Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Guide

Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Roleplay guide for Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Roleplay guide


This guide is a half-life 2 deathmatch roleplay walkthrough. This is for people new (and old, there might be stuff you didn’t know in the guide) to HL2DM Roleplay and basically shows tips and tricks on how to get the most out of roleplay.

Roleplay Overview

Roleplay is the simulation of an event for recreational purposes, in this case city life.

There are generally a few rules to roleplay, and they vary server to server. Type !motd in the server chat to read them. And of course, listen to the admins, as the are there to help you. If (in rare circumstances) an admin is breaking the rules, tell a moderator or server owner on the server’s website.

The main goal of Roleplay in HL2DM is to gain as much money as possible to purchase special items and houses. Getting into the roleplay economy is vital, as regular DM tactics won’t cut it. You will need to use jobs and gain partnerships with other players in order to get the best outcomes.

(Note: To see all commands in the roleplay server, type /help <page number here> in chat.)

Getting started

When you first join the server, you recieve a notification on the top left corner of the screen:

Press the escape key, and you will get a job menu:

If you want to change your job, disconnect and reconnect, or you can press “E” or whatever button you have binded for the ‘use’ function, on the D0G NPC:

This picture explains your Roleplay HUD:

Banking your money

If someone kills your character, you will lose all the money in your wallet, so learning to put your money in the bank is one of your immediate goals. To do so, locate a Bank NPC, which most of the time has a Gman model.

(Note: An easy way to get money early in the game is by robbing Bank and Vendor NPCs. To do this, press the button you use to sprint two times while aiming at the NPC. You will get around $200-500 dollars per rob as long as you stay next to the NPC. Be wary, you will also get 120 crime added to your crime meter.)

Press the “E” key when the cursor is on the Bank NPC, then press “Escape”, and you will get this menu:

Using your inventory

Your inventory is a menu in which all your items are stored. It cannot be lost upon the death of your character. To access it, type /items or /inventory, then press the “Escape” key on your keyboard (Or, you could bind a key to the command by typing in the developer console bind <whatever key you want> “say /items”

A menu will appear with your inventory’s contents:

Upon selecting an inventory item, another menu appears:

Buying Items

There are usually NPC vendors scattered around the area that sell different items. Their items are dependent on what the server owner decides it should have, but are generally seperated into Foods and Drinks, Guns, Medical, Furniture, Locks and Keycards, and Miscelanious.

(Note: if you want to see all of a server’s available items, type /sm_itemlist <page number> in chat, then open the developer console to see the list of items.)

An example of a vendor will look like this:

Press “E” on the vendor and then press “Escape”, and you will get a menu like this:

When you select the item you want, another menu will fly up:

And if you select “Buy Bulk” yet another menu will fly right in your face 😛

Buying Houses

When you roleplay, you may consider buying a house. You’ll generally come to a door that has this text:

If you have enough money in the bank to buy the door, all you have to do is type /buydoor in chat and it will be yours permanently.

You can lock and unlock doors buy pressing the key with the “sprint” function:

See who owns and/or has keys to a door by typing /door in chat:

Give away keys to other players so they can use your door by typing in chat /givekeys <1-50> <player’s name> and take away keys by typing /deletekeys <1-50> in chat.

If you want to sell a door, simply look at a door and type /selldoor.

Playing as a cop

Playing the cop job in HL2DM Roleplay is not like other jobs. You must abide by more rules and responsibilities, usually shown by typing /motd. They are selected by admins, and you may be demoted for not following the rules. This section will cover how to play as a cop.

First and foremost, select the stunstick from the weapons menu. As a cop, it is used for cuffing people.

You will usually start in the PD, which contains a jail for securing players. The PD will almost always have doors that look like this, which can be opened and closed like a normal door, except only cops can use these doors (unless a civilian uses a special item):

Your job is to apprehend or eliminate those whose crime level has reached a certain number, which will vary server to server. The crime levels are usually shown on the top right of the HUD.

Keep searching around the map until you find the player you’re looking for, and cuff the player with your stun baton (you only need to swing your baton once).

You’re not done yet, you must press the “Use” key (which is “E” by default) twice to send them to jail. Or you can press “Use” then press the Escape key to access a menu with a variety of options. Be wary, alot of these options constitute as abuse, and you may be demoted for using them wrongly.

Once that is done, you may continue to jail players or visit the ones already jailed in the PD.

Tips and tricks on how to have a good roleplay experience

1. Mellow out.
Note to yourself that it’s just a game. You’re staring at numbers and titles that are not forever and will eventually expire. Stop taking every loss as a serious destruction to your ego. Imagine if someone who never played a video game was watching you play, and noticed how ridiculous you sound yelling at a screen. It’s a game, not a sport, it should be fun for you to play it overall, not a competition where one side gains happiness and the other side is miserable.

2. Don’t start DMing.
It really annoys people and makes you the enemy, does not get you alot of profit as you would get from doing a job, and you will very likely be jailed along with having to pay a fee for being jailed.

3. Don’t retaliate for being killed.
Mostly the same reasoning from tip number one. It costs you money to buy weapons to undertake this endeavor. 9/10 retaliation is not even a good deterrant, it just makes matters worse. Best thing to do is to let players who are cops arrest the aggresser, and have them repeat the process until the aggresser realizes it’s too much work for too little gain.

4. Grind your job.
Don’t start shopping for small items or settling for your per-minute wage. Do your job as fast and efficiently as possible, and you will be surprised on how much money you will make. Make as much money as needed to gain a property or rare item.

5. Don’t beg to be cop/admin.
The admins of a roleplay server don’t care much for those that beg for promotions, and for good reason. Giving out promotions without merit disenfranchises other players who put their time down in the community. It also opens the door for griefers to cause a rampage. Spend time on the server and when you’ve spent enough time that you’re no longer a stranger ask an admin if they can promote you.

6. Be courtious to new players.
Use common sense, you were new once too.


Part of the credit for this guide goes to me (Badger) for writing and screenshots. Credit also goes to Insta for consulting me on understanding command functions and certain item functions.

The server used in this guide is called:
| Roleplay [Multi-Map / RTV]

Update: Address and website are long gone, sorry guys.

Credit is given to them for letting me use the server for this guide.
