As usual, this is a guide to help you locate some holes, the slosh, pages, etc etc. And as usual, it’s not up to scale!
Another big map drawn! Well, with the new stuff in VCD, I had to update the existing maps and well, I decided that it was time for Evil Science to have its guide.
As I can’t do curved wall, they’re straight on the map. Even if I try to make something more curvy three years after making this guide….
Also, I wanna promote this guide made by Jepp about achievements – it helped me a lot!
This guide can help you too
- September 2018: Added new pid + screenshots with J-Harm
- October 2018: Revamped map
- December 2018: Corrected walls for surgery/incinerator/second floor hall + toilet room + placed doors at the right place
Any specific achievement?
This map is needed (or can be used because of a specificity) for the following achievements:
- Surgical Sweeper – Complete Evil Science Level
- First Aid – Restock a total of 50 medkits over your cleaning career by punching out of levels with medkits
- Head Hunter – Collect a head from each species in cleaned levels and take them to your office // Brown alien’s head
- Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe – Find all the unique and hidden collectibles and return them to your office
- Bob’s Legacy – Find Bob // Note from Bob in the locked room
- “Red Keycard” – Unlock Bob’s super secret secret stash room // Given the fact that you need to find Bob to retrieve the keycard…
The Map
Experimental Medical Facility
- WAL = What A Load (Disposal Bins Dispenser)
- Slosh = Slosh-o-Matic (Buckets Dispenser)
- SA = Stacking Area
- LW = Arc/Laser Welder
- PID = USB key to use on the punch
- Punch = Punch the panel if you want to finish a level and see your performance
- Vendor = Device that gives lights, flares, medikits, pizza slicers, cautious signs, seeds, etc.
- Medikit = Emergency medical supplies needed
- BB = Big Banger aka… ZE BESTIE RADIO
- DL = Datalog
First Floor
Second Floor
Medikits – to “buy” at the vendor
Toilet seat (it cannot be repaired as such but it’s still satisfying to put a new seat!)
DarthVader DePotNoodle solved the mystery since a long time ago but I forgot to add that this little guy is a facehugger (Alien).
Helping items already on the map
- In the main hallway
- In the surgery room
- In the ward
- Under a table in the surgery room
- In the sick bay
Pieces of Story
Transcripts here
What is written?
- Use the Arc Welder for the body bags and the aliens.
- The J-Harm is perfect for the upper hole in the incinerator room and for getting a body part on the vent on the second floor.
- You can find the code to the morgue on a page: 2199.
- While you can’t do nothing about the dirty water in one of the toilets, you have to repair at least one by putting the seat on it.
- You have three lanterns to help you (sick bay, ward and operating room). But the vendor sells also these, so, don’t worry about breaking one.
- The poison switch activates the release of a lethal substance in the cell.
- The facehugger is staining with its blood everything it touches
Map [A-H]
Athena’s Wrath
Core Sample
Gravity Drive
Hydroponic Hell
Maps [I-P]
Incubation Emergency
Paintenance Tunnels
Pestilent Penitentiary
Maps [Q-Z]
Revolutionary Robotics
Rust-Station East
Section 8
Splatter Station
Unearthly Excavation
Waste Disposal
Zero-G Therapy
Special Maps
The Office
The House of Horror (Halloween DLC 2015)
Santa’s Rampage
Zilla Pagoda (Shadow Warrior)
The Vulcan Affair (DLC 2018)
March 2015 – Vinciane Amorini
Made with LucidCharts
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Shopping Cart Icon: Dave Gandy on Flaticon