Charlie Murder Guide

Charlie Murder prop guide! for Charlie Murder

Charlie Murder prop guide!


A WIP guide on Charlie Murders prop system! Players are still discovering ways to get props! If you find any new props along with locations, let me know! This guide will tell you how to collect props, thier locations and the specific ways to obtain them.

Guide info

This guide is WIP so there will be more props coming. Check in every now and then for updates.

What do i need props for???

Eventually in charlie murder you will come across the apartment buildings. Your apartment can be found at witt’s oak yard. Travel to the right of it and you will end up at an area called direblade plaza. Follow the street right until you reach this door. Travel in it and you will see like, 4 doors! One of them will have your characters face on it. Ta-da! this is the apartment! All of your props can be put in here. You can show off your room to your friends, or just decorate for fun.

The first essential tool

You wont be able to get ANY props without the silver hammer. The silver hammer can obtained by taking a picture of a painting on your apartment wall. Upon taking this picture, youll be given a relic called the silver hammer. Using this, some breakable things will drop as a prop instead of just shattering. Next is the fun part!

The Known Methods

These are all the known prop collecting methods.
Be sure to submit some in the comments! I will credit you!

Simple breaking:
Very simple. You find a prop, and you may be able to collect it by beat it down. Only works on a few props though.

During cut-scenes you may be able to collect props when you normally couldn’t. For example, after you enter the Art Street Bar A cut-scene plays showing ninjas sitting at a bar, seeing the players and advancing toward the players. Just before the cut-scene starts you can use any of your attacks to break the rooms props and most of them will become collectible (except for the arcade machines) However, if you break the props after the cut-scene you’re ♥♥♥♥ out of luck. No props for you.

Boss fights: During boss fights you can usually collect the rooms props. Like in the king Tepes boss fight or the Wretch of Lights boss fight.


Our first item is a sofa. After getting your silver hammer, this is the first item you are able to collect. Where is it though? Well, right outside your door! Break this sofa and pick it up! From here on out, props will be listed in an orderly fashion.

1. 2 sofas are located inside the apartment building. Can be broken and obtained by hand.

Bar stools

there are 8 collectable barstools in the art street bar. To get them, you will need to destroy them durring the cutscene that shows the nijas at the bar. The best method i find for this is to use Charlie’s tornado Anar-chi to destroy the maximum amount of props you can while in this cutscene. But other methods work too. Such as breaking things by hand if you can. This same room holds many other props. I found this on my own as well! No where on the internet did i see this.


Pool table

1. This awsome item can be found in the art street bar. Find a way to destroy it durring the cutscene or you will be unable to obtain it. There is one in this room!

Regular table

1. The first location to find these things in in the art street bar. AGAIN!!! Find a way to destroy them durring the cutscene. There are 4-5 obtainable here.

2. 3 can be found at the sasquatch museum. Can be broken by hand or any other mehod.

Brown arcade machine (Mortal Wombat)

1. Sasquach museum. Can be broken by hand or any other method.

2. 1 in bullet hell hall, Can only be collected during boss fight.


Abundant and useless, but here you go.

1. As soon as you enter piraten base, there are 7 barrels on the first screen. After writing this, i realized that every barrel on this ship is collectable except for the barrels in the room you fight Oscar the Nth in. There are 30 of them and they can be broken by hand.


1.In the asylum, the lights will go black occasionaly. Eventually you will see the ligting getting slowly darker. Use this momemt to destroy all of the cots as you can. Remember, you can only do it when the screen is darker.


To get this item you will need a friend. The only way to get it is to fight King Tepes in the bullet hell hall. But you can only do this at the beginning of the game, at which you wont have the silver hammer. So get your friend to play as an un-leveled character and play with them. You can now do the stuff.
1. 4 in bullet hell hall, must be collected in a co-op match hosted by an un-leveled character.


Thank you to:

For discovering props:

For hunting with me:
Just Koffie