Vagante Guide

How to basic Vagante for Vagante

How to basic Vagante


Break downs and tips for everything from Levels & enemies too bosses & loot.It will start with very little but it will update fast and youll get something knew every week!If there is anything you want me to cover I’ll get on it if it isnt already planned and schedualed.Lets all learn and get better together.


There are six shrines you will encounter throughout you play of Vagante. You can offer specific things to gain favor. Gaining favor will cause them to grant you blessings or gifts.

  • The Light

To gain favor: 20gold (the first offer wont grant anything)

Blessing: 1-20HP

Breaking Punishment: You will gain back all the gold you paid into him, but the view distance will get shorter and the game will get darker. To get blessings again you must pay back everything you took.

  • The Smith

To gain favor: Offer weapon or armor, bombs to count as a weapon.

Gifts: armor and weapons

Extra info: If you offer about seven blunt weapons (clubs, masses, hammers, and bludgeons). He will pay out with the “God Hammer” and the message “Behold will be displayed

Breaking punishment: This will spawn a lot of arrows around you, that will all fly in at once.

  • The Deranged

To gain favor: Toss anything into the caldron.

Gifts and blessings: He can gift armor, weapon, scrolls, and potions. His blessings can be any of the buffs or debuffs in the game, this include things like berserk, poison, and throwing you.

Extra info: He can gift you chaos scrolls, this is the only way to get them they do anything the chaos wand can. There is also a small chance to be gifted the “Blink Dagger”.

Breaking punishment: This will grant you 3-4 of his negative blessings and sometimes a good one.

  • The Shackled

To gain favor: Give cursed item

Gifts: He will return the item with better stats on it, but it will be god cursed (uncurse scroll won’t remove it).

Extra info: You can offer him an unidentified item to find out if it cursed. If you offer him three uncurse scrolls he will gift you the “Ring of Adherent’s”, it will be cursed and you can god curse it for more stats.

Breaking punishment: All of the items in your inventory (and the shop on the floor) are cursed.

  • The Bloody

To gain favor: Offer up your own body and he will take 33 health

Blessings: In return for 33HP he will grant you a stat point in either dex or srt.

Extra info: You can also offer the fairy girl from the caves if you do then he blesses you a stat point in dex, srt, int, and luck. If you do not have 33 health to give him he will bring you down to 1HP and whatever he took will be used for later offers. He will only kill you if you break him at 1HP or have “death becomes easier” equipped.

Breaking punishment: Half of your health is gone, and you can give as much health as you want without ever gaining favor again.

  • The Scholler

To gain favor: Throw books and scrolls into the caldron to gain favor. Books seem to grant more favor.

Gifts: There are two things he can gift to you, books and enchant scrolls.

Breaking punishment: He drops a book, and you can never gain favor again.

Potions & Scrolls

There are 27 different potions in vagante they can be found, in shops, crates, barrels, and in the boss loot chest.

These potions will not be identified until you drink the, use an identify scroll, or have alchemy level one with the wizard.

First the buffing potions. These will apply a temporary effect to the player.

  1. Vigor
    The potion of strange was changed to potion of vigor, it now grants plus 4 strength for about 3 minutes

  2. Defense
    The potion of defense will grant you 6 defense for about 3 minutes.

  3. Quickness
    The potion of quickness grants increased speed for about 3 minutes

  4. Regen
    The potion of regen heals you 40HP five at a time.

  5. Poison
    The potion of poison will deal damage over time but will not kill you. If identified you can combine it with a melee weapon to coat it with poison.

  6. Magic
    The potion of magic will increase your int. you can use it before sitting at ca campfire to get extra charges on a spell.

  7. Feather fall
    The potion of feather fall will give you slow falling you won’t die on spikes or take fall damage.
    You can hold down to fall at a normal speed but can take fall damage.

    Next up the potions that increase the players stats permanently.

