Cat Goes Fishing Guide

Every fish + Complete World map in Cat Goes Fishing for Cat Goes Fishing

Every fish + Complete World map in Cat Goes Fishing


A guide to help you 100% every category in your catalog. I’ve caught every fish in the game, and have 100% every category myself. I haven’t gotten every hat, but there are a couple of other guides that should help you in that front.If you need to find a specific fish quickly, you can use CTRL+F to search for keywords. Hope that helps!Please keep in mind, some fish will require you to have a master rod and the collier boat to reach. I am level 57 as of right now, and have everything unlocked and max sonar. I recommend these greatly.If I’ve messed anything up, let me know! I’d love for this guide to be as accurate as possible, all the time. If pictures are wanted, I can make a pictures section of the guide.


Any extra/new areas, I’ll have to roughly map out by hand to help make a rough idea of what the new cave systems look like, where sonar can’t reach.

SOME OF THE DRAWN-IN AREAS ARE NOT TO SCALE, it’s a very rough estimation of how the caves look.

The names of these areas will be used to help visualize where fish are. You can click on the image to see it better.

The “REEF” area is referred to as the Coral Basin in-game. Reef was just a bit shorter.
And, “THE EDGE” is know as the Distant sea.

NOTE: The past two times I’ve loaded up the game I’ve found the Stalker following the Dragon, so keep in mind that’s a very possible thing.

All small fish

I’ll be going in order on the catalog for all of these lists.

This is one of the first fish you catch, so there isn’t much to say here.

These fish are found all over the map, and can be very useful when futher out at sea where there are less small fish to catch for bait. Make use of these fish any chance you get.

Another very easy fish to catch, can be found in the shallow areas of the ocean.

Found just barely off-screen from shore, and swim in a circular pattern. Easy to catch in realism.

Kingfish swarm around the Queen-fish, and are easy to catch with small or medium bait. They can get in the way of catching a Queen-fish, but this can be easily avoided with the Bait guard upgrade and a large sized bait. Once you’ve caught a Queen-fish, the King-fish will swarm your boat, making it very easy to get lots of money or medium bait no matter where you might be.

Gallina are another easy fish to catch, found further off-shore in very shallow waters. They can primarily be found near where Cowfish spawn.

Common, yellow skitters are found swarming around one Red, alpha skitter. It can be challenging to catch a red skitter as the whole swarm moves very quickly, and is a bit deeper than the surface level. There are a couple of swarms found around the Sour-fish and Tiger-shark area.
There’s no very easy way to go about catching a red skitter. The best strategy is to wittle away the yellow skitter from around the alpha, and to finally catch the alpha once it’s alone.

Tang-fish are small and easy fish to catch, found around the same area as Skitters. They’re a bit under the surface, but probing around where Sour-fish are may help you locate a few.

Tetras are a bit deep in the water, swimming in a school that moves back and fourth at about the mid-level ocean range, around the area Crayfish and Chompys spawn.

Tappy are similar to Tetra, spawning in a similar area but a tad bit deeper. They can be found around the large cluster of Sizzers.

These fish can be found swimming in a wide and loose circle pattern, around the mid-ocean range. The most notable group of them is under the higher-resting group of Sizzers, around the sour-fish and Chompy area.

Bulbfish are found in the darker, deeper regions of the ocean. They spawn in a line-like pattern across a specific level of the deep. They’re easy to spot, from their glow. The Maw can often be found trying to eat a bulbfish, circling it for eternity. Catching an intact bulbfish unlocks the lightbulb lure for your rod.
Bulbfish can be a bit tricky because of the long haul up, they often get eaten. This can be really annoying, but having the Flick upgrade and a few reel upgrades should help.
These fish are crucial to catching The Maw.

A small fish found on top of the Reef wall area, very straightforward to catch. Having the second-to-best boat will stop you right over this reef wall, making it easy to catch them. They’re most notable trait is a bright pink coloration and a kissing-like expression.

Also found on top of the reef wall, easy to catch. Have a pale-red color, and a sharp upper fin.

