Introduction:It was written for SEASON 1 and is no longer up to date, I will update it soon. This guide covers endgame, that means wormhole progression with all characters, it’s not aimed for leveling or just casual playing. Please take into consideration, that you can currently skip regular enemies in wormhole just by pressing “T” and you can go straight to boss room and that’s why I focused this guide mainly on how well all classes perform against bosses. Even if they fix it and you won’t be able to skip it, following list should be still relevant!How was testing of all characters done?All classes were tested in wormhole levels 1-200 and then solo level 1000. They all had gear with item level adequate to the wormhole they were in, no cheating, no boosting stats.Overall results:Warning:It is possible that class balance may change with super high wormhole levels like 10 000, 50 000 or 1 000 000 but you won’t get there most likely. ( It gets boring )So the current meta revolves around ranged classes, not because they are necessary stronger, but their survivability is just better. You can stay at your max range and easily avoid enemy attacks and abilities, also there is less “visual busyness” you can’t see well what’s going on most of the time, when fighting with melee due to all those animations. They’re not bad or boring, but inhigher wormhole levels, melee tend to die almost instantly from an unavoidable source of dmg.Next thing I noticed is that strength builds are much more better than energy ones. Mostly because synergies with energy builds have lower dmg and how scaling with weapon works.Having Satanic weapon with high dmg and high attack speed is much more better than having a mythic or legendary with tripple its stats. Why? Your best damage source if you are strength user is your basic attack, often boostet from talents and proc from your other abilities. For an example if a class has 50% chance to spawn lighting bolt with every attack, the higher your attack speed is the more lighting bolts you will spawn and that equals higher dmg, not to mention your talents, even if they are strong, have cooldowns. If you have extremely high attack speed and additonal proc chance from other abilities, doing just basic attacks will result in most of your dmg in boss fights. There are few exception to that, but it mostly works like that. Character List:(Full guide on every single character is below ) S Tier :1. Paladin2. Marksman A Tier :1. Pyromancer 2. Amazon3. Pirate B Tier :1. Shaman2. Demon Slayer3. Demon Spawn4. Necromancer C Tier :1. Nomad2. Samurai D Tier :1. Viking2. Redneck
Hero Siege – Classes part 1
Wait, wait … what? Didn’t you just write that the current meta revolves around ranged classes only? Isn’t Fallen Paladin a melee class? Well yes that’s true and most of his abilities suck, but… Yes there is a but and a big one 🙂 He is immortal, like literally and thus can’t be killed. However you need few things to achiev that, it may take some time tho so be
prepared you won’t be invincible from the start.
Pros :
– Immortality
– “Go to” class for Hardcore
– Highest Wormhole level potential
– High dmg thanks to Lightning Fury proc
Cons :
– Most of his talents are useless in endgame
– Lack of challenge = gets boring quickly
– Gear and talent dependent
Gameplay :
Use your buble ( Divine shield ) keep it up the entire fight and just stay close to boss and do basic attack with your Lightning Fury proc, you can use your hammer, it doesn’t stop you from attacking but it’s useless and provides minimal dmg boost. Although spamming Holy Nova on cooldown escpecially in early levels will result in a slightly faster boss killing time.
Stats :
Put everything in energy, simple as that, there is no need for stamina/armor
(At higher wormhole levels, stats that are given to you thru leveling become obsolete, but if you are going to “min-max” it put them to the stat mentioned above )
Talents :
Divine Shield – Put everything here first until you reach cap with spendable talents.
Lightning Fury – Your second best talent, put here all your talents until you reach cap.
Holy Nova – Max this as your last talent, put here all your talents until you run out of them.
Optional : You can switch Holy Nova for Holy Shock Aura, but it’s weaker. The only downside of Holy Nova is that you have to spam it constantly.
Synergies ( You can only have two at a time ) :
Divine Light – It’s a must have synergy, only by having this bonus you can become immortal. ( At some point you may not need it, if you reach 20 sec duration of your Divine Shield just from items in very high wormhole levels, but it will take you some time )
Lightning God – Simple effect, it increases your proc chance to 65% and that equals higher dmg, quite noticeable in high wormhole levels.
Gear :
Your most wanted stat is plus to all talents or if an item has plus to Divine shield talent, with Divine Light synergy it triples the duration of that skill, and because
it has 20 sec cooldown, you must have a minimum of 6.67 sec duration of Divine Shield talent in order to be invincible. If possible go for 7 sec or maybe even more, so you don’t have to press that skill exactly on that time. It’s much more safer that way.
