Viscera Cleanup Detail Guide

Highest Completion Percentage For Each Level for Viscera Cleanup Detail

Highest Completion Percentage For Each Level


This is a list of the highest possible scores for each level, including all the paperwork and stacking.

Important Information

Percentage Bonuses
  • All mess cleaned.
  • Crates in their marked area or burned if there isn’t one.
  • Barrels upright and in their marked area.
  • Any additional areas filled with their designated items. Wet floor signs, Nitrogen etc.
  • Putting PIDs into the Punchomatic and filling out the paperwork correctly. (See below)
  • Putting the maximum amount of characters in each input box in the reports. (See below)

Percentage Penalties
  • Leaving Any Mess
  • Crates & barrels that aren’t upright, even if they aren’t in the stacking zones.
  • Burning the Laser Welder will lose you around 5%.
  • Entering anything into the Union Report box.
  • Leaving the incinerator door open when clocking out.

Things That Don’t Have Any Effect
  • Incinerating the J-Harm
  • Incinerating the Big Banger
  • Incinerating Mops
  • Incinerating Shovels
  • Incinerating Special Collectible Items

General Notes
  • A bigger box won’t give you a higher score, stacking zones just count the number of items. So if you can’t fit every crate in an area, just use the smaller ones.
  • I’m aware you can get a higher score by bringing stackable items into a level, but since there is no cap on the bonus you can get, I only include the items in the level to start with.

If you manage a higher score than any I have listed, please take screenshots and give as much detail of how you did it as you can and send it through, and I’ll update the guide.

If whoever maintains the wiki feels like using any of my screenshots for the stacking areas feel free to use them.

True Level Scores

The game displays your score as a truncated percentage, but your actual score is a decimal number in the “IncidentReportsData.sav” file in your game save directory. Open it with a text editor and press the CTRL + F keys and search for “CompletionPercentage”. You will find one CompletionPercentage entry for each completed level entry you can see in the list on the Punchomatic in your office.
They’re in reverse order, so the most recent level you clocked out of will be the last entry in the file.
You can see the name of the level directly to the left of each CompletionPercentage entry if you’re not sure it’s the right score.

Oh Lawd the Paperwork

Filling the text boxes up completely will get you around %10 more at the end than you get just by typing a sentence.

Copying and pasting into the input boxes is currently the best method to get the highest score, and filling it with the period character “.” will get you the most extra points.

Check out margotbean’s guide for the information you need for the paperwork & PIDs.

Testing. Lots and Lots of Testing

Based on testing on Splatter Station, it seems that filling the input boxes manually with the “.” character will get you the highest score.

Starting from a baseline score of 1.3538, testing conditions were:
– 100% report & death report accuracy.
– All of the input boxes were filled with a normal sentence answer of usually 5-7 words, then filling the rest of the box manually with spaces.
– Loading the baseline save each time, and checking that my input box changes have been saved after clocking off. (Sometimes the game simply forgets you’ve actually written something in the text box at all.)
– Changing only the “Work Method” input box, and doing NOTHING else to the level. (Spawn, walk to Punchomatic, change input box, clock off.)

Here’s what I’ve learned (All positives and negatives are from the baseline score of 1.3538):
– Filling the box with “.” will result in a score of 1.3541 (+0.0003)
– Filling the box with ” ‘ ” will result in a score of 1.3540 (+0.0002)
– Emptying the box results in a score of 1.3492 (-0.0046)
– Filling the box with Tab characters results in a score of 1.3498 (-0.0040)
– Filling the box with “@” or “#” will result in a score of 1.3535 (-0.0003)
– Filling the box with spaces instead of sentences + spaces to fill the rest, results in no change.
– Filling the box with “|” is the same score, but will make your save  a e s t h e t i c.
Doesn’t appear to break the save in any way.
EDIT: I actually can’t reproduce this last one. Not entirely sure what caused it, but it showed in multiple text editors, and I haven’t been able to make it happen again.

Athena’s Wrath | 154.04%


Crate Zone 1

  • Crates – 36

Barrel Zone 1

  • Barrels – 22

Caduceus | 127.95%


Crate Zone 1

  • Crates – 13

Barrel Zone 1

  • Barrels – 8

Medical Crate Zone 1

  • Medical Crates – 10

Medical Waste Zone 1

  • Medical Waste Boxes – 22

Core Sample | 142.61%


Crate Zone 1 & 2

  • Crates – 114

Cryogenesis | 136.42%


Nitrogen Canister Zone 1 & 2

  • Nitrogen Canisters – 37

Evil Science | 122.85% | 125.22% | 203.46%

Since the Vendor dispenses Wet Floor Signs and these count in the stacking zones, I decided to include the score based on how many extra I could fit in the zone.
I also included the score from the monstrosity I created in the editor, just looking at it in game drops my frps from 100 to 10.

