A guide to help players beat the hidden bosses, Emerald Weapon and Ruby Weapon, along with the pre-requistes to unlock them, and useful hints.
Welcome to Riddles’ guide to Emerald and Ruby weapon. These are the two hardest bosses in the game, and require a strict Materia lay out. In this guide, I will go into detail the exact materia you will need to defeat these two bosses. The tactics I use can be seen as incredibly cheap and cheesy, but VERY effective, and will almost guarentee you a win.
The party layout for these fights will not matter, so long as you have Cloud (You have to have Cloud in your party anyways). I personally used Cloud, Tifa and Cait Sith, but again, any party make-up will work, since Cloud will be the main person to win these fights, and be doing all the work.
As for levels, my team was around level 60 when I beat Ultimate Weapon, and level 70 when I beat Ruby and Emerald weapon.
Accessing These Bosses
Ultimate Weapon can be accessed after completing the second visit to Midgar. He will be first found hovering above the crater/lake near Junon.
Ruby Weapon can be accessed after killing Ultimate Weapon, and fighting a random battle afterwards to get him to spawn. He will spawn in the desert around the Golden Saucer, and will appear as a red tentacle appearing of the desert. Simply run into it, a message will pop up saying “…?!” and the battle will begin.
Emerald Weapon is accessible as soon as you get the Shinra Submarine, although I would not recommend fighting him until later. He will be swimming like an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ around underwater, all you have to do is ram into him, and the fight will start.
Materia You Will NEED
This is a list of materia you will absolutely need to beat Emerald and Ruby Weapon. As far as Ultimate Weapon goes, you can pretty much use anything, he is definately a lot easier than the other two Weapon’s.
Needed Materia (Emerald Weapon)
1x Mime- This is the key to defeating Emerald Wepaon
1x Knights of the Round- The most powerful summon in the game- you will have an insanely hard time if you do not have it, I cannot recommend having this enough.
2x HP Plus- Or at least enough to make one of your characters (in the case of this guide- Cloud) have above 9000 health.
1x Underwater Materia (You can get this by using the “Morph” materia on a Ghost Ship in the underwater shinra reactor, you will obtain the item “Guide Book” which you can then trade in to the Kalm Traveler to recieve the Underwater Materia)- This makes the 20 minute time limit on Emerald Weapon disappear, very useful since it’s quite difficult to kill him in under 20 minutes, and will relieve the pressure on you to kill him in a time limit.
1x Final Attack- A materia that allows you to cast the linked materia after you die, in this case, it will be linked to Phoenix.
1x Phoenix- A summon that will do AoE damage to Emerald Weapon, and also cast Life2 on your entire party.
1x HP Absorb- To be linked to Knights of the Round.
Needed Materia (Ruby Weapon):
Almost exactly the same as Emerald Weapon, minus the Underwater Materia.
1x Master Summon (You will get this after you have defeated Emerald Weapon)
1x Knights of the Round (Yes, you will need both Master Summon and Knights of the Round)
1x HP Absorb
1x MP Absorb
1x Final Attack
1x Revive (Needs to be level 2 for Life2)
2x HP Plus (Again, or just enough to get above 9000 health)
Items, Weapons, Accessories and Armor
As Cloud will be the one person doing all of the work, you want have him be in the best equipment possible.
Ultimate Weapon
This is the best weapon for Cloud in the entire game, which you get after defeating Ultimate Weapon.
You will NEED this. This causes you to avoid magic spells 80% of the time, including Ultima and Comet2 from Ruby Weapon, along with aire tam storm from Emerald Weapon, which will sometimes be the difference between life or death.
Emerald Weapon: Doesn’t really matter, I used one to increase my magic damage just so I could do more damage with Knights of the Round.
Ruby Weapon: Ribbon, which prevents ALL status ailments, which Ruby Weapon can cause using Ruby beam, along with the basic attacks of his tentacles.
You don’t really need any in particular. You will not use items throughout either of the fights, in favor of using Mime/Knights of the Round.
Setting Up The Materia (Emerald Weapon)
If you followed my guide above, you should have all the listed materia. The party make up for these fights really doesn’t matter, since with the help of Materia, anybody can do anything.
WARNING: Make sure you try to keep the amount of materia down to a bare minimum, Emerald Weapon does an attack where is does 1111 points of damage for every materia you try to equip, if you have to many, it will kill you instantly. I had about 5-6 materias, meaning it did about 6666 damage, a lot, but I managed to live through it.
HP Plus (Or at least get him to above 9000 health)
Final Attack linked with the Phoenix summon
This provides cloud with enough health to live through an attack, along with aire tam storm, and provides him the ability to constantly Mime the Knights of the Round summon on Party member 3. The final attack+phoenix makes it so if you happen to let Cloud die, he will cast Phoenix, dealing about 9000 damage to Emerald Weapon, and casting Life 2 on your entire party.
Party Member 2:
Underwater Materia
This party member will be dead for almost the entire fight, so it really doesn’t matter what you put on him/her, but the Underwater materia is a MUST HAVE for this fight, so I just stuck it on someone.
Party Member 3:
HP Absorb linked with Knights of the Round
This will be the person casting the first Knights of the Round at Emerald weapon, dealing close to 80k damage, while providing a massive heal to the user, close to about 9000 health. This person will also most likely be dead the entire fight, as his entire purpose is to cast one Knights of the Round summon at the boss, and then have Cloud Mime it the entire fight.
Setting Up the Materia (Ruby Weapon)
While the materia layout is changed a little, it still follows the same rules as Emerald Weapon, that is, you need Knights of the Round, and a way to bring yourself back to life should you fall in battle.
