Exact map locations of treasure chests, quest monsters, and fishing spots in SC….in Chinese but still usable to see where the chests are.
This is reposted from the strategy guide released in the Asian PC version of the game. I take no ownership of map created.
For English speaking friends, you can still use this guide to refer to exact location of each treasure chests. If you’re the completionist type that wants to find all 500ish chests, I can only offer you good luck…
Beware that these maps may spoil you on what encounters lies ahead.
This guide does not include the location of the best chest in the series, which belongs to Noel Seeker in The Legend of Heroes Trails to Zero and Trails to Azure.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
There is a Curia Balm on the room before the second EP Charge I before passing through A
1 regular chest: EP Charge I, 1 monster chest: Quartz- Confuse, 1 fishing spot
Before you reach the big tree in Mistwald, you must past through this maze.
Each square represent your current map. Each time you past through a map you’ll hear a ring. The closer you are to the end, the louder the ring.
Get to the end in under 20 map transitions for extra +3 BP
X: Start
Black Dot: Cutscene; go to next map transition in any direction for Range 1
White Dot: Destination