Rule #1
If you’re not gonna play with me seriously, then you can just die.
(!)EX 6 Colors & Fighting Chance
Juri’s EX6 colors now available in the “COSTUMES” section
The new “FIGHTING CHANCE” section will cover Juri Battle Goods & Costumes
– Punishes for all (or a lot) on-block/whiff punishable moves
– Understanding simple habits through a Juri VS Juri match-up
– More GIF images for the main sections
– A lot more combos, enough to fill every combo page (And then add more)
– More custom icons
– More V-Trigger 2 information
– Hitbox/Hurtbox updates
– Titles section
– Combo Overview (What combo dealt most damage, used least resources, most “stylish”… etc)
Quick Search
CTRL+F opens a search bar.
* Search for each main section of the guide by adding a “-” (Without quotes) before each search
Example: -FISH
Instead of: FISH
(Is marked in ‘yellow’)
- HEY!
* Add a “-” [Minus symbol] (Without quotes) before each section search!
AE Changelog
Tip: CTRL+F to open a search bar that allows you to search for changes in the guide itself
(What you search for is marked in ‘yellow’ color, the scroll bar shows it’s location)
- Updated Guide image
- Added EX 6 colors in “(Default” & “(Story” sections under “COSTUMES”
- Added “FIGHTING CHANCE” section
- Added “FIGHTING CHANCE” to the “Quick Search” section
- Added guide information regarding EX 6 colors & Fighting Chance in the “(!)” section
- Added VS Falke win quote in “(Quotes ENG” under “OVERVIEW”
- Updated the description for target combo in “(Simple Habits” under “COMMAND LIST”
- Updated tier- and popularity list in “(Statistics” under “OVERVIEW”
- Changed framedata sections according to that of Season 3.5 Patch Notes
- Added Darkstalkers costumes to “NEWS FEED AE” section
- Added a Juri “Lilith” Costume alert to “(!)” section
- Added “(Lilith” section under “COSTUMES”
- Added Lilith Costume to “(Costume Codes” section under “COSTUMES”
- Added Capcom Pro Tour: 2018 Premier Pass color to “(Default” section under “COSTUMES”
- Added a Juri’s Season 3.5 Patch Notes alert to “(!)” section
- Added Juri’s Season 3.5 Patch Notes to “NEWS FEED AE” section
- Added an achievement to “(Games, Comics, Animations” section under “FIND ME”
- Added “(Other Arcade Appearances” section under “STORY”
- Added more artwork to “(Gallery” section under “OVERVIEW”
- Added Sakura & Blanka victory quotes to “(Quotes ENG” section under “OVERVIEW”
- Updated tier list information for “(Statistics” section under “OVERVIEW”
- Added V-Trigger 2 information to “(V-System” section under “COMMAND LIST”
- Updated tier list information for “(Statistics” section under “OVERVIEW”
- Added “(Alex Punish” section under “PUNISHING”
- Updated tier list information for “(Statistics” section under “OVERVIEW”
- Updated tier list information for “(Statistics” section under “OVERVIEW” (Again)
- Updated tier list information for “(Statistics” section under “OVERVIEW”
- Added additional V-Trigger 1 information to “(V-System” section under “COMMAND LIST”
- Added the same “Tip:” on the top of the “AE Changelog” as with the “Before AE Changelog”
- Added guide updates notification to the “(!)” section
- Removed “To come:” from the “HEY!” section and moved the information to the “(!)” section
- Added additional Street Fighter V information to “(Games, Comics, Animations” section
- Added Arcade endings under “STORY” section
- Added this changelog section for AE changes, specifically
- Added “(Trials 1-4 [VOL. 3]” section under “COMBOS”
- Updated description for “Kyoretsushu” target combo in the “(Unique Moves” section under “COMMAND LIST” (No longer whiffs on crouching targets)
- Updated framedata for both regular throws in the “(Unique Moves” section under “COMMAND LIST” (Active frames goes from 2 frames to 3)
- Added a “gold” frame to every main section image
- Replaced the image for the “COSTUMES” section with a custom GIF
- Adding “(WILL BE UPDATED)” tags to things that will have to wait
- Updated framedata for Jumping HP in the “(Jumping Normals” section under “COMMAND LIST”(Startup frames goes from 8 frames to 9)
- Updated framedata for MK Fuharenkyaku (Release) in the “(Special Moves” section under “COMMAND LIST” (Damage is now 70 instead of 60, stun in V-Trigger is now 100 instead of 80)
- Updated framedata for HK Fuharenkyaku (Release) in the “(Special Moves” section under “COMMAND LIST” (Damage is now 100 instead of 80)
- Updated description for “EX Tensenrin” in the “(Special Moves Extra Info” section under “COMMAND LIST” (Complete invinciblity between frames 1-12 instead of 1-8)
- Updated description for “Sakkai Fuhazan” Critical Art in the “(Critical Art” section under “COMMAND LIST” (Now has armor breaking properties)
- Added V-Trigger 2 quotes to “(Quotes ENG” section under “OVERVIEW”
- Added more information about Street Fighter V Arcade Mode to “(Games, Comics, Animations”
- Added “(Gallery” section under “OVERVIEW” to stock up on Juri art from the new feature
- “Upgraded” the main section image for “PUNISHING” to Arcade Edition
- Added “NEWS FEED AE” for news coming in during Arcade Edition
- Renamed “NEWS FEED” to “OUTDATED NEWS FEED” as a history book of older ‘news’