Your other stats on items should be strength and energy. Ignore stamina, it won’t help you when you are invincbile 🙂
Why Energy ? It has a synergy with your other talents such as Lightning Fury and Holy Nova or Holy shock Aura, it’s a big dmg boost.
Why Strenght ? It increases your basic attack and curent meta kinda relies on that and of course proc from your abilities.
Stat priority : Plus to all talents/ Plus to Divine shield until you reach immortality > Energy > Strength > Stamina/Armor
Don’t forget ! Choose weapon speed over its stats and dmg, only exception is if you are missing talent points in Divine Shield.
Currently strongest damage dealer in game. His dmg scales best with current strength/basic attack meta. Can place turrets and traps and has an escape ability.
Marksman is also the only class that hasn’t most of his abilities completly useless. Many of his talents can be proc from basic attacks and that makes
him very strong. Thanks to his synergies, he can alter between high single targed dps or strong aoe.
Pros :
– Currently strongest damage dealer in game
– If lazy, turrets can do his work for him
– Escape ability ( jump )
– Can choose between aoe or single target with his synergies
Cons :
– To maximize your dmg, you must have all your turrets up for the entire boss fight.
Gameplay :
When approaching boss, try placing as many turrets as possible before he spawns and keep them up for the entire duration of fight.
Spam Arrow Rampages whenever they are off cooldown. Use Disengage to avoid projectiles if needed.
Stats :
Put everything in strength, there is no need for other stats.
(At higher wormhole levels, stats that are given to you thru leveling become obsolete, but if you are going to “min-max” it put them to the stat mentioned above )
Talents :
Critical Attack – Put everything here first until you reach cap with spendable talents or around 95% crit chance.
Multishot – Your best talent, put here all your talents until you reach cap
Grenade Throw – Max this as your last talent, put here all your talents until you run out of them.
OPTIONAL : Homing Rocket – Slightly worse than Grenade Throw, it has lower proc chance but deals bigger AOE dmg, also having homing projectiles may help sometimes.
Synergies ( You can only have two at a time ) :
Colossal Arrow – It’s a must have synergy, your highest single target dmg boost. If you want to have better AOE don’t choose this.
Turret Master – Max turrets increased to 8 + turrets shoot homing rockets with a 10% chance.
Gear :
Always go for strength over everything, also having plus to all talents or plus to talents mentioned above is never a bad choice!
Your next stat should be stamina, survivability is needed as you progress thru higher wormhole levels.
Stats like energy or armor are completly useless for your class.
Why Strength ? It has synergy with all your talents and of course increases your basic attack dmg.
Why not Energy/Armor ? You are already almost capped with dmg reduction so you don’t need more of it. Energy builds are currently bad overall.
You choose Energy only if your class depends on it because of talent tree synergies like Pyromancer od Demon Spawn have.
Stat priority : Strength > Stamina > Plus to all talents/Plus to your main talents you are using > Energy > Armor
Hero Siege – Classes part 2
Unfortunately in current meta strength > energy builds because of how scaling from weapon works. When I tested all characters he had pretty decent killing times on bosses as energy user to my surprise but his major downside is that he is hard to play. There is no punishment for spamming all your skills and performing basic attacks at the same time. You can do both efficiently and you should ! 🙂 If you want to “min-max” your dmg you must use all your abilities constantly, and because they have low cooldowns and you want to use them as often as possible ( for an example having all hydras up for the entire duration of your fight ) there is a high chance that you won’t pay attention to projectiles or other boss abilities and you will die.
Pros :
– As an energy user, he has decent dps
– If lazy, hydras can do his work for him
Cons :
– Hard to play if you want to push the dmg to its maximum potential
– No escape ability like jump, dash or charge
Gameplay :
As I wrote earlier in the class introduction, you want to spam all your skills as soon as they are off cooldowns, but you also have to pay attention to your surroundings
a loose projectile can easily kill you.
Stats :
Put everything in energy, there is no need for strength/armor
(At higher wormhole levels, stats that are given to you thru leveling become obsolete, but if you are going to “min-max” it put them to the stat mentioned above )
Talents :
Meteor – Put everything here first until you reach cap with spendable talents.