“CompletionPercentage”:1.2285 / 1.2522 / 2.0346

Medical Crate Zone 1

  • Medical Crates – 20

Nitrogen Canister Zone 1

  • Nitrogen Canisters – 9

Wet Floor Sign Zone 1

  • Default Wet Floor Signs in Level – 10
  • Max (Reasonable) Number of Signs – 55
  • Max Number of Signs (If signs stacked realistically, just for a laugh) – 1551

Frostbite | 174.96%


Crate Zone 1

  • Crates – 21

Barrel Zone 1

  • Barrels – 32

Gravity Drive | 113.78%


Crate Zone 1

  • Crates – 33

Barrel Zone 1

  • Crates – 43

House of Horror | 161.82%


Crate Zone 1

  • Crates – 89

Hydroponic Hell | 141.60%


Crate Zone 1 & 2

  • Crates – 42

Barrel Zone 1

  • Barrels – 29

Incubation Emergency | 117.67%


Crate Zone 1

  • Crates – 60

Barrel Zone 1

  • Barrels – 23

Overgrowth | 165.20%


Crate Zone 1 & 2

  • Crates – 35

Barrel Zone 1 & 2

  • Barrels – 44

Paintenance Tunnels | 129.33%


Crate Zone 1

  • Crates – 47

Barrel Zone 1

  • Barrels – 31

Penumbra | 178.96


Crate Zone 1

  • Crates – 31

Barrel Zone 1

  • Crates – 59

Pestilent Penitentiary | 148.25%


There are no stacking zones in this level.

Revolutionary Robotics | 131.74%

This level is still currently bugged; the report accuracy is stuck at 95% so this score will go up if / when this is patched.
– This has been fixed as of patch v1.135


Crate Zone 1 & 2

  • Crates – 76

Barrel Zone 1

  • Crates – 12

Rust-Station East | 149.39%


Crate Zone 1

  • Crates – 32

Barrel Zone 1

  • Barrels – 30

Santa’s Rampage (Santa’s Workshop) | 172.18%


There are no stacking zones in this level.

Section 8 | 160.64%


Crate Zone 1

  • Crates – 23

Barrel Zone 1

  • Barrels – 14

Shadow Warrior (Zilla Pagoda) | 209.24%


There are no stacking zones in this level.

Splatter Station | 158.84%


Crate Zone 1

  • Crates – 26

Barrel Zone 1

  • Barrels – 19

The Vulcan Affair | 115.90%


Crate Zone 1, 2 & 3

  • Crates – 151

Barrel Zone 1 & 2

  • Barrels – 98

Whoever added the crates & barrels to this level is a sadist. Went into this like “sweet no paperwork, how hard can it be?”, then spent the next 14 hours getting kicked straight in the ♥♥♥♥ by all the crates lmao
Really appreciate the devs making the stacking volumes being big enough to fit all of the crates/barrels in one zone though. Overall it really is a fantastic level.

Unearthly Excavation | 161.08%


Crate Zone 1 & 2

  • Crates – 52

Barrel Zone 1 (Blue)

  • Barrels – 22

Barrel Zone 2 & 3 (Yellow)

  • Barrels – 24

Unrefinery | 135.14%


Some viscera was added and replaced in the level after I had finished my save, so it’s possible I have more viscera cleaned than is possible on a new save. If you find my score is impossible to achieve, feel free to leave a message.

Crate Zone 1

  • Crates – 48

Barrel Zone 1

  • Barrels – 50

Uprinsing | 134.57%

This level is still currently bugged; the report accuracy is stuck at 93% so this score will go up if / when this is patched.
– This has been fixed as of patch v1.135


Crate Zone 1

  • Crates – 55

Barrel Zone 1

  • Barrels – 32

Waste Disposal | 122.74%


Crate Zone 1

  • Crates – 12

Barrel Zone 1

  • Barrels – 25

Zero-G Therapy | 144.80%


Crate Zone 1

  • Crates – 18

Barrel Zone 1

  • Barrels – 17