  8. Strength
    The potion of strength will increase your strength stat by 1

  9. Intelligence
    The potion of intelligence will increase your intelligence stat by 1

  10. Speed
    The potion of speed will increase your speed stat by 1

  11. Dex
    The potion of dex will increase your dex stat by 1

  12. Luck
    The potion of luck will increase your luck stat by 1

  13. Vitality
    The potion of vitality will increase your vitality stat by 1

  14. poison res
    The potion of poison res will increase your poison res stat by 1

  15. Fire res
    The potion of fire res will increase your fire res stat by 1

  16. Cold res
    The potion of cold res will increase your cold res stat by 1

  17. Lightning res
    The potion of lightning res will increase your lightning res stat by 1

    And now the potions that will decrease a player’s stats 1 at a time. These can put your stats in the negatives.

  18. Lower Strength
    Potion of lower strength will decrease your strength stat by 1

  19. Lower Intelligence
    Potion of lower intelligence will decrease your intelligence stat by 1

  20. Lower Speed
    Potion of lower speed will decrease your speed stat by 1

  21. Lower Dex
    Potion of lower dex will decrease your dex stat by 1

  22. Lower Luck
    Potion of lower luck will decrease your luck stat by 1

  23. Lower Vitality
    Potion of lower vitality will decrease your vitality stat by 1

  24. Lower Poison res
    Potion of lower poison res will decrease your poison res stat by 1

  25. Lower Fire res
    Potion of lower fire res will decrease your fire res stat by 1

  26. Lower Cold res
    Potion of lower cold res will decrease your cold res stat by 1

  27. Lower Lightning res
    Potion of lower lightning res will decrease your lightning res stat by 1

There are 8 different scrolls in vagante, if you have any you don’t want to read you can burn or sacrifice them.

  1. Identify scrolls will require you to select a piece of gear after and it will identify it. They are common and helpful to avoid curses.
  2. Uncurse scrolls can help to remove all curses that you have equipped.
  3. Magical mapping will reveal the map of the level slowly. it will be amazing for beginners but as you learn the lay outs you’ll want to save them.
  4. Scroll of enchant will add or subtract bonuses on weapons and armor that you select with it.
  5. Jump scrolls this will give you the legs of a super hero so that your next rump will go incredibly higher.
  6. Scroll of teleport when used till teleport you to a random spot on the level, and yes this can be right beside where you are.
  7. Recharge scrolls will add charges to wands and rods, that’s about all they do, but you can save them in case you find a healing wand.
  8. Scroll of chaos, this will do every thin the wand of chaos does, you can think of it as the blessings from the deranged.

Spells & Wands


The basics of spells

Let’s talk about the spell books, these can be found on pedestals or in the shop sometimes. You can burn them, sacrifice them, or read them. We are going to talk about what happens when you read them. There are 16 spells you can learn this way. The damage, range and ability of spells will scale your intelligence and the level of the spell, to level up a spell read more of that book. There are five tiers of spells, Tier one blue books, tier two red books, tier three red with gold, tier four brown, and tier five is purple.

Tier one spells (these are not the worst spells, they are just tier one for spawn rate and you start with them as the mage.)

  • Frost nova: its only tier one but is a favorite of many. It casts a sphere of ice and snow around you that will freeze and damage enemies. This will immobilize them and deal some damage. Frost nova has unlimited charges and instant cast.

  • Eleclance: it starts with a short range and low damage bolt of lightning right in front of you. The high attack speed and stun makes it a great spell early on. It has unlimited charges and instant cast.

Tier two spells.

  • Magic missile: this spell launches a spread shot of three homing magic bolts.

  • Ice ball: this spell will throw a ball of ice straight forward that will freeze and enemies on contact. It doesn’t have a max range, and if it hits a wall it will freeze into a block of ice for a short period.

  • Flame pillar: this spell will plant a small eruption of fire. You can plant it where an enemy is going to walk.

