgement – credits roll
I took guidance from:
Hands0meA1ex post “StackObjectives” on tracked quest list
For the User quests info: this is where it all started, all I wanted to do was delete it and got me making a modding the HUD for ultrawide.
nexus mod : miniHUD Enhanced Edition
(excellent mod, try it see what he did, if open with notepad++ and compare with original unedited)
He did a lot of work fine tuning, just awesome.)