- Added both “NEWS FEED AE” and “OUTDATED NEWS FEED” to “Quick Search” section
- Added a “gold” frame to the guide thumbnail
- Removed holiday costume notification to the “(!)” section
Before AE Changelog
Tip: CTRL+F to open a search bar that allows you to search for changes in the guide itself
(What you search for is marked in ‘yellow’ color, the scroll bar shows it’s location)
- Added official Juri V-Trigger 2 showcase video to “NEWS FEED”
- Added “1 Fuha, No EX, V-Skill, V-Trigger” as section
- Added combo 1 for “1 Fuha, No EX, V-Skill, V-Trigger”
- Added “1 Fuha, 3 EX (CA), No V-Skill, V-Trigger” as section
- Added combo 1 for “1 Fuha, 3 EX (CA), No V-Skill, V-Trigger”
- Added “1 Fuha, 2 EX, No V-Skill, V-Trigger” as section
- Added combo 1 for “1 Fuha, 2 EX, No V-Skill, V-Trigger”
- Added official Juri patch notes to “NEWS FEED”
- Fixed the spacing between some hitboxes and it’s title under the hitboxes sections
- Removed a single “r” from a quote in the “(Quotes ENG” section
- Added translated Juri patch notes to “NEWS FEED”
- Added a bit more information about translated Juri patch notes to “NEWS FEED”
- Added combo 6 for “No Fuha, No EX, No V-Skill, V-Trigger”
- Added “No Fuha, 3 EX (CA), No V-Skill, V-Trigger” as section
- Added combo 1 for “No Fuha, 3 EX (CA), No V-Skill, V-Trigger”
- Added “No Fuha, No EX, V-Skill, V-Trigger” as section
- Added combo 1 for “No Fuha, No EX, V-Skill, V-Trigger”
- Added combo 2 & 3 for “No Fuha, 1 EX, No V-Skill, V-Trigger” under “EX Fuharenkyaku”
- Replaced all V-Trigger 1 inputs with a custom icon
- Added the new icons to “Filling Your Information” section
- Added more tier information to “(Statistics” section alongside source information
- Added more V-Trigger 1 information to “(V-System” section
- Added “(Quotes ENG” section under “OVERVIEW”
- Added a personal input on favorable match-ups to “(Statistics” section
- Added more character select quotes under “(Quotes ENG” section
- Added a Twitter response from @StreetFighter to “NEWS FEED” section
- Removed Juri’s birthday notification to “(!)” section
- Replaced (Ji) + forward jump icon with a custom icon
- Replaced (ATA) + forward jump icon with a custom icon
- Added the new icons to “Filling Your Information” section
- All “Holiday” images are back to it’s original look
- Added a new image for “MUSIC” section
- Added a non-Holiday image for “BLOCKSTRINGS” section
- Added a new image for the Guide Thumbnail
- Added a description to the guide, informing that the guide will develop in “Arcade Edition”
- Added a Juri’s birthday notification to “(!)” section
- Added a missed timestamp (8:58) to the V-Trigger 2 video in “NEWS FEED” section
- Added a video from “VesperArcade” to summarize Juri in AE to “NEWS FEED” section
- Added “-” to every main section of the guide, example: “-(Section name)-“
- Added “Quick Search” section to quickly navigate through the guide
- Moved “Quick Search” closer to the top of the guide
- Added “(Trials [VOL. 1]” section under “COMBOS”
- Added a little bit more information about V-Skill in “(Simple Habits” section
- Added a Follow-Up to “(Heavy” under “FRAMETRAPS”
- Changed “big breasts” in “(Personal” section to “(big breasts)” alongside an explanation
- Added a “Tip” in the “Changelog” section
- Added “BLOCKSTRINGS” section to keep your target at hold
- Added a “(!)” section for quick alerts to the visitor
- Added a little bit more information about S.HP in “(Simple Habits” section
- Added more information about EX Psycho Inferno pushback in “(Bipson Punish” section
- Added “… >” and “> …” to “Filling Your Information” section
- Resized section image for “COMBOS” to match the other section images in size
- Added a video of a V-Trigger 2 combo to “NEWS FEED”
- Added a description to the first V-Trigger 2 video showcase in “NEWS FEED”
- Changed every “miss” to “whiff”
- Added “Whiff” to “Filling Your Information” section
- Added V-Skill cross-up information in “(Simple Habits” section
- Removed a duplicated “can” from the “(Critical Art” section
- Added a (Ji) to combos starting with a jump-in
- Added “(Ji)” to “Filling Your Information” section
- Added a (ATA) to combos including Air-To-Air
- Added “(ATA)” to “Filling Your Information” section
- Added S.HP to “(Simple Habits” section
- Removed EX Ryodansatsu inputs from “(Specials > CA” section
- Changed order in “NEWS FEED” to have the latest news on top
- Added character specific ending information to “(Games, Comics, Animations” section
- Added “(Other Story Appearances” as a section. Includes Cammy, Guile, Abigail Story Mode
- Added “MUSIC” section to pleasure your ears in more ways than one
- Added “Survival” mode and “Quarter Up” to “(Games, Comics, Animations” section
- Added “No Fuha, No EX, V-Skill, No V-Trigger” as section
- Added combo 1 for “No Fuha, No EX, V-Skill, No V-Trigger”
- Added combo 5, 6 for “No Fuha, 1 EX, No V-Skill, No V-Trigger”
- Added “2 Fuha, No EX, V-Skill, No V-Trigger” as section
- Added combo 1 for “2 Fuha, No EX, V-Skill, No V-Trigger”
- Placed 2 & 3 Fuha combos in ‘correct’ order
- Added additional information about ‘target combo’ buff in “NEWS FEED” section
Source: [link]
Juri’s Standing HK may now be more reliable.
