Low Magic Age Guide

Low Magic Age Players Handbook: OGL SRD20 & Optimisation Guide for Low Magic Age

Low Magic Age Players Handbook: OGL SRD20 & Optimisation Guide


An English Low Magic Age Guide, Current March 7th 2021, for v0.91.38.xSample “ideal” Party Build, with “optional” sample characters for all classesContains All Races, Classes & Weapon DPR I will try to keep this guide current

Low Magic Age Players Handbook: Overview & OGL 3.5e SRD20

Prehaps The Most Well Crafted 3.5e OGL Based Open-World CRPG

Anyone Else Notice an Aasimar Paladin, With Wings & Holy Avenger? Or CR23+ Black Dragon!

Note: Patch 0.91.38 added:

Hello. I am Aazard (Jeff), The Devotee of a Dead God (3.5e).

Allow me to be your guide to Low Magic Age.

I requested a press copy for early access to write a review, & was award it. BUT I was so impressed by Low Magic Age, as a OGL 3.5e fan, that I had to write a full guide.

Lets get started:

Low Magic Age (LMA for short) is currently under active development, things are expected to change, be added & removed. LMA is based of a slightly modified OGL 3.5 rule set of Dungeons & Dragons. Many features are still being added.

Support LMA With Suggestions & BY TELLING FRIENDS ABOUT IT!

The rules used in game & the ones published officially (on OGL 3.5e SRD20) may have slight differences, some will be resolved to be as they are in OGL 3.5e SRD20, others may need modification for “practical” PC game-play.

That said, the game as it is, is VERY playable & AWESOME.My guide is made with information gained with my 3.5e history & from playing Low Magic Age.I will try to keep this guide current. Edited 2021 version of this guide

See the 3.5e OGL SRD20 for FULL, Original Rules, here:

I can not possibly cover the “rules” better than other “professional” sites & authors.

Free/OGL 3.5e Adventure Modules I Hope To See Content From

Originally published for the d20 System OGL 3.5e rule set. By Pazio, Not WotC
Although “anniversary hardcovers” are not free, the modules themselves are FREE
Exact “names” & “word for word text” etc would, legally, need to be slightly changed I believe

  • Rise of the Runelords (August 2007)
  • Curse of the Crimson Throne (February 2008)
  • Second Darkness (August 2008)
  • Legacy of Fire (February 2009)

Current for v0.91.38.x, as of March 7th 2021

Suggested Settings


  • Seed: Randomize a few times or write a phrase ,,,feeling some “WorldInFlames“? 😀
  • Dice Rolls/RNG: One of the “random: 1 to 20” settings (close to “dice rolls” as possible)
    If your PC can handle “0-32767, divided to die” it will be most accurate, but hardest on PC
  • Standard OGL is: “CORE”, All rules as OGL (ie spell slots, materials). AKA: “As TT
  • Set Hireling to allow custom builds, unless you want random Hirelings (Doubtful you do)
  • Settings for “reset/re-spawn”, “thievery/bandits” & Etc. is ideal at default “Core” setting
  • Setting AUTO-SAVE to 7 Days gives you a “weekly”, in game time, save
  • UNTIL Cantrips/Orisons (level 0 spells) are added, SET level 1 to 3 Slots WILL balance it
  • Capping Attributes to 50 is reasonable, as even gods like Hercules “only” have Str 55 in 3.5e
  • 3.5e was NOT MADE for past level 30 (EPIC). Challenge is only by “vast foe numbers” past level 30

Adventure Start

Adventure Start: Gives 1 character only.

You will require you “recruit & rebuild” 5 “fully custom” PC’s (& before they are level 2 or your stuck with them as is).

I suggest you uncheck Adventure Start, & “rescue” all 5 custom PC at Spiked Fortress

Divvers The Diviner’s” “STORAGE & BANK” Info.

“In the Missing Banker’s QUEST (..Spoilers about quest..) Anyways (..Quest Complete..) the banker thanks you and runs off, opening a bank in a random city. It’ll spread to other locations over time; you’re alerted when this happens by a message temporarily appearing on screen.

At the bank, you can deposit gold at 1% monthly interest rate and buy access to a storage box for 2k gold if you have at least 5 reputation. This gives you access to single 50-slot box that can presumably be accessed anywhere with a bank. You can buy a second box for 8k gold with at least 10 reputation. You can buy up to 10 boxes, which I’d reckon continue to increase in price and reputation requirement with every subsequent one.

  • You can use crafting materials stored in the bank from the workshop, although the city you craft in needs a bank to utilize this feature.
  • Gold needs to be withdrawn before it’s able to be used, however


Travelling Salesmen’s (Shortest Travel Time Of Full Circuit) Route

Respect to “Milo The Wise” for solving the “Travelling Salesmen’s Ideal Route” for LMA; here:

Other Notes:

A “custom” party of 6 to be typical for most players & I personally favour builds that are still “ideal” magic item independent, so this guide is written with this in mind.

  • Q: Why magic item independent?
  • A: Basically. Magic items, not crafted, are somewhat “random factors”, “special materials” while “more commonly accessible” are also a bit “rare”. Being able to pickup/swap to a mundane weapon, & keeping most of your combat efficiency is invaluable if disarmed & I’d rather count on “normal” full plate OVER adamantine +2 Breastplate in MANY situations (Like Flat Footed).

Sorcerer Note, “AS LMA Presents Them”

Sorcerers cast spells without preparing (memorising) them. They also focus on Cha over Int.
This costs them, on average 4/5 feats & MANY Skill points. As LMA is played they offer only a tiny benefit, at massive cost.
SO no “Optimal Sorcerer” in guide

Please “mirror” text as English/Chinese

LMA is a title enjoyed world wide.

Most users can read/write English or Chinese (I am assuming “simplified” is the common written)

Please mirror posts in both languages. Even via Google translate, better than nothing, right?

I will attempt to do so also, but my writting style & prose may cause slight difficulty.

To anyone “fluent” in written Chinese….message me plz

System Reference Document Open Gaming Licence v1.0a


With all this information about OGLs and SRDs and other acronyms flying around, I thought I’d write a quick primer for those who aren’t familiar with the concepts.


This stands for Open Gaming License. About the year 2000, when D&D 3rd Edition launched, the then-VP of of WotC was Ryan Dancey. He was the architect of something called the Open Gaming License, or OGL. The OGL is a license to use and share material which has been designated as “Open Gaming Content”.


This stands for System Reference Document. This is how WotC told us what they were designating as “Open Gaming Content”. Basically, if it was in the SRD, you could use it. If it wasn’t, you couldn’t. So, if you were a publisher writing a D&D resource book, you’d use the SRD as your basis, not the D&D 3rd Edition Player’s Handbook. That way, you knew you were only using Open Gaming Content.


That’s an acronym for Open Gaming Content. Because typing that out all the time gets annoying.

Around the year 2000 there was something called the “d20 Boom” (“d20 System” being the name of the underlying ruleset behind D&D 3E) — hundreds of publishers used these licenses and produced supplements and games compatible with or based on the D&D 3E (& later 3.5E) ruleset. And I mean hundreds – d20 books were published in this period. It dried up eventually, of course.

Open Gaming License



The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.

1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.

2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License.

3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.

4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.

5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.

6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.

8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.

9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.

10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.

11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.

12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.

13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.

14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.

Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Section 15

You need to put a copy of the OGL (i.e. all that text above) in your book, game, etc.

Patches: v0.91.38 & Guide

Questionable OGL/3.5e Humour, 100% has happened IRL

Latest: v0.91.38 Paladin added

Low Magic Studio’s Posted “DEV ROADMAP”

“The development of the Craft system at this stage has been basically finished. Of course, it will still be improved in future updates, with lower priority.

Next, we’ll switch our focus to a series of class-related contents, including:

Spell Slots, (IN WIP)
New Spells, (IN WIP)
Alignments, DONE

and 6 New Classes:

The development order and additions/deletions of above contents depends on the situation, and may need many preparations, so please be patient 😉

Thanks again for your continuous support!

– AM
Low Magic Studios”

v0.91.37 Patch Notes effecting this guide

The Nine Alignments

Added the nine alignments:
Lawful Good
Neutral Good
Chaotic Good
Lawful Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil
Neutral Evil
Chaotic Evil

Set alignments of monsters according to OGL rules
Added alignments option for custom characters creation
Added alignments descriptions and restrictions for classes
Added alignments chapter to Help
(Characters of old saves select appropriate alignments by classes automatically)
(Multi-class characters cannot continue to level up classes that alignments do not match)
(Retraining cannot change alignments)

Added 4 alignment related weapon enchantments:

New Pre-builds
Added 5 pre-builds:
Rogue – Skirmisher, Poacher
Barbarian – Rageblood
Monk – Flowing First
Sorcerer – Wild Mage

Optimized pre-builds of Ftr/Clr/Wiz basic classes
Replaced preset characters with new builds (old preset characters can be updated by clicking Reset button at the bottom right)
Adventurers with new builds in Adventure mode

Adjusted range of Trueattack/Cruelty/Healing Aura: 4 -> 3
Optimized visual effects of auras
Optimized combat related chapters of Help
Optimized some text
Optimized some French text (by Soifran)
Fixed: Headband/Belt error in French text
Fixed: Duration bugs of potions
Fixed: UI mess when click Prepare Spells without casters

Note: When you encountered a bug, please zip and send your saves (the game foldersaves) to [email protected]. It’s extremely useful for debugging.

Steam WorkShop Items

My personal “Size Scaling” example to create correctly proportioned sprites for use in LMA


Example Sprite, made in FREE “Fotografix[lmadhavan.com]” (thats a link). I edited an image I found online for speed of posting an example… & NO I am not an artisticly skilled person lol

If you want something more powerful, but light/small: LazPaint[lazpaint.github.io] (also a link) rocks

Enlarged to see how its made
As it would “roughly” appear in game at scale
Image used as template/example for editing

There are already a few character portraits and in game sprites, I will try to point some excellent work

User Milarus has done some GREAT work


As has user Romualder

All 3.5e OGL Content, Some FREE

Wizards of the Coast

The System Reference Document

Specifies the skeleton rules & mechanics including races, classes, feats, skills, spells, magic items & monsters.

Unearthed Arcana

Aimed at providing an extensive list of variant rules & options.

3rd Party
Complete Sourcebooks

Atlas Games – Crime and Punishment

Introduces new rules & help for running games as or against the law. Hunt bounties, enforce the rule of god, go on the lam, imprison your enemies, & more.

Mostly Complete Sourcebooks

Fantasy Flight Games

Path of Shadow

Green Ronin Publishing

The Advanced Player’s Manual

Mongoose Publishing

The Quintessential Monk

Mostly Incomplete or Incomplete Sourcebooks

Adamant Entertainment

Dread Codex
Dread Codex II – The Necromancer’s Tome

Alderac Entertainment Group


Atlas Games

Occult Lore
Seven Serpents


Horde Book 1 – A Swarm of Stirges

Creative Mountain Games

Potent Portals
The Whispering Woodwind

Cryptosnark Games

Deeds Not Words

DragonWing Games

Ink & Quill

Dreamscarred Press

Untapped Potential
A Skill For Everything
Alignment Paragons
Arcane Smith
Background Levels
Bloodline Levels
Extraordinary Rangers
Libram of Silver Magic
Manual of Gainful Exercise
Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms
Monstrous Bloodlines
Party Synergy
The Completist’s Guide to Humanoid Characters
The Jester

Eternity Publishing

Immortal Handbook: Ascension
Immortal Handbook: Epic Bestiary Volume One

Fantasy Flight Games

Path of Faith
Path of Magic
Path of The Sword

Gallantry Productions

C-Aug Soldier
Unnatural Watches

Goblinoid Games

Labyrinth Lord

Lion’s Den Press

The Iconic Bestiary: Classics of Fantasy
Classes of Legend: Priest of the Celestial Spheres

LPJ Design

Brotherhood of the Spider
Chaos Witch
Crescent Occultist
Dark Avenger
Defender of the Realm
Lost Classes Codex

Mongoose Publishing

Cities of Fantasy:Highthrone – City Above the Clouds
Cities of Fantasy:Skraag – City of Orcs
Cities of Fantasy:Stormhaven – City of a Thousand Seas
Cities of Fantasy:Stonebridge – City of Illusion
Classic Play:Book of Adventuring HC
Classic Play:Book of Dragons
Classic Play:Book of the Planes
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Abjuration
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Battle Magic
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Blood Magic
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Chaos Magic
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Chronomancy
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Compendium Vol I
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Components and Foci
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Conjuration
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Constructs
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Crossbreeding
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Demonology
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Divination
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Dragon Magic
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Elementalism
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Enchantment
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Familiars
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Illusionism
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Magic Item Creation
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Necromancy
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Nymphology
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Sovereign Magic
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Star Magic
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Tomes and Libraries
Encyclopaedia Divine: Fey Magic
Encyclopaedia Divine: Shaman
Encyclopaedia Psionica: World Shapers
Feuerring – Gateway to Hell
Heroes of Fantasy
Monster Encyclopaedia 1 – Ravagers of the Realms
Monster Encyclopaedia 2 – Dark Bestiary
OGL Steampunk
The Quintessential Aristocrat
The Quintessential Barbarian
The Quintessential Barbarian II
The Quintessential Bard
The Quintessential Bard II
The Quintessential Chaos Mage
The Quintessential Cleric
The Quintessential Cleric II
The Quintessential Drow
The Quintessential Druid
The Quintessential Druid II
The Quintessential Dwarf
The Quintessential Dwarf II
The Quintessential Elf
The Quintessential Elf II
The Quintessential Fighter
The Quintessential Fighter II
The Quintessential Gnome
The Quintessential Half-Orc
The Quintessential Halfling
The Quintessential Human
The Quintessential Kobold
The Quintessential Monk
The Quintessential Monk II
The Quintessential Paladin
The Quintessential Paladin II
The Quintessential Psion
The Quintessential Psychic Warrior
The Quintessential Rogue
The Quintessential Rogue II
The Quintessential Samurai
The Quintessential Sorcerer
The Quintessential Witch
The Quintessential Wizard
The Slayer’s Guide to Demons
The Slayer’s Guide to Amazons
The Slayer’s Guide to Bugbears
The Slayer’s Guide to Centaurs
The Slayer’s Guide to Derro
The Slayer’s Guide to Dragons
The Slayer’s Guide to Duergar
The Slayer’s Guide to Female Gamers
The Slayer’s Guide to Games Masters
The Slayer’s Guide to Giants
The Slayer’s Guide to Gnolls
The Slayer’s Guide to Goblins
The Slayer’s Guide to Harpies
The Slayer’s Guide to Hobgoblins
The Slayer’s Guide to Kobolds
The Slayer’s Guide to Krakens
The Slayer’s Guide to Medusas
The Slayer’s Guide to Minotaurs
The Slayer’s Guide to Mist Elves
The Slayer’s Guide to Orcs
The Slayer’s Guide to Rules Lawyers
The Slayer’s Guide to Sahuagin
The Slayer’s Guide to Titans
The Slayer’s Guide to Troglodytes
The Slayer’s Guide to Trolls
The Slayer’s Guide to Undead
The Slayer’s Guide to Yuan-Ti
The Mini-Slayer’s Guide to Winter Wolves
Ultimate NPCs
Ultimate Prestige Classes I
Ultimate Prestige Classes II
Zahhak – Ashen Waste of the Abyss

Paizo Publishing

Pathfinder RPG Reference Document
Classic Monsters Revisited
Pathfinder(R) Character Traits Web Enhancement
Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting
Conquest of the Bloodsworn Vale
Crown of the Kobold King
Seven Swords of Sin
Rise of the Runelords:Burnt Offerings
Rise of the Runelords:The Skinsaw Murders
Rise of the Runelords:The Hook Mountain Massacre
Rise of the Runelords:Fortress of the Stone Giants
Rise of the Runelords:Sins of the Saviours
Rise of the Runelords:Spires of Xin-Shalast
Taldor, Echoes of Glory
Legacy of Fire Player’s Guide

Primal Urge Games

Emerging Forms – Aegire
Emerging Forms – Alratheen
Emerging Forms – Cyndarim
Emerging Forms – D’Ah Rien
Emerging Forms – Daxa
Emerging Forms – Euqsam
Emerging Forms – Grizimilak
Emerging Forms – IthWra
Emerging Forms – Jhardwyn
Emerging Forms – KaNgrej
Emerging Forms – Lidaem
Emerging Forms – Mneumra
Emerging Forms – Pergothi
Emerging Forms – Rin
Emerging Forms – Ryonth
Emerging Forms – TaZoel
Emerging Forms – Thozeran
Emerging Forms – VaeRdin
Emerging Forms – Xeshaal
Emerging Forms – Zure

Reality Deviant Publications

Critical Feats
Monsters of Conjuration
Monsters of Illusion
Planetouched Feats: Secrets of the Inner Planes
Template Booster: Blasphemous Terror

Sean K. Reynolds Games

Swords Into Plowshares
Deities of the Faithful

Steve Russell Presents

Lost Publications

Sword’s Edge Publishing

Canadian CSRS
Counter Terrorism Assaulter
Gunpowder Plots (Fantasy)
Spec Ops Marksman
Spec Ops Recce
The Capable Hero
The Combat Hero
The Covert Hero
The Khorforjan Gambit

Valar Project, Inc.

