Counter-Strike: Source Guide

The best way to be the best terrorist in CS:S Office for Counter-Strike: Source

The best way to be the best terrorist in CS:S Office


This guide will show you how to become the best terrorist ever

Class favorites

The class I use is duel elites with a nice p90 and a HE granade, I would use some kevlar and helmet just for more armor. Now for Why’s And why not? Duel elites Why? its good to switch when you run out and they are both fast a shooting. P90 why? I can come up with so much reasons, It has alot of ammo so when you need to kill someone fast and steady P90 should do the work. HE granade why? It is good for when breaching a place you throw a nade and kill like seven people. Kevlar & Helmet why? its a little body armor to keep you alive.

The Side Hall

The side hall is the first area you must enter without a flinch. I have maked some areas you need to head to here is where you head this is the safes place when you start it is next to T spawn

The Side hall Part 2

This area is where you first encounter the CT this is where hold or rush.I have marked some areas you need to carefully walk just don’t go in the break room

The Main hall

When you enter the main hall some CT’s may apear there so you need to take cover head over to the fallen vending machine and head to the stairs

The Main Hall Staircase

The main hall staircase is where most of my battles happen

If you see the Ct where the arrow shows thats where most are going to be.

Just becareful if you are a CT

The snow wonderland

Here is the outside which I call the snow wonderland in the image above shows where CT’s will be (Black Arrows) not 100% sure but will be. some will be just in middle opening see where the CT is yea. just head where the red arrow shows on the left.

The Garage

This is the last place you come to this is where it ends while you come here you can flank the CTs

The arrow will show where to go (red arrow) and if you need to find hidden Cts try looking in the black arrows

The Garage Part 2

This is the last part before Victory You need to kill the last Camper before winning and he is located in the CT spawn so he may be located in this area

BOOM! You shoot him and he goes down and now you have a victory!
he is laying dead and every one is cheering your name because you are the MVP!

Number 1

Now that you did the tactics you were placed in the Number 1 spot in Terrorist team

Please Share, favorite and rate that will mean a lot to me and if you want to make a request just tell me just say what map and I will see what I can do. Counter Strike: GO stuff may be coming soon just wait.