INFRA (Part 3) : 100% achievements guide for INFRA

INFRA (Part 3) : 100% achievements guide


Dear INFRA fellows, I’m glad to be here with you to conclude this amazing game!
As for the previous parts, this guide has been made to help you to get all the achievements.

Chapter 8 : Late for a meeting

First responder : Save Robin’s life

Just after you escaped the destroyed room, you’ll arrive in a room with 2 stairs. Go right and up to help Robin. What you need to do : Press the vent button on the wall (will not work) so, unplug the main computer then plug it again. Then, up line of buttons must be all green, 2 others on each side must be red. Once done, press the vent button on the wall again

Natural selection : Leave Robin to his fate

Just after you escaped the destroyed room, you will arrive in a room with 2 stairs. Go left and down. Keep going your way. When you will enter the mine, the achievement will pop-up

NOTE : To save or not Robin’s life will have consequences further in the game :
1. If you saved him you’ll be allowed to enter Turnhip Hill (c9_m2)
2. If you didn’t, you’ll need to pick up the beer pack in the warehouse (c9_m1) and give it to the border inspector (Put it in the hatch and close it)

3. If you didn’t, you won’t be able to do the Rob’s gift achievement (c9_m2)

In case of an emergency : Break into the battery store

In the city, in the same street with the generator to fix in order to reach the castle, go ahead a bit then look on your right side, you’ll see the battery store. Just grab a brick or a flower pot and throw it in the window.

Basement dweller

Power the gates and open them, then power the turnistle. Grab the Bolt cutter in the greenhouse in front of the castle entrance. Enter the turnstile with your ticket, use bolt cutter to enter the castle. Open the white door with your key. Inside you’ll find another one next to a corruption document, grab it. Go back in the alleyway behind the greenhouse and open the basement.

The Wasteland : Take a sip of the mushroom tea

NOTE : You have to call the guy who lost his dock in Part 1 c4_m3 or you won’t find the tea

Once you’ve reached and open the garage with the door code (7533), go on your left to see a wooden pallet with a cup of green tea on it. Drink it and you’ll be “teleported” in a “black” world. From here, you can explore a bit around but careful about “invisible” killing walls. Better just wait a few minutes until you die then the achievement will pop up by itself.

Late for a meeting : Complete the chapter “Late for a meeting”

This one will pop up as soon as the chapter is completed

Chapter 9 : To save a city

NOTE : Before going in Turnhip Hill, here are some usefull things to know :
1. Do the quack achievement as soon as possible as you’ll be rewarded with 25 OC
2. Use the elevator to go up will cost you 1 OC per floor
3. Use the elevator to go down will cost you nothing
4. The recycling machine is very usefull to make some OC. Small beer bottle will give you 2 OC, big green bottle 3 OC, glass 2 OC and beer can only 1 OC
5. Beer at the vending machine it’s free. You still have to insert each time 1 OC but you can do it endlessly
6. At the slot machine odds are 1/16. Insert 19 OC and save your game before to play. If you lose, reload your last save
7. Underground justice and Error cannot be obtained in single playthrough unless if you save your game before typing any code at the blast door.
8. You can insert a brick in a wall at the end of Turnhip Hill even if I still do not know what’s the purpose here
9. Carefull about the corruption document behind the window, the one you need to insert 25 OC to read. If you close the window before having read it, you’ll need to insert 25 OC again
10. Keep in mind that you’ll need 10 OC to leave Turnhip Hill

Quack? : Quack!

First go the the vending machine in the Turnhip Hill’s courtyard. Insert 1 OC then select random.
You’ll get the “duck” key. Now, go Floor 2 and turn left. Open the “duck” door then look at the sink to find a blue rubber duck. Go back in the courtyard and find a barrel with a red 3 on it. Drop it in it and get away. You will hear a “quack” soon after. Go back at the barrel to be rewarded by 25 OC.

Overdose : Discover the results of excessive mushroom usage

First you need to find the code fro the door in floor 3 right wing. Take the elevator, go to the 6th floor. Press floor 5 and quickly get out. As the elevator goes down, jump on it and press the small button. Get out and call the elevator again, jump on it and it will lead you above sixth floor where there’s a secret room. Go in to find the code (0234) Once you get it, go back to the door and enter the code. Inside there’s a room with a dead body covered by green shrooms. Just take a picture of it.

Spin to win : Win the jackpot on the slot machine

Slot machine is located on floor 6 of Building B, just after the bridge you have to cross. When you are here, just insert 1 OC (or more, it’s up to you) then pick up a number and play. As it is totally random, it may takes sevral tries before you win the jackpot (I suggest to pick up a number and keep it no matter what)

Rob’s gift : Help out Rob with his gift

Go to floor 2 and turn left, Rob’s door is next to the “duck” one. Ring the bell and listen to him. He will give you a drawing about a small pipe to find before he can help you. Pipe is located way further in front of the Moonshine factory, just before you leave the Turnhip Hill area, in a wooden box. Once you get it, go back to Rob’s door and talk to him.

Underground justice : Atone for all your sins

This one is a bit tricky. First, you need those 1000$ from the ATM metro station in the beginning of the Part2. If you have that money :
Go to floor 3, behind the door with code (0234) again (To get the code, see “Overdose achievement). Inside the room you’ll find a corruption document with the password written on it (passed) You need to take photo of that document to “trigger” it. Once it’s done, go back floor 2, right wing and ring the bell of the “passport” door. A guy will ask you if you want to buy a passport.
Pay him by the door and the passport will lay on the floor. Now, go back in the courtyard and find the passport/ticket machine. Insert passport and pay for the ticket (99 OC are requested).
Enter the area, start the mini train. Follow the path, take the elevator. You will arrive in front of a blast door. Insert any code and have fun 🙂

Error : Bzzzz!

Do exactly the same than in “Underground justice” achievement, except for the blast door. Enter 4027 code instead of a random one… and have fun again 🙂

The jar of the death : Uncover the secrets of the villa

You have to find the two missing seals and replace them on each side of the picture in the villa’s office. First one is located on a table on the 2nd floor. The other one lays in a hole of the floor near the door leading to the terrasse. Once both have been replaced, take a picture of the enveloppe then grab it.

To save a city

This one will pop-up as soon as the chapter is completed

Chapter 10 : Redemption

Locksmith : Help Carla and Amit

Amit and Carla are locked up in the offices area, floor 2. You need to go on the roof (key is found through the security room window), then from the crane you have to jump through the broken window. Go right to find the Turbine Hall pass on the board of some panel control. Unlock the door in the back of this room to face the security room. Go in and pick up the offices pass. Go back at the beginning of the floor 2 and open the first door. There you’ll find them.

Behind the scenes : Enter the S.N.W control room

NOTE 1 : To be able to get the code :
– In Part 2 : You’ve reached the secret area with the train crash in the bunker
– In Part 2 : You’ve watched the secret Walter’s tape in the skyscraper
– 50% of the camera and corruption targets in Part 1
– 90% of the camera and corruption targets in Part 2
– 50% of the camera and corruption targets in Part 3
If you didn’t do that you won’t be able to enter this secret area even if you have the code

NOTE 2 : This achievement is VERY important for several reasons
– You will finally discover everything about the conspiracy
– Different ending with some things to do
– And MAYBE a spoiler about Mark’ and INFRA’s future

Just after you fixed the pumps issue (see repairable spots to know how) you have to take the elevator to floor 1. Once there, go left to see a pile of crates and barrels blocking a door with a keypad. Climb up over the obstacles and a conversation will begin. At the end of it, your boss will give you the code (0489). Enter it, unlock the door and…. enjoy 🙂

The 3 different endings

One man is not enough : Complete INFRA

Just play through the game without caring about camera targets or corruption documents.
In c10_m2, you have to fix the pumps issue then the core one (basic way)

Party like it’s 2011 : Complete INFRA

In c10_m2, do not fix the pumps issue regardless camera or corruption targets

Winds of change : Compelte INFRA

The most interesting ending, to get it you need :
Part 1 : Get the power of the future achievement + at least 50% of the corruption documents
Part 2 : Get the Walter’s tape achievement + reach the train wreck site + Sign of an open eye achievement (Corruption docs)
Part 3 : At least 50% of the corruption documents

In c10_m2
Fix the pumps issue
Fix the nuclear core issue


Find 90% of all the hidden geocaches in Act 3 during the same playthrough.

There are 19 geocaches to find through the game

Chapter 8 : Late for a meeting : 12

c8_m1 : 1

c8_m2 : 3

c8_m3 : 3

c8_m4 : 1

c8_m5 : 3

c8_m6 : 1

Capter 9 : To save city : 7

c9_m1 : 2

c9_m2 : 1

c9_m3 : 2

c9_m4 : 1

c9_m5 : 1


Uncover 90% of all the corruption tapes and documents in Act 3 during the same playthrough.

There are 48 corruption tapes and documents to uncover through the game

Chapter 8 : Late for a meeting (20)

c8_m1 : 2

c8_m2 : 2

c8_m3 : 4

c8_m4 : 6

c8_m5 : 5

c8_m6 : 1

Chapter 9 : To save a city (21)

c9_m1 : 1

c9_m2 : 10

c9_m3 : 2

c9_m4 : 8

Chapter 10 : Redemption (7)

c10_m1 : 1

c10_m2 : 6

Just leave it to me

Repair 90% of all the repairable spots in Act 3 during the same playthrough.

There are 9+1 repairable spots to repair in Part 3

Chapter 8 : Late for a meeting : 6

c8_m1 : 2
The grate control crank
Turn the crank until it breaks

The vent system
Press the vent button on the wall (will not work) so, unplug the main computer then plug it again.
Then, up line of buttons must be all green, 2 others on each side must be red. Once done, press the vent button on the wall again

c8_m3 : 1
The generators room
First you have to find the missing parts. You need : 2 red fuel filters, 1 fuel pump button and the main button. Take a look at the pictures below to find them. Once done, bring all the parts in the generator room and replace them, open the fuel pump valve and finally push the main button.

NOTE : Main button is located in the castle in a shopping cart, see basement dweller achievmeent to know how to access into the castle

c8_m4 : 1
The bridge
First go under the bridge and set the lights from green to red. Go now in the bridge’s control room
and set Manual/auto on Manual, Remote/Local on local and Red2 on red. Once done, press the button on your left. Bridge will lower. Back to the control screen and set Bridge gates on open

c8_m5 : 1
The generator
Push buttons in that order : 1 2 3 4 3 1

c8_m6 : 1
The gate’s pump system
Turn on the yellow generator. Make your way through the vent system then turn the red valve and push the green button on the pump system. Now you can take the stairs.

Chapter 9 : To save a city : 1

c9_m1 : 1
The mini crane system
Set up each direction button the right way

Chapter 10 : Redemption : 2+1

NOTE : You cannot repair the 3 spots in a single playthrough as the nuclear core issue at the very end can be fixed 2 different ways

c10_m2 : 2+1
The pumps

Pump 1 : Enter the radiation room and take the stairs on your right. You’ll find 2 fuses up there. Bring them to pump room 1 and replace them. Back up to push the pump button. Back below to push small orange button until green light is on.

Pump 2 : Grab the fuse under the stairs at the very beginning when you just left the elevator. The button is located on the far right of the radiation room. To enter the pump room 2, you need a key. It can be found in the office at the first floor. When inside pump room 2 replace fuse and button, push the button, go below and push small up button to have the green light.
Then push the reactor pool emergency fill button.

The nuclear core
Basic way : Take the elevator and follow instructions given by radio. Once the blast door is open, push every rods up to stop the nuclear core fission.

S.N.W control room way : See the “Behind the scene achievement to get access to this secret area. When you’re in, You will have the control rod room with a scheme to reproduce by pushing buttons on green or red. Once done, push the button on your left and you’re good.

Chapter 8 : Camera targets

Chapter 8 : Late for a meeting (64)

c8_m1 (15)

c8_m2 (5)

c8_m3 (10)

c8_m4 (14)

c8_m5 (9)

c8_m6 (9)

c8_m7 (1)

Chapter 9 : Camera targets

Chapter 9 : To save a city (34)

c9_m1 (5)

c9_m2 (9)

c9_m3 (5)

c9_m4 (4)

c9_m5 (10)

Chapter 10 : Camera targets

Chapter 10 : Redemption (19)

c10_m1 (9)

c10_m2 (10)

Walkthrough video










c9_m2 (Underground justice + Error achievements)








This is it… I have to say I’m a bit sad.. But what an experience!!!

Feel free to rate this guide, comment it and help me update it to make it better!!!
And as usual if you need further informations, just ask, people around or I will be pleased to answer

I’d like to thank all the INFRA community, I’ve met really nice people here and there 🙂

Also thanks for those who shared and helped me to update the guide :
Andi : [link]
Crys1s : [link]
Josh Z. : [link]
nicksoN #MaryJane : [link]
Nismo : [link]
Paulisdead18 : [link]
Pauolo : [link]
Pushkin : [link]
Scarchu [BG] : [link]
SILL: [link]

And a special BIG thanks to Loiste Interactive for giving us INFRA.
You guyz rock!


Guide’s secret ending

We could find ourselves again earlier than expected…

Just saying^^