Book of Erotic Fantasy

Level 21+, Epic Levels

Fighter Alhandra Pictured Left: EPIC @ Over Level 20 Right: FRESH @ Under Level 5

In the Table Top version of 3.5e THERE ARE RULES for up to level 30.

Although VERY rare, some parties of players, with their Game Master, would continue to use characters past level 20.

This was mainly for use of the existing “prestige classes”, each of which has 10 listed levels.

I am unaware of any content produced for players/parties that are higher than level 20, past the “Epic Level Hand book” content.

Technically 30 Is NOT The Limit

As said in the epic Level Handbook:

NO LIMITS Although most of the tables in this book only show information up to a certain level (often 30th), that level is by no means the limit of a character’s advancement.

Level: XP Needed // Class Skill Max // Cross Skill Max // Gained Feats // Ability Score Increase

  • 30th: 435,000 // 33 // 16 // 1/2 // 11th* // —
  • +1 Level: +1,000 × // +1 // +1/2 // +1* per 3 // +1 per 4

Here is the OGL Info On Epic Levels

Epic Level Basics

Epic characters—those whose character level is 21st or higher—are handled slightly differently from nonepic characters. While epic characters continue to receive most of the benefits of gaining levels, some benefits are replaced by alternative gains. A class can be advanced beyond 20th level. A ten-level prestige class can progress beyond 10th level, but only if the character level is already 20th or higher. A class with fewer than ten levels cannot progress beyond the maximum for that class, regardless of character level.

Table: Epic Save and Epic Attack Bonuses
Character Level – Epic Save Bonus – Epic Attack Bonus
21st ___ +0 ___ +1
22nd ___ +1 ___ +1
23rd ___ +1 ___ +2
24th ___ +2 ___ +2
25th ___ +2 ___ +3
26th ___ +3 ___ +3
27th ___ +3 ___ +4
28th ___ +4 ___ +4
29th ___ +4 ___ +5
30th ___ +5 ___ +5

Epic Save Bonus

A character’s base save bonus does not increase after character level reaches 20th. However, the character does receive a cumulative +1 epic bonus on all saving throws at every even-numbered level beyond 20th, as shown on Table: Epic Save and Epic Attack Bonuses. Any time a feat, prestige class, or other rule refers to your base save bonus, use the sum of your base save bonus and epic save bonus.

Epic Attack Bonus

Similarly, the character’s base attack bonus does not increase after character level reaches 20th. However, the character does receive a cumulative +1 epic bonus on all attacks at every odd-numbered level beyond 20th, as shown on Table: Epic Save and Epic Attack Bonuses. Any time a feat, prestige class, or other rule refers to your base attack bonus (except for gaining additional attacks), use the sum of your base attack bonus and epic attack bonus.

Class Skill Max Ranks

The maximum number of ranks a character can have in a class skill is equal to his or her character level +3.

Cross-Class Skill Max Ranks

For cross-class skills, the maximum number of ranks is one-half the maximum for a class skill.


Every character gains one feat (which may be an epic or nonepic feat at the player’s choice) at every level divisible by three. These feats are in addition to any bonus feats granted in the class descriptions.

Ability Increases

Upon gaining any level divisible by four, a character increases one of his or her ability scores by 1 point. The player chooses which ability score to improve. For multiclass characters, feats and ability increases are gained according to character level, not class level.

Although most of the tables only show information up to a certain level (often 30th), that level is by no means the limit of a character’s advancement. It can be generally assumed that any patterns on a particular table continue infinitely.

Class Features

Many, but not all, class features continue to accumulate after 20th level. The following guidelines describe how the epic class progressions.

A character’s base save bonuses and base attack bonus don’t increase after 20th level. Use Table: Epic Save and Epic Attack Bonuses to determine the character’s epic bonus on saving throws and attacks.

Characters continue to gain Hit Dice and skill points as normal beyond 20th level.

Generally, any class feature that uses class level as part of a mathematical formula continues to increase using the character’s class level in the formula. Any prestige class feature that calculates a save DC using the class level should add only half the character’s class levels above 10th.

For spellcasters, caster level continues to increase after 20th level. However, spells per day don’t increase after 20th level. The only way to gain additional spells per day (other than the bonus spells gained from a high ability score) is to select the Improved Spell Capacity epic feat.

The powers of familiars, special mounts, and fiendish servants continue to increase as their masters gain levels.

Any class features that increase or accumulate as part of a repeated pattern also continues to increase or accumulate after 20th level at the same rate. An exception to this rule is any bonus feat granted as a class feature. If a character gets bonus feats as part of a class feature, these do not increase with epic levels. Instead, these classes get bonus feats at a different rate (described in each epic class description).

In addition to the class features retained from nonepic levels, each class gains a bonus feat every two, three, four, or five levels after 20th. This augments each class’s progression of class features, because not all classes otherwise improve class features after 20th level. A character must select these feats from the list of bonus feats for that class. These bonus feats are in addition to the feat that every character gets every three levels. The character isn’t limited to selecting from the class list when selecting these feats.

Characters don’t gain any new class features, because there aren’t any new class features described for these levels. Class features with a progression that slows or stops before 20th level and features that have a limited list of options do not improve as a character gains epic levels. Likewise, class features that are gained only at a single level do not improve.

Adding a Second Class

When a single-class epic character gains a level, he or she may choose to increase the level of his or her current class or pick up a new class at 1st level. The standard rules for multiclass characters still apply, but epic characters must keep in mind the rules for epic advancement. The epic character gains all the 1st-level class skills, weapon proficiency, armor proficiency, spells, and other class features of the new class, as well as a Hit Die of the appropriate type. In addition, the character gets the usual skill points from the new class. Just as with standard multiclassing, adding the second class does not confer some of the benefits for a 1st-level character, including maximum hit points from the first Hit Die, quadruple the per-level skill points, starting equipment, starting gold, or an animal companion. An epic character does not gain the base attack bonuses and base save bonuses normally gained when adding a second class. Instead, an epic character uses the epic attack bonus and epic save bonus progression shown on Table: Epic Save and Epic Attack Bonuses.



“OK…Explain one more time how you rolled a SEVEN”

Current for v0.91.36.x, as of Feb 19th 2021

Cheese Note, True Strike “Warning”

One “MAJOR” change to the 3.5e OLG SRD20 system is that “Excess To Hit” bonuses are “translated” to additional damage by “Power Strike” & “Deadly Aim”

True Strikeenchants/buffs/adds” “To Hit bonus” to next attack. Allowing some truly HUGE “burst” damage

Via self-cast, Buff cast and/or Potion use, ANY character may EXPLOIT this.

About “To Hit Bonuses” In LMA

Additionally, this change makes “Power Attack”, for melee combatants, & “Deadly Aim” for ranged combatants, INDISPENSABLE, as “bonus damage” will FAR EXCEED “base weapon damage”, even unassisted by True Strike

Threat Range, As Presented In LMA

ON TOP of that, LMA’s damage system/math HEAVILY favours “critical threat range”, such 18-20 or 19-20 ranges combined with “Critical Improving Feats”, resulting in a possible 40% critical hit chance at 3x damage or a 20% chance at 5x, IF A “KEEN” weapon or the Greater Critical feat, is used



  • 4 of 10 hits CAN BE triple damage, on average, thats 180% the average weapon DPR
  • 2 of 10 hits CAN BE quintuple damage, on average, thats 180% the average weapon DPR

Starting Wealth“, as in the OGL 3.5e SRD (Not YET in LMA):


  • Barbarian – 4d4 x 10 – (100gp)
  • Paladin – 6d4 x 10 – (150gp)
  • Bard – 4d4 x 10 – (100gp)
  • Ranger – 6d4 x 10 – (150gp)
  • Cleric – 5d4 x 10 – (125gp)
  • Rogue – 5d4 x 10 – (125gp)
  • Druid – 2d4 x 10 – (50gp)
  • Sorcerer – 3d4 x 10 – (75gp)
  • Fighter – 6d4 x 10 – (150gp)
  • Wizard – 3d4 x 10 – (75gp)
  • Monk – 5d4 – (12gp, 5sp)

Alignment & Multi-Classing Note

As no “Alignment” system is currently implemented:

Multi-Classing From Monk (or Barbarian) to Barbarian (or Monk) IS POSSIBLE, allowing a very “interesting” build.
This is “normally” not possible as Monks are “Lawful” & Barbarians are “Chaotic“, diametrically opposite “base” alignment components, JUST AS GOOD & EVIL ARE
As you could be LG, Lawful-Good or CG, Chaotic-Good, BUT NOT BOTH Lawful & Chaotic
Food for thought…

^^ FIXED in patch 0.91.37

My Thoughts/Process, For Writting This Guide

A “custom” party of 6 to be typical for most players & I personally favour builds that are still “ideal” magic item independent, so this guide is written with this in mind.

  • Q: Why magic item independent?
  • A: Basically. Magic items, not crafted, are somewhat “random factors”, “special materials” while “more commonly accessible” are also a bit “rare”. Being able to pickup/swap to a mundane weapon, & keeping most of your combat efficiency is invaluable if disarmed & I’d rather count on “normal” full plate OVER adamantine +2 Breastplate in MANY situations (Like the possibility of being Flat Footed ANY TIME). If you have plans on crafting, or have found a stellar item that is worthy of altering a build over, please feel free to do so

Character Creation

I will briefly over view basic character creation of “custom characters”


This is your vision or goal for the PC’s role.
Who do you want the PC to be & what is their style of play?
What is your rough “end goal” (not true end) for them at level 20?


Synergy: a mutually advantageous conjunction or compatibility of distinct participants or elements (such as resources or efforts)

This takes 2 MAIN forms: foremost PARTY SYNERGY, then secondly BUILD SYNERGY

To describe this in full would be an ESSAY, lets boil it down to:

As you learn the system, if you do not already know it, you will generally begin to see, before unnoticed, optimisations via synergistic combinations of various types. You can locate vast amounts of write ups on these online.

There are a few basic, common, techniques we will touch on further, later in this section


You generally will want to select “custom” to have full control. I will not touch on the pre-generated builds here.


I consider this the 1st step of BUILD SYNERGY, due to the various modifiers that races apply.
Please see section on races for greater details I will not cover here.


This choice, at least at first, tends to define your general role in party. There ARE cases where selecting a starting class, which seems to not suit your build role, is advantagious to build progression.

Please see section on classes, & my example builds, for greater details I will not cover here.

Weapon OR Familiar Choice

See “Starting Gear” section section for more detailed information on a starting weapon’s generation.

Starting as a Fighter or Barbarian will allow you 2 weapon group selections
Starting as a Cleric will allow you 1 weapon group selection
Starting as an other class will allow you “class based” weapon options

Please see section on starting gear and the various weapon/gear based sections for greater detail I will not cover here.

Starting as a Sorcerer or Wizard will allow you 1 Familiar selection

Of your options: #1 Toad (effectively the Toughness feat) OR #2 Rat/Weasel, +2 to Fortitude OR Reflex save, respectfully, IMHO are the best options.

Multi-class characters, selecting an arcane spell casting classes 1st level will be given a Familiar selection. This can allow up to 2 Familiar selections on 1 PC, but they MUST BE DIFFERENT.

Ability Scores & Point Buy

If you require more detailed information on Ability Scores, please see the OGL SRD for 3.5e.

In LMA starting Ability Scores range from 8 to 18, with possible racial modifiers applied AFTER point cost is spent.

This can allow a starting Ability Scores range of 6 to 20

Point Buy Explained

Total Points 32 + Racial Modifiers, if any, APPLIED AFTER POINTS ARE SPENT
IE: Elf, -2 Con, “paying” for Con 18 will have Con 16 after modifiers, BUT still at “cost” of Con 18
Point Cost of Ability Scores

  • 8 = Free as “base” score
  • 9-14 = 1 point cost
  • 15-16 = 2 points cost
  • 17-18 = 3 points cost

Main Ability Score(s) Note:

Scores of 17, 19 if +2, tends to offer better total point buy ability scores “spread” over 18, 20 if +2, as characters are awarded a +1 to a single ability score, of their selection, per 4 character levels, for a total of 5 +1 selections.
Seeing that a natural 24 & 25 score both offer same benefit (other than Str load & Int skill point effects) in bonuses, and items that give additional bonuses in “uneven amounts” are rare or custom made, there is little reason to spent the additional 3 points for an “18”

Initial Feats

This is generally Weapon focus and/or Power Attack OR Point Blank Shot/Deadly Aim
If not that a Spell casting feat, normally on arcane spell casters.
Some times access to a fighting style, exotic weapon, or a defensive feat like dodge/shield focus.

For more details please see my build examples and research other optimal 3.5e builds online.

Review Build Choices

“Measure Twice, Cut Once” – Often said, seldom practised. Looking over everything to ensure you didnt make an error can save time later

Choose Alignment

For more detailed information please see the “alignment” section of the OGL 3.5e SRD online.

Law & Chaos – The personal philosophy of law =”rule follower” vs chaos = “anarchistic”

Good & Evil – I feel no need to explain this.

Possible Combinations

  • Lawful Good
  • Neutral Good
  • Chaotic Good
  • Lawful Neutral
  • Neutral – Some times called True Neutral OR Neutral Neutral
  • Chaotic Neutral
  • Lawful Evil
  • Neutral Evil
  • Chaotic Evil

Player Races Overview

Player Races are from the OGL SRD 3.5.

I would assume that the following MAY be added later:

Standard Races (IMHO, the ones currently represented)

  • Humans
  • Half-Elves
  • Half-Orcs
  • Dwarves, Hill
  • Elves, High
  • Gnomes, Rock
  • Halflings, Lightfoot

Sub-Races of the Standard Races
Some of these races are considered “standard”:

  • Drow & Wood Elves, Mountain Dwraves, Tallfellow Halflings, Forest Gnomes.
  • The others are not considered “standard”, noted as “IMHO, highly unlikely
  • Dwarves, Deep, AKA: Duergar (IMHO, highly unlikely)
  • Dwarves, Mountain. AKA: Snow (but effectively the same as Hill)
  • Elves, Aquatic (IMHO, highly unlikely)
  • Elves, Dark, AKA: Drow (fey blood swap for Spell resist +1, +2 Dex/Int/Cha, & –2 Con)
  • Elves, Gray (IMHO, highly unlikely)
  • Elves, Wild (IMHO, highly unlikely)
  • Elves, Wood (+2 Str/Dex, -2Con/Int, no spell penetration)
  • Gnomes, Deep, AKA: Svirfneblin (IMHO, highly unlikely)
  • Gnomes, Forest (but effectively the same as Rock)
  • Halflings, Deep AKA: Stout
  • Halflings, Tallfellows
  • The 2 most common “Monster” races:
  • Hob-Goblin (+2 Dex/+2 Con)
  • Orc (+4 Str & -2 Int/Wis/Cha)
Races Currently In Game:


  • +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha, -1 Speed, Racial Resistances, Not Slowed by Medium Or Heavy Armour
  • Ideally Fighters & Clerics of the “battle” type. Not ideal for turning undead due to -2 Cha
  • Best suited to new and/or experienced players
  • Dwarven War Axe & Urgrosh are near the BEST 1 handed & double weapons, respectfully


  • +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Con, +1 speed, Longbow/Longsword/Rapier, Fey blood
  • Ideally “Blaster” Wizards, suited to experienced players
  • With some care, they are also exceptional Two Weapon Fighters & Archers


  • +2 Int, +2 Cha, -2 Str, Small, -1 Speed, Enchantment/Mind affecting+
  • Ideally “Enchanter” Wizards/Sorcerers, due to +2 Int & +2 Cha
  • Best suited to experienced players
  • Gnomes tend to make good Cha skill focused characters due to +2 Cha synergism
  • The Gnome hooked hammer is often overlooked, its very deadly in skilled/feated hands


  • +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Str, Small, -1 Speed, Racial defence & sling “Bonuses”
  • Ideally Rogues focused or reach & close ranged support, suited to experienced players
  • Can be good sorcerers due to +2 Cha/+2 Dex and Halfling defence bonus
  • Halflings, once system is understood, offer MANY build options for all classes but require care
  • Sling bullets are CHEAP, when enchanting this matters to final costs


  • +2 To any Attribute, Fey Blood, Medium,
  • Ideally Any Character that will Multi-Class into more than 2 Classes
  • May start with any, 1 chosen, attribute of 19 or 20
  • Best suited to experienced players


  • +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha any Attribute, Medium
  • Ideally “Great weapon” styled Fighters, Barbarians or Monks (& horrible at most others)
  • 1 other decent build is a starting Wis 15 to 17 “battle” type Cleric, but turning suffers
  • Only humans can match starting Str 22, BUT not with matching starting Con 22
  • Best suited to new and/or experienced players

Humans: +2 to any Attribute, Medium, Racial bonus FREE “Feat”,

  • Ideally Anything, suited to new and/or experienced players
  • The bonus feat at level one CAN be priceless to MANY builds
  • May start with any, 1 chosen, attribute of 19 or 20