  • Dash: will allow you to do a quick dash, this can be used as extra jumps. It is mostly for mobility, but if mastered can be used in combat.

Tier three spells.

  • Fire ball: will launch a cluster of fire balls forward and a lot of smaller fires will fall from them. If you are above enemies this can be used to rain fire down on them.

  • Charm: will allow you to temporarily befriend an enemy, they then will fight for you. you can use it on a boss but it seems to just make them neutral.

  • Fire shield: this spell will apply a strong fire aura that will spit fire every few second, this is very good for melee play.

  • Lightning: is an aimed spell that will hit multiple times and stun the enemy. it has a short range for its charge speed so be careful with it.

  • Blink: this spell will allow you to teleport to an aimed location. The longer you charge it the farther you’ll go. This can help you get out of a bad situation or steal from the shop keeper without agro.

  • Shockwave: will grant you the ability to send a shock wave through the ground in front of you, this is similar to the golem bosses attack.

Teir four spell books.

  • Spirits: will summon a few friendly wisps that will circle around you and act as a shield. Also, very good for melee play.

  • Summon monster: will summon a few flying monster to help you fight. As you level up the spell the monsters will change from bats to harpys to imps from the tower.

  • Chain lightning: This spell will be a lot like lightning with a little more range and it will hit multiple targets even though it only targets one.

Tier five spell.

  • Evil transformation: This spell will have very few charges often just one. The effect will last a long time tough. It will grant you life steal for your melee attacks, and dose stack with life steal weopons.
Wands and simple their simple tricks

  • The Ice wand will launch a shaft of ice left or right, this will freeze any enemy it touches, you can also use it as a bridge.

  • The Fire wand will launch a fire ball sort of like the fire ball spell, but with the wand you can spam them out very fast.

  • The Lightning wand will cast a lot of lightning that will hit multiple targets multiple times

  • Wand of pestilence, this wand will cast a cloud of poison. This cloud will not hurt you, so you can draw enemies into it. If you have a fire or electric spell they can ignite the cloud into an explosion. If you’re too close the explosion will hurt you, but you can sand just far enough back that you only get stunned

  • Wand of blink, this wand will allow you to teleport like the blink spell, only you will not be able to adjust the range or see where exactly you will land.

  • Wand of chaos, this wand will mimic the blessings of the deranged, and chaos scrolls.

  • Wand of healing, this wand will summon little orbs that will heal you about 8 to 12 health per orb.

  • Wand of digging, this want will break away block in any direction you aim it. It can also be used to deal 30 damage to the golems of the forest and to the mushrum golem boss.

The Dark Caves

Now most of you will probably be able to make it through the Dark caves this is for those who cant yet make it to the forest 100% of the time.

You can pick up and toss barrels and crates they will deal 6+ damage (depending on distance of through?) to the weak enemies in the caves. Be careful with this on multiplayer.

At camp fires you can cook some supplies for buffs and health.

Chicken when cook you get roasted chicken, (if alive) this will heal you 20HP and give you strength and speed for one minute.
Piranha when cooked and eaten will grant under water breathing for three minutes and heal 2HP
Bats when cooked and eaten will grant unbound sight for three minutes and heal 2HP

Traps can kill you or really mess up a run so try..
Arrow traps can be set off by a dropped item or a shot arrow.

Spike traps can be lowered on using a chicken(feather falling) or by crawling over a ledge at the same height as the tops of the spikes.

Boulder traps can be set off by enemies or used to kill them, you can see pressure plates on the floor or vines in the ceiling.

