Call of Duty: Black Ops II – Zombies Guide

Town and Trazit solo survival in Green Run guide for Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Zombies

Town and Trazit solo survival in Green Run guide


[/h1] Survival solo in Tranzit and Town can be complicated. Many times camping gets you cornered. But in Town two great camping spots are avialable, the bar and opposite building with jugger-nog. Sit in the top floor where you can jump out if needed. When you first start in town buy the m14. Next use the knife on every zombie, kill them all. Open the bar and get on the top floor. Put your entire M1911 mag into one zombie and then knife, use the m14 when you must and try to get headshots to conserve ammo. From there buy quick revive. If you can buy a gun from the mystery box. Depending on the guns you get it can easily determine how far you go. If you get the python or rpd you are in a great senario, with both you’ll go far considering you know how to use them. After you have a weapon wait, rack up points with the m14, then switch to your other weapon and replace the m14 with a box gun. If you do this custom match turn hell hounds on and set it to easy if you are new. Hell hounds ensure max ammo. Save up to pack a punch your best weapon, then collect all the perks you can, in town you can only buy 4, buy quick revive if you need it, then jugger nog, double tap root beer, and speed cola. If you dont need quick revive buy stamin up. Continue to camp in the bar, purchase semtex grenades, and galva knuckles. Galva knuckles are one hit one kill up to wave 17. Pack a punch all weapons and trade out bad ones at the mystery box, but take all weapons it gives you nomatter what, after a random number of times the box will have a bear on top of it slightly increasing the chance of a good weapon from it. And from there it is straight forward, camp and jump out when needed, but dont get greedy if you see a max ammo or insta kill, only collect if you can otherwise you may lose your perks or die completely. [/b] TranzitDont wait, knife all zombies, build the turbine, go outside and take B23R from bus, run the map backwards, go through town, then get to power station and buy the AK74U, kill with the B23R for now, open door, and find all parts and turn on power, from there wait until bus comes, and get on and continue to town, at town get into the bank and throw a grenade at the vault and closed doorsa within the vault, then go downstairs and build the pack a punch machine, use it on your AK74U if you can, or even both, go back to the bus, stay on it, and continue through the map building everything you can, the nav core is hard to make, you need parts and some are spread out across the map, and the place to build it is in the mist between the farm and power if im right. collect perks, mystery box weapons and camp in good spots you know of, add additions to the bus and stay with it if you want, kill the zombies, rack up points, this works good in solo or co-op game mode, but when you build the turret at the farm when it is shooting STAY OUT OF ITS WAY. Why? If you get hit by it you die, so it works best as door defense when you are camping in a place where you wont be in its way. Please rate to help me know if i can do better or if this was helpful. Just no hate, I’m fairly new to steam and still figuring out everytihng. not that new to COD though. Thanks!! -General Brony