To put it simply, Bombats are a PAIN if you’re trying to get a bonefish. Bombats are small, bat like fish that hang on the tops and edges of the caves. They will grab onto anything round, including your bombs. They will explode bombs if they latch onto them, and that can be really bothersome when trying to get other cave fish.
To catch one, you need to have any sized bait, and make your way down to the sea-floor of the off-shore and open ocean areas before the reef. If you’ve made it there with bait still, perfect, that’s what you want. There are round rocks littering the ground of the seafloor, and you can pick them up if you have bait on your hook. If you move around a bit, you should be able to locate a hole down into the caves, if you make your way down one using flick or sinker, scoping around should land you a bombat rather quickly. Other fish will still bite bombats, so be cautious reeling them up. They shouldn’t put up a fight in realism either, making it rather easy to catch them.
Bombats are crucial in catching the Cave Tiger shark, though.

Teeny tiny shrimp, found at the sea-floor area just before the basin on the “drop-off”. If you start at the reef wall, and explore backwards towards shore, you are heading in the right direction. If you find Guppers, you’re too deep, and you need to reel up to find the “Drop-off” that goes into the basin. They typically spawn along that area. You’re going to need small bait for it, so bombs are highly recommended.

Baby Sizzer are found swimming around the mostly stationary adults, and if you try to catch one, the mother will most likely break your line. In realism It’s best to have a very fast reel for this, or gauge to strengthen it. It’s a delicate procedure to keep an adult sizzer from snapping your line. Easiest way to do this is to have bait guard, and a large bait. If you catch the adult Sizzer, the babies will follow. Try to be careful doing this, though. Other adult Sizzers will try to snap your line if you try to catch an adult.

Found on top of the reef wall. They’re easy to spot by their green color. They’re very round-shaped.

Small, pale white and yellow fish found on top of the reef wall.

Little purple fish found on top of the reef wall.

Small pufferfish found in the area around the swordfish, in the mid-ocean area before the reef, and above the basin. A cluster of them can be found before the reef wall, but around the same level as the top of it. They start small and yellow, and once caught will puff up. No fish will try to bite the pufferfish, so don’t worry about them getting bitten. They are used to catch the Swordfish.

Yin, the mainly white, can be found deep in the Basin, hugging the side of the reef wall. Yang, the mainly black, is found in the very first hole you can find to the caves from the shore. Both of these fish are a struggle to catch. Flick is very useful in the case.
Start by finding Yang, which shouldn’t be hard. Sink your way into the first cave entrance from the shore and move your hook left, where there should be some Yang circling, there are 3 of them. With a medium or small bait, it should start circling the bait, move slowly, keep it circling your bait and navigate slowly through the caves towards the basin. Other fish will be an obstacle, so make sure you stay out of their aggro-range so they don’t steal your bait. If you’re able to successfully lead Yang to one of the Yin in the basin, they should begin to circle each other. Now you should be able to catch either one.
There are definitely more in-depth guides and maps about this process, I highly urge you check them out as they can help a lot.

Clownfish are found just between the darker deeps and the mid-ocean, They can be found in the same area as Puff, swimming back and fourth in a loose group. Easy catch, and worth a good amount.

Look like a brown, non-glowing Bulbfish. They’re found in the deeper part of the Reef area.

Sassy are found wiggling up and down, practically stationary above the pink “Life tree” just above the sea-floor, to the left of the drop-off and basin area. Easy to catch.

Skiggle look like little white and yellow worms, and are found in the Reef, a bit above the hole that leads to the reef caves.

All small fish 2

Dire trillow are found in the Reef, moving in a large circular pattern much like the normal version.

Can be found in the deeper parts of the reef, swimming around the floor. Be cautious reeling them up, as more often then not a bigger fish will nibble on your catch.

Hue can be found in a few different places, they’re a hot pink/purple color and can be seen in the deep reef, the reef wall, and the floor of the reef. Scoping around this area should land you one.

These pale-white fish are found typically on top of the Reef wall.