Classes Overview

Classes Currently In Game:
  • Barbarian: Warriors focused on speed in medium, or lesser, armour. Uses rage to trade better offence for lower defences. Gets uncanny dodge & damage resistance. Favours reach melee weapons & heavy thrown weapons. Str/Dex/Con are main attributes
  • Cleric: Holy crusaders with divine healing powers. Able to turn the Undead. Support spell casters with some combat spells. Effective at both melee and/or ranged combat depending on setup. Wis is main attribute, Str/Dex & Con can also be important.
  • Fighter: Warriors focused on combat training. Best in heavy armour with 2-handed weapons swords & heavy thrown weapons or medium armour and 2 weapon fighting. Gets many feats. Str or Dex, plus Con are main attributes
  • Rogue: Thieves & Bandits that have taken up adventuring. Great at lockpicking and disarming traps. Use sneak attacks and uncanny dodge to cause damage. Most focus on two weapon fighting with a rapier & short sword, or dual hand crossbows or dual light thrown weapons. Dex is main attribute.
  • Wizard: Spell casters focusing on elementally blasting foes, causing mental effects, summoning minions and area control. They have no armour training and low hit dice, plus are only able to use the simplest of weapons. They are also tend to be very “skilled”. Int is main attribute
  • Sorcerer: Spell casters focusing on same areas as wizrds, better at summoning minions “normally”. They have no armour training and low hit dice, plus are able to use ALL simple weapons, unlike wizards. Cha is main attribute
  • Monk: FAST Melee combatants focusing on “controlling” foes, mobility & Class special abilities. They have no armour training and “decent” hit dice, plus are only able to use the simplest of weapons & monk special weapons. Str/Dex/Wis are main attribute
  • Paladin: Righteous Warriors, divine power protects the paladin and gives them special powers. Paladins must be lawful good. Similar Hit dice/martial powers to the Fighter & abilities much like the Cleric. Also a worthy Paladin may be award a divine mount


Total Feats For ALL Characters Class:

  • Base 20 levels, 7 = 7 feats, at character levels 1/3/6/9/12/15/18
  • If character is Human, 1 = 1 feat, at character level 1
  • If character is a Cleric, 7 = bonus feats at class levels 1/3/6/9/12/15/18
  • If character is a Barbarian, 0 = no bonus feats
  • If character is a Fighter, 10 = bonus feats at class levels 1/2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16/18
  • If character is a Monk, 3 = bonus “special feats” at class levels 1/2/4
  • If character is a Rouge, 4 = bonus feat/special pick at class levels 10/13/16/19
  • If character is a Sorcerer, 0 = No bonus feats
  • If character is a Wizard, 5 = bonus feats at class levels 1/5/10/15/20

Feats best taken at Level 1 to 3, IMHO
  • Any Two Weapon Fighting specialist should start down that path by level 3
  • Any CBM specialist should start down cm mastery path by level 3, WITH a CBM focus weapon
  • Any Ranged specialist should start down point blank shot path by level 3, Crossbows are fine
  • Any Spell specialist should start down spell focus path by level 3
  • Any “Summoners” or “Blaster” (Evocation) casters should have 2nd in “path” feat by level 3
  • HAVE either Power Attack AND/OR Deadly Aim by level 3, unless delayed for good reason
  • “ULTRA-TANKS” should have Shield focus & Toughness, Rage & Uncanny Dodge by level 3 as Fighter 1/Barbarian 2, and if human dodge also, before Power Attack or Weapon Focus

Progression Example: “Continuing the ULTRA-Tank”

This is a RIDICULOUS build example, IMHO..but also IMHO best as:
Dwarf, Axe/Bow, S18D14C18I8W10C6 OR Human, H.Blade/Bow S 17D14C18I8W11C6

  • It becomes Fighter 2 next for dodge (or if human Power Attack or Weapon Focus)
  • If not Human both at level 6, which is Fighter 4,
  • then level 8/Fighter 6 Iron Will (or 1 for w/e your lowest save is),
  • then level 9/Fighter 7 Lightning Reflexes (or 1 for w/e your lowest save is),
  • then level 10/Fighter 8 Greater shield focus,
  • then level 12/Fighter 10 Great Fortitude (w/e save feat is left)
  • then level 14/Fighter 12 add combat reflexes…finishing the “tanking up”.
  • * If Character level 14 & Human add Cleave,
  • At level 15/Fighter 13 you have your 1st “free feat” likely Cleave if not a human, humans add Sweeping Strikes, continuing your next 3 feats to finish that path (Weapon focus to imp sweeping strikes) by level 18…leaving just room for Wizard 1 for toad/feat & Cleric 1 for another feat..both on weapon specialisation & improved critical
  • Human, uses Scimitar, is gifted 1 more feat freely spent lol (likely greater critical)
  • Dwarf is gifted Dwarf War Axe & Racial bonuses (superior for Ultra tank)
  • Halfling L.Blade/Bow, S14D14C18I8W10C10 is HARDEST TO HIT uses a Rapier

This is a RIDICULOUS build. A Dwarf Monk would be far more effective, if well built

Feats best “Delayed” a few Levels, IMHO
  • Toughness, SEEMS the effect is identical when taken at any level. BUT to ensure you get “ideal” benefit get toughness at level 1, or better 3, if you want it. Early HP is good HP anyways. Note: The similar effect Toad familiar behaves identically
  • Whips, Spiked Chains, Hand Crossbows, and other exotic weapons, Unless build defining
  • Spell Penetration and Improved Turning, These feats become more valuable later levels
  • Feats like Alertness, Nimble Fingers, Profession. Also more valuable later levels…but are likely safe to ignore IMHO

Feats best taken at Levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and/or 20, IMHO
  • Two Handed Weapons feats, “Weapon Specialisation” & others with level requirements
  • “Improved, Greater & More” feats, also feats with attribute requirements you STILL need
  • Feats for Double weapons. Almost always Double Bladed-Sword, can be delayed with little loss.

My Thoughts on “Double Weapons Feats”:

The only other feat needing Double-Weapon worth using, IMHO, is the “lesser” Orc Double-Axe (and it is outperformed in its role by racial double weapons). A 1-handed & light weapon combo will be what your stuck with until you locate the exotic in question anyways.

Vital Party Skills

LMA, & 3.5e OLG, feature a “class sectioned” & “attribute based” skill system, assigned via “skill points”.

Meaning skills are based & categorised by attributes with some classes “better”, base, at some skills than other classes are.

In addition characters receive “skill points per level” based off class being “levelled” in to & Int score, with Humans receiving “bonus” skill points

In use SOME skills allow “helpers”, other characters with points in same skill, which can increase odds of success, but also share penalty of skill check failure, IF ANY

I will not detail every skill but there a few I feel deserve special mention.

Concentrate: Seems like a skill you dont need, but if your a spell caster you want it MAX’ed. It effects spells that require “concentration”.

Pick Locks, Dex Based – Note: Master Worked thieves tools are your friend.
Lock picks are a resource & cost gp to buy… you use them ALOT. Some locks are HARD TO PICK! Having 1 character is a MUST, 2 or even 3 with some skill in it are suggested, IMHO

Search & Disable Device – Int Based: Like above, you will be searching alot. Rouges & Wizards are excellent searchers & disablers, with care. Fighters are not as skilled at searching, but are a safer option sometimes. Having 1 disabler character is a MUST, 2 or even 3 is better

Listen & Heal – Wis Based: Listen is nearly as important as search. Barbarians are decent listeners, Monks are better normally. Clerics tend to have high Wis, for listen optionally, they are also good healers, helping them retain spell slots for non-healing use, at times. You “could” ignore both, but they are of such use IMHO it would be foolish to do so. Everyone should have at least a “some ability” to heal, always carry a healers kit

Intimidate– Cha Based… is an all or nothing investment & few characters, of use in LMA, have high Cha. I suggest you forget it until a feat to “trigger checks on a kill” or to “swap it to use Str” is added. Shaken foes are nice, but if you have a “decent” hit chance, attempting to strike tends to be a better option if your attribute (Cha) for intimidate is low, like 6 to 9

“Spending” Skill points

Characters in LMA start game with their Character Creation Skill Points Unassigned

Spending Skill points

Process is well detailed in “Mr Delightful’s” YouTube video below

Visually & Verbally Detailed “Spending Skill Points” Example

Breifly @ 10m43s, MUCH More Detailed @ 14m30s [link]


As Low Magic Studios has put the effort to post this everyone should know it exists:

OGL/SRD 3R Spells Quick Query

Low Magic Studios Quot:

Hello Adventurers,

Recently, we made a spells viewer (a set of html pages) for the subsequent spells development of LMA. We are happy to share it with our players and others who are interested in Wizards of the Coast’s game rules.

The viewer contains all the 605 spells in Wizards of the Coast’s SRD v3.5 Open Game Content. You can browse by spell name, character class, or spell ring.


Download (including 3 versions: English, Chinese, Chinese/English):

End of Quot.

Level 0 (Zero) Spells (Soon To Be Added)

I am especially eager for level 0 (zero) spells, as they have no limit on amount of times per rest they are able to be cast

Arcane Cantrips (Level 0 Spells): Bolded of special interest for use in play

1 Resistance Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
2 Acid Splash Orb deals 1d3 acid damage.
3 Detect Poison Detects poison in one creature or small object.
4 Detect Magic Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
5 Read Magic Read scrolls and spellbooks.
6 Daze Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action.
7 Dancing Lights Creates torches or other lights.
8 Flare Dazzles one creature (-1 on attack rolls).
9 Light Object shines like a torch.
10 Ray of Frost Ray deals 1d3 cold damage.
11 Ghost Sound Figment sounds.
12 Disrupt Undead Deals 1d6 damage to one undead.
13 Touch of Fatigue Touch attack fatigues target.
14 Mage Hand 5-pound telekinesis.
15 Mending Makes minor repairs on an object.
16 Message Whispered conversation at distance.
17 Open/Close Opens or closes small or light things.
18 Arcane Mark Inscribes a personal rune (visible or invisible).
19 Prestidigitation Performs minor tricks.

Bards Instead Have: Bolded of special interest for use in play

1 Dancing Lights Creates torches or other lights.
2 Daze Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action.
3 Detect Magic Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
4 Flare Dazzles one creature (-1 on attack rolls).
5 Ghost Sound Figment sounds.
6 Know Direction You discern north.
7 Light Object shines like a torch.
8 Lullaby Makes subject drowsy; -5 on Spot and Listen checks, -2 on Will saves against sleep.
9 Mage Hand 5-pound telekinesis.
10 Mending Makes minor repairs on an object.
11 Message Whispered conversation at distance.
12 Open/Close Opens or closes small or light things.
13 Prestidigitation Performs minor tricks.
14 Read Magic Read scrolls and spellbooks.
15 Resistance Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
16 Summon Instrument Summons one instrument of the caster’s choice

Divine Orisons (Level 0 Spells): Bolded of special interest for use in play

1 Create Water Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water.
2 Cure Minor Wounds Cures 1 point of damage.
3 Detect Magic Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
4 Detect Poison Detects poison in one creature or small object.
5 Guidance +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
6 Inflict Minor Wounds Touch attack, 1 point of damage.
7 Light Object shines like a torch.
8 Mending Makes minor repairs on an object.
9 Purify Food and Drink Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water.
10 Read Magic Read scrolls and spellbooks.
11 Resistance Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
12 Virtue Subject gains 1 temporary hp.

Druids Instead Have: Bolded of special interest for use in play

1 Create Water Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water.
2 Cure Minor Wounds Cures 1 point of damage.
3 Detect Magic Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
4 Detect Poison Detects poison in one creature or small object.
5 Flare Dazzles one creature (-1 on attack rolls).
6 Guidance +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
7 Know Direction You discern north.
8 Light Object shines like a torch.
9 Mending Makes minor repairs on an object.
10 Purify Food and Drink Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water.
11 Read Magic Read scrolls and spellbooks.
12 Resistance Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
13 Virtue Subject gains 1 temporary hp.

Multi-Classing In LMA

Multi-Classing For “Gains” In LMA, MORE To It Than It Seems

Ok I’m sure many TT players are wondering why I am talking about this.
TL;DR: More Similar to 3.75e than 3.5e IMHO




NOTE: Any FULL CASTER should be either Cleric 17 (Wis 20 min) OR Wizard 17 (Int 20 Win) OR Sorcerer 18 (Cha 20 min) to access 9th level spells

You either want to access THE FREE FEAT & 1st level spells or 9th level spells:

  • Arcane Cha or Int 11 to cast, prepare or learn, Cha or Int 20 to cast, prepare or learn 9th level
  • Divine Wis 6 can cast ZERO spells (8 = ONE, 10 = TWO) of 1st level, but Wis 11 to prepare spells other than the “default” set & Wis 20 to cast, prepare or learn 9th level
  • Divine should also need Wis 11 JUST to cast, its a bug OR will be patched to Wis 11 needed

But some are “busted” OP like:

  • Barb 1/Monk 1/Fighter 16/Cleric 1/Wizard 1 (CBM MASTER WITH FLAIL + MONK WEAPONS)
  • Barb 2 OR Monk2 + Fighter 16/Cleric 1/Wizard 1 (CRAZY DPR MARTIAL)
  • Fighter 18/Cleric 1/Wizard 1 (SELF BUFF DPR MARTIAL)
  • Fighter 18 + Monk 2 OR Barb 2 OR Barb 1/Monk 1 (GREATEST 2-HANDED WEAPON BRUTE)
  • Rouge 1 with anything wanting a bit of sneak damage
  • Monk 1 with anything wanting unarmoured AC
  • Almost any “mix” of fighter levels 1, 2 & 4 as a “feat bag” on Monk, Barb, Rouge, Wizard or Cleric

MANY times, an extra feat (or 3), an “early level ability” from another class or even just “more HP” if worth a small XP penalty, especially when it synergies your build or helps you reach the “1 or few” feats you REALLY need/want.

Its the way LMA handles it, namely Restrictions, Features & Feats

MC Restrictions:

  • Barbarians MUST be any NON-LAWFUL alignment
  • Monks MUST be any LAWFUL alignment
  • Only Monk class once “left” may not be “returned too”
  • Arcane Spell-Casting: Needs Cha or Int 11 just to cast a level 1 spell, period, no way around it
  • Divine Spell-casting: Wis 6 can cast 1st level “starter” spells no issues, Wis 11 (12) for more

MC Features & Feats:

  • Barbarian Class abilities at levels 1 (Rage) & 2 (Uncanny Dodge, best DIP) VERY EASY TO GET
  • Cleric Class abilities at levels 1, Spells/bonus feat, (Best DIP) & 3, 2nd feat. SUPER EASY TO GET 1
  • Fighter “bonus feats” at level 1, 2 & 4 (all are “best DIP”, depending) SUPER EASY TO GET 1
  • Monk Class abilities & Bonus feats at levels 1 & 2 (both “best” DIPs), EASY but no armour LIMITING
  • Rouge Class abilities at levels 1 (sneak DIP), 2 (Evasion DIP) & 4 (Uncanny Dodge, non-melee DIP)
  • Sorcerer Class ONLY for a 2nd NON-DOUBLED Familiar (NO 2x TOAD lol)
  • Wizard Class abilities (spells), Familiar & bonus beat at level 1. TOAD = 2nd Toughness feat


The most feat rich class, Fighter with 11 bonus feats (or 18, 19 as a Human total), as a human can still get up to 21 total feats (THE MOST POSSIBLE) by multi-classing for 3 of their levels (each with a bonus feat)

Normally Starting Like So: 21 = Monk, 19 = Barbarian, Feat Examples
If Fighter 18 (or Cleric 3) is taken & not Barbarian 2 OR Monk 2 = 20 Feats

  • 20 levels (7 feats, at character level 1/3/6/9/12/15/18)
  • Human (1 feat, at level 1)
  • Barbarian 2 (rage & uncanny dodge) OR Monk 2 (2 feats + monk abilities) PLUS
  • Fighter 16 (for 9 feats, at class level 1/2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16)
  • Cleric 1 (1 feat)
  • & Wizard 1 (1 feat/toad)

Real Build Example – Dual Scimitar/Rapier Critical Focused Fighter

(Never) Sir Render“I WILL make you BLEED!