Hydra – Other good talent, put here all your talents until you reach cap.
Blazing trail – Max this as your last talent, put here all your talents until you run out of them.
Those three are the most valuable talents for you.
Synergies ( You can only have two at a time ) :
Meteor Master – It’s a must have synergy, your highest dmg boost along with hydras
Hydrality- Spawns 2 hydras instead of 1 so it doubles their dmg, again very useful.
Gear :
Always go for energy over everything, also having plus to all talents or plus to talents mentioned above is never a bad choice!
Your next stat should be stamina, survivability is needed as you progress thru higher wormhole levels.
Stats like strenght or armor are completly useless for your class.
Why Energy ? It has synergy with all your talents that you will be using.
Why not Strength/Armor ? You are already almost capped with dmg reduction so you don’t need more of it. Strength increases your basic attak, which is always
good in current meta, but energy is more valuable for you because of your synergies.
Stat priority : Energy > Stamina > Plus to all talents/Plus to your three talents you are using > Strenght > Armor
Back in the day it was my favorite class, strong, great escape ability with stun, fast, high aoe dmg but when revisiting her after such a long time she changed.
Not really to worse, but from my testing she either doesn’t scale properly or something is not working as it should. She should have much more stronger DOT ( damage over time )
with skills like Envenom which triples all her poison dmg and Venom synergy that should tripple it again. To my knowledge it’s not a multiplicative increase as it should deal much more dmg with
weapon dmg scaling from Master Poisoner talent if that would be the case. Still her dmg is high thanks to Tropical thunder proc combined with your high attack speed.
Pros :
– Fun to play
– Escape ability with stun
– Fast
Cons :
– Currently her dmg scaling or some ability doesn’t work as it should
– Most of her talents have no synergies, making them useless.
Gameplay :
Use her jump ability to avoid death, spam Spearnage and Envenom when they’re off cooldown, don’t even bother to use her 3rd ability as it deals zero dmg without synergy scaling.
Use Spearnage with caution, it’s a mid range ability, if you are too far away from boss it won’t be as strong but staying too close can be even more dangerous.
Stats :
Put everything in Strength, there is no need for energy/armor
(At higher wormhole levels, stats that are given to you thru leveling become obsolete, but if you are going to “min-max” it put them to the stat mentioned above )
Talents :
Master Poisoner- Put everything here first until you reach cap with spendable talents.
Spearnage – Other good talent, put here all your talents until you reach cap.
Tropical Thunder – Max this as your last talent, put here all your talents until you run out of them, noticable dmg boost.
Those three are the most valuable talents for you, but don’t forget to put at least 1 point in each talent!
Synergies ( You can only have two at a time ) :
Venom – It should be the best choice for you, but I am not quite sure if it works as it should.
Thunderstorm – Instead of releasing a thunder proc, releases a small thunderstorm in the location, basically more dmg, high proc chance.
Gear :
Always go for strength over everything, also having plus to all talents or plus to talents mentioned above is never a bad choice!
Your next stat should be stamina, survivability is needed as you progress thru higher wormhole levels.
Stats like armor is completly useless for your class.
Why Strength ? It has synergy with Spearnage and it increases your basic attack dmg.
Why not Energy/Armor ? You are already almost capped with dmg reduction so you don’t need more of it. Energy works with your Tropical
Thunder skill and if you have it boostet with synergy from satanic gear it’s even better but not as good as basic attack combined with Spearnage.
Stat priority : Strength > Stamina > Plus to all talents/Plus to your three talents you are using > Energy > Armor
Hero Siege – Classes part 3
I played this class for the first time, so I didn’t know what to expect. After testing her in wormhole, fighting several bosses my results are… actually surprising!
What makes her A tier class? Well as I wrote several times ranged classes and strength builds with strong weapon dmg and high attack speed combined with proc from basic attacks are current meta.Her burst dmg with Rapid Fire talent is stronger than Amazon’s, but she can’t have 100% uptime on that at least not with the gear I had from wormhole levels I ran and in terms of who had faster killing time on bosses she is below Amazon but only by a few seconds. There isn’t a big difference but the fact that she is missing escape ability and her pet ( Parrot ) can bug and not attack makes her slighly worse. If you don’t want to spam your abilities the entire duration of fight, choose her over Amazon.