A white and pale-teal boomerang shaped fish that can be found in the deep reef, and occasionally on the Reef wall.

Chaw swarm around The Edge of the map, above the Silo. Chaw have some of the most intense aggro ranges of any fish, rivaling that of the Sour-fish. This can make them really annoying when trying to get any smaller fish that spawn in the Silo, and medium fish especially. Bait guard is HIGHLY recommended with these pesky fish.

Baby jaw are found in the edge, above the Silo. They follow the bigger Yellow jaws, and are pretty easy to catch with basic or medium bait. The only thing in your way would be Chaw.

Looking for it right now to confirm it’s location, but it’s a hard one to find. According to a discussion thread, one can be found hanging out above The empty basin, to the left of the Entrance only at night. It’s day location, I’m unsure of. I’ve explored thoroughly in The empty, for mapping, and those hours spent I couldn’t find one.

Gnawers can be found on the Reef floor, to the left of the hole that leads to the reef caves.

They can be found right above the hole that leads to the Reef caves.

Snugglers are a bit difficult to find because of their location in open water. They’re about in the mid-ocean range, more towards the outer areas of “The edge.” where the Chaw don’t spawn. They’re very similarly shaped to a Cuddlefish.

Jackfish are one of the few fish that spawn down in the complicated depths of the Reef caves. They can be mostly found to the right of the Lemonback caves, above the crystal cave and Elf leg.

If you follow the map, this elusive fish should be easy to find. It’s found in the Crystal cave, marked on the map. Be careful catching this fish, there is a lot that will get in your way.

Medium fish

All Medium fish require medium (Yellow) bait to catch.

Can be found anywhere on the map, in the shallow to mid-ocean range. Good for large bait, mainly stationary.

Aggressive yellow fish found in the more open ocean parts of the map, and are very fast with a large aggro range.

These purple fish can be found between the open ocean and off-shore areas, in the mid-ocean range. They’re underneath the area that the furthest Cowfish are found.

Another shark like medium fish found near the farthest pair of Cowfish, and can be easily spotted by their green and orange colors.

To the right of the furthest set of Cowfish, just above the deeps of the ocean are these purple striped fish. They’re mostly stationary, so they should be easy to find.

When you make your way out to the Reef wall and open ocean area, Bullfish will patrol just under your boat in a back and forth pattern. This makes them very easy to catch.

Sizzer are found stationary in the Open ocean area of the map, surrounded in Baby sizzer. These are rather easy to find, but can be hard to catch due to the fact that other sizzer in view range will try to snap your line and free your catch. Be mindful of this when going to catch one!

Bleaper can be found at night, in groups patrolling your boat. When you cast your line, they will often leap into the air after it and steal it once it lands in the water. This can make them extremely annoying. You only need medium bait to catch one, and a little bit of coaxing the bait in front of the fish to hook it.

Queenfish are found in the open ocean and off-shore area, surrounded by Kingfish. They’re easy to catch if you have large bait and the bait guard upgrade, as this keeps the kingfish from being hooked by accident. When you catch a queenfish and put it in your boat, the swarm of Kingfish will follow your boat.

Sibilfin are fast, pink fish found between the open ocean and offshore area, always being chased by a large, red Turgeon. This makes it difficult to catch an undamaged one, but with a fast reel and some medium bait, you can definitely manage it.

Green fish found in the off-shore underneath the furthest set of cowfish, just above the lower mid-ocean range. Should be pretty easy to catch with medium bait.

Curby are darker green, striped fish that can be found between the Reef wall and Open Ocean area. They are about mid-ocean range. They often get spooked by Gabu, moving around only a little bit.

Found anywhere from the Open Ocean area to The Edge of the map, typically in shallow and mid-ocean areas. Their huge aggro range makes it easy to find them.

Stalkers are hard to find, but they should be around the open ocean area. They’re long, purple and white-striped fish. To catch one, you need to catch the fish they’re following, and then you’ll be able to catch the stalker, which will follow your boat.

