Rome: Total War™ – Collection Guide

How to make your own units! for Rome: Total War

How to make your own units!


This Guide will go over how to create your own unit! in this guide i will be making some Phalanx capable units for the roman factions. Always Back up files so you dont have to reinstall the game if you mess up. I would also make an adittional backup of the modded files elsewhere on your computer, because the latest update keeps overwriting my files. Dont lose lots of work like me! Also, all the paths are for the steam version of this game.

Creating the stats for your unit

First, go to C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppscommonRome Total War Golddataexport_descr_unit
Find a unit similar to the one you want to create. I am using Armoured hoplites. copy and paste it (not cut and paste) at the end of the document like so:now, change the name to whatever you would like, it has to be a name not in use.i will not be going over how to create your own model for a unit. i will be stealing a roman legion model for this unit.
find a unit that you like the soldier model of and copy and paste it into the new one
change the officers if you wish
give it any attribute you like
you can also change its formation and its health, adding phalanx to the end of formation will let it phalanx, putting horde at the end will make it in a group, like pesants.
these next lines are its weapons. if you want it to throw a pila before it charges, like a legion, set that as its pri. you can also change the numbers to edit its attack and charge skill. this would have an attack of 9, charge bonus of 4 when using its spear, or an attack of 5, charge bonus of 3 when using its sword.
next is armour, in this case a value of 11, with a defensive skill of 6, which is only used in melee, and a shelid bonus of 5, used when defending from the front or the left. then the sound it makes when hit.
then its mentality, or moral, its charge distance, then its cost. this case it would take 1 turn, cost 640 gold, with an upkeep of 210, it would cost 70 to upgrade its weapon, 100 to upgrade armour, and its cost in a custom battle. then its all the units that can train this unit. i will change this to the roman factions. this is what it looks like when im done.

training it

go to C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppscommonRome Total War Golddataexport_descr_buildings this is where we will make it trainable. go to what building(s) you would like it to be trained at and enter this
recruit “insert unit name here” insert exp # requires factions { faction that can train this unit, } and if it requires marian reforms, and any special resources, like sparta or rome.
in this case,
recruit “rome hoplite” 1 requires factions { roman, } and marian_reforms
EDIT: i changed the name of the unit to rome_hoplite. that is what i will be using for the rest of this guide.

Naming it and descriptions

head over to C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppscommonRome Total War Golddataexport_descr_unit_enums.txt
scroll to the bottom and enter your units name like so
copy this. we will need it for the next step.
now go to C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppscommonRome Total War Golddatatextexport_units.txt
scroll to the bottom and paste the text
now put { at the begining of each and } at the end. seperate them by a enter.
now, after the first one, {rome_hoplite}, tab over once and put what you would like the unit to apear as in game. such as legionary hoplite.
now, enter its description. i will steal armoured hoplites description because im lazy. and his short description too. now, you dont have to, but i do, enter this after you are done.

Unit cards.

now, you can either stop now, but end up with an ugly black peasent unit card and info card, or steal one from another unit, or, if you know how, make one! i do not know how to make one. but here is how to steal one. first, find a programe called xpak. heres a link
download it and place it in C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppscommonRome Total War Golddatapacks once there run it. now, find a unit card you want to steal. i will steal a legionary cohort unit card and info card. this will be in
C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppscommonRome Total War GolddatapacksDATAUIUNITS
C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppscommonRome Total War GolddatapacksDATAUIUNIT_INFO
find your file, mine is
C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppscommonRome Total War GolddatapacksDATAUIUNITSROMANS_JULII#ROMAN_LEGIONARY_COHORT_II.TGA
C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppscommonRome Total War GolddatapacksDATAUIUNIT_INFOROMANS_JULIIROMAN_LEGIONARY_COHORT_II_INFO.TGA respectivly. copy them and place them in the newly created folder C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppscommonRome Total War Golddataui
under the factions name. i did it for all the roman factions.
Make sure to rename them to the unit you created!


Sometimes it works without this step, sometimes it doesnt. id recomend this though.
go to C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppscommonRome Total War Golddatadescr_model_battle.txt
find the entry for the unit that you MODEL is based of. in my case i would go to roman_legionary_cohort_ii.
copy and paste that at the end of the document. change the name to your unit name, rome_hoplite. then, change the fs_jaevelinman to fs_spearman. or whatever you wouold like. i would just find a unit you want it to be like and copy paste its entire skelton line into yours. heres mine:

If you are succesful

My finished product:
And thats all there is to it! if you need help or spotted some embaresing spelling error or any other error in my guide, or if you have your own sweet unit you made, please leave it in the comments!
Heres more examples: