Paint the Town Red Guide

How to get Flintlock pistol on pirate cove [THE HARD WAY] for Paint the Town Red

How to get Flintlock pistol on pirate cove [THE HARD WAY]


Hi! This guide is to show you how to locate the pistol on the pirate cove level. What I thought to be an epic super secret secret turned out to be really easy to get, but I somehow managed to get it the stupidly hard way! So this is how to do it the stupidly hard way!

The Beach Rocks

The gun itself is on the very top of the ships mast. To get there is as simple as thaking the knife out of the mast to your right as you walk onto the ship, however this was the way I did it as I am not very observant.

Going to the beach will surely help me get on top that ship

When you spawn, turn round and head towards the beach. Follow the cliff face until you reach the rocks pictured bellow.

How awfully convinient these rocks are

Climb up the rocks in the order they are, I recommend sprint jumping up them.

That was easy!

Once at the top you’ll notice that you have a rock wall to the left of you (Right in the picture) that can’t be jumped up. Simply look toward the bit that dips down (Pictured bellow) and sprint jump to it, while simultaniously moving right.

Bit trickier now

The Ledge

Now that you are on this ledge, it gets quite difficult. Move along the ledge in the direction toward the ship and you will find the ledge is blocked by some rock sticking out. What you must do, is sprint jump off the ledge toward this rock, and then mid air try and shimmy round and land on the otherside. Difficult, but possible.

How the hell do I get past this?

Took me a few tries!

After this, continue to sprint down the ledge toward the ship. I advise jumping every now and again not to get suck, and to avoid a hole in the ledge (Pictured bellow)

Better keep moving!

Watch out!

Almost there

Goal is in sight!

Finally, stand just before the green moss and face towards the ship. And with a well placed sprint jump, you will land on the bow mast.

Easy now

The ship, and victory!

After landing safely (Hopefully) on the bow mast, you will notice a rope heading straight up infront of you. The trick is to slowly jump your way up this rope, and do not wove about much when you land, keep movement confined to a simple forward jump until you reach the top of the mast.

Oh yeah this looks simple

Captain of the mast!

Once at the top of this mast, you will see the sweet sweet prize of this adventure of unnecessary effort. The pistol.


Simply cross the rope in order to get to the pistol, and there you have it, a really stupid, unnecessary and long winded way to get the pistol for the types who enjoy exploring and jumping around. I’d reccomend keeping an eye out for other rock passages as they lead to more items like swords and harpoons. Thank you for reading!

Nice and easy now…

Good job I don’t take fall damage



Writers note

Thanks for reading everyone. This is my first guide so I’d greatly appreciate some feedback on my writing style and how informative/entertaining this guide was, thank ye greatly

Jarl Ironfrost