Despite the name, Nightfish can be caught in the deeper parts of the open ocean. During the night, they will swim up higher and further than they would in the day. They can also be found in the caves, follow Sire Nightfish.

Lumina are easy to spot, as they’re glowing blue. They’re found in the deeper parts of the off-shore and open ocean area.

Spallow are found only a bit below the surface of the off-shore and open ocean area, swimming quickly around. Their colorful striped blue and orange patterns make them easy to spot.

Yellow and blue spotted fish with a large snout on them, they can be found in a upper pocket of the caves, and sometimes tagging along bigger fish in the open-ocean area.

Stormy are brown and yellow, and during the day they are mainly stationary, just above the sea floor. He can be seen just above the sonar limit from the boat, underneath the spot where the Tiger-shark swims around. If you lower your hook far below the Tiger-shark, you should be able to find him.

Found in caves, The easiest place to find them is in The Empty. Lower your hook straight down into The Empty basin, and they should be the only fish there.

Lion fish are found on top of the reef wall, and to catch one, you need to catch a small fish while having a huge hook on your line. When a lionfish bites the fish on your hook, it should catch it.

Crayfin are one of the harder fish to catch. They’re blue, with a yellow belly. They’re found in the Open ocean just before the Reef wall, following a large, grey Chompy.
To catch a Crayfin, you need to first get a large bait with a huge hook, and hook the Chompy. DON’T PUT THE CHOMPY IN YOUR BOAT, let it go. This will make the Crayfin trust you, now you should be able to catch it easily. Make sure that the Crayfin isn’t near it’s Chompy, or the chompy will snap your line when you hook the Crayfin.

A purple striped fish found in the Reef, not too hard to catch.

A yellow, funny shaped fish found in the deeper parts of the Reef, it shouldn’t be hard to catch one.

These are blue fish found in the Reef, often swimming in the more shallow to mid-ocean area nearer the reef wall.

Cavin can be found along the sea floor in a group from the shore, if you hug the wall and make it to the bottom you can find them.

Stationary yellow fish found just past the Reef wall, in the shallow reef.

Spiney yellow fish found in a cluster, almost exactly in the middle of the Reef. They shouldn’t be hard to catch either.

Bitter fish are pale pink, and look like a gulper eel. They can be found in the mid-ocean to shallow area of The Edge, and sometimes deeper above The Silo. They aren’t hard to catch, and you may find yourself catching them accidentally more often than not.

Another fish found in the mid-ocean to shallow area on The Edge of the map above the Silo. Shouldn’t be hard to find. They’re pale yellow, almost brown.

These are green and yellow fish that swim around at The Edge of the map, followed by Baby jaws. They look like little old men, it’s weird.

Slimey are pale teal-green fish that swims very deep in the water above the Silo. Easy to find if you go to the very edge, and plunge your hook straight down.

Lamby are easy to find, they swim around very deep in the ocean, above the Silo. You should be able to find them because they glow a subtle yellow color.

Glaciers are faintly glowing blue fish found on the very left of The Empty and in the Reef caves.
They can be a bit tricky to find, but once you do it’s a rewarding feeling.

Goldbeard can be a pretty difficult fish to catch, as he’s just off bounds of how far your boat can go. I recommend having at least 1 bomb, incase of Furrow or Chaw incidents. Using a rocket and casting as far as you can, you can scope around the lower mid-ocean to deep in order to find him. His bright yellow coloration and prominent beard makes him stand out.

One of the hardest medium fish to catch. This sucker might take you a while, it took me a while.
Flick and sinker will help you a lot here, I highly suggest them.
The soda fish is found swimming in the mid-ocean range at the furthest point the Collier boat can take you, and sometimes he can go a bit further than that point. The trick is, get some medium bait and get his attention with it. White he’s distracted with the bait, move it around him to get him upside down. Once he’s upside-down, the soda will start to slide out of the holster. If you get him too far away from the soda can, he’ll run back to it. If you’re fast enough, you can grab the soda with your hook and you can catch it with the soda.

