Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Guide

Fall Guys Season 3 News for Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout

Fall Guys Season 3 News


Here’s everything we know so far about season 3 of Fall Guys

Season 3 teaser

Season 3 Official Trailer

Start date

Season 3 starts December 15th.


Based on teaser we can expect winter fantasy theme.


Costumes from teaser: penguin, krampus, snowman and narwhal.
Costumes from trailer:
Rat King
costume_elf_01 – Festive Elf
costume_wrappaper_01 – Wrapped Up
Nutcracker and Sugar Plum Fairy
White Bear, Narwhal and Orange Walrus
Purple Walrus and Krampus
Official mystery costumes that were revealed:
Reindeer, Candle, Snow Queen, Yeti-Guy
New collab costume(doom slayer from doom):
Costumes from leaks:
costume_penguin_01 – Peppy Penguin (DLC)
costume_wsport_01 – Slopes Master (DLC)
costume_yeti_01 – Yeti-Guy (DLC)
costume_santa_01 – Santa Falls
Ninja charity skin
costume_yeti_02 – Big Foot
costume_krampus_01 – Krampus
costume_krampus_02 – Belsnickel
costume_beanbot_01 – Beanbot
MrBeast charity skin
Golden costumes from leaks:
costume_dragon_03 – Golden Dragon
costume_chicken_03 – Golden Chicken
costume_hotdog_03 – Golden Hotdog
costume_knight_03 – Golden Knight
costume_witch_03 – Golden Witch
costume_wolf_03 – Golden Wolf
Official golden knight:

Fame Path (Battlepass)

Tier 1: Gingerbread (Common) (costumes_colour_schemes)
Tier 2: x1 Crowns (currencies)
Tier 3: Stockings (Common) (costumes_patterns)
Tier 4: Fall-ble (Uncommon) (cosmetics_nameplates)
Tier 5: Snowman (Uncommon) (costumes_lower)
Tier 6: Mint Berry (Rare) (costumes_colour_schemes)
Tier 7: x1 Crowns (currencies)
Tier 8: Snowman (Uncommon) (costumes_upper)
Tier 9: Holly and Ivy (Rare) (costumes_patterns)
Tier 10: x1 Crowns (currencies)
Tier 11: Pistachio (Rare) (costumes_colour_schemes)
Tier 12: Candy Cane (Rare) (cosmetics_nameplates)
Tier 13: Krampus (Rare) (costumes_lower)
Tier 14: x2 Crowns (currencies)
Tier 15: Fa La La La La Guy (Epic) (cosmetics_nicknames)
Tier 16: Shiver (Rarities.common) (cosmetics_emotes)
Tier 17: Winter Trees (Uncommon) (costumes_patterns)
Tier 18: Krampus (Rare) (costumes_upper)
Tier 19: Narwhal (Epic) (costumes_colour_schemes)
Tier 20: x3 Crowns (currencies)
Tier 21: Icy Glare (Common) (costumes_faceplates)
Tier 22: Snow Queen (Epic) (costumes_lower)
Tier 23: Fondant (Rare) (costumes_colour_schemes)
Tier 24: Knitted (Uncommon) (costumes_patterns)
Tier 25: x3 Crowns (currencies)
Tier 26: Starry Night (Epic) (costumes_colour_schemes)
Tier 27: Snow Queen (Epic) (costumes_upper)
Tier 28: Ski Slalom (Rarities.rare) (cosmetics_emotes)
Tier 29: Candy Cane (Rare) (costumes_patterns)
Tier 30: x5 Crowns (currencies)
Tier 31: Candy Twist (Uncommon) (costumes_colour_schemes)
Tier 32: Dapper Walrus (Epic) (costumes_lower)
Tier 33: Not Yet(i) (Rare) (costumes_faceplates)
Tier 34: Gingerbread (Epic) (costumes_patterns)
Tier 35: x5 Crowns (currencies)
Tier 36: Penguin Avalanche (Epic) (cosmetics_punchlines)
Tier 37: Snow Angel (Legendary) (cosmetics_nicknames)
Tier 38: Presents (Epic) (costumes_patterns)
Tier 39: Dapper Walrus (Epic) (costumes_upper)


We can expect 7 new maps at launch. We can see a fragment of one of them on the teaser.
New rounds:
– Ski Fall (race): Traverse a giant ice slide and dive through bronze, silver and gold rings to score points and qualify!
– Snowy Scrap (team): Roll your team’s Snowball over snow patches to make it larger! Last team to hit 100% are eliminated!
– Penguin Pursuit (team): Chase down and keep hold of the Pegwin to score points for your team!
– Freezy Peak (race): Use blizzard fans and flippers to ascend the peak in the most epic race Round yet!
– Thin Ice (final): A spiritual successor to Hex-a-gone where players must traverse layers of breakable ice to avoid falling into the slime. Last bean remaining wins!
-Roll Off (final): A Final round variant of Roll Out with added rising slime to make things interesting. Get grabbing!
– Tundra Run (race): Dodge snowballs, punchers and flippers in a mad dash to the finish line!
Ski Fall:
Thin Ice:
Penguin Pursuit:
On this level, you earn points for your team while you’re carrying Bert the Pegwin
Tundra Run:
Freezy Peak:
New shows based on leaks:
Star Show: MrBeast – A curated Show of MrBeast’s favourite Rounds!
Star Show: Ninja – A curated Show of Ninja’s favourite Rounds!
Fruit Basket Show
Hex-A-Gone Show
Winter Knockout Show

New Features

Crown Ranks

Now the crowns you’ve won will help you climb through the ranks and unlock exclusive rewards such as golden variants of skins.
Things we know about it:
– This counts previous wins
– Nobody has the top amount of crowns yet
– It’s on Steam & PS4
– The rewards don’t change each Season

News Bulletin

Stay up-to-date on Fall Guys news and announcements with the new in-game Bulletin feature.

Private streamer lobbies

[Steam Only] Early Access release of Private Streamer Lobbies is now available! This is invitation-only for now, and requires 40-60 players to start a custom match.

Improved Show Selector

The Show Selector will have a clear indicator for when new shows are available. Searching for multiple shows will now correctly display the show landed on during matchmaking.


Based on leaks we can expect DLC to be named: Icy Adventure Pack
This DLC consists of three skins: Peppy Penguin, Slopes Master and Yeti-Guy

Amazon Prime drops

Based on leaks we can expect Amazon Prime drops:
Winter Warmer (Top) (Rare)
Winter Warmer (Bottom) (Rare)
3x Crowns

Little pengy creatures

The official name of this creature is: Bert the Pegwin. They aren’t pets but they might appear in the new levels.

New obstacles

Sneak peak video:
After Big Yeetus and Thicc Bonkus the time has come for: Ringus Dingus

Season 3 soundtrack