– High burst dmg for a short period of time thanks to Rapid Fire and its synergy from Satanic item
– Has a pet
Cons :
– Useless skills
– Pet AI is not the best
– Stun bound to grip ability, it feels more like a suicidal ability, stunned enemies can cast their abilities.
Neutral :
– Her grip ability ( Anchor Hook ) can be used to reposition a boss if you are careful enough, but it has little to none use, she is a ranged class, it would be useful for a melee class instead.
Gameplay :
Very simple, just do your basic attacks, you can’t resummon your pet ( Parrot ) so if he is bugged you are out of luck. Don’t forget to use Rapid Fire whenever it’s off cooldown and
of course don’t get hit by a projectile 🙂
Stats :
Put everything in Strength, there is no need for energy/armor
(At higher wormhole levels, stats that are given to you thru leveling become obsolete, but if you are going to “min-max” it put them to the stat mentioned above )
Talents :
Rapid Fire- Put everything here first until you reach cap with spendable talents.
Cannonball – Other good talent, put here all your talents until you reach cap, it has a chance to activate with your basic attack.
Parrot – Max this as your last talent, put here all your talents until you run out of them, not a bad skill but AI is weak.
Those three are the most valuable talents for you, but don’t forget to put at least 1 point in each talent!
Synergies ( You can only have two at a time ) :
Rocket Madness – When rapid fire is active, pirate shoots homing rockets with her base damage = small dmg boost.
Second synergy is up to you, both are useless, but Rocket Madness is a little bit better I guess. ( Still useless )
Gear :
Always go for strength over everything, also having plus to all talents or plus to talents mentioned above is never a bad choice!
Your next stat should be stamina, survivability is needed as you progress thru higher wormhole levels.
Stats like armor is completly useless for your class.
Why Strength ? It has synergy with your talents and increases your basic attack.
Why not Energy/Armor ? You are already almost capped with dmg reduction so you don’t need more of it. Energy works only
with your Explosive Bullets which are pretty trashy. Don’t bother.
Stat priority : Strength > Stamina > Plus to all talents/Plus to your three talents you are using > Energy > Armor
New addition to Hero Siege character roster, and because it was a new character I immediately though he will be the strongest one. Oh boy, how much wrong I was.He is not the worst by any means but his skills are kinda bad. He can be build in two ways. Energy or Strength as your main stat. The problem is, his energy build is weak as it relies on his totems and they are completly useless, their dmg doesn’t scale well. Second build requires strength in order to be good. But there lays another problem. If you are going for strength, your build revolves around wolves. They aren’t bad but the AI they have is just… They bug so often, not attacking just standing or walking around enemies, it’s very frustrating, the only good think is that you can resummon them and they are immortal, unlike Necro’s pets that can be killed quickly and you need corpses to resummon them. Bosses like Leviathan/Satan are super annoying, because you can’t command your pet to attack different target, you have to resummon them and just pray that they will attack what you want. However if you fully utilize your pets he is on pair with Amazon’s and Pirat’s dmg but because you can not rely on luck, and his pets bug pretty often, he is first in B Tier.
Pros :
– New fresh class to play
– Has immortal pets and can resummon them if needed
– Can immobilize enemies
– Elemental blast can benefit from both energy and strength
Cons :
– His pets are retarded, bad AI and you can’t command them to attack what you want and he depends on them too much.
– Most of your talents are useless and they scale bad, dealing almost zero dmg.
– No escape ability like jump or charge or dash.
– You have to get used to resummon pets often so they MAY attack right target if you are lucky enough.
Gameplay :
At the start of a boss fight, place your totems use Earth Bind to root your target, and spawn pets. Use Elemental blast as soon as it is off cooldown.
Resummon your pets if they aren’t attacking your target. If you move too far from your totems, resummon them, but as I wrote they don’t provide
big dmg boost, so it’s not really necessary.
Stats :
Put everything in Strength, there is no need for energy/armor
(At higher wormhole levels, stats that are given to you thru leveling become obsolete, but if you are going to “min-max” it put them to the stat mentioned above )
Talents :
Spirit Wolves- Put everything here first until you reach cap with spendable talents.
Scent of the Wolf – Other good talent, put here all your talents until you reach cap.
Elemental Blast – Max this as your last talent, put here all your talents until you run out of them.
Those three are the most valuable talents for you, but don’t forget to put at least 1 point in each talent!
