Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) Guide

Star Wars - Battlefront II Encyclopedia for Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)

Star Wars – Battlefront II Encyclopedia


This guide is just a collection of basic knowledge that any new soldier going into Battlefront 2 should know. Many bothan spies died to get us this information so make sure you study and make good use of all of the intel in this guide. Below you will find an overview of all classes, heroes, game modes and more. May the force be with you.

Welcome to the Guide.

Welcome to my guide, this guide will tell you everything you need to know to be successful on the battefield in Star Wars Battlefront 2.

I am an avid player of SWB2 and i have 700+ hours of game play on steam of this title (much more if the PS2 counted game play hours). This is just a gathering of the tips and overviews that i think everyone who plays this game should know in order to experience everything Star Wars Battlefront 2 has to offer.


As with most games knowing the HUD is something you need to know so I will give you a run-down of all the parts of your HUD.

In the lower left corner of the HUD is your is your ammo.
below that you see a blue bar, this is your health bar, as you take damage it will turn different colors, blue, orange, red, etc.
below the health bar is your stamina bar, movements such as rolling running or jumping will decrease your stamina but don’t worry your stamina regenerates when you’re not running or jumping.

In the top left corner of the HUD is a relay of player deaths, awards, etc.
also depending on if you’re playing CTF, Assault, conquest or hunt the top of the HUD will display your reinforcements, flag captures, hunt and assault scores will be shown.

On the top right of your HUD is the minimap, the minimap shows important info like enemy/friendly troop’s positions, command post locations, health and ammo droid and turret locations.

Directly in the middle of the HUD is your target. The ammo in your current clip is shown in a circle of little marks around the reticule and when you hit an enemy the inside of the target will flash with 3 red lines, if you bag a head shot then the red lines will have forked edges.


You select your class each time you respawn.
the classes are listed on the left of the respawn menu, on the right is the map where you can select a command post to respawn at.
Every faction has these 4 classes: the soldier, assault, sniper and engineer:

The soldier class is equipped with a blaster rifle and pistol and thermal detonator. (except for super battle droids that are armed with a wrist blaster and trishot weapon and wrist rockets). He is pictured above

The assault class is equipped with a rocket launcher, blaster pistol, mines and thermal detonators. The assault class is used for destroying vehicles on the battlefield and defending key areas using mines.

The sniper is equipped with a sniper rifle, blaster pistol, auto turret and thermal detonator, the sniper class takes less damage than other classes so The sniper is useful to kill enemy units at a distance.

The engineer class is equipped with the shotgun, fusion cutter, detpack and health and ammo kits, the engineer can be used to build turrets and droids and repair vehicles, the engineer class can also safely walk over enemy mines.

Each faction also has 2 special classes that are unlocked by getting points in battle:


– Imperial officer, he is equipped with a sonic blaster and mortar launcher, rage to increase damage and a recon droid

– Dark trooper, the dark trooper is equipped with an arc caster and blaster pistol and thermal detonator. The dark trooper is also equipped with a jetpack that can get you to high places and fly over the battefield faster, just press space twice, watch the bar on the left that shows your jet pack’s power untill it shuts off.


-bothan spy, he is equipped with a disintegration weapon and cloaking device he also has an invincibility power up and time bombs

-Wookie warrior, the toughest class in the game, is equipped with a bow caster and grenade launcher, he also has a recon droid and thermal detonators.

-Clone commander, he is equipped with a and blaster pistol, he also has a defense power up and recon droid

-Jet Trooper, he is equipped with a and blaster pistol, he also has a jet pack along with thermal detonators

-the Magnaguard is equipped with a Bulldog RLR and radiation launcher he also has Neuro Poison that can slowly kill enemy clones close to him along with a recon droid

– the droideka is equipped with a protective shield and repeating blasters


Han Solo


  • Han Solo’s DL44
  • Fusion Cutter
  • Detpacks
  • Defense increase



  • Wookiee Bowcaster
  • Remote Rockets
  • Time Bombs
  • Damage Increase

Obi-Wan Kenobi


  • Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Lightsaber
  • force push
  • saber throw

Luke Skywalker


  • Luke Skywalker’s Lightsaber
  • Force Push
  • Saber throw



  • Yoda’s Lightsaber
  • Force Pull
  • Force Push

Mace Windu


  • Mace Windu’s Lightsaber
  • Force Push
  • Saber Throw

Princess Leia


  • Sporting Blaster
  • Thermal Detonators
  • Invincibility Squad Boost

Ayla Secura


  • Ayla Secura’s Lightsabers
  • Force Pull
  • Saber Throw

KI-Adi Mundi


  • Ki-Adi Mundi’s Lightsaber
  • Force Pull
  • Saber Throw


Boba Fett


  • Boba Fett’s EE-3
  • Flamethrower
  • Wrist Rockets
  • Detpacks
  • Jetpack

Darth Vader


  • Darth Vader’s Lightsaber
  • Force Choke
  • Saber throw

Jango Fett


  • Jango Fett’s Blaster Pistol
  • Flamethrower
  • Timebombs
  • Wrist Rockets
  • Jet Pack