Source: [link]
Colors are included alongside a costume code.
Significant Juri AE changes found using @TOOLASSlSTED & @WydD Diff tool. Only listing changes that were not stated in AE patch notes.
— Chris (@OminousGames) January 17, 2018
Here we can clear out everything that wasn’t clear enough in the official patch notes!
[link](Starts at 16:22) In the video we can see some of the combo potential using Juri’s V-Trigger 2!
Source: [link]
Here we have the official Juri patch notes, now we can be sure of what will come. Not too different from the “leaked” patch notes apart from the fact that Jumping Heavy Punch goes from 8 frames to 9 frames in startup and that the Critical Art is given armor breaking properties!
Source: [link]
These patch notes were originally in Japanese but are now translated. This is what we can hope to see in Arcade Edition during it’s final release if nothing changes.
Note that it may or may not be incorrect, not final.
Patch notes will be posted soon!
— Street Fighter (@StreetFighter) January 2, 2018
It depends on when “soon” is, but let’s see if we can get a taste test of Juri in AE.
[link](Starts at 5:35) These things have already been covered in the guide but it’s a good video if you want a quick summary of everything we can hope will come. But the move list for AE still says that Juri’s V-Trigger 1 will be 3 bars, so we can only see the results when AE actually drops.
[link]At 8:58 in the video you can see that you can combo into V-Trigger 2 using 4 frame normals.
At 10:00 in the video you can see that V-Trigger 2 can combo into 4 frame normals (S.LK) and ultimately 3 frame normals as well.
Source: Tweets by INFILTRATION85
Infiltration who had the chance to play Arcade Edition Juri mentions fireball and target combo (No longer whiffs on crouching targets, hits on-block instead) buffs. Also showing off V-Trigger 1 as a 2 Bar Trigger to put the AE Move List to the side (Where it still said 3 bars)
The roundhouse kick performed upon activation has a hitbox and draws the opponent in, offering a good opportunity to absorb the opponent’s EX gauge. The absorption effect is paused when performing a throw, getting hit or while in mid-air.
Source: [link]
Here is a picture showcasing Juri in the Arcade Mode representing Street Fighter IV’s Path.
Source: [link]
According to the move list in Arcade Edition, the Feng Shui Engine Alpha remains as a 3 bar V-Trigger while the Feng Shui Engine Beta will have 2 bars instead. It is yet to be known if this is an error or that the picture of Feng Shui Engine Alpha with 2 bars was actually Feng Shui Engine Beta but with the V-Trigger icon of the Alpha (Possibly a very early work in progress picture).
Source: [link]
The picture suggests that Juri’s V-Trigger 1 will be using 2 V-bars instead of 3 in Arcade Edition.
Filling Your Information
*All information such as Combos, Frametraps, Blockstrings will be tested before being added*
= Light Punch
= Medium Punch
= Heavy Punch
= Punch (Any Punch)
= 2 Punches (Any Punches)
= All 3 Punches
= Light Kick
= Medium Kick
= Heavy Kick
= Kick (Any Kick)
= 2 Kicks (Any Kicks)
= All 3 Kicks
= Juri Target Combo (Launches target to the air)
= Juri Airborne Target Combo (Pushes target straight to the ground)
= Forward Throw
= Back Throw
= Air Throw (Throws airborne targets forward)
= V-Skill
= V-Trigger
= Specifically V-Trigger 1
= Specifically V-Trigger 2
= Forward
= Back
= Crouch
= Neutral Jump
= Forward Jump
= Back Jump
= Forward Dash
= Back Dash
= Jump-in (What you do when you jump in on your target)
= Air-To-Air (Both you and your target are in the air)
> = Into
/ = That or that
+ = At the same time
… > = Do whatever you want before this
> … = Follow-up with whatever you want
(Hold) = Hold?
(Store) = Using to store a Fuharenkyaku to use in (Release)
(Release) = Use a move you have stored/charged, ex: Fuharenkyaku/V-Skill
(AA) = Anti-Air (Hit airborne opponents while on the ground)
(CC) = Crush Counter (Counter the opponent’s move with a stronger move, stuns them briefly)
Whiff = Miss
(Photo shoot
(Click Images For Full Size)
Clear Juri SFIV Arcade Path with NO CONTINUES
Clear Akuma SFIV Arcade Path by defeating new challenger CPU
Clear Dhalsim SFIV Arcade Path on Hard difficulty
Clear Ibuki SFIV Arcade Path by defeating new challenger CPU
Clear Juri SFIV Arcade Path by defeating new challenger CPU
Clear Guile or Nash SFV Arcade Path with NO CONTINUES on Hard difficulty
Clear Kolin or Urien SFV Arcade Path with NO CONTINUES
- (big breasts) was removed from the Wiki Dec 14, 2017. It was first added in Aug 6, 2017 by user “LcFn” who stated the following: “(Added “big breasts” to Likes. No, I’m not trolling: I know from people that translate Street Fighter’s Japanese site for story details that back in the SFIV days she had “big boobs” under likes, and it was later removed once SFV came along or before.)”