Knowing your enemies move sets can help to avoid attacks and make faster kills

  • Slimes: they have a dash shown by a charging glow and a jump 3-5 damage. even if just falling on you they will deal some damage. 10HP

  • Bats: they simply deal 4-7 damage on touch (only your feet are safe). Best to jump attack or let them get just in front of you. 6HP

  • Divebombers: they will fly down from the ceiling in a zig zag and blow up into fire. they to have a short pause in the ground where you can hit them, but you could always just run away to a safe distance. 1HP

  • Goblins: these guys fight like the knight they are slow and only do a side stab 5-9 damage. Doge the stab by jumping or stepping back then attack. 15HP

  • Piranhas: (only 1 damage) they are just like bats but underwater your best is to just stay out of water until you are better at timing and spacing attacks. there usually isn’t too much need to go in the water anyways. 1HP

  • Lurkers: these guys will hide in a small bed of moss on the floor of the caves, if you step on them they lunge up dealing 4-16 damage. You can activate them and jump away and they will be left open shortly. they have low hp, 5HP.

  • Worms: they will only spawn on a single level of the caves. they deal 1-3 damage upon touch and inflict poison they have about 10Hp killing three will summon the worm boss. They can die to arrow traps so be careful and watch for the boss.

The Fairy is found on the second floor of the Dark caves in a cage and her Hp is about 35
If you bring her to a campfire she will heal you 30Hp and give you +1 vitality resulting in a total of 40HP. She can also be sacrificed to the bloody for a stat bonus +1 strength +1 dex +1 int and +1luck.

Sometime when entering the caves you’ll get a strange message above your head this means the floor has an event floor.

The cave feels unstable Every now and then the floor will shake and rocks will fall from the ceiling. these rocks deal only one damage and if your in an open room they are easier to doge. The rocks do damage enemies aswell as the boss.

It’s damp in here After about a minute of running around the level water will start flowing out of the entrance and will slowely flood the whole level. This can make for some troubling areas down below, best to move fast unless you have underwater breathing on your helmit, or a cook fish.

The floor feels slimy Only slimes will spawn including green slime, fire slimes (burns you upon touch), ice slime (they freeze you when you attack them), electric slimes (they charge up a shock), purple slimes (they drop from the ceiling), and orange slimes (they are bouncy and jump separately). This level also has its own boss, the rainbow slime, who has about 100HP and can do 10+ damage. The rainbow slime will move fast and jump like a normal slime.

Dark Cave Bosses

Having trouble with the cave bosses?

There are three bosses you incounter in the dark caves of vagante. This is excluding the alternate path boss and the event boss. They each have about 100HP, and you’ll have to hill them to get their loot on the level. If you kill one it will asure you a level up.

The Baby Dragon
The dragon boss will be sleeping when you find him. He will agro if you get too close or hit him.
He has two attacks, he can shoot a burst of three fire balls or he can do a slam move,
where he flies up and then falls very fast. This move will shake the ground and if you are standing close enough it will deal 2 damage and stun you shortly, you can dodge the shockwave by jumping just before he lands. If you do he is stunned shortly leaving him open. When he is launching his fire balls it’s best to hide behind something.

For melee youll want to try two tactics to start. hide during his attack, if he cant see you he will come to you which means you can draw him in, and land one quick attack before he starts to breath fire again. You could also bait him into doing his slam. If you can safely run underneath him this may make him fly up to do his slam, then simply doge it and get a few attacks in.

As for range it is probably a bit safer, because you can stop his fire balls with arrows, and keep at a safer distance. You’ll want to avoid being backed against a wall and, always try to stay near cover incase he catches you off guard.

If you want to use magic, you’ll be having a bit more trouble since its hard to find strong spells early in the caves. With the mages starting spells you’ll want to bait him in, freeze him, then get a few electrance spells out or use your wand.

The Rock Worm
The worm boss can be seen squrming around one of the levels in the caves, also on this level you will find smaller worms crawling around. If you kill three of these worms he will agro, he will also be agrode if he himself gets damaged. This means you’ll have to be careful while on the level.
Once he is agrode he will hide in the walls then pop out and do one of two attacks. Burst-fire poison shots that inflict poison damage and leave you poisoned shortly. Once he is done the poison burst he mouth will stay wide open. He can do a dash from the ground as well, where he will launch up through you and all of his body segments will hit you. He has three fazes where he will progressively get faster and shoot more poison per burst. You can see this as he gets tinted darker red. Each segment of his body only takes one damage except his head, that will be your main target.

