Skyforge Guide

Applying a Skyforge promo code to the Steam version for Skyforge

Applying a Skyforge promo code to the Steam version


How to apply a promo code when you signed up to Skyforge via Steam (it’s actually very simple once you know the trick).

What’s my (user)name again?

So, you signed up to Skyforge via Steam, and not via the Skyforge website. Now you have a non-Steam promo code you want to apply, but the only way to do it is by logging into the Skyforge website. Problem is, you don’t have any login credentials because Steam took care of all that for you. What now?

Here’s the trick:

  1. Start the Skyforge launcher from Steam, but don’t click Play
  2. At the bottom of the news articles, click on All News
  3. Your web browser will open and you will be automaticaly logged in to the Skyforge website with the account Steam created for you. Click on the Profile link.
    (Or go directly to [link])

  4. Click the Redeem a promo code button.
  5. Enter your promo code and enjoy!