HP Absorb linked to Master Summon
MP Absorb linked to Knights of the Round
Final Attack linked to Revive (Life2)
HP Plus (Again, just to get above 9000 health so you can live)
Party Member 2:
Nothing in particular, starts off the fight dead.
Party Member 3:
Nothing in particular, should be dead the entire time.
This layout will allow Cloud to spam the living ♥♥♥♥ out of Knights of the Round, being able to cast it twice in one turn, and regaining full health and full MP everytime it deals damage. Should you die, Cloud will cast Life2 on himself, coming back to life. Again, a very cheap, but very effective method.
Ultimate Weapon
This guy is fairly easy, and a TON easier than both Ruby and Emerald weapon. He will fly around the world, landing in places (his favorite seem to be Nibelhelm, Cosmo Canyon, Midgar and Mideel), which you have to follow him using the Highwind airship. It is important to note that ANY damage you deal to Ultimate Weapon during any encounter will STAY that way. He does NOT regain health between each encounter.
You will first want to ram him with the airship, this will engage the battle. There is nothing special to do with this fight, just wail on him until he flys away to a different location. Between encounters, be sure to ram him with the Highwind, this will make him fly faster to the location, causing you to get into your next battle quicker. You can heal and save between each encounter, he will not regain health or anything, so don’t be afraid of taking too long between encounters.
Eventually, you’ll get to the last fight, continue just wailing on him and keeping everybody alive. Before he dies, he will cast Shadow Flare on a random party member, more than likely killing him, but then he himself will die.
You will be rewarded with Cloud’s ultimate weapon, “Ultimate Weapon”, along with access to the Ancient Forrest, and access to Ruby Weapon in the desert around the golden saucer.
Emerald Weapon
I would recommend doing Emerald Weapon first, as his reward makes the more difficult Ruby Weapon incredibly easy and simple.
You start the fight by going into the submarine, submerging in the Junon area, and driving into him.
Immediatly, have party member 3 cast Knights of the Round, dealing 80k damage to Emerald Weapon. DO NOT CAST ANYTHING ELSE. Have Cloud and party member 2 just sit there until party member 3 casts Knights of the Round. Switch over to Cloud, and have him mime Knights of the Round. Boom, that’s it. Do not worry if Party member 2 and 3 die, don’t revive them, just keep spamming Mime. Any damage Cloud takes will be instantly restored using Knights of the Round, since he is miming the KotR+HP Absorb materia combination from party member 3.
Emerald weapon will occasinanly activate his four little…button things on his body. Do not worry about these guys, Knights of the Round does enough damage in one turn to ♥♥♥♥ all over them, while also damaging Emerald Weapon. If Emerald Weapon manages to get off the aire tam storm, which he did during my fight 3-4 times, you will either dodge it (thanks to the Mystile armor), or take about 7777 damage, which again, can be healed up right after Knights of the Round.
This fight can be pretty lengthy, mainly due to how long Knights of the Round takes, but after 30 or so minutes, Emerald weapon should fall.
-Party Member 3 casts Knights of the Round
-Cloud spams Mime
-If Cloud dies, he casts Phoenix to bring everybody back to life, and then repeat.
Your reward for beating Emerald Weapon is amazing, you get the Earth Circlet, which you can then trade into the Kalm Traveler (the same guy you gave the guide book to to get the Underwater Materia) who will then give you Master Command materia, Master Magic materia, and Master Summon materia. Master Summon materia plays a key role in my strategy to defeat Ruby Weapon, which is why it was important to kill Emerald first.
Ruby Weapon
Now this fight is a little bit trickier than Emerald Weapon, but still follows the same formula of abusing the ♥♥♥♥ out of Knights of the Round.
You need to start off the fight with party member 2 and 3 dead. Enter a random encounter, and have Cloud beat the ♥♥♥♥ out of them, or have them kill themselves. Doesn’t matter, they need to be dead. Make sure Cloud is at perfect HP and MP however.
You start the fight by running into the red tentacle in the desert surronding the Gold Saucer.
You can ONLY damage Ruby Weapon once he submerges his tentacles, causing two of them to appear behind you. This is why you need to start off with 2 members dead, with 2 members dead, he will do this immediatly after the fight begins, and will continue to do it.
The fight will begin with Ruby placing his tentacles into the ground. You need to double cast Knights of the Round (via W-Summon) on the TENTACLES BEHIND YOU FIRST. If you target Ruby with the summon first, he will create a sand trap which will make Cloud disppear, and cause game over. Target the tentacles once, and Ruby weapon with the second cast. The first cast will effectively kill both the tentacles, leaving Ruby open for attack. The second cast goes directly onto Ruby, dealing 80k damage. Rinse and repeat this process. After Ruby gets hit, Ruby will counter with either Ultima, Comet2, or a swipe. This will do about 5000 damage to you, but thanks to the HP absorb on master summon, you will gain 9000 health after every KotR use. Thanks to the MP Absorb, you will also regain all your MP after casting Knights of the Round, essentially making it free, and ensuring you will never run out of MP to cast it.
Eventually after you beat his ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ around, he will stop putting his tentacles into the ground, and just start casting comet 2 at you. Now, just spam double cast KotR on him, regaining all your HP in the process. Continue doing this, and he will eventually die.
-Double cast Knights of the Round, one cast on the tentacles, and one on Ruby.
-When he stops putting the tentacles in the ground, double cast KotR both times on Ruby.
After defeating Ruby Weapon, you will recieve the “Desert Rose” item, which you can then trade into the Kalm Traveler for a Gold Chocobo, which is pretty useless since you have had to already had one to get Knights of the Round.
Still Need Help?
Feel free to add me on Steam if for whatever reason you’re still having trouble beating these two bosses. I’d be more than happy to help!
Thanks everybody for reading, and I hope this guide has helped you in at least a small way!