Synergies ( You can only have two at a time ) :
Pack Leader – Summons three wolves instead of two, increasing your dmg at also chance that one will bug and just wonder around zone doing nothing 🙂
Elementalist – Shoot six Elemental Blasts instead of three, in each direction, doubles your dmg from that skill.
Gear :
Always go for strength over everything, also having plus to all talents or plus to talents mentioned above is never a bad choice!
Your next stat should be stamina, survivability is needed as you progress thru higher wormhole levels.
Stats like armor is completly useless for your class.
Why Strength ? It has synergy with your wolves and increases your basic attack.
Why not Energy/Armor ? You are already almost capped with dmg reduction so you don’t need more of it. Energy works with your Totem abilities, which are completly useless as of now.
Stat priority : Strength > Stamina > Plus to all talents/Plus to your three talents you are using > Energy > Armor
Hero Siege – Classes part 4
My favorite class back in the day, when his leech from talent was actually useful. The only reason he isn’t in A Tier is that when he switch to ranged weapon, his dmg is lowered by 2.5 times, also Katana Barrier loses its effectivnes, you can no longer stay close to your enemies. Shredder Trap is still active thru the entire fight and Executioner provides a small boost if it works as it should and also having around 100% crit chance isn’t bad either. Almost forgot to mention, I have a feeling that Demon Slayer has many bugged abilities, his Execute sometimes doesn’t hit enemies even when they are close to you and you can clearly see it passed thru them. Weapon Switch does nothing, except switching between melee and ranged weapon. According to the description it should deal dmg when you switch weapons I guess but it does nothing. Light In Darkness is not updated and completly useless and Executioneer is not working at all or it’s just a graphical bug, it doesn’t increase your dmg at all, at least from the numbers you can see on the screen when enemies are below 50% HP.
Pros :
– Can be played as melee or ranged
– Has an escape ability ( dash )
Cons :
– When played as ranged, his dmg is significantly lowered ( around 2.5 times )
– Can’t fully utilize all of his abilities, when played as ranged.
Gameplay :
You can play as melee in lower wormhole levels, when it’s too dangerous switch to ranged but be prepared to lose your dmg. Your Dash can be used as an escape ability.
There is no need for you to use Katana Barrier when playing as ranged but you can spam Bullet Hell for small dmg boost, it has synergy with energy so it’s not really significant.
Stats :
Put everything in Strength, there is no need for energy/armor
(At higher wormhole levels, stats that are given to you thru leveling become obsolete, but if you are going to “min-max” it put them to the stat mentioned above )
Talents :
Crippling Strike – Put everything here first until you reach cap with spendable talents or reach around 95% crit chance.
Shredder Trap – Other good talent, put here all your talents until you reach cap.
Executioneer – Max this as your last talent, put here all your talents until you run out of them, but I am not sure if it works, if you think it does nothing go for Bullet Hell talent.
Those three are the most valuable talents for you, but don’t forget to put at least 1 point in each talent!
Synergies ( You can only have two at a time ) :
Demon Slave – Gains an immortal minion that has Demon Slayer’s Damage, his pet is kinda weak and definitely not doing as much dmg as Demon Slayer, not sure how exactly it does work but few
times I had more than one minion, still not a significant boost.
Sixth Sense – Homing Projectiles, rest of his synergies are meh, but use this over the other one.
Gear :
Always go for strength over everything, also having plus to all talents or plus to talents mentioned above is never a bad choice!
Your next stat should be stamina, survivability is needed as you progress thru higher wormhole levels.
Stats like armor is completly useless for your class.
Why Strength ? It has synergy with your talents and it increases your basic dmg.
Why not Energy/Armor ? You are already almost capped with dmg reduction so you don’t need more of it. Energy only works with Bullet Hell and it’s not needed to increase dmg of it.
Stat priority : Strength > Stamina > Plus to all talents/Plus to your three talents you are using > Energy > Armor
Whaaaaat? The almighty Demon Spawn is B Tier and not even first in that tier? Are you out of your mind or something? Didn’t you see Season 1 totally cheating-free leaderboards? They are everywhere! Well yes, and I was surprised myself when I tested him. I thought he will be the strongest class, but nope not even close. Remember Manacalypse? Member? Remember when it one-shot every single enemy on map? Remember? Well it doesn’t work like that anymore, in fact it’s almost useless now. Low dmg, you have to be very close to your enemies, radius was drastically nerfed. Not only that, but current meta doesn’t favor him, he is an energy user. His Blood Surge ability isn’t bad, however you have to channel it and that means you need to stay still and it can cause problems, not only that, but the direction you are facing with Blood Surge covers projectiles with its animation, so you are often hit by something you can’t even see, also its cooldown could be lower.