Darth Maul


  • Darth Maul’s Double Saber
  • Force Push
  • Saber Throw

General Grievous


  • General Grievous’ Stolen Sabers
  • Rage (damage Increase)

Darth Sidious


  • Darth Sidious’ Lightsaber
  • Force Lightening
  • Force Choke

Anakin Skywalker (Dark Side)


  • Anakin’s Lightsaber
  • Force Choke
  • Saber Throw

Count Dooku


  • Dooku’s Lightsaber
  • Force Lightening
  • Force Choke

Ground Vehicles


AT-RT (All Terrain Recon Transport)


  • Repeating Laser Cannon
  • Grenade Launcher

Info: AT-RT’s can run and sprint like regular soldiers. Warning: you can be killed if the enemy shoots your body on the AT-RT.



  • Repeating Laser Cannons
  • Missiles
  • Main Laser Cannon

Info: The TX-130 has two seats: one is the pilot who drives the tank and controls the repeating laser cannons and missiles, the second seat is for the main gunner who fires the powerful main laser cannon. The sweet spot to deal extra damage to the TX 130 is on the back door. This tank is very similar to the Empire’s IFT-T.

AT-TE (All Terrain Tactical Enforcer)


  • Laser Cannons
  • Heavy Laser Cannons
  • Rear Laser Cannons
  • Heavy single shot laser cannon

Info: The AT-TE has three Seats: One is for the Pilot who drives and controls the regular laser cannons and heavy laser cannons, Second seat is in the rear and controls the repeating laser cannons in the back of the tank. The third is for the gunner who sits on the top of the AT-TE and fires the heavy laser cannon. The AT-TE acts as a command vehicle and can spawn infantry. The sweet spot to deal extra damage to the AT-TE is shooting the underside of the tank.

BARC Speeder


  • Repeating Laser cannon

info: The BARC speeder is used primarily to move around the battlefield quickly and is similar to the Empire’s Speeder Bike. You can be killed by being shot off the speeder or if the speeder is destroyed. It is possible to jump slightly in the BARC speeder, just press SPACE while driving it, this consumes stamina.


AT-AT (All Terrain Assault Transport)


  • Laser cannons
  • Heavy Laser cannons

Info: The AT-AT can be used as a command vehicle to spawn infantry from it. If a snowspeeder manages to get its tow cable around the legs of an AT-AT enough times it will automatically explode, killing its driver and any units around it and fall to the ground. The sweet spot to shoot the walker is it’s neck.

AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport)


  • Repeating Laser Cannon
  • Heavy Laser Cannon
  • Guided Missiles

Info: The AT-ST has two seats, one is for the driver who controls the repeating cannons and heavy cannon, the second is for the soldier who controls the guided rockets. The sweet spot to hit the AT-ST is the back of it’s “torso” the part that holds together it’s legs and what it’s head sits on.



  • Repeating Laser Cannons
  • Missiles
  • Main Laser Cannon

Info: See TX-130 above

Speeder Bike


  • Repeating Laser Cannon

Info: See BARC Speeder Above




  • Repeating Laser Cannons
  • Heavy Laser Cannons
  • Missile Launchers

Info: The AAC-1 Speeder Tank had two seats one for the pilot the second seat is for someone to control the Missile Launchers. The critical hit location on the AAC-1 are the two black exposed cooling tanks on the side of it.



  • Repeating Laser Cannons
  • Heavy Laser Cannons
  • Tow Cable

Info: The Snowspeeder was used to attack the AT-AT’s on Hoth. It has two seats which sit back to back for the pilot and tow cable gunner. Snowspeeders have the ability to automatically destroy AT-ATs by getting the tow cable around the legs of one to trip it up.



  • none

Info: TaunTauns are native to the planet hoth and used to quickly move across the battlefield. it has no armor or weapons and is completely exposed to laser fire.


AAT (Armored Assault Tank)


  • Repeating Laser Cannons
  • Missiles
  • Heavy Laser Cannon

Info: The AAT has two seats, one for the pilot and one for the main gunner who controls the Heavy Laser Cannon. The critical hit location on the AAT is it’s rear door.

Hailfire Droid


  • Repeating Laser Cannon
  • Hailfire Missiles

Info: The Hailfire droid is special because of it’s namesake: Hailfire Missiles. However these missiles are not guided and cannot be locked onto anything and just shoot wildly into the air once fired. The critical hit location is located on the part connecting the main part of the tank to the massive wheels.

Spider Droid


  • Repeating Laser Cannon
  • Heavy Laser cannon

Info: The spider Droid can only be played on geonosis, same with the hailfire droid. The sweet spot on the Spider Droid is the connecting piece between the main spherical part and the legs.

STAP (Single Trooper Aerial Platform)


  • Repeating Laser Cannon]

Info: The CIS’ Speeder bike, the STAP only holds one soldier and moves quickly on the battlefront.