Medium fish 2 (It’s just Ghast.)

Ghasts, surprised I missed them, but they should be pretty easy to find. They’re on the far right of what I’ve labeled as the “Dragon area,” but left of the sort of ‘dropoff’ that leads to the silo. I was able to find a few near the seafloor, so some re-casting and searching might be required.

Large fish

Orange spotted, friendly looking fish. Easy to find, easy to catch. There are two pairs in the shallows, the off-shore one, and the one that’s nearest to the open-ocean area.

Yellow streamlined fish, found zooming around off-shore. They’re fast, and a bit hard to catch in realism. They can be mainly found in the shallow to mid-ocean area.

They’re orange striped fish found in the open ocean area, in more shallow to mid-ocean areas. Their size makes them easy to pick out.

Large, Red, fast and always chasing Sibilfins in the shallows of the off-shore area. They might be a little hard to snag with a weaker rod in realism, so Gauge is always a useful upgrade.

Weird, orange striped fish found hugging the shore. They face up and down, and are easy to spot and find. Should only take a large bait to catch them.

Georgian are orange and white spotted fish found in the mid-ocean area of the Open Ocean. They swim slowly, and always alone. It might take some feeling around to find one.

Pale brown fish found swimming just above the sea floor of the Open Ocean area, not too hard to nab.

Blue striped fish found in the lower mid-ocean level, a good landmark is underneath the area the Tiger shark swims.

Big headed, dark green striped fish found just before the Reef wall in a pair. Fast and aggressive fish.

Anglerfish are easy to spot because of their radiant glow. They are just above the sea floor all along the off-shore and opean ocean area.

Stankfin look like salmon with really sharp teeth, and can be found in the caves. The easiest place to find them is just under the 1st entrance to the caves. In realism, they love to jet upwards once hooked, so I recommend luring them out of the cave before hooking them.

Rays can be found on the seafloor of the open ocean, and off-shore area. Not too hard to nab, in realism and not. A better time to catch one is at night, they drift up from the seafloor to the deep area.

Orange and white plump looking fish, found deep just above the basin, and just before the Reef wall. There are only two of them, and if you don’t want to extinct the species, only catch one per reload, or else they will never respawn on that save. In order to 100% the large fish, though, you will need to catch both. There is one more left of the basin, and one more towards the reef wall.

Nightfish sires are big, purple spikey fish that can be found in the deeper part of the caves, on the map it should be the pocket behind where the cave shark’s little den is. They’re followed around by normal nightfish. I haven’t caught these much, but they shouldn’t be too difficult.

Found in caves, look like salmon but have yellow eyes, and are a pale brown color. They can be found in really any part of the cave from what I remember, so if you sift around a bit it shouldn’t be hard to find one.

An orange fish that looks like it’s made of sponge. Easiest place to find one is at the sea floor, right next to the pink tree underwater.

A dark, red orange colored fish that looks very aggressive. They can be found in the larger pocket of the caves, where I wrote the word “CAVES” on the map.

Yellow fish with a gold coin on their forehead, they swim in a pair in a very wide-spanning swimming pattern that spans almost then entire Open ocean area. Their round, peculiar shape can make them easy to spot.

Pinkish-purple fish that move in a big conga line just before the Reef wall. They move from mid-ocean to shallow, and can be a bit fast. Sometimes they will ball up, for some reason. Shouldn’t be hard to find.

Gupper are a cherry-pink, plump fish. Easiest place to find them is in the basin, just under the drop-off to the left. I suggest luring one out into the open basin, or else it will snag your line on the top of the cave in realism.

A pink, rounder fish with a lighter pink belly. They can be found in small groups in the deeper, almost sea-floor level of the Reef.

Light yellow almost golden colored fish that move fast and are often seen outside of the water flying around willy-nilly. They are in the very highest shallows of the Reef, and Reef wall area. They can be a little bit of a pain to catch.

