This is a guide on the different ways and techniques to watch those wrist rockets, and limit the amount of casualties caused by said wrist rockets.
Take Out That Super!
Obviously, the simplest way to watch those wrist rockets is to take out the B2 Super Battle Droid equiped with said wrist rockets, thus saving yourself and your team the misery of being harrassed by constant rocket fire. In case you are unaware, B2 super battle droids were an advanced battle droid used by the CIS during the Clone Wars. Super Battle Droids were much stronger than their predecessors, the B1 Battle Droid, and had much thicker armor plating. This meant that they were much harder to take out than the B1 Battle Droid, so only classes such as Engineer and Jet Troopers should wait for reinforcement before engaging, or else they will fall victim to the very wrist rockets they were told to watch. Many different players have different strategies for taking out that super. Many take advantage of the slow movement speed of the B2 Super Battle Droid and simply shoot it while sprinting around it and jumping like an autistic ♥♥♥♥. Although this strategy is risky, it will take out that super much faster than any other strategy, such as sniping or hiding behind cover.
Grenade! Get Down!
It also acceptable to watch those wrist rockets by hiding in the corner like a little ♥♥♥♥♥. If your health is too low to effectively take out that super, you are a support class, or you simply dont have the skill to take out that super (NEEEEEWWWWWB), then it is in the best intrest of the team that you get your weak ass out of the way and let more competent team members take out that super without having to worry about friendly fire.
Clone! Watch Your Fire!
Desertion and treason is always a valid option. If its too hard to be a clone, might as well join the CIS, and help those droids kill as many clones as possible. I mean come on, wrist rockets are pretty terrifying. HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DEFEAT SOMEONE WITH A FRICKIN ROCKET LAUNCHER ATTACHED TO HIS FRICKIN ARM! If worse comes to worse, you just do what you gotta do to serve your new, terrible master. All hail the wrist rocket.
If the situation seems grim, and you dont want to become a filthy turncloak like Roose Bolton, you can always just charge through the wrist rockets, and capture the command point. You were born to fight and die for the Republic, and if that means throwing your life away in a hopeless attempt to not watch those wrist rockets, so be it. This option will most likely cause the most casualties, because no matter what you autistic ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ will stay as close together as possible and make it very easy for the Super to take almost everyone out with minimal use of the wrist rockets.