DOA6 Unlock costumes by turbo button for DEAD OR ALIVE 6

DOA6 Unlock costumes by turbo button


This is how to unlock costumes by turbo button and make money in game.


You will need controller with turbo button.

MayFlash F300 has only turbo button and no turbo hold. So I used mug cup to keep pressing button.

HoriPad FPS+ has turbo hold, so it is easier.

Set up: A button for punch

Main menu: Options > Controller Settings

You just need to do one configuration that assign A button for punch.

Steps: Time Attack – Rookie

1) Main menu: Fighting > Time Attack
2) Select Rookie
3) Select your favorite character
4) Start fight
5) Set A button to be turbo on hold

If your controller does not have turbo hold, you can use weight or clip for keep pressing button.

You will also receive money in game.

Unlocking order

Selecting character’s costumes will get unlock first.
Other character’s costumes will be random.

If you want to unlock all character, you can use same character for all. But it will take time.

As I did before Phase-4 was fast.

If you have secondary favorite character, it would be faster to switch to the character.

Estimated time: 1 character / night

It takes time.
One character may takes one night (about 8 hours).
So it’s good to start when you go to sleep or going out.

I’d suggest to do only the characters to use.
Otherwise it would take about 100 hours to unlock all characters costume.