Large fish 2

One of the most difficult large sized fish to catch, in my personal opinion. These pale-yellow and white fish can be found residing just inside of the Reef caves, and in the very deepest part of the basin hugging the right wall. They can be an absolute nightmare to lure out into the open, as the easiest way to catch one is to lure it out from the tiny cracks in the deep basin. These fish will hug walls very tightly, making them easy to find. The area you can best find them in, I’ve labeled Lemonback cave 1 and 2. This should help.

A pale, orangish-red colored fish that looks similar to a carp. They can be found in the first pockets of the Reef caves, coming from the top, and on the sea-floor of the Reef.

These yellow-green striped fish can be found near the Yin in the Basin, hugging the upper lip of the rock underneath the Yin. If you hug the right side of the cave wall next to the yin, and don’t go in any caves, you should find some.

A pretty purple fish. Used to be located near the Reef, but since the update, it spawns at The Edge of the map about the lower mid-ocean level. If you’re looking to catch it, it should show up around the furthest point your boat can go. If I’m wrong about this, feel free to let me know. This is just the area I’m familiar with it being in.

A pink a blue fish that swim in a pair in the Reef area, doing a little dance with each other. If one is caught, the other will go into a sad, slow state, acting more like any other large fish would. It’s a rather sad sight to see.

A large gray fish found in the Open ocean, just before the Reef wall. There will be a Crayfin following it. The fastest way to catch one, is to just get a large bait, and catch it like you would any other large fish. However, this method makes it impossible to catch the Crayfin. The way to get them both is to hook the Chompy, and to release it back into the water instead of putting it in your boat. This makes the Crayfin trust you, and you can catch the Crayfin with medium bait. Then you can catch the Chompy like normal without any problems.

Fish sleeping on the cave-floor in the main pocket of the caves, where I wrote “CAVES” on the map. To awake a Bonefish, you need to have a bomb, and the Detonator upgrade on your rod. I also suggest Flick, and sinker. It will make this process a lot easier. Lower your bombed-hook down to where the Bonefish are sleeping, and detonate the bomb to wake them up. When you wake them up, they’ll run off to the right side of the map, and hang around the Reef area for you to catch them. Something that would help against Bombats exploding your bomb is to have the bomb stacker upgrade as well.

Looks like a dragon’s head. It’s on the right side of the Reef, facing off towards the Dragon waters.
All you need is a large bait.

A big, circular hot-pink fish with a horn coming off it’s head. It can be found in the shallows and mid-ocean level of The Edge. You only need large bait for this fish.

The thistle is another hot-pink fish that looks very beaten-up, found in the deep to mid-ocean of The Edge of the map, and is stationary. It shouldn’t be hard to find, because of it’s large size.

Lampis are a very interesting fish, and probably one of my favorites. It’s got a loose, ooze-like body structure a large glowing circles on it’s body, which aren’t it’s eyes actually. This makes it easy to spot. This fish is found in the deep dark area above The Silo.

A noxious, bomb-shaped fish that’s dark green. These fish are found just above The Silo’s door.

A weird looking fish that almost looks like a fungus, consisting of a yellow body and red parts on it’s top, bottom, and sides. This fish is found to the left of the Silo door, in the spot I marked on the map as “GERM’S PLACE”

Mamo is a large, pale brown fish that lives nestled in a cave with an egg. It’s found just below the dragon’s spot, I’ve marked it on the map as “MAMO’S DEN.” Going into the cave with any sort of bait will make Mamo snap your line instantly, in order to protect it’s egg. The only way to catch Mamo is to lure the Dragon down into the cave with any sort of bait and a Mega hook, Mamo, who is afraid of the Dragon, will become too scared to get close to the dragon and will move to the far side of the cave. This allows you to pick up the egg, and lure the dragon back out. Using the Egg and a Mega hook, you can now catch the Dragon. Back in the cave with Mamo, it will become extremely sad, looking like it’s crying. You can now catch it normally with large bait.
NOTE: You have to disable all sonar in order to lure the dragon and catch it. It’s sensitive.