- Falke – 5.1
- Cammy – 4.0
- 9th overall
- Abigail*
- Akuma*
- Dhalsim*
- Sakura
- Zangief
- Ryu
- F.A.N.G
- Abigail
- Ed
- Ken
- Vega
- Falke
- Alex
- Chun-Li
- Zeku
- Blanka
- Kolin
- R. Mika
- Nash
- Guile
- Birdie
- Ibuki
- Rashid
- Karin
- Laura
- Necalli
- Cammy
- Akuma
- Urien
- M.Bison
- Balrog
- Menat
- Dhalsim
* Things marked with a * is a personal input, for example Abigail* instead of just Abigail
Tier Source: [link]
(Keep in mind that tier lists are user voted and may not always be reliable)
(Quotes ENG
- “Let me hear your sweet scream.”
- “Alright, let’s make this a lot of fun.” (Character Story)
- “Come closer and let me PLAY.” (Survival Easy)
- “Come here and get it!” (Survival Normal)
- “Don’t die on me, before I’m done.” (Survival Hard)
- “My kicks will make you feel, real good.” (Survival Extreme)
- “I’ll crush you to bits. I’ll take my time.” (Voice Language Test)
- “Well then, where do you want me to break you first?”
- “So does this mean I can play as much as I like?” (In Training Mode)
- “Alright, let’s make this a lot of fun.” (In Training Mode)
- “This will end your suffering! Just give it up!”
- “Why don’t you get serious already?”
- “Feel it? Night-night.” (Forward Throw)
- “Go to Hell!” (Back Throw)
- “Does it hurt?” (Air Throw)
- “Hands off!” (Throw Escape)
- “Uh?” (Throw Whiff)
- “Ready?” (Hold)
- “Haha!’ (Level 1 active)
- “Come over here!” (Level 2 active)
- “Here’s my best!” (V-Trigger 1)
- “You are dead!” (V-Trigger 2)
- “Here you go.” (V-Trigger 2 roundhouse kick in neutral)
- “YAHA!” (V-Trigger 2 roundhouse kick + forward)
- “Chew on this.” (V-Trigger 2 roundhouse kick + back)
- “RAAAAAH!” (V-Trigger 2 roundhouse kick + down)
- “Give up already.”
- “Have some.” (Store)
- “Take that!” (Light)
- “Over here!” (Medium)
- “Now you’ll die!” (Heavy)
- “Sora sora sora!” (EX)
- “How’s that?” (Light)
- “Yahoo!” (Medium)
- “Ahaha!” (Heavy)
- “Go for a ride!” (EX)
- “Now die!” (Light)
- “Get lost!” (Medium)
- “Break you!” (Heavy)
- “Dance for me!” (EX)
- “So, you can’t get up anymore?”
- “Was it good for you, too?” (Finishing with a health of 20% and less)
- “Eaaaaah!”
- “Not… this… way.” (Light Attack/Crumple)
- “Hey, are you kidding me? You can’t be done just yet!”
- “I want to have extreme stimulation in everything I do.”
- “Ah? Was that your last breath? You fell apart just like a cheap toy.”
- “Nothing like a good old fight to the death to get my blood boiling!”
- “I’ll suck the life out of you!”
- Abigail
- “Enough with annoying car sounds! Let me hear more of your cries of agony…”
- “We’re done already? And I was just starting to enjoy myself…”
- “You’ve got plenty more body for me to beat up. Come take some more punishment.”
Balrog (Boxer)
- “Go on, take another swing. You might have a better chance of hitting me with a broken fist!”
- “I know better ways to use a chain. Want me to show you?”
- “Normally, I’m against cruelty to animals, but for you, I’m happy to make an exception!”
- “I kinda like you. Enough to want to bloody you even more!”
- “Be a little more obedient. You want me to like you or not?”
- “Where are your gods now? Won’t they come help you in your time of need?”
- “Something about you I just don’t like. I’m piѕѕed off just looking at ya!”
- “Don’t you worry your pretty little head. I’ll crush those slimy Shadaloo goons under my foot in no time!”
- “Was it the number 2 you liked? I’ll just have to kill you twice, then!”
- “You’re supposed to be cool? Army guys are so boring.”
- “Tch… A little punk like you is no fun to play with.”
- “Is that all you’ve got? I expected more from my own doppëlganger.”
- “There’s nothing more satisfying than taking a girl like you down a notch!”
- “Worry too much about your family and you’ll lose your edge.”
- “I’ve been itching to beat you up since we first met! Turns out you were weaker than I’d hoped…”
- “Killing you will be so worth it. Are there others from Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu?”
M.Bipson (Dictator)
- “This time, it’s me who’ll be taking your eyes. Hand them over!”
- “Eat dirt, loser! I bet you didn’t see that coming!”
- “Your eyes blazed with vengeance. I like that. It even gave me the chills when I trampled them.”
- “Ahaha! Stand up, you monster! Don’t you wanna try and devour me?”
R. Mika
- “Ah… So you’re still alive? You’ve got will power, I’ll give you that.”
- “Wait, are you done already? C’mon, insult me again.”
- “Heh, interesting. I’ve got even more reason to crush you than before.”
- “The world of fighting is scary, little girl. Why don’t you run home and cry to mommy! Hah hah!”
- “I’ve a soft spot for kings and gods. I love the look on their faces when I defeat them!”
Vega (Claw)
- “Was it you who hated getting blood on yourself? What if it’s your own blood? Is that better?”
- “Bones are better than muscles. They sound better when they snap.”
- “Old or young, whatever man. You still got your aѕѕ kicked.”