Pros :
– Mana Shield can save you from dying
– Can recover his mana very quickly thanks to his talent
– Blood Surge has long range
Cons :
– Dmg of Manacalypse even with Satanic synergy is bad and it has low radius, forcing you to shorten your range between you and a boss.
– Blood Surge is a channel ability so you have to stay still and it prevents you from seeing projectiles because its animation covers them.
– No escape ability like jump or charge or dash
– Long cooldowns on Blood Surge and Manacalypse
Gameplay :
If you have low HP use Mana Shield to survive, stay at max range when using Blood Surge and watch your surroundings, so you won’t die. You dont have to wait until the channeling is over,
avoiding projectiles and boss abilities has bigger priority.
Stats :
Put everything in Energy, there is no need for strength/armor
(At higher wormhole levels, stats that are given to you thru leveling become obsolete, but if you are going to “min-max” it put them to the stat mentioned above )
Talents :
Blood Surge- Put everything here first until you reach cap with spendable talents, your main dmg ability except basic attack.
Demonic Presence – Other good talent, put here all your talents until you reach cap, it increases your dmg of Blood Surge.
Mana Devour – Max this as your last talent, put here all your talents until you run out of them. Not having enough mana won’t be an issue.
Those three are the most valuable talents for you, but don’t forget to put at least 1 point in each talent!
Synergies ( You can only have two at a time ) :
Blood Surgery : Blood Surge is now wider, ticks more frequently and deals 3x its damage, It’s a must have synergy.
When it comes to second Synergy bonus from Satanic gear, it’s up to you. You really won’t be using any of them. It won’t make a difference.
Gear :
Always go for energy over everything, also having plus to all talents or plus to talents mentioned above is never a bad choice!
Your next stat should be stamina, survivability is needed as you progress thru higher wormhole levels.
Stats like armor is completly useless for your class.
Why Energy ? It has synergy with your Blood Surge ability.
Why not Strength/Armor ? You are already almost capped with dmg reduction so you don’t need more of it. Strength is good but unfortunately not for your class.
Stat priority : Energy > Stamina > Plus to all talents/Plus to your three talents you are using > Strength > Armor
Hero Siege – Classes part 5
Why is he last in B Tier ? Good potential, the biggest problem with him is that he relies on AI ( his pets ) too much and in current state of game it’s just unpredictable. If his other skills had synergies with energy or at least any other stat, he could have been played in different ways. Back to his minions ( pets ). They have pretty decent dmg but they aren’t immortal and you can’t resummon them whenever you want. There lays the issue. You need corpses to make your army of undeads except Rock Golem. With Satanic gear synergy you can have up to 10 skeletons on your side, that’s good but with all the limitation they have as I just mentioned like not being immortal and you need corpses to summon them and they die pretty fast in boss fights ( Also they can bug, attack wrong target etc. that lowers your dmg even more) so you are stuck to your basic attack and Rock Golems. Not to mention you can’t skip enemies in wormhole and jump straight to the boss room, you need to kill at least one pack and summon all your skeletons ( pets ) and then pray for having easy boss that won’t kill them in a few seconds. When I tested them in Wormhole lvl 1000 they died instantly, so the higher lvl of wormhole you have the less useful they become.
Pros :
– A lot of skeletons ( pets )
Cons :
– Relies too much on his pets and has weak dmg without them
– No escape ability like jump or charge or dash
– Pets aren’t immortal and can’t be resummoned without corpses of enemies
– Pets have bad AI in general
Before you enter boss room, make sure you have all your skeletons ( pets ) up, 6x Skeleton Mauler, 4x Skeleton Mage, 2x Rock Golem.
Avoid projectiles and boss abilities as usual and pray that your pets won’t bug or be killed in a few seconds.
Stats :
Put everything in Strength, there is no need for energy/armor
(At higher wormhole levels, stats that are given to you thru leveling become obsolete, but if you are going to “min-max” it put them to the stat mentioned above )
Talents :
Rock Golem- Put everything here first until you reach cap with spendable talents, your only pet that can be resummoned without having worrying about corpses of enemies.