For melee play you’re most likely going to have to jump attack to land hits on his head, but if you can attack fast enough it may be better to just spam his body. you’ll want to wait until his poison shots are done then move him in that opening.

As for range you can stop his poison with arrows, and lining up shots on his head should be easier. Make sure you keep moving so when he dashes you have a better chance of him missing.

If you want to use magic any spell that can hit multiple targets can be good, flame pillar since he pauses after poison bursts, frost nova is good as well since it can leave him open and hit his head and a few body segments.

The Goblin King
The goblin boss can be found stomping around with a large axe. If you get to close he will agro and summon two goblins to help him. After he is agrode he has three main attacks. He can grab and throw you against a wall or onto spikes you can see his little hand appear as his axe disappears He can do a dash ‘n slash you can see this coming when he pulls back on his axe, and there is a sound cue, if he hits a wall with this attack he will be stunned shortly. If he cant line up those two attacks he will jump up and stomp down, if he lands on you it will deal damage. The first thing you’ll want to is lead him away from spikes and kill the summoned goblins.

For melee play it’s best to bait him into the dash and jump over it, this will leave you the longest opening to attack safely.

As for range keep away from his grab move and line up shots for when he lands his stomp or is paused between attacks.

If you want to use magic freezing him is the best move, because you can freeze him before he grabs you. He has a lot of openings to use electrance or higher damage spells.

The Forest

Knowing your enemies give you power

  • Spriggens

Spriggens are probably the most conmen enemies in the forest. They are little green archers that have amazing aim so you have to keep moving. If they run out of their three or four arrows they will start to use a spiked club. They are no major threat once you learn how they move. They will back away and line up a shot, you’ll have a short period of time while they draw their bow to move in and attack. They only have 15 HP so you only need a couple good hits

  • Spider

The spiders in the forest deal some major poison damage upon contact. Their movement is hard to read at first, they jump around and run away. If you give them too much distance they will launch a web at you which will stop arrows and slow movement immensely. If you don’t have range or magic it will be harder to take them out, avoid jumping too much, you’ll have to learn their movements very well to avoid damage. They have 20HP so these will be a problem when you first make it to the forest.

  • Man-eating plants

The man-eating plants of the forest are ruthless if their bulb touches you it will hold you and continue to deal poison damage. Even though they only have 15HP the bulb has such high defense you can only deal one damage at a time, so attack the base if you can make it in safe you can break your way out of the bulb if you can pump out 15 attacks fast enough. avoiding them all together is your best chance, but you can bait the bulb away from the base, though freezing magic and rage are probably safer.

  • Wisps

These little blue guys will float peacefully until you get close, they will turn red and agro. They will tend to circle around you often hitting you from above or below. It would be best to back off away from other enemies and line up an attack, it won’t take much since they only have 3HP .

  • Golems

The large stone monsters are golems, they don’t come in large numbers, but they are a posable game ender. They have two ways of killing you, a slam with their arms that is fast and will deal a stupid amount of damage, and if they fall or jump on you it will deal 999 damage unless you have boulder protection. Its best to take your time, or just run past them. they move very slow and have 65HP so taking them out will take a long time.

  • Harpies

The harpies can be found most often at the top of the forest canapĂ©. They will swoop in and launch three feathers at you before backing off. This can make taking them out very hard with melee, and even range if you don’t have aiming. For melee you can hide to bait them in then get a quick strike or two in.

  • Gear

Some gear that will realy help in the forestinclude: wall grab to help make latural movement;
double or tripple jump will help with all the jumping around; reflect projectile because of all the range: boulder protection because of the golems and there are some boulder traps; and range weopens can keep the combat away from you.