(Neutral Normals
- VTC = V-Trigger Cancel
- Cancel Into = Which moves it can be canceled into
- MP, HP, MK, HK have different On Block properties depending on distance
- Stand MK have 2 active frame hits, 1 being first : can be canceled (1), 3 being second
- Stand HK can Crush Counter (CC) and is airborne by frames 15-21
- Stand HP can cause Knockdown in V-Trigger
Hitboxes [Neutral Normals]
Light Punch
Medium Punch
Heavy Punch
Light Kick
Medium Kick
Heavy Kick
(Crouching Normals
- VTC = V-Trigger Cancel
- Cancel Into = Which moves it can be canceled into
- Crouch MP has different On Hit/Block properties in V-Trigger
- Crouch MP, HP, MK, HK have different On Block properties depending on distance
- Crouch HK causes a Hard Knockdown (KD) on hit
- Crouch HP can Crush Counter (CC) alongside Crouch HK (KD + CC)
- Crouch HP hits standing targets
Hitboxes [Crouching Normals] (WILL BE UPDATED)
Crouching Light Punch (WILL BE UPDATED)
Crouching Medium Punch (WILL BE UPDATED)
Crouching Heavy Punch (WILL BE UPDATED)
Crouching Light Kick
Crouching Medium Kick (WILL BE UPDATED)
Crouching Heavy Kick
(Jumping Normals
- VTC = V-Trigger Cancel
- Cancel Into = Which moves it can be canceled into
- Jump LK and MK can be used for cross-up
- Jump MP can juggle your air target to perform combos when back on the ground
Hitboxes [Jumping Normals] (WILL BE UPDATED)
Jumping Light Punch
Jumping Medium Punch (WILL BE UPDATED)
Jumping Heavy Punch (WILL BE UPDATED)
Jumping Light Kick
Jumping Medium Kick
Jumping Heavy Kick (WILL BE UPDATED)
(Unique Moves
(Target Combo)
(Air Target Combo)
(Back Throw)
(Air Throw)
- VTC = V-Trigger Cancel
- Cancel Into = Which moves it can be canceled into
- Senkaikyuaku
is an overhead, can hit crouching targets, is airborne by frames 16-21 and lacks combos
- Koenzan (
) has two active frame hits (2 and 3), first hit (2) being close and the second (3) being more ranged, hit two being safest for combos if first active frame gains hit frame advantage, 7 Frame gap between the first and second active frame moves. Second hit can be V-Trigger canceled
- Kyoretsushu (
) launches the target into the air on full target combo hit, can be followed up with juggle combos
V-Trigger allows jump after Target Combo to perform combos like:>
- Note that Back Throw (
) deals more damage (140) and stun (200) compared to Forward Throw (120 Damage,120 Stun)(
) (But Forward Throw makes cracking noise)
Hitboxes [Unique Moves] (WILL BE UPDATED)
Senkaikyaku (Overhead)
* From top left to top right to lower left to lower right
Kyoretsushu (Target Combo) (WILL BE UPDATED)
Enkushu (Air Target Combo)
Chisenkyaku (Throw)
Kaeikyakyu (Back Throw)
Zankasen (Air Throw)
- VTC = V-Trigger Cancel
- Cancel Into = Which moves it can be canceled into
- V-Trigger 1 is active for 2700 frames, normal cancels cost 300 V-Gauge per cancel, Fuharenkyaku
(Release) moves can be performed without having to store them at the cost of 800 V-Gauge for LK Fuharenkyaku (Release), 600 for MK Fuharenkyaku (Release) and 600 for HK Fuharenkyaku (Release), Increased dash distance, invincible for a short time on activation, allows normal move chains of equal or stronger power (LP > LK > MP > MK > HK > HP for example) also works in the air for two normal attacks (LK > MK for example), normal moves changes properties (S.HP is now a launcher after a chain for example)
- Kasatsushu (
) can be charged by holding the buttons, it will automatically be used if charged long enough, to store your charge – Dash Forward (
) or Back (
) when a cloud surrounds you after 33 frames (Shows that it’s charged), a stored Kasatsushu can be used instantly without having to hold to charge (But with 6 startup frames), the charged move can be used in a fullscreen distance, all active frames during the first hit are projectile invincible, second hit will cross-up
- Kasatsushu (
) (Charge) is the amount of startup frames needed to enter the charged state
- Kaisenrenkyaku (
) is invincible to strikes and projectiles by frames 1-30
Hitboxes [V-System] (WILL BE UPDATED)
Feng Shui Engine Alpha (
* From top left to top right to lower left
Kasatsushu (Hold)
* From top left to top right to lower left to lower right
Kaisenrenkyaku (V-Reversal)
(Special Attacks
- VTC = V-Trigger Cancel
- Cancel Into = Which moves it can be canceled into
- Fuharenkyaku (
) (Release) can be chained into any other Fuharenkyaku (Release)
- MK Fuharenkyaku (
) (Release) is airborne by startup frames 8-22, stun increases in
- LP Tensenrin (
) is throw invincible on frames 1-8, it is -8 on block on crouching targets
(Special Attacks Extra Info
- MP Tensenrin (
) is Invincible to airborne strike attacks on frames 1-6, smaller hurtbox by frames 1-2, airborne by frame 8
- HP Tensenrin (
) is Strike and Projectile invincible by frames 3-7, it’s airborne by frame 9
- EX Tensenrin (
) Is invincible to anything by frames 1-12, it’s airborne by frame 9
- LK Ryodansatsu (
) is airborne and lower Body Projectile invincible by frames 4-18
- MK Ryodansatsu (
) is airborne and lower Body Projectile invincible by frames 5-19
- HK Ryodansatsu (
) is airborne and lower Body Projectile invincible by frames 5-23
- EX Ryodansatsu (
) is airborne by frames 5-23, projectile invincible by frames 1-27
Hitboxes [Special Moves]
Fuharenkyaku (Store)
LK Fuharenkyaku (Release)
MK Fuharenkyaku (Release)
HK Fuharenkyaku (Release)
EX Fuharenkyaku
* From top left to top right to lower left to lower right
