This guide will help you get your blocks organized by similarity or by grouping using the new G-menu collapsed block menus.
New G-menu Block Simplification
First off you will need to have a text editor (notepad++ or Visual Studio Code) to edit your mod files.
I am assuming that if you are using this guide that you already have a basic understanding of how to setup a mod in Space Engineers, and know that you will need at the very least a cubeblocks.sbc file with a modded block defined therein. This guide only shows you the additions need to make the new expandable-scrollable-collapsable block system.
For the combining of like blocks into one space on the G-menu you will need the Block variant groups tags added to your Cubeblocks.sbc file in the mod or added as a separate file, best way is to copy from keens BlockVariantGroups.sbc.
Use <BlockVariantGroups> </BlockVariantGroups> tags to enclose the <BlockVariantGroup>
You’ll need to make special subtype groups for your blocks if you don’t want to include them in the vanilla block lists.
This code below makes any blocks in your mod group into a list
<Id Type=”MyObjectBuilder_BlockVariantGroup” Subtype=”ThoriumGroup1″ />
<Description>Tier 1 Thorium reactors produce 900kW to 540MW both large and small styles available.</Description>
<Block Type=”MyObjectBuilder_Reactor” Subtype=”LBLGLevel1″ />
<Block Type=”MyObjectBuilder_Reactor” Subtype=”LBSGLevel1″ />
<Block Type=”MyObjectBuilder_Reactor” Subtype=”SBLGLevel1″ />
<Block Type=”MyObjectBuilder_Reactor” Subtype=”SBSGLevel1″ />
The DisplayName_BlockGroup_ may not be required anymore to keep from crashing in the displayname tag.
**you must have all of the above code (with your block typeids and subtypeids) or you will get errors or the blocks will not show.
The <Block Type=”MyObjectBuilder_ ” Subtype=” ” /> can be repeated as many times as needed to put all of your blocks in one list.
** you may also repeat the <BlockVariantGroup> section as many times as you need different block groupings
To position your blocks in the menu you will also need to include
Hope this guide helps out in understanding the new g-menu setup.