Skeleton Mauler – Next talent, put here all your talents until you reach cap.
Skeleton Mage – Max this as your last talent, put here all your talents until you run out of them.
Optional : You can withdraw few talents from Skeleton Mauler and Skeleton Mage and put them to Summon Mastery, especially for low wormhole levels.
Those four are the most valuable talents for you, but don’t forget to put at least 1 point in each talent!
Synergies ( You can only have two at a time ) :
Necronomicon – It’s a must have synergy at least for early endgame ( low wormhole levels )
Meat Wagon – Triples the amount of bits from your corpse bomb, not really useful but better than third synergy. Doesn’t make a big difference.
Gear :
Always go for strength over everything, also having plus to all talents or plus to talents mentioned above is never a bad choice!
Your next stat should be stamina, survivability is needed as you progress thru higher wormhole levels.
Stats like armor is completly useless for your class.
Why Strength ? It has synergy with your skeletons ( pets ) and it increases your basic dmg.
Why not Energy/Armor ? You are already almost capped with dmg reduction so you don’t need more of it. Energy is useless for your class.
Stat priority : Strength > Stamina > Plus to all talents/Plus to your three talents you are using > Energy > Armor
Now we start with melee classes, yes even worst ranged is better than melee. Why is Nomad best from them? Because you don’t want to play him as melee but rather as a mid-range class. Having a distance between you and boss is great but, you still have to hit boss with your basic attack to heal yourself if you are injured and that can be problematic. He has vanish ability, it may sound good but in reality it’s garbage. On the other hand his Rupture ability is much better. It has a chance for proc but it deals dmg until enemy dies. Of course as a melee class you have to be very careful in higher wormhole levels.
Pros :
– Best melee class in terms of dmg dealing from a distance.
Cons :
– Melee class
– If you want to heal yourself you have to do basic attacks at close range
– You won’t be using most of his abilities
Gameplay :
Stay at max range of your Dissipate ability, it has proc chance with your basic attacks. At the start of boss fight try applying Rupture on him, then immediately back out.
If you are hit by something and you have low hp, you have to go close to boss to hit him with your basic attack to regain your missing health, be careful when doing that.
Spam your Flying Scimitar and Demolishing Tornado when it’s of the cooldown. Demolishing Tornado can hit boss when it’s spread at its max range but both skills provide minimal dmg boost.
Stats :
Put everything in Strength, there is no need for energy/armor
(At higher wormhole levels, stats that are given to you thru leveling become obsolete, but if you are going to “min-max” it put them to the stat mentioned above )
Talents :
Dissipate- Put everything here first until you reach cap with spendable talents, it’s your primary attacking ability.
Wind Master – Next talent, put here all your talents until you reach cap.
Rupture – Max this as your last talent, put here all your talents until you run out of them.
Those three are the most valuable talents for you, but don’t forget to put at least 1 point in each talent!
Synergies ( You can only have two at a time ) :
Sands of Time : Throws 3 sand projectiles instead of 1, you will be using it a lot so it’s a decent dmg boost for you.
Wind Master : Wind & Sand has a chance to release double the tornados with 1.3x damage, it can speed up boss killing.
Gear :
Always go for strength over everything, also having plus to all talents or plus to talents mentioned above is never a bad choice!
Your next stat should be stamina, survivability is needed as you progress thru higher wormhole levels.
Stats like armor is completly useless for your class.
Why Strength ? It has synergy with talents and increases your basic attack dmg.
Why not Energy/Armor ? You are already almost capped with dmg reduction so you don’t need more of it. Energy is useless for your class.
Stat priority : Strength > Stamina > Plus to all talents/Plus to your three talents you are using > Energy > Armor
Hero Siege – Classes part 6
Interesting class design, I really liked it. You boost your next attack with different abilities to deal dmg or freeze enemies. Because of that he can be also played as a semi ranged class. His proc chance from basic attack and dmg is lower than Nomad’s but can be played safer since you can stay further from boss. Additional to that, he has useful escape ability. As I previously mentioned in Nomad’s class description, if you are hit by something and you need to heal yourself, those abilities or proc from basic attack won’t heal you, you have to get close to boss. However his Evasion ability gives him upper hand to Nomad.