* From top left to top right to lower left to lower right
EX Tensenrin
EX Ryodansatsu
* From top left to top right to lower left
(Critical Art
- VTC = V-Trigger Cancel
- Cancel Into = Which moves it can be canceled into
- Fully invincible by frames 1-9
- Has armor breaking properties
- Projectile can nearly reach fullscreen
Hitboxes [Critical Art]
Sakkai Fuhazan (Critical Art)
(Simple Habits
I can keep up all day
Use if you predict a throw from your target as it has throw invincibility, can also be used on wake-up to stop throw attempts. Be prepared to use Critical Art if you see that it hits as it can boost your punish even further
Use as your respective Dragon Punch as it’s the Tensenrin with invincibility frames in the air
Ryodansatsu if you can predict when a fireball will come out from your target
EX Ryodansatsu if you feel like a non-EX would whiff or get hit. For example if a Guile standing close to you would do a Sonic Boom just before you get back up from a Knockdown. An EX Ryodansatsu would tear through it with just enough speed and power. If the EX Ryodansatsu hits your target, be sure to use a
Tensenrin afterwards for extra punish damage if in range for it
An excellent weapon to stop the majority of your target’s moves due to it’s speed and range. Can stop 3 frame startup moves and is great for Frametraps. Can be used as an Anti-Air by constantly moving backwards, it will catch a lot of jumps that land further away
deadly weapon for longer ranges, prepare all your combos if you ever get a hit with this move while both you and your target are on the ground. The hit advantage is great enough to safely let you store a Fuharenkyaku
(Store). It also allows you to start game changing combos with a
(Release) as your next move
Can stop a lot of cross-up attempts if timed ‘correctly’. It’s a great way to combo off of airborne targets. Is a really great tool on the ground as it is -2 on block and can create devastating combos on hit as it can go into Ryodansatsu, Tensenrin and V-Trigger while also keeping your target very close On Hit. You are free to
(Store) if you hit On Block
Use >
in combos more often than in raw battle as it’s – on Block. So use it more often after a jump-in or punish
Charge and cancel (With dash) when given the chance. Great fireball punish as it will go through fireballs, can reach fullscreen, very fast. But beware, this move will cross-up both on hit and on block. Meaning that it can easily put you in the corner if your target is close to the corner. You can cancel your V-Skill as it travels (Active) by pressing both buttons again, this can also be done to cancel your level 2 charge.
Store Fireballs if you ever feel like putting pressure on your target as it can be used for 3 frame frametraps. Also keeping it stored at all times is a very beneficial store if you ever consider storing the
and/or the
Fuharenkyaku because the fireball from the LK Fuharenkyaku can make the other Fuharenkyaku moves safer on block (Chained)
Using (Release) to get into V-Trigger
as it opens up many combo options, even V-Trigger Crush Counter fishing and Frametraps. The chains allowed in V-Trigger can have lengthy animations but fast connection. On Block, something like:
could hit the target into Crush Counter because the
is often un-predictable. As for Frametraps, combine the normal move chain ability with LK fireballs. Let’s take the previous example of the Crush Counter On Block Chain. The
at the end has very lengthy animation, yet you can use a
fireball after it to Frametrap your target.
The throw has great range. Use both your throws with a thought in mind. Back Throw deals more damage and puts your target far away while Forward Throw will put your target very close to you, allowing you to pressure (Or even bait) them on their wake-up. Use your Air Throw if you make a read or react to your Target jumping, it will beat a lot of air attacks
Be sure to use your Critical Art on a jumping target as it has a great hitbox on jumps that are just about to land (Otherwise they can jump over it) Akuma should be one to keep this in mind with. The Air-fireball move can be common at times and because Akuma slows down his jump when performing Air-fireballs you will have just enough time to punish it with a Critical Art. It even works on EX V-Trigger Air-fireballs. You can also punish a lot of moves that are further away from you using this Critical Art. It can almost reach fullscreen. Preferably use Ryodansatsu before Critical Art if used randomly.
Hey. If you’re not gonna stop mashing, you might as well die!
[3 Frame]
> (Delay)
> (Delay)
(Ranged) >
(Ranged) >
- Beware of the (Ranged) frametraps as they tend to only work at very specific distances or on very specific attacks. Some of which will whiff if the target is attacking while low/crouching
[3 Frame]
(Ranged) >
(Delay cross-up) (Cross-up) >
(Crush Counter)
(Can frametrap short ranged 3 frame moves due to pushback) >
- Beware of the (Ranged) frametraps as they tend to only work at very specific distances or on very specific attacks. Some of which will whiff if the target is using Low/Crouching attacks.
[3 Frame]
(V-Trigger) > (Slight delay)
(In Corner) (V-Trigger) > (Slight delay)
> (Delay cross-up)
(Cross-up) >
(Crush Counter)
(True Blockstrings
[Without V-Trigger]
(Can be done on both hits)
To Follow-up:
(Can now be done on the second hit)
To Follow-up:
This is what you came for?