Forest Bosses

  • Wisp Queen boss

On one of the levels of the forest you will find a little wisp that looks different, getting too close will agro him, when he is agrode he will get larger and summon 9 little wisps and start to move close, if you attack him he will move back. The wisps that he summons act like a shield, so to get close you’d be best to take a few out. He has three main attacks. the can throw the wisps at you one by one in fast succession, or spin and push them out before spinning them back in, he can also launch them all out in different directions. The best strategy would be too take out hiss little wisps, this will give you an opening and make his attacks weaker.

For melee play you want to get inside him and spam attacks then back away before you get in too tight of a spot.

When using range try to thread the shots threw the little wisps, and when he throws them run away and jump.

The basic magic spells like frost nova and electrance can take out the little wisps while hurting the boss at the same time.

  • Mushroom Golem boss

This mushroom headed golem is the hardest boss yet. He has three attacks that can deal a lot of damage. He can throw boulders at you, that reflect projectiles will send back. If he slams down his arms it wall cause a shockwave that goes through the ground, and if he can’t line these two up he will roll up into a ball and start rolling faster and faster. If he jumps on you it will deal 999 damage unless you have boulder protection. He can also take out enemies this way.

For melee play he is extremely difficult, leaving very few openings. Throwing dagger, directional punches, and down stab are the only safe melee attacks, because if you are bouncing on his head only one of his moves can really hurt you, the boulder throw.

For range your arrows will change the direction of his roll, or stop his boulders. If you get above him you can drop one arrow at a time. This will only deal 1 damage at a time but is generally safer. Using range, you can stay at a safe distance and control the fight.

Using magic against him can be risky with short range, if you plan to use spells try for ones with more range like shock wave, lightning, and so on.

  • Vine Lord boss

This little spriggen is wearing amour mad from a plant bulb, once he is agrode he will sprout three vines that will help him clime and hang out of reach. His three attacks include spitting out balls of poison that burst into clouds of poison, launching two bursts of three needles, you can see them coming when he pokes them out of his body, and planting little man-eating plants two in faze one and four in phase two of the fight. After you are about half way through his health he will start flashing red and start attacking and moving faster, all you have to do is play it a little safer because this is when he is a real threat. His poison is probably the worst of his moves, it’s extremely helpful to have high poison resistance for this boss.

He doesn’t have any melee attacks, so close combat is a good idea. The little man-eating plants are easiest to kill when just sprouting, you’ll just have to back away or hide for his other two attacks.

Rage is always a safe bet if you are in an open enough area, the little man-eating plants can reach quite far.

Since it’s easy to move in close most magic is very effective, he is easy to freeze and easy to hit, but you can keep you distance with longer range magic if you want to play safer.

The Catacombs

Level lay out

The lay out will be a lot off long corridors with openings to drop down too more corridors. This will restrict your downward movement, which means floor fazing or a digging want can relive some of that restraint at the cost of some risk. Having magical mapping can help a lot because sometimes there are ways around the hard bosses and faster routs to the exit. There is also a lot of shrines in the catacombs which means high chances of combos of light & bloody or smith & shackled.

Know your enemies

  • Zombies

These guys have a fast slash with their arms, that deals 14 damage if you’re at 0 defense. They will burrow into the ground then pop up where you were standing when they went down. its best to keep distance and use range, or quick hit and run back.

  • hands

They walk around in the catacombs, and when close to you they will glow and lunge at you.If they touch you this way, they will grab you and squeeze you dealing 16-18 damage if you’re at 0 defense then they will throw you. The biggest thing with them is don’t get grabbed near spikes or other enemies. They have the ability to crawl on walls and the ceiling. If the hand misses the grab it will run away until it can grab again. Best strategy to taking them out, is to bait there grab and attack them while they run away. if you get grabbed spam your fastest attack to break out.