Any Race, Str 13+ (power attack) at level 1 & Dex of 21 by level 16 (need Dex 17 at level 1 minimally) Starts using Scimitar Or Rapier & Short-Sword

  • Idea is to RUSH to Perfect Two Weapon Fighting (PTWF), maximizing our defences and average DPR along the way. For use of dual Scimitars Or Rapiers (1-handed, 1d6, 18-20/x2), but THERE IS VERY LITTLE REASON NOT TO USE LIGHT BLADES ONLY, FOR DUAL RAPIERS
  • Rushing” to Fighter 16 1st helps save us on POSSIBLE earlier level multi-class XP penalties
  • Once we have PTWF we grab cleric for a feat & some self cast buff’s and heals.
  • Grabbing Wizard so we get toad & an other feat, plus the option to wear wizard robes (high dex) with True strike & Shield as our spell options for MORE self buffs
  • Finally we finish with Barbarian Rage (maybe Uncanny dodge) or Monk AC plus monk feat (maybe 2) or Rouge Sneak (maybe evasion) or some combination of them

The build can finish a few ways depending on race & personal choice.
Regardless of how you build it, you will need light blades, heavy blades for Scimitar
Humans have the bonus feat if used, as always. Dex based they get best point buy spread
Elves will get free longbow use, possible decent if you on plan on USING a longbow at all
Half-Orc & Dwarf can offer decent point buy options
Human Feat is best used to add WEAPON FINESSE TO DUMP STR TO 13, MAXING DEX & CON

  • 1 – Fighter (1)- STD + BNS: 2 (two weapon fighting + weapon focus)
  • 2 – Fighter (2) – BNS: 3 (power attack)
  • 3 – Fighter (3) – STD: 4 (two weapon fighting defence)
  • 4 – Fighter (4) – BNS: 5 (weapon specialisation)
  • 5 – Fighter (5) –
  • 6 – Fighter (6) – STD + BNS: 7 (improved two weapon fighting & defence)
  • 7 – Fighter (7) –
  • 8 – Fighter (8) – BNS: 8 (greater weapon focus )
  • 9 – Fighter (9) – STD: 9 (improved critical)
  • 10 – Fighter (10) – BNS: 10 (double slice)
  • 11 – Fighter (11) –
  • 12 – Fighter (12) – STD + BNS: 12 (greater weapon specialisation + two weapon fighting rend)
  • 13 – Fighter (13) –
  • 14 – Fighter (14) – BNS: 13 (bleeding critical)
  • 15 – Fighter (15) – STD: 14 (greater two weapon fighting)
  • 16 – Fighter (16) – BNS: 15 (perfect two weapon fighting)
  • 17 – Cleric (1) – BNS 16 (greater critical)
  • 18 – Wizard (1 – Toad) – STD + BNS: 18 (improved bleeding critical + power critical)
  • 19 – Barbarian or Monk or Rouge (1) – your choice (class abilities)
  • 20 – Barbarian or Monk or Rouge (1 or 2) – your choice (class abilities)


Starting Gear

Armour & Weapons In D20 OGL SRD 3.5e (ALL NOT YET IN LMA)

A note on MONK weapons, the weapon is a tool, you are the weapon, how IRL dual Siangham’s

  • If a MONK, your weapons are 95% of the time CBM tools or are for ranged attacks

Starting “Custom Build” Gear

We can NOT YET “custom” buy starting gear…EDIT

This is not something I fully understand yet….
BUT you can have SOME control over your starting gear.

Here is what I have found:

Spawned Weapon(s):
Weighted” By: Class > attributes > feats + type selection alphabetically.
I will note any specific “Pre-Made Template” starting gear I have found in testing also
Spawned weapons using ammo (Light Crossbow & Longbow) also spawn a full “ammo stack”


  • Axe: Great-Axe (standard) & Dual Throwing-axes (with TWF feat)
  • Bow: Longbow *must have Dex higher than Str AND take Point blank shot Feat
  • Flail: Heavy Flail (Dual Does not spawn, TWF = Dual daggers)
  • Heavy Blades: Great-Sword (Dual Does not spawn, TWF = ?Dual Short-Swords?)
  • Hammer: Maul (Standard) & Dual Throwing-Hammers (with TWF feat)
  • Light Blades: Short-Sword (standard), Dual short-swords (with TWF feat)
  • Mace: Great-Club (standard), Dual Light-Maces (with TWF feat)
  • Pick: War Pick (standard), Dual Light-Picks (with TWF feat)
  • Spear: Long-Spear (Dual Does not spawn, TWF = Dual daggers)

Weapon types listed as “Dual does not spawn” should spawn a “light” weapon from that class
OR IMHO, spawn dual light maces/sickles or a Quarterstaff (simple/light 1d6 20/x2 weapons)
Not daggers (simple/light 1d4 19-20/x2 weapons).

“Heavy blades” is the only one to be “Dual does not spawn” that doesn’t spawn dual daggers, instead getting Short-Swords?

Short-Swords are FAR better than daggers, so every martial class effected should get them (light, 1d6 19-20/x2 weapons)

My Suggested Solution, Using only “simple” weapons:
Best DPR: Morning-Star, 1d8, with Sickle, 1d6, off-hand, both 20/x2 critical threat, 8 lbs
Lightest, At 1d6: Dual Sickles, 1d6 20/x2, 4 lbs
Best “Combo” Of Features: Quarterstaff is 1d6 20×2 at 4 lbs, but gets 2 handed Str bonus, if any
Martial Class Best DPR : Long-Sword, 1d8, with Swort-Sword, 1d6, off-hand, both 19-20/x2, 6 lbs
Typical In Table Top Level 1: Main hand 1d8, Off hand 1d6, both of “favoured weapon type” (99% chance light blades, sometimes + heavy, or axes), with direct double/exotic access

Other Classes:

  • Clerics spawn Light-Mace & Light-Shield always
  • Rouges spawn Rapier or Dual Daggers (with TWF feat)
  • Sorcerers/Wizards spawn Dagger & Light crossbow always
  • Monks seem to ALWAYS spawn unarmed ONLY
  • Pre-Made Guardian Template” spawn Long-Sword always
  • Pre-Made Archer Template” spawn Longbow & Long-Sword (as an Elf with axe/light blade)

Spawned Armour & Shield:
Weighted” By: Class > attributes
Fighters: Favours “best” AC, Load (Str + lbs) vs Dex, may spawn Leather OR Scale-Mail depending on “final” AC


  • Armour has 4 “Tiers“. Only “Tier 2” Light & Medium with a max value of 50gp can spawn
  • This limits you to; Light: Leather, Medium: Scale-Mail, Heavy: N/A
  • Heavy Armours start at 200gp value, making it unavailable, replaced with Scale-Male
  • May spawn in Leather armour depending on “final” AC


  • Barbarians spawn in leather armour always

Other Classes:

  • Clerics spawn with a light shield & scale-mail armour, always, even at Dex 20
  • Pre-Made Guardian Template” has Heavy Shield & scale-mail armour always
  • Rouges spawn leather armour always
  • Pre-Made Archer Templates” spawn leather armour always
  • Sorcerers/Wizards & Monks spawn with no armour (nothing)

There are so many combinations I’m SURE there are more
Heavy Crossbow, Shortbow, Exotic & Reach Weapons BUT Long-Spear do NOT seem to spawn
This includes Monk weapons

Long-Spear Note:

To my knowledge you can only get a Long-Spear for a reach weapon, and to do so you need to take “bow” & “spear” as your 2 weapon selections with a martial class (Fighter/Barbarian) that has more Str than Dex, and/or not taking “Point Blank Shot” feat (seems like the “alphabetical” order of weapon type, highest “to hit bonus” & Point Blant Shot, makes this choice)


Dex higher than Str + ANY weapon type + Bow + “Point Blank Shot” = Longbow WILL spawn.

BUT if you add “Weapon finesse” and/or “Two Weapon Fighting” it MAY spawn single or dual light weapons or daggers, weapon type depending, instead of a longbow. Need to test more

Slightly Questionable Method Of Getting “Starter Gear”:

If you feel the need, the hiring and retraining of a “hireling” can generate starting gear for your party like: (if you can not locate a common item in 1st town or 3) heavy shields & various weapons, Longbow, Long-Spear, Long-Sword & Rapier, notably, by using the “pre-made builds” & “custom” options.

What Are “Special Materials”?

Adamantine, Darkwood, Dragonhide, Mithral, Cold Iron & Alchemical Silver

These Are The Six Official D20 OGL 3.5e “Special Materials”, With In Game Effect:

  • Adamantine, Darkwood, Dragonhide, Mithral, Cold Iron & Alchemical Silver

Note, Other “Special Materials” like: (See Link For All) [link]

  • Thistledown, Wildwood, Darkleaf, Leafweave, Spider-Silk, Blue Ice, Aurorum, Etc.

IF NON-OGL 3.5e, may get “OGL counterparts” from Low Magic Studios in the future, I hope

In Game Details, Effects & Etc.:

Each of the special materials described below has a definite game effect. Some creatures have damage reduction based on their creature type or core concept. Some are resistant to all but a special type of damage, such as that dealt by evil-aligned weapons or bludgeoning weapons. Others are vulnerable to weapons of a particular material. Characters may choose to carry several different types of weapons, depending upon the campaign and types of creatures they most commonly encounter.


This ultrahard metal adds to the quality of a weapon or suit of armor. Weapons fashioned from adamantine have a natural ability to bypass hardness when sundering weapons or attacking objects, ignoring hardness less than 20. Armor made from adamantine grants its wearer damage reduction of 1/- if it’s light armor, 2/- if it’s medium armor, and 3/- if it’s heavy armor. Adamantine is so costly that weapons and armor made from it are always of masterwork quality; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below. Thus, adamantine weapons and ammunition have a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls, and the armor check penalty of adamantine armor is lessened by 1 compared to ordinary armor of its type. Items without metal parts cannot be made from adamantine. An arrow could be made of adamantine, but a quarterstaff could not.

Only weapons, armor, and shields normally made of metal can be fashioned from adamantine. Weapons, armor and shields normally made of steel that are made of adamantine have one-third more hit points than normal. Adamantine has 40 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 20.

Adamantine Cost Modifiers
Type of Adamantine Item – Cost Modifier
Ammunition +60 gp
Light armor +5,000 gp
Medium armor +10,000 gp
Heavy armor +15,000 gp
Weapon +3,000 gp
Shield +2,000 gp


This rare magic wood is as hard as normal wood but very light. Any wooden or mostly wooden item (such as a bow, an arrow, or a spear) made from darkwood is considered a masterwork item and weighs only half as much as a normal wooden item of that type. Items not normally made of wood or only partially of wood (such as a battleaxe or a mace) either cannot be made from darkwood or do not gain any special benefit from being made of darkwood. The armor check penalty of a darkwood shield is lessened by 2 compared to an ordinary shield of its type.

Darkwood Cost Modifiers
To determine the price of a darkwood item, use the original weight but add 10 gp per pound to the price of a masterwork version of that item.

Darkwood has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 5.


Armorsmiths can work with the hides of dragons to produce armor or shields of masterwork quality. One dragon produces enough hide for a single suit of masterwork hide armor for a creature one size category smaller than the dragon. By selecting only choice scales and bits of hide, an armorsmith can produce one suit of masterwork banded mail for a creature two sizes smaller, one suit of masterwork half-plate for a creature three sizes smaller, or one masterwork breastplate or suit of full plate for a creature four sizes smaller. In each case, enough hide is available to produce a small or large masterwork shield in addition to the armor, provided that the dragon is Large or larger.

Because dragonhide armor isn’t made of metal, druids can wear it without penalty.

Dragonhide Cost Modifiers
Dragonhide armor costs double what masterwork armor of that type ordinarily costs, but it takes no longer to make than ordinary armor of that type.

Dragonhide has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10.

Cold Iron

This iron, mined deep underground, known for its effectiveness against fey creatures, is forged at a lower temperature to preserve its delicate properties.

Cold Iron Cost Modifiers
Weapons made of cold iron cost twice as much to make as their normal counterparts. Also, any magical enhancements cost an additional 2,000 gp.

Items without metal parts cannot be made from cold iron. An arrow could be made of cold iron, but a quarterstaff could not. A double weapon that has only half of it made of cold iron increases its cost by 50%.

Cold iron has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10.


Mithral is a very rare silvery, glistening metal that is lighter than iron but just as hard. When worked like steel, it becomes a wonderful material from which to create armor and is occasionally used for other items as well. Most mithral armors are one category lighter than normal for purposes of movement and other limitations. Heavy armors are treated as medium, and medium armors are treated as light, but light armors are still treated as light. Spell failure chances for armors and shields made from mithral are decreased by 10%, maximum Dexterity bonus is increased by 2, and armor check penalties are lessened by 3 (to a minimum of 0).

An item made from mithral weighs half as much as the same item made from other metals. In the case of weapons, this lighter weight does not change a weapon’s size category or the ease with which it can be wielded (whether it is light, one-handed, or two-handed). Items not primarily of metal are not meaningfully affected by being partially made of mithral. (A longsword can be a mithral weapon, while a scythe cannot be.)

Weapons or armors fashioned from mithral are always masterwork items as well; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below.

Mithral has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 15.

Mithral Cost Modifiers
Type of Mithral Item – Cost Modifier
Light armor +1,000 gp
Medium armor +4,000 gp
Heavy armor +9,000 gp
Shield +1,000 gp
Other items +500 gp/lb.

Alchemical Silver

A complex process involving metallurgy and alchemy can bond silver to a weapon made of steel so that it bypasses the damage reduction of creatures such as lycanthropes.

On a successful attack with a silvered weapon, the wielder takes a -1 penalty on the damage roll (with the usual minimum of 1 point of damage). The alchemical silvering process can’t be applied to nonmetal items, and it doesn’t work on rare metals such as adamantine, cold iron, and mithral.

Alchemical silver has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 8.

Alchemical Silver Cost Modifiers
Type of Alchemical Silver Item – Cost Modifier
Ammunition +2 gp
Light weapon +20 gp
One-handed weapon, or one head of a double weapon +90 gp
Two-handed weapon, or both heads of a double weapon +180 gp

Weapon Damage Types B, P & S

Weapons have the ability to cause 1, sometimes more, “types” of damage.
This is a “Rock, Paper, Scissors” scenario of damage type VS, possible, DR or Damage Resistance

Note: Resistance to one type of damage will not apply to other damage types, SOME FOES are 100% IMMUNE to some damage types

Also only “sharp” (S or P) weapons can cause “bleeding”, & only “blunt” (B) can stun, both of these will be directly worded in text of effected feats.

Damage Types For Weapons Are As Follows

  • S = Slashing, Weapons designed MAINLY to cut
  • P = Piercing, Weapons designed MAINLY to stab
  • B = Bludgeoning,Weapons designed MAINLY to crush
  • S/P & B/P = Combo, most effective type will be automatically applied
  • B/P is widely regarded as the “best combo”, but is also the rarest one

Slashing damage is damage caused by weapons such as axe, swords and scimitars. Many undead are resistant to slashing damage.

Piercing damage is damage caused by weapons such as arrows, picks, rapiers & spears. Some “constructs”, “jellies” & other creatures are resistant to piercing damage.

Bludgeoning damage is damage caused by blunt weapons such as clubs, hammers, sling “bullets” & quarterstaffs. Certain foes, such ones made of pure “air” or “energy” are resistant to bludgeoning damage.

Mixed physical damage
Some weapons combine damage types, they are:

  • Daggers (s/p)
  • Halberds (s/p)
  • Morning-Stars (b/p), a 1d8 simple & 1-Handed, but critical threat of 20/x2 hold it back
  • Scythes (s/p), outrageously good weapon 2d4 20/x4, 2-Handed, Heavy blades
  • Plus, The double weapons:
  • Gnome Hooked-Hammers (b/p) < only b/p weapon worth it to a fighter, but exotic/gnome
  • Dwarf Urgrosh (s/p)

Again, having resistance to one type will not protect you from the others.

Some spells may also inflict B, P, S or Combo damage types.

Ideal Weapons & Things Of Note

Ok Lets Talk Realistic

I will try to present this briefly, If your weapon is NOT 18-20/x2 OR 20/x4 based, you are likely under-scaling damage. The more you invest in “Greater Critical” feat or use a KEEN weapon, the greater the “gap”

Overall, things 2d4/2d6 vs 1d8/1d12 produce “0.5 higher” averages, 20/x2 vs 19-20/x2 is a straight “2x/200%” crit trigger rate OR 5% average DPR increase & if “18-20/x2” its: 3x/300% & 10%, respectfully.

As characters level, damage “adds” past weapon alone begin to QUICKLY exceed “avg weapon damage roll”, SO your critical hit rate becomes THE FACTOR

Threat Range, As Presented In LMA

Due to slight changes to the 3.5e OLG System, LMA’s damage system/math HEAVILY favours “critical threat range“, such 18-20 or 19-20 ranges combined with “Critical Improving Feats”, resulting in a possible 40% critical hit chance at 3x damage or a 20% chance at 5x, IF A “KEEN” weapon is used

  • 4 of 10 hits CAN BE triple damage, on average, thats 180% the average weapon DPR
  • 2 of 10 hits CAN BE quintuple damage, on average, thats 180% the average weapon DPR
  • Most Ideal are: Light: Both Daggers (simple), Kukri/Light Pick 1-Handed: Spear (simple/throw), Scimitar/Rapier 2-Handed: Longspear (simple) Falchion/Scythe Double: Hooked Hammer/2-Bladed Sword Bow: Longbow/Heavy Crossbow (simple) Throw Throwing Axe & Javelin/Standard Dagger (simple)
  • A single “increase” in threat range (like 20 to 19-20) equals 1-die larger (1d4 vs 1d6) average weapon DPR
  • MAX’ed “increases” in threat Multiplier (like 2x to 3x) equals 1-half die larger (1d10 vs 2d6) average weapon DPR again
  • MAX’ed “increases” in threat range (like 20 to 17-20) equals 1-die larger (1d4 vs 1d6) average weapon DPR
  • The Kukri for example, 1d4, CAN BE as DPR effective as a 2d4 (avg 3.6) weapon
  • The Bastard-Sword & Dwarf War Axe are unmatched in average DPR, for “1-Handed” class weapons (exotic feat or as dwarf), 1d10, now equals a 3d6 (avg 9) weapon

The CRITICAL Damage of a “Pick”, especially dual picks & Hooked-Hammers, is 2nd to NONE

Weapon DPR

TL;DR, Most Ideal are, IN TERMS OF “CRITICAL Bonus”:

  • Light: Both Daggers (simple), Kukri/Light Pick
  • 1-Handed: Spear (simple/throw), Scimitar/Rapier
  • 2-Handed: Longspear (simple) Falchion/Scythe
  • Double: Hooked-Hammer/2-Bladed Sword, Quarterstaff (simple, Mace combo is more DPR)
  • Bow: Longbow
  • Crossbow:Heavy Crossbow (simple)
  • Throw Throwing Axe & Javelin/Standard Dagger (simple)

Of special note:

Thrown Weapons” & the enchantment “Returning” are VERY helpful to characters that throw weapons. As you may throw weapon without “Consuming” it, permanently. Just a heads up


  • “Better” Critical Threat Range out perform “Base Damage” by 1 dice level as “to hit” bonus increases with “Power Attack”.
    * IE: A Great Sword “Critical Hits” 2x as often as a Great-Axe does & Scimitars has “just” higher average DPR than a Long-Sword. 18-20/2 weapons are HIGHLY effected by Improved Critical
  • Rapiers, Scimitars, Falchions & Kukris are HIGHLY more effective than 1 step “die superior” weapons. scoring a critical strike 3x (THREE TIMES) as often as the average weapon.
  • Exotic Weapons tend to be a “trap” outside a few Dwarf, Gnome & Human builds. The Kukri is an EXCEPTION to this trend
  • If you can use a shield, you should carry one & a backup 1-handed weapon in slot 3 or 4
  • Never under-estimate Monk Unarmed Strikes, BUT remember Monk weapon use allows item enchantments
  • Racial weapons that are “free”, the Dwarven war Axe & Urgrosh, plus Gnome Hooked-Hammer, while not #1 ideal in classes, DO save you the cost of a feat to access.
  • Elves, typically Wizards, have a good “free” racial weapon “training” set of Swords & Bows


Simple: Quarterstaff (1 handed), Sap, Sickle, Club, Light Mace have “best” dpr,
Both “can” daggers offer critical advantages. Quarterstaff is a a double weapon to boot
Use of Quarterstaff as a double weapon and/or 2 handed weapon is optional
* ONLY Quarterstaff has: Simple & light/finesse, with double, 2 handed & off-hand options

Quarterstaff (1 handed), Sap, Sickle, Club, Light Mace, Dagger & Punching Dagger

Martial: Short-Sword averages a “win” due to 19-20/x2 threat range, other builds may use pick/axe

Throwing Axe & Hammer (not thrown), Light Pick & Short-Sword

Exotic: Kukri & Nunchaku “win”, both are fairly build specific (monks & critical focused builds)

Kukri, Whip, Siangham, Kama, Nunchaku & Sai.
Sai is only for thrown/disarm CBM, Monk weapons Quarterstaff or dual Kama & Nunchaku is ideal
Whip is ONLY 1 handed reach weapon, Kukri is ONLY 18-20 threat “off-hand” weapon


Simple: Spear, Morning-Star & Heavy Mace have “best” dpr, but Morning-Star has 2 damage types BUT Spear has a 20/3x critical

Spear, Morning-Star & Heavy Mace

Martial: Long-Sword averages a “win” due to 19-20/x2 threat range, other builds may use Scimitar or Heavy Pick

Long-Sword, Scimitar & Heavy Pick. Battle Axe & War Hammer are “lesser” than Heavy Pick

Exotic: Bastard-Sword “wins” due to 19-20×2 threat range, Dwarf War Axe is priceless on dwarves

Bastard-Sword & Dwarf War Axe.
** The Bastard Sword IS IDEAL for the “Perfect” Two Weapon Fighter, but matures VERY late (level 16 at earliest) and over-all is “lack luster” to a non-exotic dex/finesse based “rapier/kukri” critical variant


Simple: Long-Spear has “best” dpr & reach, but Quarterstaff is a finesse/light, 2 handed double weapon, and the only one that is not racial or exotic. A Quarterstaff is also Monk weapon
Use of Quarterstaff as a double weapon and/or 2 handed weapon is optional

Long-Spear & Quarterstaff

Martial: Great-Sword averages a “win” due to 19-20/x2 threat range, other builds may use Falchion or Scythe. Of 2-handed reach weapons the Halberd is best with 2 damage types

Great-Sword, Falchion, Scythe & Great-Axe. Mauls are “lesser” than Scythe & Great-Axe

Exotic: Double-Sword “wins” due to 19-20×2 threat range, Orc Double-Axe is decent, but seeing both require a feat to be spent, and dwarves get Urgrosh “free” with axes & Gnomes get gnome Hooked-Hammer with hammers, its a far 2nd

Double-Sword & Orc Double-Axe. Note the Spiked Chain IS also 2 handed

* The Urgrosh is of “special” interest due to being an “ideal free” 2-Handed double weapon to Dwarf Barbarian variants

Finesse: ONLY Spiked Chains are 2-Handed, Exotic & finesse, at this time, to my knowledge

Spiked Chain


Non-Thrown: Heavy Crossbow Or Both Longbow Types, Slings on Halflings

Heavy Crossbows (For unskilled and/or low Str, some Monks)
Hand Crossbows (Rouges), The ONLY non-thrown 1 handed (dual weldable) ranged weapon
Slings (For Halflings and most Monks, range depending)
Composite on bows if user has a Str bonus
* Low (9 or less) Str characters should prefer Crossbows, to avoid minuses

Thrown: Javelin wins on average due to damage, range increments & ease of access

The Javelin, Throwing axe & Spear are “ideal” to throw.
* Low Dex (11 or less) characters should favour “Heavy” thrown weapons (or Crossbows/Bows)
** Monks: Javelin (Far) Hand-Axe/Shuriken (Mid) & Club/Sia (Close) for use with Monks Flurry

DPR, As Franken Kesey Posts:

As 3.5e player & poster of in depth rules explanation, Franken Kesey, is often quoted, I will add comments:

DPR or Damage Per Round

“Damage is not just a question of how much you can deal, but also how often you hit, crit, and if buffs help.”


  • #1 Chance to hit
  • #2 Chance of critical hit (Chance of critical trumps multiplier)
  • #3 How, build considered, do we best get efficient gains from this
  • #4 BASE AVERAGE DAMAGE of weapon, last…within reason

– This is why a 18-20×2 weapon can be considered 1 of 2 “ideal” options, & are generally better over 20/x4, every additional number IN THREAT RANGE (19-20, 18-20…so on) is a “FLAT” AVG DPR INCREASE

“This is calculated using probabilities with a maximum of 95% success rate of any attack hitting (natural 1 keeps it from being 100%), and minimum of 5% chance (natural 20’s always hit).”

– This is why a 20/x4 weapon is ALSO “ideal”

“This must then be corrected for Armor Class, which is ECL*1.5+10.”

ECL = Effective Character Level, for most PCs, all currently in LMA, this should be equal to the sum of their class levels

WORKED OUT, weapon by weapon, we get AVG DPR TOP 9 (with FULL investment)
THERE ARE, unaccounted for possible modifiers, in both directions. This is a “rough” list, in game situation will cause it to “flux” constantly

  • #1 – Dual Rapier (or heavier Scimitar) – PERFECT needed
  • #2 – Dual Bastard-Sword – EXOTIC/PERFECT needed
  • #3 – Rapier (or heavier Scimitar) + Kukri – EXOTIC
  • #4 – Dual Pick – PERFECT needed
  • #5 – Dual Dwarf War Axe – EXOTIC (OR DWARF) & PERFECT needed
  • #6 – Scythe / Rapier (or heavier Scimitar) + Shortsword (low “tax”)
  • #7 – Pick + Light Pick or Dual Shortswords (low “tax”, sword = “light”)
  • #8 – Double Bladed Sword – Exotic ( or Dual Longsword) & PERFECT needed
  • #9 – Dual Light Picks (low tax, “light”)

BASE 19-20/x3 “would” be best, but none in LMA

Bleeding & other crit effects, if triggered on foe, cause 18-20/x2 threat range to be Superior, but at a higher feat tax
Modifiers to hit, negative ones, can make 20/x4 Superior situational.
Both should be considered equal, but offering different styles with character build

“Tax” = Feat Cost, All: Urgosh/Hooked hammer & Dual Kukri rough tie with #9
Dual light weapons exceed until “perfect feat” at level 16, without perfect or exotic feats Scythe, Urgrosh (dwarf needed for not exotic), & Dual Shortsword/Dual Light Picks offer best AVG DPR

“Thirdly, critical chance and damage must be calculated separately; this means that if the threat range is 19-20 there is a 10% chance of a critical hit, but also 10% must be reduced from all average hit chances (i.e., if non-crit is 95%, it now is 85%).”

– Highlights a common statistical error that will give an incorrect sum

“Fourth, the question of buffs. Buffs take time and increase the risk of no action (by complications which can arise within a prep round). However, the right kind of buff can greatly increase damage. Thus, rounds that a player uses to buff divide the total damage (i.e., if 1 prep round, then divide by 2). Quickening spells and powers or getting an ally to buff is the best way to do it; for the less prep rounds the better.

All this put together is called Damage Per Round (or DPR). This guide notes good ways to increase this, and things to avoid.

Basic Principles

First, prioritize attack chance over damage. If you can kill a dragon in one hit 10% of the time, but miss 90% of the time your DPR will be drastically decreased.

Second, minor ability bonuses especially to strength and dexterity are more useful than a extra die in damage. For the ability bonus affects both chance to hit and damage. However, chance to hit can never exceed 95%, thus if you are well over this invest in damage die.

Third, critical threat range is better than a bonus multiplier. Thus 18-20×2 is better than 20×3. Also the keen weapon enhancement or improved critical feat can increase this threat range. However, they do not stack, but certain enchantments and feats can increase damage die on a critical hit.”


“Fourth, increasing number of attacks with two weapon fighting, mutiweapon fighting, haste, etc. is generally a good idea. This reduces attack chance, thus not good against epic AC. But can increase DPR if done correctly.

Fifth, buffs are the most debated and customizable boon to DPR. See below list of common buffs. However, two bonuses of the same type don’t stack even if they come from different spells (or from effects other than spells; see modifiers).

Sixth, is the final calculation which is:

  • ( <1st attack damage> * <1st attack chance–critical chance> + <2nd attack, etc.> * <2nd attack chance–critical chance, etc.> + <1st critical damage> * <critical chance> + <2nd critical damage, etc.> * <critical chance> )/ <number of prep rounds+1> = <RESULT>



The easiest way is to increase weapon enchantments. A simple numerical bonus can be good, and the following enchantments are also good: keen, vicious, flaming, frost, shock, psychokinetic and collision.


Start by increasing number of attacks in a round with things like:

  • two-weapon fighting, improved two-weapon fighting, greater two-weapon fighting, multiweapon fighting, improved multiweapon fighting, greater multiweapon fighting, multiattack and improved multiattack.

Then add anything which gives an attack bonus, damage die, or ability score bonus (i.e., hothead).

Critical Specialization

Weapons with criticals of 18-20×2 can be empowered significantly with the keen enhancement or improved critical feat. Many of the burst weapon enchantments will add to this damage output on critical hits (and should be invested in with this type of build). This can drastically increase DPR, but will only deal epic damage 30% of the time (in best case scenario). Keen enchantment is very good, however all other critical specialization is better to be avoided.”

– IN LMA, currently, I DISAGREE, critical specilizations DO offer many builds additional useful options or additional AVG DPR

“At later levels, improved critical will help by increasing critical threat range.


All temporary buffs, remember the less prep rounds the better.

Optimized Spells: enlarge person, heroism, magic weapon, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, haste, rage, good hope, greater heroism

Optimized Powers: expansion, metaphysical weapon, manifest blade, animal affinity, lion’s charge, psychofeedback

Avoid Spells: bless (not worth the time)


“Avoid Powers: weapon of energy (not worth the time), hustle (unless a feature requires a move action to activate)”

End of Franken Kesey highlighted info.

As we can see from the above DPR is MUCH more than just going for the “largest” average damage and “boosting it”

Key is that any amount of possible damage that does not hit, is of NO VALUE, hit chance followed by critical chance are much more important.

EVEN BUILDS what do not focus increasing critical chance are best served by a high “base critical chance weapon or for the largest possible modifier on a “natural 20”, of x4.

Suggested Weapon Progression

Suggested Weapon Progression

NEVER use a 20/x2 critical threat weapon as your “main”, if possible. 19-20/x2 & 20/x3 are both acceptable, but 18-20/2 & 20/x4 weapons are IDEAL. Some builds namely monks have no other option, so you will need to keep this in mind.

IMHO these are the weapons I suggest, as “End Game” picks: Underlined = Best in class

  • BASE Critical Threat 18-20/x2 (many/smaller) or 20/x4 (few/BIG) is a MUST for HIGH DPR
  • Unless not possible/reasonable (monk/wizard) ALWAYS prefer CT over “dice roll” AVGs
  • Quarterstaff is Double/2-hand optionally, can be used as a 1 or 2-hand non-double weapon
  • Simple: Both Daggers Martial: Short-Sword, Light Pick Exotic: Kukri
  • 1-Handed:
  • Simple: Spear Martial: Scimitar, Rapier, Heavy Pick Exotic: Bastard-Sword, Dwarf War Axe
  • 2-Handed:
  • Simple: (Only double or Reach) Martial: Falchion, Scythe Exotic: (Only double or Reach)
  • Reach:
  • Simple: Longspear Martial: Guisarme, Ranseur Exotic: Spiked Chain
  • Double:
  • Simple: Quarterstaff as 2H+DW Martial: none Exotic: Double-Sword, Hooked-Hammer
  • Thrown:
  • Simple: Dagger, Spear Martial: Throwing Axe Exotic: Sia
  • Bow:
  • Simple: Heavy Crossbow Martial: Longbow Exotic: Hand Crossbow, (Technically Whip)

Whips are technically RANGED. Sia is for FLURRY, Spiked chain is for CBM

End Game Weapons “That Rule”:

Simple Melee Weapons:
On Simple melee PC’s: 20/x3 is superior & best offered (Spear/Punch Dagger).
You can push this to 18-20/x4 with Imp crit + gret crit + power crit, 17-20/x4 if also KEEN

  • Heavy Crossbows (many crit) & Composite longbows (big crit) rule ranged
  • Falchion (many crit) & Scythe (big crit) rule 2-handed
  • Scimitar/Rapier & Bastard-Sword (many crit) or Heavy Pick & Dwarf War Axe (big crit) rule 1-handed
  • Kukri (many crit) or Light Pick (big crit) rule light/off-handed
  • Dagger (many crit) or Spear (big crit) rule thrown
  • 2-bladed-Sword (many crit) or Hooked-Hammer (big crit) rule Double
  • Quarterstaff (low crit) rules Wizard/Monk melee, Sia (low crit) Monk thrown, Dagger Wizard thrown
  • Spear 1-handed, Longspear 2-handed, Punch Dagger off-handed, rule all simple (all mid crit)
  • Spear + Punch dagger (perfect dual spear) rules simple dual

Monks “Flurry”:
A monk can not make a non-thrown ranged “flurry”, you need a “monk tagged” weapon

  • Light: nunchaku, kama 1-Handed: see light 2-handed: Quarterstaff Double: see 2-handed Thrown: Shuriken (they are seen as “ammo”) & Sia

Only “Ideal” Starter Weapon “Given” (To Custom Characters):

  • Dagger, throw ideal only
  • Rapier, True ideal finesse melee
  • Longbow, True ideal ranged

“Sub-Ideal” Starter Weapon “Given” (To Custom Characters), That Are “OK”:

  • Great-Sword, best 2-hand DPR of “given”
  • Short-sword, 2nd best 1-hand DPR & best “off-hand DPR” of “given”
  • Longspear, only reach given + its simple & 2-handed (best simple DPR of “given”)
  • Light Mace, best/only 1 hand simple & best simple “two weapon fighting” DPR of “given”
  • Light Crossbow, best simple ranged DPR of “given”

Styles – 1H, 2H, Reach & Ranged

Styles – 1-Handed, 2-Handed, Reach & Ranged

LMA offers many gearing & feat character build options for various “combat styles” to be used.

I will overview them is I personally see them:

As a Note:

  • ONLY MONKS, or characters with at least Monk 1, in 99% of cases, should fight unarmed
  • Everyone involved in melee should have Str 13 at level 1 or by level 3/4 for Power Attack, INCLUDING Weapon Finesse (or other Dex focused) builds
  • Everyone involved in Ranged “focus” should have Dex 13 at level 1 or by level 3/4 for Deadly Aim, INCLUDING Thrown Ranged users (or other Str focused) builds

The 1-Hand Weapon & Shield Style

This style is the classic “sword & board”, although not necessary a sword & the term “board” refers to a shield.

  • Entry of path of 1-hand weapons & shields No limitations/Level 1 access
  • You will have access to better “base” AC than all other styles, but lower DPR & “feat path options”
  • Dwarf BONUS gifts Dwarf War Axe 1-handed use, with axe, VERY VALUABLE
  • Human BONUS gifts feat, VERY VALUABLE, deeper/earlier feat access, Bastard-Sword use viable
  • If using this style FULL investment into “shield focus” feats is recommended, 2 FEATS COST
  • Past “Focus/Specialisation” feats you can access “Critical, Cleave & Sweeping Strike” feat paths
  • Weapon will normally be Rapier, Scimitar or Bastard-Sword (Human) or Dwarf War Axe
  • Threat 18-20/x2 users will likely focus critical, 20/x3 users sweeping strike & 19-20/x2 users either

The 2-Hand Weapon Style

This is the classic “Great-Sword” style, but any 2-handed non-double/non-reach weapon will do

  • Entry of path of 2-hand weapons Few limitations to access, “Style path” is locked until level 5
  • You will have access to better “base” DPR than all other styles, but lower AC than others also
  • Human BONUS gifts feat, VERY VALUABLE, deeper/earlier feat access
  • Half-Orc BONUS gifts +2 Str/Con, SEMI VALUABLE, best HP/DPR possible
  • If using this style FULL investment into “2 handed” focus feat path is recommended, 3 FEATS COST
  • Cleave feat paths FULL investment is suggested at a 3 FEAT COST
  • Also with this style the “knockdown” feat is recommended, 1 to 2 FEAT COST (Full path optional)
  • Past the above feats you can access “Critical & Sweeping Strike” feat paths
  • Cleave feat paths FULL investment is suggested at a 3 FEAT COST
  • Weapon will normally be Falchion, Scythe or Great-Sword
  • Threat 18-20/x2 users will likely focus critical, 20/x4 users sweeping strike & 19-20/x2 users either

The 2 Weapon Fighting Style

This style, offers many combinations, generally either a dual 18-20/2 weapon build or a “double weapon” user. NOTE ITS “2 CAPSTONE POINTS” NEED DEX 19 & 21, RESPECTFULLY

  • Entry of path of 2 weapons fighting SOME limitations to access, “Style path” is locked by Dex 15
  • 2 weapons fighting &, at least, Dex 17 is suggested to unlock “most” of feat path
  • You will have access to more “choice” than other styles, but more requirements than others also
  • Human BONUS gifts feat, VERY VALUABLE, deeper/earlier feat access, Bastard-Sword use viable
  • MANY races offer build possibilities, Gnomes & Dwarves have racial access double weapons
  • If using this style NEAR FULL investment into “2 Weapon Fighting” feat path is recommended, 4 to 7 FEATS COST
  • Cleave feat paths ENTRY is suggested at a 1 to 2 FEAT COST
  • Past the above feats you can access “nearly all” feat paths, play style depending
  • Double-Weapon users may skip TW defence, as it requires “2 weapons to be wielded”
  • Weapon will normally be Scimitar/Rapier with Kukri, Heavy Pick with Light Pick or Double-Sword
  • Threat 18-20/x2 & 20/x4 users will likely focus critical & 19-20/x2/Double-Sword users will focus 2-Handed fighting

The Reach Style

This style, offers 2nd row melee, increased AoO threat range with an effective melee AoE option

  • Entry of path of Reach NO limitations to access, “Style path” is locked by weapon only
  • You will have access to more “safety” than other styles, but less weapon choices also
  • Human BONUS gifts feat, VERY VALUABLE, deeper/earlier feat access
  • Half-Orc BONUS gifts +2 Str/Con, VERY VALUABLE to Reach builds, best HP/DPR possible
  • If using this style FULL investment into “2 handed” focus feat path is recommended, 3 FEATS COST
  • Cleave, including “knockdown” feat paths FULL investment IS “the styles point” 5 FEAT COST
  • Combat Reflexes & Mobility is NEEDED for WhilrWind Attack, 3 FEAT COST
  • Whirlwind Attack feat is DEADLY AoE, a must, 1 FEAT COST
  • Weapon will normally be Halberd or Guisarme/Ranseur (but I suggest Halbred for spear also)
  • Spiked chain possible but the feat is best spent else where unless DEX FOCUSED (with str 13+) & using Finesse
  • If possible adding improved & power critical to off-set weapons poor base DPR & threat

The Ranged Style

This style, offers “back” row Ranged, increased threat range with an effective area coverage & a multi target/AoE options

  • Entry of path of Reach SOME limitations to access, “Style path” is locked by weapon only
  • Style path’s “best” feats are Dex locked by Dex 17 to 19
  • You will have access to more “safety” than other styles, but less melee choices also
  • Human BONUS gifts feat, VERY VALUABLE, deeper/earlier feat access
  • Halfling BONUS gifts +2 Dex,”small” AC, Sling & Save bonuses VERY VALUABLE
  • Efl BONUS gifts +2 Dex & Weapon training VERY VALUABLE to ranged builds, best weapons
  • If using this style FULL investment into “Point Blank” focus feat path is recommended, 3 FEATS COST
  • Rapid Shot, feat paths FULL investment IS “the styles point” 3 FEAT COST
  • Many Shot path leads to Rain of Arrows path, VERY suggested 4 FEAT COST
  • Crossbow Sniper feat is some easy damage for Heavy crossbow 1 FEAT COST
  • Weapon finesse is very useful for making melee viable
  • Weapon will normally be Longbow/Heavy Crossbow with a Rapier for melee
  • Thrown weapons are likely more effective than direct or reach melee for you
  • If possible adding improved & bleeding critical to off-set bows poor base DPR & threat

So I use what “Ideally”?

I use a light weapon
Why? This better be good. Light weapons, single wielded, are rarely “ideal”.
Ok, Kukri (18-20/x2), Light Pick (20/x4) are ideal, Hand axe and dagger follow

I use a 1 handed weapon
Rapier/Scimitar (18-20/x2) & Heavy Pick (20/x4) are ideal. Bastardsword, & Dwarf war axe follow
If a Dwarf or Elf, your “free” racial weapon is automatically best choice in most cases.

I use a 2 handed weapon
Falchion (18-20/x2) & Scythe (20/x4) are ideal. Heavy Flail & Greatsword follow

I use a reach weapon
Halberd & Whip (20/x3) are ideal. Glaive & Longspear follow.
Whips are an “edge case”, suggested only for two weapon fighting rouges

I use a ranged weapon
Longbows (20/x3) & Heavy crossbow (19-20/x2) are ideal. Light crossbow, Shortbows & Sling follow.
Rouges, close, dual Hand crossbows, even without two weapon fighting (statistically better DPR)

I use a thrown weapon
Spear (20/x3) & Dagger (19-20/x3) are ideal. Hand axe & Javelin follow. Monk shuriken/Sia flurry throw

I use a “Double” weapon
Quarterstaff (20/x2) & Double sword (19-20/x2) are ideal. Urgrosh & Hooked hammer follow.
If a Dwarf or Gnome, your “free” racial weapon is automatically best choice in most cases.

New Game, Tutorial & FREE LOOT

Ideal Path: Lud To Natthbal, Looting 15 Locations, Rouge PC Start

Starting as a Rouge “Main PC” lets you Loot locations 2, 4 & 5 early, saving time & supplies remember to max lockpicking & search FIRST NPC Fighter has unassinged skills for Search

Save-Scumming Start = no unneeded fights (or fails & decent gear) UNTIL Natthbal is possible Past that its cheating IMHO (as we cant yet custom gear PC at creation, this is a workaround)

Arriving in Natthbal effectively ends the tutorial, so I wont spoil past “true game start

IDEALLY 1ST FIGHT/LOCATION 2 LOOT OUTCOME: 3x lockpicks & Master-Worked Thieves Tools

Starting Gear BLOWS (currently), looting 15 locations (with no fights or fails) & visiting towns should have party fully basic geared, by the time you leave Natthal for non-tutorial game play

Expect to spend 1000gp to 3500gp+ basic gearing party (1 suit of Full Plate is 1500gp alone) by the time you leave Natthal


The 2 “Adventures” that rescue you at start of game have:
  • The helpful Cleric: Scalemail armour, light crossbow (& 20 bolts), light mace & light shield
  • The Helpful Fighter: Scalemail armour & Great-Sword
  • You always find a Light Crossbow, 20 Bolts plus Heroism & Healing Potions at 1st tutorial location (location, NOT fight)
  • 1ST FIGHT up to 2 use item or consumable items, lockpicks come in “3x per find” .
    BEST OUTCOME = 3x lockpicks & Master-Worked Thieves Tools
  • You always find a Belt Of Giant Strength (& invitation letter) at the Spider Fortress location after rescuing rest of party, Plus up to 2 item of 1 item per type: Weapon, Armour, Potion, etc (but heavy armour)
    BEST OUTCOME = 2 of: Heavy Shield, Chain-Shirt, Breast-Plate, Exotic Weapon. &/or Thieves Tools, ALL up to Master-Worked (entry tier magic items also)
  • These magic items will be limited to potions, +1AC items, entry tier “per round HP recovery” & Attribute boosting/swapping items. Such as: robe/ring/bracers of +1AC protection, Cloak of Charisma, Longbow of Intelligence, Belt of Regeneration, Items made of Cold Iron etc

YOU CAN TAKE all “Friendly NPC” gear by un-equipping them into your inventory before they leave party (do so before you arrive at the Spike Fortress fight).

I HIGHLY suggest

Setting the CLERIC‘s spells to KEEP: Bless & ADD: Shield of faith & Inflict Wounds (replacing need for weapon/armour), The Fighter, when Blessed & Unarmed, will do more DPR then your character at level 1 can most likely & has ALOT of HP JUST REMEMBER to cast Bless right away

About “Tutorial Fights” Loot

The “Tutorial Fights” are “scripted“, the “Loot” for “1st Fight” is NOT & “Spider Fortress Fight & 1st Location” are “SEMI” scripted loot.

  • “Save Scumming: Is a practice of SAVING, attempting results &, POSSIBLY, RELOADING to achive desired results.
  • In General I am NOT a fan of this, it “ruins” games, IMHO.
  • BUT as this is a scripted event chain, I see no reason, while learning OR attempting “optimal” start, to “save scum” up to the end of Spider Fortress fight loot results for desired gear (up to tier 2 items will generate, such as Thieves Tools, lockpicks ALL “mundane” weapons, 18-20 threat, Reach and/or Exotic included)
  • You “could” use this until you search the 3 “close” areas (2 tents/1 building) with no fight needed, lockpick “wasted” or damage taken, receiving “wanted” starter items.
  • You CAN possibly generate a set of Thieves tools & 6 exotic, 18-20 threat and/or reach weapons, in any combination, BUT never armour past a Heavy Shield, Chainshirt or Breatsplate (I have never seen Heavy Armour before a “real fight”, “dungeon loot find” or “shop”)
  • BUT past that…your cheating IMHO

This is a nice boost I thought I would share

Starter “Ideal” Party Of 6 “The Guide”


I consider a “custom” party of 6 to be typical for most players.

Ideal Party, IMHO: Edited 2021 version, Starter template (note Monks are NOT, IMHO, a learning class)

  • Always have a 2nd damage type weapon, even Morning-Stars are good backup weapons
  • “Class skills”, like “disable device” or “search”, should ALWAYS be kept in mind
  • Synergy is the best path to optimisation, be mindful of “feats” you plan on (you should plan)
  • “Crafting”, of common or magical items, is essential to higher level parties
  • “Skill feats” are very important to get more bonus stacking, such as “nimble fingers”
  • You have 20 Levels worth of skill points and feat/attribute progression, include this in your plans
  • “DO NOT” rush into melee, without understanding your foe. Ranged opening = +Survival-ability

** Fighters: Experienced, & some new players, may want to opt for shield/Dwarven war axe over a 2-handed weapon, to go for “shield master” feats. This is a “A&B” or “Axe & Board (shield)” build, designed to “heavily tank” foes.

It “exploits” Dwarven “Racial Attribute, Weapon & Resistance” bonuses to allow shield focus feats & dodge at the same time, while using an “ideal” 1-handed dpr weapon

The Dwarf Barbarian variant of the Two Handed Weapon with Two Weapon Fighter, using the Urgrosh (Perfect TWF unneeded) is also a favourite among experienced players.

Ideal Party, “The Guide”

This “Ideal Party” may be used, or tweaked or not used, depending on play-style

  • Group Name: “The Guide
  • 2x Optimised “Axe & Board” Fighters (Great-Sword & Scale-Mail to start)
  • 1x Optimised “Double Weapon” Barbarian (Great-Sword & Scale-Mail to start)
  • 1x Optimised “Axe & Board” Cleric (Light Mace, Light shield & Scale-Mail to start)
  • 1x Optimised “Ranged/Reach” Rouge (Rapier & Leather to start)
  • 1x Optimised “Penetrater” Wizard (Dagger, Light Crossbow & 20x Bolts to start)
  • OPTIONALLY replace 1x Fighter with:
  • 1x Optimised “Unarmed” Monk (Light Mace, Light shield & Scale-Mail to start)
  • Or one of the OTHER listed extra builds

You will have access to, from “friendly NPC’s”, before party s “rescued”:

  • 1x Light Crossbow, 20x Bolts, 1x Light Mace, 1x Light shield, 1x Great-Sword & 2x Scale-Mail
  • “Waking On Beach”: 2x Healing Potions & 1x Simple Tool (Plus “Main PC’s” starting gear)
  • At “Sings of a Struggle” Location: 1x Light Crossbow, 20 bolts, 1x Heroism & Healing Potions
  • 1st “Fight”: Random loot (3x lockpicks + thieves tools are best outcome, IMHO)
  • Spider Fortress “Rescue”: 1x Belt of Giant Strength & invitation letter
  • The “Spider Fortress Rescue” MAY generate additional random loot, POSSIBLY EXOTIC

Using the 3 “close” Loot Locations (& possibly 12 more on way to Natthbal) on my “Pathed Map“. This is “just enough” to equip everyone effectively

Warning: Party suffers about a 15% XP Penalty from Mutli-Classing
  • 15% is HARDLY noticeable until level 12+, & even then, the Party is equivalent “foe CR” for their avg level once they hit average level 6 is at least “+1CR Rated” compared to presented “Tool Tip CR” of “equal” foes

As I said, this is a basic, but easy to get synergism rolling, “starter party”
– Tweak it as you see fit

“You Shall NOT PASS” – Optimised “Axe & Board” Fighter

“Yea…I lift…Bro”

Alignment: Any Non-Lawful

  • Goal of “maximising” melee “to hit” bonuses, Survival (HP/AC/Res) & 1-handed weapon DPR
  • Fully geared in Adamantine Armour, Sheild & Axe, your NEAR IMMORTAL with 316HP
  • BUT will surpass both in overall combat effectiveness
  • EXPLOITS early Rage + Charge access in Heavy armour to mitigate “tired” effect + MASSIVE to hit bonus (from Str increase/charge) & there for more DPR (via Power Attack)
  • An opening RAGING, GREATER CHARGE & Cleave is likely to drop any 2 “side by side” minions/weaker foes due to a MASSIVE “to hit” bonus


  • Dwarf
  • +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha, Speed Unaffected by Armour, -1 Base Speed
  • Use Dwarf War Axe & Urgrosh as Martial weapons, If Axe Weapon Picked
  • Resistances bonus of +2 to Spells and Poison.


  • Fighter, Custom
  • Multi-Classes into a few classes, see list so I dont need to write a small novel, lol

Character Creation Weapon Picks:

  • Heavy Blades (Start with Great-Sword,, 2-Handed/Reach backup)
  • Axe (Main: Dwarf War Axe, thrown)
  • Heavy Crossbow for “far/mid” distant ranged

Attributes Level 1: Racial Modifiers In Brackets, Already Applied

  • Str 17 Dex 13 Con 18 (+2) Int 8 Wis 14 (+2) Cha 6 (-2), Str to 22
  • Clean point buy if Dodge is kept in mind, even post rage we MAX standard full plate with a +1 to Dex magic item

Character Creation Feat Picks:

  • Weapon Focus
  • Power Attack


  • Keep Intimidate Maxed OR Ignore Intimidate COMPLETELY, replacing with Listen
  • Save ALL of rest for Crafting like Blacksmith etc

Weapon Note:

  • Dwarf War Axe & Heavy Shield
Class – Feats:
  • Standard feats at levels 1/3/6/9/12/15/18
  • Fighter Bonus feats at levels 1/2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16
  • Cleric Bonus feat at level 1
  • Wizard Bonus feat at level 1
  • IMHO, Barbarian Bonuses outweigh an additional single feat as a level 18 Fighter

Level Progression

  • Fighter (1) – STD: Weapon Focus BNS: Power Attack
  • Barbarian (1) –
  • Barbarian (2) – STD: Toughness
  • Cleric (1) – BNS: Dodge
  • Fighter (2) – BNS: Shield Focus
  • Fighter (3) – STD: Combat Reflexes
  • Fighter (4) – BNS: Weapon Specialisation
  • Fighter (5) –
  • Fighter (6) – STD: Cleave BNS: Improved Charge
  • Fighter (7) –
  • Fighter (8) – BNS: Greater Weapon Focus
  • Fighter (9) – STD: Greater Shield Focus
  • Fighter (10) – BNS: Greater Charge
  • Fighter (11) –
  • Fighter (12) – STD: Improved Critical BNS: Greater Weapon specialisation
  • Wizard (1) – BNS: Greater Critical
  • Fighter (13) –
  • Fighter (14) – STD: Sweeping Strike BNS: Improved Sweeping Strike
  • Fighter (15) –
  • Fighter (16) – BNS: Power Critical

If you dont want Dodge, Take Str to 23 & Replace “Dodge”, moving feats able up 1 slot, adding, BASTARD-SWORD at level 16 = BETTER DPR, YES 2x THE CRITICAL HIT RATE (feated)

Spell note:
Divine Spells:
Divine Favour, Shield of Faith, Bane & Cure Light wounds is a good combination of spells
Arcane Spells:
Our Int 8 is TOO LOW for casting even level 1 spells, we just wanted the HP & feat

Nokur Soxkuf – Optimised “Double Weapon” Warrior

(Said: “Nok-UR SoX-CoFF”)

“Told you, it IS possible”

Alignment: Any Non-Lawful

  • Front Line High AC/DPR Support. 314HP
  • Single Dip’s” DPR from 2-Handed Fighting & uses Two Weapon fighting to reduce to hit penalty with 1 feat investment
  • Goal of “maximising” DPR & melee “to hit” bonuses & Survival (HP/AC/Res)
  • HIT, KNOCKDOWN, FOLLOWUP HIT..NEXT PLZ is your thing, & it works well
  • Another FULL Adamantine gear user


  • Dwarf
  • +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha, Speed Unaffected by Armour, -1 Base Speed
  • Use Dwarf War Axe & Urgrosh as Martial weapons, If Axe Weapon Picked
  • Resistances bonus of +2 to Spells and Poison.