Tank Droid


  • Scattered Laser Cannons
  • Grenade Launcher[/ist]

    Info: The sweet spot on this tank is the small wheel in the back.

Game Modes

This section will be about Game modes including: conquest, CTF, XL, assault and hunt.

Your main objective in conquest is to capture command posts throughout the map, when you capture a command post you can respawn from it. Capturing all the command posts will start the victory timer. If you are starting to lose a battle,remeber capturing a command post will turn the tide of any battle. An alternate way to win a conquest match is to eliminate the enemy’s reinforcement bank.

CTF can be played on the same maps that conquest is played on and the objective is to either take the enemy’s flag and return it to your base or if it is 1 flag CTF then the objective is to take the flag and bring it to the enemy’s base. command posts cannot be captured in CTF and reinforcements are infinite.

the objective of XL is to simply kill up to 350 enemy units to win. XL is only playable on Geonosis, Hoth and kashyyk. you cannot capture command posts on XL.

Assault mode’s objective is to eliminate 180 enemy troops but on space missions the objectives are different. If you want info on space missions then read the section on space. The only map that is not space is mos eisley, the mos eisley assault mode is a special battle between heroes and sith.

Hunt is a mode that is similar to assault but is timed, the objective is to eliminate 50 enemy troops within 5 minutes. If the time runs out, the team with the most kills is the victor. Hunt is usually fought between one of the factions and the natives (ex. gungans vs. CIS) or 2 native forces battling each other (ex. jawas vs. tusken raiders). Hunt is only fought on the maps: Naboo, hoth, geonosis, mos eisley, Kashyyk, and endor. (might have forgot some but just look at the game mode list for maps and see if you see hunt)

Space Battles

Space Battles are new to the star wars battlefront franchise and to learn more about them remeber to watch the space overview video on the main menu.

In space battles you can choose between the pilot class or marine class. The pilot class is armed with a blaster pistol, fusion cutter and time bombs. The marine class is armed with a blaster rifle, rocket launcher and thermal detonator. The pilot class is best suited for dog fights while the marine class is best to be a co-pilot or sabotage the enemy ship.

The objective to space battles is similar to assault because you need to eliminate 180 enemy troops to win. However there are other ways than simply killing 180 enemies, you can also destroy the enemy’s systems on their ship. The systems that can be destroyed are: frigates, shields (although disabling the shields does not give you troop kills) which need to be deactivated to destroy other systems on the outside of the ship, life support, sensors array, communications array, engines and the bridge. The engines, life support and shields can be destroyed by boarding the enemy ship and destroying the systems from the inside (you can also shut off the enemy’s auto-turrets inside too). the sensors array, communications array and bridge have to be destroyed from the outside. the enemy’s frigates are small ships that fly beside the main ship, depending on map there can be 1 or 2 or 3 frigates that can be destroyed.


There are 4 types of fighters that you can use. The bomber, starfighter, multipurpose and assault craft. The bomber is used to destroy the enemy ship’s systems and frigates, the star fighter is used best in dog fights. multipurpose ships can destroy enemy systems and engage enemy fighters, the landing craft is a special ship that can land in an enemy’s hangar and then you can spawn from it.


Boosts are little items that drop when you kill an enemy, these boosts all look different and have different effects:

– Ammunition boost. This boost looks like a red and white box, when picked up it will give you more ammunition. (image above)

– Health boost. A health boost looks like a blue can, when you pick it up it will give you more health.(image above)

– Health/Ammo boost. Sometimes when you kill an enemy it will drop a ammo boost and a health boost which when you pick it up will give you health and ammo (image above)

– Rage Boost. the rage boost looks like a red can, similar to the health boost but in red. When you come across the rage boost it will give you a damage bonus

– Defense Boost. The defense boost looks like a green can. When you get it you will take less damage.

– Stamina boost. Like the name describes picking up the Stamina boost will help you regain stamina faster

Custom Maps

If you are looking to add more maps into the game just follow these instructions:

1) find a map you want to add. Just search for Star Wars Battlefront 2 custom maps on google or something and you will find links and videos for maps.

2) once you find the map you want to use (if it came in a zipped file) open it then make sure you read the readme file to learn about the map (instructions on installing the map can be found in the readme also) there should be a regular file with 3 capital letters for an example a coruscant map would have COR as the file name

3) Copy the 3 letter fiie into your addon folder in your star wars battlefront 2 files. To get there go to your steamapps file in your steam file (if you cant find the steam file search for steam in your library) then go to common then find the star wars battlefront 2 file in Star wars battlefront 2 go to the gamedata file and in your gamedata file (if you dont have an addon file already) create a new file labeled Addon

4) Copy the map file into the Addon file

5) next time you start Star Wars Battlefront 2 the map should appear in the instant action list

have fun


Thanks for reading my guide, hopefully you can leave with more knowledge about Star Wars Battlefront 2 than when you started. May the force be with you.