(Trials [VOL. 1]
1. >
2. >
3. >
4. >
(Release) >
5. (Crush Counter) >
6. >
7. >
8. >
(Release) >
9. (Crush Counter) >
(Release) >
10. (Crush Counter) >
(Release) >
(Release) >
(Release) >
in Season 2 is
- (Trial 10) LK Fuharenkyaku (Release) won’t combo into LP Tensenrin outside of Trial Mode
(Trials 1-8 [VOL. 2]
1. >
2. >
3. (Store) … >
(Release) >
4. (Store) … >
(Release) >
5. (Counter) >
(Store) >
6. (Crush Counter) >
(Store) >
7. (Store) … >
(Release) >
8. (Store) … >
(Release) >
(Trials 9-10 [VOL. 2]
9. (Store) >
(Crush Counter) >
(Release) >
(Release) >
10. >
(Release) >
(Release) >
(Trials 1-4 [VOL. 3]
1. >
(Release) >
(Release) >
2. >
(Release) >
(Release) >
3. >
(Release) >
4. >
(Release) >
(Beginner Combos
1. >
2. >
3. >
4. … > >
5. >
6. >
7. >
8. >
9. >
10. >
11. >
12. >
(Store) >
13. (Store) >
14. >
15. >
Got something to show off now?
(Specials > CA
Specials into Critical Art
… > >
… > (
) >
No Fuha, No EX, No V-Skill, No V-Trigger
1. >
2. >
3. >
4. >
5. >
6. >
7. >
8. (Cross-up) >
9. >
(Store) >
10. >
[Crush Counter]
1. (Crush Counter) >
2. (AA) (Crush Counter) > (Delay)
3. (Crush Counter) >
1. >
2. >
3. (Crush Counter) >
4. >
No Fuha, No EX, No V-Skill, No V-Trigger #2
1. >
2. (AA) (Crush Counter) > (Delay)
3. >
No Fuha, 1 EX, No V-Skill, No V-Trigger
[EX Tensenrin]
1. >
[EX Ryodansatsu]
1. >
[EX Fuharenkyaku]
1. >
2. >
(Store) >
3. (Crush Counter) >
4. >
(Store) >
5. (AA) (Crush Counter) >
6. (AA) >
(Store) >
No Fuha, 1 EX, No V-Skill, V-Trigger
[EX Fuharenkyaku]
1. >
2. ( active)
(Release) >
(Release) >
3. ( active)
(Release) >
(Release) >
[EX Ryodansatsu]
1. >
(Release) >
(Release) >
No Fuha, 3 EX (CA), No V-Skill, No V-Trigger
[Critical Art]
1. >
2. >
3. (AA) (Crush Counter) > (Delay)
4. >
5. >
6. >
(Store) >
No Fuha, 3 EX (CA), No V-Skill, V-Trigger
1. ( active)
(Release) >
No Fuha, No EX, V-Skill, No V-Trigger
1. (AA) >
(Store) >
No Fuha, No EX, V-Skill, V-Trigger
1. ( active)
(Release) >
(Release) >
No Fuha, No EX, No V-Skill, V-Trigger
1. >
(Release) >
2. >
(Release) >
(Release) >
3. ( active)
(Release) >
4. (Crush Counter) >
(Release) >
(Release) >
5. >
(Store) >
(Release) >
6. ( active)
(Release) >
(Release) >
1 Fuha, No EX, No V-Skill, No V-Trigger
1. >
(Release) >
2. >
3. >
(Release) >
4. >
(Release) >
5. (Crush Counter) >
(Release) >
6. >
(Release) >
7. >
(Release) >
1 Fuha, 1 EX, No V-Skill, No V-Trigger
1. >
(Release) >
2. (AA) >
(Release) >
1 Fuha, 1 EX, No V-Skill, V-Trigger
1. (Crush Counter) >
(Release) >
(Release) >
can be used instead of
but without the possible Crush Counter effect
1 Fuha, 2 EX, No V-Skill, V-Trigger
1. (CC) >
(Release) >
1 Fuha, 3 EX (CA), No V-Skill, No V-Trigger
1. >
(Release) >
1 Fuha, 3 EX (CA), No V-Skill, V-Trigger
1. (Crush Counter) >
(Release) >
1 Fuha, No EX, V-Skill, V-Trigger
1. >
(Release) >
1 Fuha, No EX, No V-Skill, V-Trigger
1. >
(Release) >
2. (Crush Counter) >
(Release) >
3. >
(Release) >
4. >
(Release) >
(Release) >
1 (2) Fuha, No EX, No V-Skill, V-Trigger
1. >
(Release) >
(1.) (On Block) >
(Release) >
1 (2) Fuha, 1 EX, No V-Skill, V-Trigger
1. >
(Release) > (On hit 2)
(1.) (On Block) >
(Release) >
2 Fuha, No EX, No V-Skill, No V-Trigger
1. >
(Release) >
2. (Crush Counter) >
(Release) >
3. (AA) (Crush Counter) > (Delay)
(Release) >
2 Fuha, 1 EX, V-Skill, No V-Trigger
1. (AA) >
(Release) >
(Release) >
2 Fuha, 1 EX, No V-Skill, V-Trigger
Mmm, here comes the real fun…
1. >
(Release) >
(Release) >
is completely optional and situational but great in extending combo damage
can be replaced with
2 Fuha, 3 EX (CA), No V-Skill, V-Trigger
1. >
(Release) >
(Release) >
(Release) >
2. >
(Release) >
(Release) >
(Release) >
is completely optional and situational but great in extending combo damage
can be replaced with
2 Fuha, No EX, V-Skill, No V-Trigger
1. (AA) (Crush Counter) (+>
) >
(Release) >
(Release) >
- (+>
) can be added if done in the corner
2 Fuha, No EX, V-Skill, V-Trigger
1. >
(Release) >
(Release) >
(Release) >
(Release) >
(Release) >
is completely optional and situational but great in extending combo damage
can be replaced with
- A V-Skill (
) must be stored beforehand, hold then cancel with a dash to store it
2 Fuha, No EX, No V-Skill, V-Trigger
1. (Crush Counter) >
(Release) >
(Release) >
(Release) >
(Release) >
3 Fuha, No EX, No V-Skill, No V-Trigger
1. (Stage Corner) >
(Release) >
(Release) >
(Quick Ranged Punish
* Quick and effective ranged punishing, look at combo section for longer punishing
[If out of reach]
> (On hit)