  • Ghosts

The ghosts of the catacombs won’t always spawn. If you do encounter them they will fade in and out of visibility. You can see them ready up for a cutting lunge when they become visible and let out a giggle sound cue to summon them a sword this will deal 9 damage if you are at 0 defense. The biggest tip with them is that you can still hit them even if you can’t see them.

spike traps
lastly One of the largest threats will be the spike traps, they have a short delay after you step on them before they shoot up and deal 999 damage. light feet is extremely helpful with this. you may also see some normal spike like from the caves in some generations. A lot of the time you’ll have to lure enemies away from the spike as it is too dangerous to fight on them. If an item or chest is on the spikes it may be best to ignore it as you only have a short amount of time to pick it up before the spikes shoot up.If you want to risk grabbing the item you should run and press down and jump at the same time. just be careful and make sure the item is worth it.

Catacombs Bosses


  • Abomination

This terrifying abomination can be found lusting for blood somewhere in the catacombs. Once he sees you he will agro and wiggle out a few tentacles to help him move around the level. He will spawn two gore balls until you get him to about half heath then he gains a third one, and ever later in the fight he will get a fourth. He will spin these balls around and throw them, they are his only way of causing damage but they do deal a lot of it.

For the abomination it is best to use melee to take him out. Slip past the gore balls and spam attacks on his body, and slip away before he starts to throws them.

For range you’ll have to be careful because this boss has a lot of mobility. use as much of the level as you can to safely run and line up shots.

Magic is pretty hard to use you will need some strong spells. Frost nova combos well with melee, but if you’re more magic on a run, then use your strongest long range magic.

  • Necromancer

The necromancer can be found pondering life and death somewhere in the catacombs. once you agro him from getting too close, he will start to summon a lot of skeletons. If these skeletons get too far away from him they will break into an explosion of bones. Killing the skeletons can also cause them to blow up. The Necromancer can turn the dead bones into a small homing bone storm that will chace you. If you are too far out of range of his skeletons the necromancer will come to you flying threw even the walls and floors. He will float away if you are in his face attacking a lot.

melee is great if you can take out his little skeletons, because he himself doesn’t have any attacks. get in his face and watch your back.

Range is the hardest for this boss because his friends will get in the way, your best shot is to get him to float away from them to get a hit in.

If you want to use magic against him you’ll want to use magic that will go through his skeletons and git him like shockwave and chain lightning.

  • Zombie Dragon

The zombie dragon will be found sleeping in the catacombs he will agro if you are too close or attack him. He has a similar move set to the caves dragon but a lot more complex. He has four attacks, a dash that if he slams into an object he will shake the level and if you are touching the ground it will deal damage. There are three variations to his fire balls: a burst of 7 shots; a blast of 7 shots all at once that don’t fly straight; and a charged fire ball that flies very fast and deals a lot of damage.

For melee play like you did against the cave dragon, just be careful. Draw him in and deal damage then run and hide.

When using range against him try to use as much of the level as you can so you can line up shots when he comes for you.

Magic can be scary against him because of his variety of attacks and his getting closer. use fast charging magic or longer range magic.

The Rift

  • Lay out

The lay out of the rift can be very difficult because it is an archipelago of floating islands over a void. This void will kill you if you fall in. if you have death protection on it will revive you and teleport you to where you fell from. There is one door on each island that will teleport you to the next and it will take a moment for the door to activate. Just stand in front of the door for a couple of seconds and then you can go through. You will then be dropped in the middle of an island but be careful because you will be surrounded my enemies most of the time.

  • Elemental mage

first up These elemental mages, they have the ability to switch masks allowing then to change their magic attacks. They switch between fire, ice, and electric. this gives them a strong rang of damage as it is hard to have all of your resists up. But There is a cool down between attacks and a good opening when they switch. Just make sure to stay back and avoid the spells.

  • Hoppers

These goblins will bounce up and down on their spears. This allows them great low aerial play, so it’s best to stay low. They will do flips when close to the player making melee hard as they have a 360-degree attack that hits multiple times. Range and magic are suggested as they move less before agrode, but if you can manage well timed jump attacks you can take them out with only some risk.