The ghost looks like a transparent skeleton version of a Torby, and it only spawns on Stormy nights when you have extinct both Torby on your save. If you cast your line, sometimes a flash of lighting will show and a transparent Torby image with appear behind you, when this happens, release your line with a large bait and the skeleton/ghost torby should spawn and be catchable as any other large fish is.


All these fish require Huge hook unless specified otherwise


The shark can be found off-shore in the lower mid-ocean and deep area., and can be caught rather easily with a live fish. The shark will only accept live fish, and I’ve been able to make it work with damaged/half eaten fish and a huge hook.


A long, gray striped shark found in the Open ocean, in the mid-ocean range. It can be pretty easily caught with large bait and a huge hook.


Swordfish is a big blue fish with a long pointy nose, you can find it swimming around the Open ocean just before the Reef wall, in the shallows and deep ocean. To catch one you only need a Puff on your hook. Let the swordfish spear the Puff on your hook, and it will stick.


Noctis can be found swimming in an swooping up and down patter along the deep area in the ocean only at night or during storms, and can be a bit of a hassle when nightfishing. Noctis will try to snap your line when you’re catching another fish. I’ve mainly had this interfere with large and huge-fish catching. Catching the noctis is really annoying, as it has a very small aggro range and it swims pretty fast. All you need to do is have large bait and a huge hook, try to shove the hook in it’s face and that should trigger the aggro range and you’ll be able to hook it.


This fish is surprisingly pretty fast, but can be found in the deep, darker areas of the Open Ocean. The trick to catching a Moga is, you can’t have a light on your hook. Without a light, it’s just a large bait and a huge hook. Personally what I like to do is put a lightbulb on my hook and use it until it has ~1 minute left, and I go and find the Moga while I can still see. It will bob in and out of the edge of the light, until it goes out.


Cave shark takes the cake as the most annoying fish to catch for me. I’ve had a lot of bugs and issues regarding this fish, so keep that in mind when going to catch one. The cave shark is found deep in the caves, and you should be able to see it on the map provided, hiding in a pocket off the main cave area. To catch it, you’ll have to hook a Bombat onto your rod. Find a round rock, catch it on your line, (which you need to have bait on your line to do,) and lower it into the caves, wait for a Bombat to latch on and you’re set. It’s possible to lure the cave shark out of the caves before hooking it, so I recommend doing that to make catching it much easier.


Not too hard of a huge fish to catch, you’ll find it swimming around the bottom-most bulbfish layer in the off-shore and open ocean area, often stuck trying to eat a bulbfish but failing. The best way to go about this, get a huge hook, catch the bulb-fish that it’s stuck trying to eat, and the hook should be instant.


The Hamahed is a very large hammer-head shark swimming about the middle of the Reef. To catch it, it’s pretty simple. Huge hook, large bait, and shove the hook in it’s face. Should work like a charm.


THIS FISH REQUIRES A MEGA-HOOK. It’s a huge, green, segmented fish found deep in the water above The Silo area. It’s fast, and pretty fiesty. To catch one, It’s large bait and a MEGA HOOK. It’s absolutely giant size makes it easy to spot in the water, but sometimes it requires some looking around.


Catching the dragon ties in with how you catch Mamo, which I actually already covered in the description of Mamo but I’ll do it again. The dragon is a huge, serpentine creature found in the area I’ve labeled “DRAGON AREA” on the map, so to the right of the Reef area. This creature is really sensitive to sonar, so you need to turn off/disable all sonar abilities in order to get close to it. The dragon can only be caught with an egg and you don’t need a hook for it. To get the egg, you’ll need to get the Dragon’s attention. It doesn’t matter what bait is on your hook, any will do. Once you have the Dragon’s attention, keeping it just out of the range of your hook, lead it down into the “MAMO’S DEN” area, which might take a couple tries. This scares Mamo away from it’s egg, which you can then pick up with your hook. Still keeping just far away enough from the dragon, lure it back outside into the open where you can then catch it.
NOTE: The dragon takes a really long time to respawn, so don’t worry if it’s gone for a really long time.