> (On hit)
> (On hit)
> (On hit)
> …
> …
> …
> …
Oof, that’s very punishable
(Alex Punish
Some things can turn safe on-block depending on the spacing
This is only to show which moves that can be used to punish, go to COMBOS section for follow-ups
S.HK /
Chop /
Flash Chop /
Air Stampede
Can be punished with:
Slash Elbow
Can be punished with:
(Same as the above punish, but without C.LP)
EX.Slash Elbow
Can be punished with:
(Same as the above punishes)
Koenzan (B+HK)
Kyoretsushu (Target Combo S.MP > F+HP)
Kasatsushu (V-Skill level 2)
EX Fuharenkyaku
Can be punished with:
(Same as the above punishes)
Neutral/Forward Throw
Back Throw
C.HK /
Sledge Hammer (V-Trigger 1)
Can be punished with:
(Same as the above punishes)
Fuharenkyaku (Store)
HK Fuharenkyaku (Release)
Sakkai Fuhazan (Critical Art)
Flying Cross Chop (Air) /
Heavy Hammer
Can be punished with:
(Same as the above punishes)
Senkaikyaku (Overhead F+MK)
LK Fuharenkyaku (Release)
MK Fuharenkyaku (Release)
(Bipson Punish
Can be obtained with a level 5 Juri and purchase: Additional Costume (“Story”): Juri
Can be obtained if you:
– Purchase Additional Costume (“Battle Outfit 1”): Juri
– Purchase Season 1 Character Pass
Can be obtained if you:
– Purchase Additional Costume (“Halloween”): Juri (limited period)
– Purchase 2016 Halloween Costume Bundle (limited period)
Can be obtained if you:
– Purchase Additional Costume (“Holiday”): Juri(limited period)
– Purchase 2016 Holiday Costume Bundle(limited period)
Can be obtained if you purchase Additional Costume (“School Uniform”): Juri
Can be obtained if you purchase Additional Costume (“Nostalgia”): Juri
Can be obtained if you purchase Additional Costume (“Lilith”): Juri
(Costume Codes
I’m not the one whose horny, perv
I could use a new fur around my neck, you look just the type
It’s getting quite hot out here, wouldn’t you agree?
Done already? Ahaha, this was only the warmup. Now, you can have me all you want
It’s a bit tight, don’t ya think?
Guess you won’t let me go unless I tell you my fairy tale
(Other Arcade Appearances
(Other Story Appearances
(Battle Goods
Reduces enemy’s Critical Gauge with each attack they receive
(Remix/Other #2
(Games, Comics, Animations
* As the central character
* On the achievement icon for “Quarter Up” & “Oh! My Car!”
* In the opening cinematic
* As a playable character
* In my character specific ending in Arcade Mode
* As the Arcade rival for Chun-Li
* As the Arcade rival for Cammy
* On the achievement icon for “Quarter Up” & “Oh! My Car!”
* In the opening cinematic
* As a playable character
* In my character specific ending in Arcade Mode
* As the Arcade rival for Chun-Li
* As the Arcade rival for Cammy
* On the cover art for Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition
* On the “Survival” mode image in the Main Menu
* As a playable character
* In the respective Character Story Mode
* In my character specific ending in Story Mode
* In Arcade Mode: Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter V path
* In my character specific ending in Arcade Mode: Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter V path
* On gallery artworks
* In cinematic General Story DLC “A Shadow Falls”
* As the Arcade rival for Chun-Li (Street Fighter IV Path)
* As the Arcade rival for Cammy (Street Fighter IV Path)
* In the opening cinematic
* As a playable character
* In my character specific ending in Arcade Mode
* As a mid-boss in Arcade Mode if your first character selected is from the Tekken series
* As a rival unit alongside Seth
* As a rival unit alongside M.Bison
* Street Fighter Legends: Cammy
* Super Street Fighter
* Street Fighter IV
* Street Fighter World Warrior Encyclopedia
* Udon’s Art of Capcom
* Street Fighter IV & Super Street Fighter IV: Official Complete Works
* Street Fighter X Tekken: Artworks
* Street Fighter: Free Comic Book Day
* Street Fighter IV: Wages of Sin
* UDON’s Art of Capcom Complete Edition
* Street Fighter Unlimited
* Street Fighter: Hyper Looting
* Street Fighter Swimsuit Special
* Street Fighter Unlimited Annual
* Street Fighter & Friends Swimsuit Special
* Street Fighter Shadaloo Special
For overview, move references, transparent costume images, input icons and other appearances
[link]For Hitboxes
[link]For colour and costume information
[link]For Frame Data
You’re not done here, get back to work!
- More combos
- More frametraps
- More music
- News (That may have been “missed”)
- Character Specific Punishes
- Feedback/Suggestions/Requests