This guide will help you to make weapon skins by yourself.
What programs do I need?
GCFscape (http://nemesis.thewavelength.net/index.php?p=26)
VTFEdit (http://nemesis.thewavelength.net/index.php?c=178)
Paint, GIMP or Photoshop (Which I would recommend)
(GIMP: [link]
Adobe Photoshop CS6: [link] )
Creating skins
1) Open GCFScape
2) Extract the package “hl2_textures_dir” (You can find it here: Steam -> SteamApps -> common -> Half-Life 2 Deathmatch -> hl2)
3) Once you have extracted all those files browse for the weaponmodels (Steam -> SteamApps -> common -> Half-Life 2 Deathmatch -> hl2 -> materials -> models -> weapons)
Some folders are named v_**** and others w_****. The v stands for viewmodels and contains the weaponsheets when you hold this weapon in your hands. The w otherwise stands for worldmodels and contains the weaponsheets for the models that are spawning all over the map.
If this is your first time creating a weapon skin I would recommend to choose the v_smg1 folder and its weaponsheets as it is easy to edit it later on.
4) Copy the “v_smg1_sheet.vmt” and the “v_smg1_sheet.vtf” file to your desktop or create a folder called “materials -> models -> weapons -> v_smg1”. This will help you later on if you install the skin.
5) Now open the .vtf file with VTFEdit and export it as a .tga file.
6) Open this .tga file with Photoshop and have fun, add your writing or logos, remodel it with your skills or do whatever you want.
7) Save the new skin as “v_smg1_sheet.tga” in your created folder.
8) Then open it with VTFEdit and save it as “v_smg1_sheet.vtf”.
9) After that go to “Steam -> SteamApps -> common -> Half-Life 2 Deathmatch -> hl2dm -> custom -> my_custom_stuff”. (If this directory does not exist create it). Copy the CREATED materials folder into it and start your game.
What you need to know
– Only works on sv_pure 0 servers.
– It might be difficult to edit other weapons without proper 3D view.
– This guide did NOT show you how to edit the w_*** models so weapons on the ground will not look different.
– It is NOT possible to see other peoples skins if they drop their weapon and you pick it up.
– If you edit the worldmodels too it might be difficult to make it look exactly the same as the viewmodel.
Good luck.