Pros :
– Can stay at long range
– Interesting class design
– Escape ability
– Chance to Evade attacks
– Better survivability than Nomad
Cons :
– Melee class
– If you want to heal yourself you have to do basic attacks at close range
– You will be constatnly spamming all your abilities
– Low dmg
Gameplay :
Stay at max range whenever possible, your main damage source is proc from Focus ability. Spam all your three offensive abilities as soon as they are off cooldowns. Use Vorpal Enchant to dash forward and
escape from potential danger. Don’t forget, after using it you have to perform basic attack to activate the ability. If you are hit by something and you have low hp, you have to go close to boss to hit him
with your basic attacks to regain your missing health, be careful when doing that.
Stats :
Put everything in Strength, there is no need for energy/armor
(At higher wormhole levels, stats that are given to you thru leveling become obsolete, but if you are going to “min-max” it put them to the stat mentioned above )
Talents :
Focus – Put everything here first until you reach cap with spendable talents, you will be using it all the time.
Evasion – Next talent, put here all your talents until you reach cap.
Lightning Enchant – Max this as your last talent, put here all your talents until you run out of them.
Those three are the most valuable talents for you, but don’t forget to put at least 1 point in each talent!
Synergies ( You can only have two at a time ) :
Vorpal Mind : Vorpal Strike proc from 3 hits instead of 6, basically higher dmg.
Lightning Reflexes : Every time you evade an attack the enemy is struck with chainlightning, that means it does dmg constantly when you are not hit by anything.
Gear :
Always go for strength over everything, also having plus to all talents or plus to talents mentioned above is never a bad choice!
Your next stat should be stamina, survivability is needed as you progress thru higher wormhole levels.
Stats like armor is completly useless for your class.
Why Strength ? It has synergy with talents and increases your basic dmg.
Why not Energy/Armor ? You are already almost capped with dmg reduction so you don’t need more of it. Energy is useless for your class, it only boosts your one ability.
Stat priority : Strength > Stamina > Plus to all talents/Plus to your three talents you are using > Energy > Armor
I’m really sad to see him in last tier. Not only he is my favorite melee class, but his dmg is really high. He is a simple character that benefits from doing just basic attack which is boosted from his talents. If he could somehow survive being insta-killed in high wormhole levels, he would be in A tier for sure. He has very strong abilities like charge that can be used as an escape skill or knockback, can stun enemies for the entire duration of fight, too bad that stunned enemies
can cast abilities so it’s kinda useless. Shame he is in same tier as Redneck 🙁
Pros :
– Can permanently keep enemies in stun.
– Simple but effective in what he does.
– Escape ability.
Cons :
– Melee class.
– If you want to heal yourself you have to do basic attacks at close range.
– Only one ranged ability that has long cooldown.
– His stun doesn’t prevent enemies from using their abilities.
Gameplay :
Very tricky, at lower wormhole levels you feel almost like a god, but the higher wormhole level gets the lower chance for surviving you have. I really don’t know what else to type, don’t die do dmg, kill boss… I guess.
I know it may sound simple and easy but if you are doing wormhole levels above certain level it’s almost impossible to kill anything without dying first.
Stats :
Put everything in Strength, there is no need for energy/armor
(At higher wormhole levels, stats that are given to you thru leveling become obsolete, but if you are going to “min-max” it put them to the stat mentioned above )
Talents :
Critical Strike – Put everything here first until you reach cap with spendable talents or if you hit around 95% crit chance.
Berserk – Next talent, put here all your talents until you reach cap.
Zeal – Max this as your last talent, put here all your talents until you run out of them.
Those three are the most valuable talents for you, but don’t forget to put at least 1 point in each talent!
Synergies ( You can only have two at a time ) :
Rage : Double the Berserk effect.
Gates of Valhalla : A hit that would kill you makes you immortal for 5 seconds instead (3min cooldown) can be helpful sometimes.
Gear :
Always go for strength over everything, also having plus to all talents or plus to talents mentioned above is never a bad choice!
Your next stat should be stamina, survivability is needed as you progress thru higher wormhole levels.
Stats like armor is completly useless for your class.
Why Strength ? It has synergy with talents and increases your basic attack dmg.
Why not Energy/Armor ? You are already almost capped with dmg reduction so you don’t need more of it. Energy is useless for your class.
Stat priority : Strength > Stamina > Plus to all talents/Plus to your three talents you are using > Energy > Armor
Don’t play him, just don’t.