  • Swoopers

These air-born threats are had to hit but easy to dodge. The boulders are not one hit kills, but boulder protection can save you from the high damage they deal. Try to bait them into a drop, this will cause them to fly low and be open. You can jump on the boulder that they drop to get a couple hits in before they fly too high. Range is only good if you can aim up. Magic can be extremely helpful, frost nova can immobilize then and them drop them to the ground, but any magic that can target at range will help.

  • Juggernauts

These disgusting pigs act a bit like the golems but can move incredibly fast and jump high. Most of the time they will just try to stomp on you dealing 999 damage. luckily you can bait them off the island at some rick of falling. Range is the safest fighting style because you can stand back safely and pick them off before they agro. The biggest help for these guys isn’t actually attack style, but rather having high enough speed to avoid their slams and bolder protection to avoid instant death

  • Helpful gear

Some gear that can really help you in the rift includes feather fall so you can jump from island to island or land safely if you fall. Magical mapping can help you learn the lay out and see which islands you can jump too. Double or triple jump for the plat forming. Death protection to save you from the void. Life steal can help recover from the high damage. Boulder protection can save you from the gargoyles or the juggernauts.

Rift Bosses

  • Brood demon

He will float above just out of melee range for most of the fight. from up there he will do three attacks. Dropping brood eggs that will hatch into little broodlings, that will squirm back and forth luckily they may run off the edge of the island, dropping fleshy bombs that deal massive explosion damage or dashing diagonally through you. The eggs and bombs can be picked up and thrown away or back at him, but they are best avoided unless you have explosion mastery on your gloves.

Melee will be hard because most of the fight will be avoiding damage. Tt’s best to wait for in to dash, then dodge and hit him on his way up.

This will be a very slow way of fighting him. If you can get on top of him you can bounce on his head and shoulders to stay safe, this is only helpful for killing him if you downward attacks or “Jumping on enemies deals damage”.

Range will be difficult if you can’t aim above you, but you do have one opening when he swoops down at you.

If you want to use magic, you’ll want to be able to target him with it, or use frost nova to ground him longer so that you can get more hits in.

  • Shadow knight

A large knight clad in black armor with some ruthless fighting styles. He prompts four main attacks, most of them are very clear to see coming. He has his large bow with which he can aim at pretty much any angle, dodge it like you do the spriggans in the forest. His massive black sword has a slash and a stab, its best to back away as fast as you can. If he falls off or disappears into a cloud of shadow he will re appear above you dropping with his sword straight down, one good side step will help avoid this one hitting you. half way through the fight he will raise his fist in the air and start to blink red. This is him using the evil transformation spell, after this you want to take him out as fast as possible or avoid getting hit at all costs.

Melee might be your best bet, because this boss is pretty easy to read, and stays in close.

Range is extremely difficult, since the shadow knight is right up against you as often as he can.

Using magic can help a lot fire can cause damage over time, and frost nova can leave him open a lot longer and slow his attacks in the second phase. You’ll mostly want fast casting spells.

  • Behemoth

This godly looking boss will be invisible until agrode. He is very large and takes up a lot of the screen. All you have to remember is that you can only hit his sands and his head. If you take out his hands his head will drop slowly to you. His only way of inflicting damage is with his hands that have three attacks. He can simply punch you or slam his hands down so hard that it causes a shockwave. If he lines up a fist on either side of you he will smash them together on you. You can jump over this but be careful because three orbs of lightning will fly out the top.

For melee you’ll want to dodge then strike when the hands come down, let the head sink until you’re at his forehead then spam attacks as fast as you can.

Range again isn’t great if you don’t have aiming, since he doesn’t line up beside you much. If you can aim, you can forget about the hands and shoot straight for the head, or make diagonal shots for the hands.

If you plan to use magic you’ll have to take out the hands, you can freeze then to keep them down longer. You can also drop flame pillar before the hands come down then dodge.