  • Barbarian, Custom
  • Multi-Class to a few classes, see he list so I dont need to write a book on it, lol

Character Creation Weapon Picks:

  • Axe & Heavy blades (Main: Dwarf Urgrosh, Dwarf War Axe/Heavy Shield Backup)

Attributes Level 1: Racial Modifiers In Brackets, Already Applied

  • Str 17 Dex 15 Con 18 (+2) Int 8 Wis 11 (+2) Cha 6 (-2), Str to 22 Or Str 20/Dex16/Wis12
  • Starting Str 17 with Dex 15 allows Wis 11, needed to cast Cleric Spells of 1st level
  • Str 20/Dex16/Wis12 may be better, AS: Str 20 1st, Dex 16 2nd & Wis 12 last
  • That said, on a martial, Str 22’s extra +1 “to hit” is priceless

Character Creation Feat Picks:

  • Weapon Focus
  • Power Attack


  • Keep Listen Maxed
  • Save ALL of rest for Crafting & Resource Gather

Weapon Note:

  • Dwarf Urgrosh, Backup Dwarf War Axe & Heavy shield
  • Heavy Crossbow as Ranged
Class – Feats:
  • Standard feats at levels 1/3/6/9/12/15/18
  • Fighter Bonus feats at levels 1/2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16
  • Cleric Bonus feat at level 1

Level Progression

  • Fighter (1) – STD: Weapon Focus BNS: Power Attack
  • Barbarian (1) –
  • Cleric (1) – STD: Toughness BNS: Cleave
  • Fighter (2) – BNS: Two Weapon Fighting (Dex 15)
  • Fighter (3) – BNS: 2-Handed Fighting
  • Fighter (4) – STD: Combat Reflexes BNS: Weapon Specialisation
  • Fighter (5) –
  • Fighter (6) – BNS: Great Cleave
  • Fighter (7) – STD: 2 Handed Focus
  • Fighter (8) – BNS: Greater Weapon Focus
  • Fighter (9) –
  • Fighter (10) – STD: Knockdown (Str 19) BNS: Improved Cleave
  • Fighter (11) –
  • Fighter (12) – BNS: Greater Weapon Specialisation
  • Fighter (13) – STD: Improved 2-Handed Fighting
  • Fighter (14) – BNS: Improved Critical
  • Fighter (15) –
  • Fighter (16) – STD: Greater Critical BNS: Power Critical
  • Fighter (17) –
  • Wizard (1) – (Toad) BNS: Improved Knockdown (Str 21)

Spells Note:

  • Will Get, the current set minimum, 1st level spell Slots, NO EXTRA from Wis 11
  • Shield Of Faith, “Shield” type spell bonuses WILL stack with anything else you use
  • ESPECIALLY Divine Favour is VERY useful
  • Cure Wounds, EVEN at level 1 caster level is “useful”, up to 13HP healed is “ok”, BUT the Status removal can SAVE AN ALLIES LIFE

Gloriabitur Securis Maleficarum – Optimised “Axe & Board” Cleric

Gloriabitur Securis Maleficarum = LATIN, “The Axe Of Witches”
Uses Longbow. Also rides a clydesdale…

Alignment: Any

  • 254HP Front Line Mid AC/DPR Support. Ranged & Melee capable to fill gaps
  • -1 Cha means not the best “Undead Turning” ability
  • Most “Spell Casting” will be “Healing & Buffs
  • Goal of “maximising” Wisdom while maintaining “acceptable” melee “to hit” bonuses, Survival (HP/AC/Res) & 1-handed weapon DPR, focusing on ranged support
  • Another FULL Adamantine gear user


  • Dwarf
  • +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha, Speed Unaffected by Armour, -1 Base Speed
  • Use Dwarf War Axe & Urgrosh as Martial weapons, If Axe Weapon Picked
  • Resistances bonus of +2 to Spells and Poison.


  • Cleric, Custom
  • Multi-Class to a few classes, see list, writtting the full details word for word would be very long

Character Creation Weapon Picks:

  • Axe (Main: Dwarf War Axe, 2-handed Backup)
  • Bow, for Composite Longbow

Attributes Level 1: Racial Modifiers In Brackets, Already Applied

  • Str 14 Dex 13 Con 16 (+2) Int 8 Wis 19 (+2) Cha 10 (-2), Wis 24

Character Creation Feat Picks:

  • Weapon Focus
  • Zen Archery


  • Keep Concentration & Heal Maxed
  • Save ALL of rest for Magical Crafting & Resource Gather

Weapon Note:

  • Dwarf War Axe & Heavy Shield, Backup Great-Axe. Longspear for reach
  • Heavy Crossbow as Ranged
Class – Feats:
  • Standard feats at levels 1/3/6/9/12/15/18
  • Cleric Bonus feats at levels 1/3/6/9/12/15/18
  • Fighter Bonus feat at level 1
  • Wizard Bonus feat at level 1

Level Progression

  • Fighter (1) – STD: Weapon Focus BNS: Zen Archery
  • Cleric (1) – BNS: Deadly Aim
  • Wizard (1) – (Toad) STD: Dodge BNS: Point Blank Shot
  • Cleric (2) –
  • Cleric (3) – BNS: Precise Shot
  • Cleric (4) – STD: Rapid Shot
  • Cleric (5) –
  • Cleric (6) – BNS: Improved Critical
  • Cleric (7) – STD: Power Attack
  • Cleric (8) –
  • Cleric (9) – BNS: Bleeding Critical
  • Cleric (10) – STD: Power Critical
  • Cleric (11) –
  • Cleric (12) – BNS: Cleave
  • Cleric (13) – STD: Improved Bleeding Critical
  • Cleric (14) –
  • Cleric (15) – BNS: Greater Critical
  • Cleric (16) – STD: Combat Reflexes BNS: Great Cleave
  • Cleric (17) –
  • Cleric (18) – BNS: Toughness

The Lurker – Optimised “Ranged/Reach” Rouge

“Good from afar is an insult…to some…”


Although many of these builds I present can mix/match “starting class” if they multi class fairly early, if feat progression is kept in mind.

BUT the Rouge REALLY SHOULD start as a Rouge at Character Level 1, for the ultra important “Disable device” & “Lockpick” skills

Alignment: Any Non-Lawful

  • Back Line Mid AC/DPR Support. Low HP means minimal “Direct” melee ability
  • 170HP with a “DEATH SAVE” via Defensive Roll
  • Medium sized Human to offset already poor base damage, and gain a “free” feat
  • Most DPR will be “Sneak Damage, & Feat adds, Based“, weapon independent
  • Goal of “maximising” Dex while maintaining “acceptable” melee “to hit” bonuses, Survival (HP/AC/Res) & Ranged/Reach DPR
  • Skill point boost of Human + Rouge + a Wizard Party mate, we can safely “DUMP” Int at 12
  • This build will surpass a Halfling in overall combat & support effectiveness combined
  • Finesse + Dual Whips + Sneak 4 + Opportunist + Perfect Two Weapon Fighting + True Strike + Rage is among the HIGHEST REACH DPR BUILDS IN GAME


  • Human
  • +2 Any Attribute, We are picking +2 Dex, Favours ALL Classes
  • Free feat at Character Creation
  • Bonus Skill Points


  • Rouge, Custom
  • Multi-Class “dips in to a few classes to maximise feats/features, see the list so I dont need to write a small boot

Character Creation Weapon Picks:

  • Main: Dual Whips & Dual Hand Crossbows Rapier + Short-Sword & Heavy Crossbow Also

Attributes Level 1: Racial Modifiers In Brackets, Already Applied

  • Str 13 Dex 19 (+2) Con 14 Int 12 Wis 12 Cha 8, Dex to 24
  • Humans can have “point buy” issues in some builds, like this 1. Odd point’s only ideal use is Str for increasing carry capacity/power attack
  • OPTIONALLY Str 14 with Wis 11 (for casting Cleric spells of 1st level), better melee DPR & Fortitude save, but Will save will suffer without the +1.

Character Creation Feat Picks:

  • Weapon Finesse
  • Exotic Weapon Whip


  • Keep Heal, Search & “Special Rouge Class Skills” MAXED, Listen also if you feel need
  • Save ALL of rest for “Skills Gap Filling” & Resource Gather

Weapon Note:

  • Dual Hand Crossbows & Dual Whips, Backup Rapier + Short-Sword
  • Heavy Crossbow as “Far” distance Ranged
  • At level 20, with dual Rapiers in direct melee, you can push HUGE DPR via sneak + critical
Class – Feats:
  • Standard feats at levels 1/3/6/9/12/15/18
  • Rouge Bonus feats at levels 10/13/16
  • Fighter Bonus feat at level 1
  • Cleric Bonus feat at level 1
  • Wizard Bonus feat at level 1

Level Progression

  • Rouge (1) – STD: Weapon Finesse BNS: Exotic Weapon Whip
  • Wizard (1) – (Toad) BNS: Two Weapon Fighting
  • Barbarian (1) – STD: Deadly Aim
  • Rouge (2) –
  • Rouge (3) –
  • Rouge (4) – STD: Power Attack
  • Rouge (5) –
  • Rouge (6) –
  • Rouge (7) – STD: Weapon Focus
  • Rouge (8) –
  • Rouge (9) –
  • Rouge (10) – STD: Improved Two Weapon Fighting BNS: (as special) Opportunist
  • Cleric (1) – BNS: Greater Two Weapon Fighting
  • Fighter (1) – BNS: Double Slice
  • Rouge (11) – STD: Two Weapon Fighting Rend
  • Rouge (12) –
  • Rouge (13) – BNS: (as special) Defensive Roll
  • Rouge (14) – STD: Improved Critical
  • Rouge (15) –
  • Rouge (16) – BNS: (as feat) Perfect Two Weapon Fighting

Arcane Spell Picks:

  • Shield – You DONT use a shield use and they cause spell failure, A MUST
  • True Strike – Any Bonus to hit is PRICELESS as extra damage

Simply Irresistible – Optimised “Penetrater” Wizard


Alignment: Any Lawful

  • Back Line Mid AC/HP, Burst DPR, Summoner & Ranged Support.
  • Near Irresistible Spells from a MASTER of Summoning & Evocation magic
  • Monk Flurry/AC & High Dex allows EMERGENCY melee, something FEW Wizards boast
  • Elf to offset already poor base penetration, and gain a racial abilities
  • Most DPR will be “Summons & Ranged Based
  • Goal of “maximising” Int while maintaining “acceptable” Summoning, Survival (HP/AC/Res) & Ranged/Burst DPR
  • This build will surpass a Human or Gnome in overall combat & spell effectiveness combined
  • Adamantine Defending weapons are a must to offset -1 to hit from Str 9 & boost AC


MAX AC (level 20), will surpass monk 1’s +2AC unarmoured with:
  • Mithril Light Shield (0% spell failure)
  • Thistledown Padded Armour (0% spell failure, RotW p168)
  • USE of both above with Cleric 1 at level 3
  • Gloves of Dexterity
  • Ring of Protection
  • Bracers of Armor (or Reflexes, for Dodge)
  • Amulet of Natural Armor
  • Defending weapon


  • Elf
  • +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Con, +1 base Speed, Favours Wizard
  • Racial weapon trailing (we want Longbow)
  • Bonus +2 Spell Penetration, Fey Blooded Immunity to Sleep & Charm


  • Wizard, Custom
  • Familiar to Toad at to maximise HP

Character Creation Weapon Picks:

  • N/A – Wizards get NONE extra, Monk Flurry Limits, Quarterstaff & Heavy Crossbow ideal

Character Creation Spell Picks:

  • Shield – Wizards get NO shield use and they cause spell failure, A MUST
  • Summon Elemental – Any Summoned Allie is PRICELESS

Multi-Class: Monk Levels 1 & 2 at Character Levels 2 & 3, to add survival with more AC & HP, Plus Stunning Fist & other “survival” bonuses
Attributes Level 1: Racial Modifiers In Brackets, Already Applied

  • Str 9 Dex 16 (+2) Con 12 (-2) Int 19 (+2) Wis 12 Cha 10, Int to 24
  • Elves can have “point buy” issues in “starting” Int 20 builds, like this 1. Int 19 gives better attributes over-all.
  • Cha 10 so summons dont suffer a penalty from a “-1”.
  • Odd point’s only ideal use is Str for increasing carry capacity.

Character Creation Feat Picks:

  • Weapon Focus
  • Deadly Aim


  • Learn Disable Device & Pick Locks ASAP, Keep them PLUS Search & Concentration, MAXED
  • Save ALL of rest for “Skills Gap Filling” & Magical Crafting

Weapon Note:

  • Main: Longbow + Quarterstaff, Plus shurkens, Main DPR is ranged & Summoned Allies
  • Burst DPR is “typical” of an arcane spell caster

Levelling Spell Picks:

  • Early Crowd control like Grease is a Must
  • Magic Missile is a Must once you have the ability to cast with multiple “missiles”
  • Burst DPR is spells like Fire Ball are the “bread & butter” of an arcane spell caster
Class – Feats:
  • Standard feats at levels 1/3/6/9/12/15/18
  • Wizard Bonus feats at levels 1/5/10/15
  • Monk Bonus “Ability” feat at level 1
  • Fighter Bonus feats at levels 1 & 2

Level Progression

  • Wizard (1) – (Toad) STD: Weapon Focus BNS: Deadly Aim
  • Monk (1) – Monk: Improved Grapple
  • Cleric (1) – STD: Toughness BNS: Deflect Arrows
  • Wizard (2) –
  • Wizard (3) –
  • Wizard (4) – STD: Spell Focus Conjuration
  • Wizard (5) – BNS: Augment Summons
  • Wizard (6) –
  • Wizard (7) – STD: Point Blank Shot
  • Wizard (8) –
  • Wizard (9) –
  • Wizard (10) – STD: Spell Focus Evocation BNS: Evocation Specialist
  • Wizard (11) –
  • Wizard (12) –
  • Wizard (13) – STD: Spell Penetration
  • Wizard (14) –
  • Wizard (15) – BNS: Greater Spell Penetration
  • Wizard (16) – STD: Improved Critical
  • Wizard (17) –
  • Fighter (1) – BNS: Greater Critical

Toughness Note:

  • There is very little that replaces HP for survival IF hit & damaged, Wizards do not suffer, AS HEAVILY, as other classes delaying feats.
  • PLUS if a Ranged foe scores a Critical hit on you, HP is what lets you survive it, +20HP “extra” by level 20 (+1HP/level or 120HP total) is nice thats a second, with toad, 25% increase
  • The MATH is non-toughness + non-toad max is 80HP + Con bonus > The with toad/no toughness max is 100HP + Con bonus & finally 120HP + Con bonus is max with both toad+ toughness. Thats 100% vs 125% vs 150%

“I Cast…FIST” – Optimised “Unarmed” Monk

Monks are a bit complex in use, but if you are experience or wish to learn them, here you are:


Alignment: Any Lawful

  • Front Line High AC/DPR Controller, 260HP
  • Feature/Feat Rich but a master of nothing but THE FIST
  • FAST & DEADLY FLANKER unarmed, HARD to hit & HP Padded. Versatile, BUT equal CR to level “true martial” foes will out-class you 1 on 1 NOT RAGING
  • Most “CMB” will be “Trip & Disarm“, Spell Casting Limited to “Heal & Self-Buffs
  • Goal of “maximising” MAD attribute needs while maintaining “acceptable” melee “to hit” bonuses, Survival (HP/AC/Res) & unarmed DPR
  • This build is a bit multi-classed, but they are effective combined, if somewhat complex
  • Will get 3 Flurry attacks, no penalty, at 2d8 unarmed as 18-20/x3 fully matured


  • Dwarf
  • +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha, Dwarf racial bonuses, Favours Fighter


  • Monk, Custom
  • Multi-Class to a few classes, see the list so I dont need to write a small novel, lol

Character Creation Weapon Picks:

  • Bow
  • Ideal gains from “Monk Weapons” due to Kama, Sia, Nunckaku & Quarterstaff

Attributes Level 1: Racial Modifiers In Brackets, Already Applied

  • Str 16 Dex 14 Con 16 (+2) Int 12 Wis 16 (+2) Cha 6 (-2), Str to 21

Character Creation Feat Picks:

  • Weapon Focus
  • Power Attack


  • Learn “Pick Locks: ASAP, Keep it PLUS Listen & Heal, Maxed
  • Save ALL of rest for Crafting & Resource Gather

Weapon Note:

  • Morning-Star + Shield, then at Monk 1 Quarterstaff 2-HANDED GRIP, then at Monk 4+ unarmed.
  • Toggle unarmed strike to “on” carry Kama & Sai
  • Kama ONLY for trip & Sai ONLY to disarm or Flurry Throw
  • Monk FLURRY throw DUAL Shurikens & Heavy Crossbow/Composite Longbow as Ranged
Class – Feats:
  • Standard feats at levels 1/3/6/9/12/15/18
  • Monk Bonus “Ability” feats at levels 1, 2 & 6
  • Fighter Bonus feats at levels 1 & 2
  • Cleric bonus feat at level 1
  • Wizard Bonus feat at level 1

Level Progression

  • Cleric (1)- STD: Power Attack BNS: Weapon Focus
  • Wizard (1) – (Toad) BNS: Dodge
  • Monk (1) – STD: Toughness MNK: Stunning Fist (unarmed, BASE = 1d6+3 20/x2)
  • Monk (2) – MNK: Combat Reflexes (unarmed, BASE = 1d6+3.5 20/x2 now)
  • Monk (3) –
  • Monk (4) – STD: Cleave (unarmed, BASE = 1d8+3.5, 20/x2 now)
  • Monk (5) –
  • Monk (6) – MNK: Improved Trip (unarmed, BASE = 1d6+4 20/x2 now)
  • Monk (7) – STD: Improved Critical (unarmed, BASE = 1d6+4, 19-20/x2 now)
  • Monk (8) – (unarmed, BASE = 1d10+4, 19-20/x2 now)
  • Monk (9) –
  • Monk (10) – STD: Power Critical (unarmed, BASE = 1d10+4.5 19- 20/x3 now)
  • Monk (11) –
  • Monk (12) – (unarmed, BASE = 2d6+4.5, 19-20/x3 now)
  • Monk (13) – STD: Improved Stunning Fist
  • Monk (14) – (unarmed, BASE = 2d6+5, 19-20/x3 now)
  • Monk (15) –
  • Monk (16) – STD: Greater Critical (unarmed, BASE = 2d8+5, 18-20/x3 now)
  • Fighter (1) – BNS: Greater Trip
  • Fighter (2) – BNS: Great Cleave (unarmed, BASE = 2d8+5.5, 18-20/x3 now)

Undead Turning Note:

  • You have Cha 6.. your better to attempt attacks or closing distance
  • If the RNG gods love you, by all means….try it

Spells Note:

  • CAN CAST ARCANE Spell, Int is 12, True Strike for sure, Mage armour is nice
  • Even Cha 6 summoned allies are useful for creating flanking situations
  • Will Get 4, 1st level spell Slots
  • Shield Of Faith, “Shield” type spell bonuses WILL stack with anything else you use
  • ESPECIALLY Divine Favour is VERY useful
  • Bane, its an AOE burst ONLY effecting foes, and -1 to being hit is always nice
  • Cure Wounds, EVEN at level 1 caster level is “useful”, up to 13HP healed is “ok”, BUT the Status removal can SAVE AN ALLIES LIFE
  • You can not cast arcane spells

CBM & Ranged Weapon Notes:


  • Only Shuriken & Sias may be used RANGED/Thrown with FLURRY (not any other weapons)
  • Tripped foes trigger Attacks of opportunity when they stand, disarm is powerful
  • Beware targets that can “really dish it out”, your a flanking striker, not a tank with a shield
  • You are CBM skilled, Tripped foes are almost as good as Knocked Down, Disarmed foes have far lower DPR

Big Rod, 2 Shafts – Optimised “Staff & Spear” Fighter

“Never mastered the walking softly part”

REND Note:

“[..] If you hit an opponent with both your primary hand and your off hand weapon [..]”
RAW (Rules As Written) double weapons & rend are 100% rules legal, common & likely intended

Alignment: Any Non-Lawful

  • Front Line High AC/DPR Support. Dual thrower, 296HP SIMPLE WEAPON SPECIALIST
  • Goal of “maximising” DPR via critical & melee “to hit” bonuses & Survival (HP/AC/Res)
  • GREAT AVG DPR via “double dip” feat paths, under rage rend is very easy to trigger
  • Adamantine Full Plate armour is ideal to offset temporary “tired” condition from rage
  • Another FULL Adamantine gear user, with Darkwood Quarterstaff
  • BOSS KILLER via attrition victory (Buffed we are talking toe to toe with CR25 foes)


  • Human
  • +2 Any, Pick: +2 Dex
  • Bonus feat, Favours Any


  • Fighter, Custom

Character Creation Weapon Picks:

  • Bow & Spear, Main Weapon: Quarterstaff, Dual Spear Melee for blunt immune
  • Composite Longbow far range, Dual Javelins > Dual Spears as thrown

Attributes Level 1: Racial Modifiers In Brackets, Already Applied

  • Str 16 Dex 17 (+2) Con 16 Int 8 Wis 12 Cha 8, Str to 17 (2nd, by level 9) Dex to 21

Character Creation Feat Picks:

  • Weapon Focus
  • Two Weapon Fighting
  • Power Attack
Level Progression
  • Fighter (1) – STD: Weapon Focus BNS: Two Weapon Fighting BNS: Power Attack
  • Barbarian (1) –
  • Cleric (1) – STD: Deadly Aim BNS: Toughness
  • Fighter (2) – BNS: Combat Reflexes
  • Fighter (3) –
  • Fighter (4) – STD: 2-Handed Fighting BNS: Weapon Spec
  • Fighter (5) –
  • Fighter (6) – BNS: Improved Two Weapon Fighting
  • Fighter (7) – STD: 2-Handed Focus (Str 17)
  • Fighter (8) – BNS: Double Slice
  • Fighter (9) –
  • Fighter (10) – STD: Greater Weapon Focus BNS: Two Weapon Fighting Rend
  • Fighter (11) –
  • Fighter (12) – BNS: Greater Weapon Spec
  • Fighter (13) – STD: Improved 2-Handed Fighting
  • Fighter (14) – BNS: Greater Two Weapon fighting
  • Fighter (15) –
  • Fighter (16) – STD: Improved Critical BNS: Power Critical
  • Barbarian (2) –
  • Wizard (1) – (Toad) BNS: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting (Dex 21)

HULK SMASH – Optimised Greatest Great Weapon Warrior

^ Your smarter little brother…ummm bling much

Alignment: Any Non-Lawful

  • Front Line High AC/DPR Support. 312HP
  • Goal of “maximising” DPR & melee “to hit” bonuses & Survival (HP/AC/Res)
  • Optimally uses Adamantine Full Plate, Scythe, Great-Sword with Scimitar & Heavy Shield backup
  • In other words: FULL Adamantine gear user
  • Gives up “Uncanny Dodge” from Barbarian 2 for Cleric 1 to get Divine spells & an extra feat
  • Max’ed out, this build has a 50% knockdown & a 2-Handed 2d4 S/P 17-20/x5 KEEN weapon, WITH the highest possible natural/unfeated “to hit” bonus of +7, BEST AVG DPR IN GAME (without “sneak damage”)


  • Half Orc
  • +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha,
  • Favours Barbarian


  • Barbarian, Custom
  • Multi-Class to a few classes, see he list so I dont need to write a book on it, lol

Character Creation Weapon Picks:

  • Bow & Heavy blades for Scythe, Great-Sword with Scimitar & Heavy Shield backup

Attributes Level 1: Racial Modifiers In Brackets, Already Applied

  • Str 19 (+2) Dex 14 Con 18 (+2) Int 6 (-2) Wis 12 Cha 6 (-2), Str to 24
  • Dex 14 & Full Plate effectively remove “rage done” temporary Dex penalties for us
  • On a martial, starting Str 19’s leads to a Str 24, that extra +1 “to hit” is priceless
  • Half Orcs have HORRIBLE point buy, Wis 12 for +1 Will save is ALL we have room for extra

Character Creation Feat Picks:

  • Weapon Focus
  • Power Attack


  • Keep Listen Maxed
  • Save ALL of rest for Crafting & Resource Gather

Weapon Note:

  • Scythe, Great-Sword with Scimitar & Heavy Shield backup
  • Composite Longbow as Ranged
Class – Feats:
  • Standard feats at levels 1/3/6/9/12/15/18
  • Fighter Bonus feats at levels 1/2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16
  • Cleric bonus Feat at level 1
  • Wizard Bonus feat at level 1

Level Progression

  • Fighter (1) – STD: Weapon Focus BNS: Power Attack
  • Barbarian (1) –
  • Cleric (1) – STD: Toughness BNS: Dodge
  • Fighter (2) – BNS: Cleave
  • Fighter (3) –
  • Fighter (4) – STD: Combat Reflexes BNS: 2-Handed Fighting
  • Fighter (5) –
  • Fighter (6) – BNS:Weapon Specialisation
  • Fighter (7) – STD: 2 Handed Focus
  • Fighter (8) – BNS: Greater Weapon Focus
  • Fighter (9) –
  • Fighter (10) – STD: Improved Cleave BNS: Knockdown
  • Fighter (11) –
  • Fighter (12) – BNS: Greater Weapon Specialisation
  • Fighter (13) – STD: Improved 2-Handed Fighting
  • Fighter (14) – BNS: Improved Critical
  • Fighter (15) –
  • Fighter (16) – STD: Greater Critical BNS: Power Critical
  • Fighter (17) –
  • Wizard (1) – (Toad) BNS: Improved Knock down

Spells Note:

  • Divine Spells: Shield of Faith & Divine Favour are awesome for this build. More cure wounds heals & status effect “fixes” are LIFE SAVERS

Overly Critical – Optimised Dual 1-Handed Weapons Fighter

“Blood on the hilt…again…RUINED!

Alignment: Any

  • Front Line High AC/DPR Support. 292HP
  • Goal of “maximising” DPR via critical & melee “to hit” bonuses & Survival (HP/AC/Res)
  • Optimally uses Wizard Robes, Mithral Chain-Shirt or just PADDED, DUAL Bastard-Sword with DUAL Rapier for super crit & a Heavy Shield foe backup. Starts using Rapier & Short-Sword combo
  • Adamantine weapon user in Mithral or Wizards Robes
  • Max’ed out, this build has a 25% critical hit rate & DUAL 1-Handed 1d10 S 15-20/x3 KEEN weapon, WITH the highest possible natural/unfeated “to hit” bonus of +7, BEST two 1-Handed weapon DPR IN GAME (without “sneak damage”)


  • Human
  • +2 Any, Pick: +2 Dex
  • Bonus feat, Favours Any


  • Fighter, Custom

Character Creation Weapon Picks:

  • Bow & Light blades for Rapier & Bastard-Sword & Heavy Shield backup

Attributes Level 1: Racial Modifiers In Brackets, Already Applied

  • Str 14 Dex 19 (+2) Con 16 Int 8 Wis 11 Cha 8, Dex to 24
  • Our odd point is best spent on Wis 11 for Cleric Spell casting of 1st level spells

Character Creation Feat Picks:

  • Weapon Focus
  • Power Attack
  • Two Weapon Fighting


  • Learn & keep Pick Locks Maxed
  • Save ALL of rest for Crafting & Resource Gather

Weapon Note:

  • Rapier & Bastard-Sword & Heavy Shield backup
  • Composite Longbow as Ranged
Class – Feats:
  • Standard feats at levels 1/3/6/9/12/15/18
  • Fighter Bonus feats at levels 1/2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16/18
  • Cleric bonus Feat at level 1
  • Wizard Bonus feat at level 1

Level Progression

  • Fighter (1) – STD: Weapon Focus BNS: Power Attack BNS: Two Weapon Fighting
  • Fighter (2) – BNS: Toughness
  • Fighter (3) – STD: Two Weapon Fighting Defence
  • Fighter (4) – BNS: Weapon Spec
  • Fighter (5) –
  • Fighter (6) – STD: Combat Reflexes BNS: Improved Two Weapon Fighting
  • Fighter (7) –
  • Fighter (8) – BNS: Greater Weapon focus
  • Fighter (9) – STD: Improved Critical
  • Fighter (10) – BNS: Double Slice
  • Fighter (11) –
  • Fighter (12) – STD: Two Weapon Fighting Rend BNS: Greater Weapon Specialisation
  • Fighter (13) –
  • Fighter (14) – BNS: Bleeding Critical
  • Fighter (15) – STD: Greater Two Weapon Fighting
  • Fighter (16) – BNS: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
  • Wizard (1) – (Toad) BNS: Exotic Bastard-Sword (OR Improved Two Weapon Fighting Defence)
  • Fighter (17) – STD: Greater Critical
  • Fighter (18) – BNS: Improved Bleeding Critical
  • Cleric (1) – BNS: Power Critical

Spells Note:

  • If you wish to select Bastard-Sword feat at level 17 you will need Str 15 to access/use it
  • Divine Spells: Shield of Faith & Divine Favour are awesome for this build. More cure wounds heals & status effect “fixes” are LIFE SAVERS

As The Gods Slept

As The Gods Slept – Stuff From 3.5e Considered “Fan Favourites”

As Wizards of the Coast left 3.5e for 4e to 5e, then Pathfinder with 2e… fans were left with a large collection of materials (many books & various releases, WotC online free stuff, etc) for use with OGL 3.5e, much would need slight renaming perhaps, I AM NOT A LEGAL EXPERT so anything I say on the matter should be TRIPLE checked.

Of these I will “write a love letter” to a Few.

The Falcata

“Oh Falcata…1 day we will be together again”
– As The Gods Slept, Aazard

Not yet in LMA


  • Cost 18 gp
  • Weight 4 lbs. < made of Damascus Steel
  • Damage 1d6 (small), 1d8 (medium)
  • Critical 19-20/x3 < wow!
  • Type slashing
  • Category one-handed
  • Proficiency exotic
  • Weapon Group heavy blades

The falcata has a single-edged blade that pitches forward towards the point, the edge being concave near the hilt, but convex near the point. This shape distributes the weight in such a way that the falcata is capable of delivering a blow with the momentum of an axe, while maintaining the longer cutting edge of a sword and some facility to execute a thrust. The grip is typically hook-shaped, the end often stylized in the shape of a horse or a bird. There is often a thin chain connecting the hooked butt with the hilt. Although usually a single-edged weapon, double-edged falcatas have been found.

The Estoc

Similar to a Bastard-Sword, but designed to stab. The weilder, Diana, is 5’4″ (64 inches) tall!

The Fauchard

Pole-Arms look similar, but have major “specific” use difference between them

The Trident

This retiarius is using a “combat trident” (as opposed to the tool)


Simple leather hand wraps, dont add damage, but may be enchanted, of special material, etc

The Temple Sword & Khopesh Sword

Features a “deep curve with hooked tip”, a slashing weapon designed to assist in tripping others

The Bo Staff

A larger Quarterstaff, generally requiring special training to use.

The DogSlicer

STOP! look at that, thats real… & its fantastic
Goblin Favoured (who hate dogs & horses), a curved shortsword with holes drilled in it “to reduce weight/air resistance” (like a butt slapping paddle)

The Horse Chopper

An anti-mounted pole-arm, designed to trip & dismount, similar “hole drilled” design to dogslicer

Explorers Clothing

A set of durable clothes, generally worn by unarmoured adventures. Although it gives no AC bonus, it has a VERY high Dex bonus cap, making it ideal to enchant. Spellcasters, monks and other unarmoured adventures commonly are seen in these.


Fandom… yea its a thing

Mr Delightful’s YouTube series for LMA

A “Lets Play” style series. Mr Delightful’s series is a great example of a “what to expect” from LMA.

He is not an expert & learns as he plays, just like most people.

His commentary is easy to listen too and he tends to detail what he is doing at that moment in video, well worth a look.

Video 1 of Series:


I am but a servant – WIP Optimised Paladin

Work In Progress Optimised Paladin

I request your surrender, with quarter, OR In justice, I shall SMITE THEE

Race > Human > Str
Weapons: Heavy blades + Bow, Longsword > holy avenger (plus additional enchants)
Attributes > MAD > STR 17 (+2) DEX 12 CON 16 INT 8 WIS 12 CHA 14 > Str to 24

Level Progression
  • Fighter (1) – STD: Weapon Focus BNS: sheild focus BNS: Power Attack
  • Paladin (1) –
  • Paladin (2) – STD: Toughness
  • Paladin (3) –
  • Paladin (4) –
  • Paladin (5) – STD: Combat Reflexes
  • Fighter (2) – bns: Cleave
  • Fighter (3) –
  • Fighter (4) – STD: weapon spec bns: sweeping strike
  • Fighter (5) –
  • Fighter (6) – bns: Vital strike
  • Fighter (7) – STD: Devistating strike BNS: improved sweeping strike
  • Fighter (8) – bns: Greater shield focus
  • Fighter (9) –
  • Fighter (10) – STD: Greater Weapon Focus BNS: Improved Critical
  • Fighter (11) –
  • Fighter (12) – BNS: Greater Weapon Spec
  • Fighter (13) – STD: Greater Critical BNS: Power Critical
  • Fighter (14) – Greater weapon focus
  • Wizard (1) – (Toad) BNS: xxx