In this guide, you’ll see an ever-growing list of seeds which are all significantly unique in one way or another and explanations on what is special about them. The rest is meant for you to find when playing through them! These seeds are meant for piquing interest, pointing out secrets, and, most importantly, FUN. Since the developers have acknowledged the current version of NecroDancer as of this guide’s creation to be the last update to the game, save for major bug fixes, I figured now would be the time to start this list so that these special levels may be enjoyed for as long as possible, since a change to level generation affecting seeds is now very unlikely. I’ll update this with more seeds as I come across more that are worth mentioning, either by my own exploration or by finding seeds that others have mentioned. That being said, feel free to share with your friends, and suggest your own seeds you’ve found in the comments below. They might even appear in the guide later!This guide is more directed towards more experienced players of the game, since most of the seeds themselves require advanced tactics and knowledge about the game for them to be fully taken advantage of, but there’s still plenty for newer players to enjoy as well!NOTE: With the new DLC, old seeds will no longer work. Seeds without an (A) before them were found before the DLC’s release, and will therefore presumably still work either without the Amplified DLC or with it disabled. If adding a comment with your seed, it would be helpful to specify whether you have or don’t have the DLC to avoid confusion among players wanting to try it out. Thank you.
Antsy Evil Shopkeeper
221819 was one of the first interesting seeds I found ever since the final content/balancing update to the game, and I absolutely love it. I’m sure many of you know how uncommon it is to find an evil shopkeeper anywhere at all in their run, but how about an evil shopkeeper who wormed his way into 1-1 in an attempt to maul you early on?
Assuming all goes well and you defeat him, he has 3 lovely starting items for you to begin with, a blood dagger, a torch of foresight, and a ring of mana (and, yes, there are quite a few spells to find through the rest of the seed for you to use with that ring).
The Rarest Loot Comes First
15160 is another level with a great headstart, but is quite possibly unlike any others of its kind.
Not only is there a Dagger of Frost, one of the most uncommon weapons in the game, in 1-1 in the shopkeeper for 100 gold, and a blood shop near the same shop (don’t bother with the crate in the bottom right, it only has 25 gold, use your starting bomb to blow up the cracked wall and the two gold walls near it instead!) with chicken for 1 heart, effectively making almost all the items in the blood shop free, the contents of the shopkeeper in the next level might shock you.
In 1-2 in this seed, the shopkeeper has not only a Ring of Becoming, but also a Scroll of Transmute as well! Who wouldn’t want to have the Ring of Wonder so early? Enjoy this seed with some of the best items early on, because I sure did.
Set For Life Already?
Oh man. 104170 was GREAT. I had my dream set of items by 2-3, minus the platemail armor (which IS still available for purchase from the shopkeeper early on, but it’s pricey, so you’ll have to be evil and kill him to get it!).
In the very first level of the first zone in this particular seed, the FIRST item I managed to find was a transmute spell. Just move down and then left, and the purple chest in that room will have it! What’s great about the transmute spell is that it’s basically a ‘second chance’ for items to be desireable to you, or however many chances you can use it in a level. It depends on how many enemies there are to refresh the spell. Since you can obtain it before any other items with this seed, you’ll be able to maximize its utility!
Not only that, but it’s also very possible for you to obtain the Lucky Charm in the first level, if you make all the enemies that move after you in the last two rooms with the stairs down die on the same square with a 3x coin multiplier. Since you can get the leprechaun and his charm to spawn this early on, it also makes this seed great if you’re going for a high score run or completing some achievements pertaining to score/gold.
In addition, there is a Ring of Becoming fairly early on (I forget which level exactly, but I’m almost positive it’s before zone 2’s boss) in a shop which you can then transmute into the Ring of Wonder, that wonderful endgame ring that you should always be on the lookout for opportunities to obtain.
More Fun Than Barrels Full of Monkeys
No, this seed doesn’t actually have any barrels with monkeys inside. What it DOES have is another neat start for you, one that INVOLVES barrels. Barely a few inches from where you spawn in the first level will be a nice little room full of two crates and two barrels. What’s in them? That’s for you to find out! Though, I will tell you that there will be multiple consumables in 1-1, and there is another crate further down in the level with a Pack of Holding so that you can take it all with you!
The best, or at least most efficient (quickest and cheapest) way to break all of the containers would be to break the lone crate, which is near the cracked wall (which hides a blood shop) by pushing it until you can blow the two up with one bomb. Then, you’ll have the Pack of Holding, as well as the entrance to a blood shop which will sell you three bombs for 1 heart, which you can then use to break open the remaining 4 crates near the beginning. You’ll lose a little health, but trust me, you’ll get it back immediately after!
It’s Almost Too Much
And it really was; there’s so much in the level that it’s actually impossible to take it all with you, at least with Cadance or any other characters with the normal beat pattern. It’s quite possibly the most amazing seed I have on this list so far.
Going down from where you begin, on the right side of the first level, you’ll find a lord monster (essentially a regular monster with 2x the size, attack, and health, and either a LOT more gold or a purple scroll), along with 3 crates and a barrel. There is another crate apart from those, closer to where you start.
On the left side, you’ll find a shop with a particularly nice set of items, especially for items available in the first level of the first zone. A Ring of Becoming, a Monocle (which is GREAT, and even better the earlier you find it), and an obsidian torch (hey, it’s just a torch, but it really can come in handy to see what you’re up against earlier). Next to THAT, you’ll also find an easily accessible light blue rune under a dirt block, which will, of course, take you to a conjurer’s shop, which is also a fairly uncommon find in 1-1.
Pew Pew Pew
Breaking an urn isn’t exactly an easy feat. Some people haven’t even seen their first urn yet, much less actually broken it open and collected its contents. But breaking it open on the first zone’s first level is even more difficult; though, it’s always oh-so-worth it, especially for this seed.
There is at least one easy way to break this urn, never fear, and inside will be two items, both a wonderful find at any point in the game. The first item is a transmute spell, its usefulness and value being semi-self-expanatory, and already explained in a previous seed on this list. The second item is a rifle, arguably the most complicated, but powerful weapon in the whole game. Those who can get past its complex and difficult mechanics (or already have done so) will take great enjoyment of having and using the only weapon with unlimited range from this early on in an all-zones-mode run.
As a bonus, directly below the spawn, there is a Lord monster, a bat, who will drop a purple scroll upon being killed. But don’t forget about that rifle! Pew!
(A) A Bad Omen
Finally, the first seed in the DLC that really stood out to me. And what a way to start things off. There isn’t much to say about this one, lest the surprise be spoiled, but I will mention that this is a level that starts you off immediately next to an evil shopkeeper, which, of course, means free items. A little further down the road in the first zone, there’s a mystery weapon shrine for you to test your luck with in case you’re not happy with what you pilfered from the shop.
However, you might need all the early help. I personally found this seed particularly difficult due to the way it generated all the enemies, and the raw numbers it spawned in some levels. Try to avoid getting ganked in zone 3!