Hero Siege Guide

Hero Siege - Multiplayer Server Setup for Hero Siege

Hero Siege – Multiplayer Server Setup


A quick, easy to follow guide for configuring your PC and Router for Hero Siege Multiplayer Server Hosting.

Computer Configuration

Windows Firewall

We need to complete a couple of steps in order to allow us to host a Hero Siege Multiplayer Server. Firstly, we must make sure we are allowing the game through our PC Firewall.

To access your Firewall, the easiest way is to press your Windows key and in the search, type ‘firewall’. Then navigate to ‘Allow a Program through Windows Firewall’. Click ‘Change Settings’ then find Hero Siege in your list and ensure both Private and Public are ticked.

Finding our Internal IP Address

Next we need to find out or internal IPv4 address. We can quickly find this out by opening up Command Prompt (press Windows key and search ‘cmd’)

Then type ‘ipconfig’. Note down your IPv4 Address, we will need this when configuring our router.

Router Configuration

Log in to your router. This is most commonly done by typing it’s IP into your web browser. For example, Sky Router (UK) address is: It is different for every make and model, if you are unsure, check your router User Manual.

Once you have the typed the IP into your web browser, it will ask for a Username and Password. Again, check your User Manual – a common factory setting username and password is:

Username: admin
Password: admin

Create a new Service/Open a Port

Once logged in, navigate to your Port Forwarding Section, this could be in a section called ‘Services’ or it could have it’s own section.

  • Add a New Service
  • Name: HeroSiege
  • Type: TCP
  • Start Port: 6510
  • Finish Port: 6510
  • Apply

Create Inbound and Outbound Services for your Routers Firewall

Navigate to your Router’s Firewall section and create Inbound and Outbound rules for your Firewall.

Inbound Service

  • Add Service – Look in your dropdown list and select ‘HeroSiege(TCP:6510)’
  • Action: Allow
  • Send to LAN Server: <Your PC IP found from CMD>
  • Apply

Outbound Service

  • Find your HeroSiege Service from the dropdown list
  • Allow all actions
  • Apply

Save all of your settings and log out of your router. Fire up Hero Siege and away you go!
