In this guide I show all my ‘The Binding of Isaac: Repentance DLC’ collected seeds and 68 Easter egg seeds 🥚🥯.If anyone wants to add seeds (Rebirth, Afterbirth, Afterbirth † or Repentance) please write them in the comments 😄.
◻️ Information 📝
Remember that you can’t unlock anything using seeds, the purpouse of this guide is to have fun, play against desired bosses, unlock secret seeds etc.
🧾 Completion marks guide: [link]
🔧 RoomEditor path fix: [link]
– Hard mode
– Greed mode
🔸 – New added content
🗺️ – Chapter
⚫ – Black Variant
🌑 – Grey Variant
🟢 – Green Variant
🟠 – Orange Variant
🔴 – Red Variant
🔵 – Blue Variant
Ⓜ️ – Cyan Variant
🎀 – Pink Variant
– Afterbirth DLC
– Afterbirth † DLC
– Repentance DLC
– Needs to be unlocked
– Requires previous entry into a devil room
◻️ Easter Eggs 🥚 1/2
There are 68 seeds that you can unlock to play with them. You can use several easter egg seeds at the same time and play with a custom seed, some easter egg seeds don’t allow unlock achievements.
◻️ 1CES KATE (Effect: Ice Physics)
◻️ 1MN0 B0DY (Effect: Invisible Player)
◻️ 30M1 N1TS (Effect: 30 Minute Limit)
◻️ ALLE GR0 (Effect: Uptempo)
◻️ ALM1 GHTY (Effect: Dog Mode)
◻️ ANDA NTE (Effect: Downtempo)
◻️ AX1S ALGN (Effect: Axis Aligned Controls)
◻️ B00B T00B (Effect: Cathode Rays!)
◻️ BASE MENT (Effect: Infinite Basements)
◻️ BLCK CNDL (Effect: Total Curse Immunity)
◻️ BL00 00DY (Effect: Extra Gore)
◻️ BL1N D (Effect: Incurable Blindness)
◻️ BL1N DEYE (Effect: Invisible Enemies)
◻️ BRA1 LLE (Effect: Heal the Blind)
◻️ BRAV ERY (Effect: Bravery)
◻️ BRTL B0NS (Effect: Twelve Heart Damage)
◻️ BRWN SNKE (Effect: Poopy Trail)
◻️ C 0 C K FGHT (Effect: Charmed Enemies)
◻️ C0ME BACK (Effect: Enemies Respawn)
◻️ C0NF ETT1 (Effect: Confused Enemies)
◻️ C0WR D1CE (Effect: Cowardice)
◻️ CAM0 DR0P (Effect: Camouflage Stuff)
◻️ CAM0 F0ES (Effect: Camouflage Enemies)
◻️ CAM0 K1DD (Effect: Camouflage Player)
◻️ CHAM P10N (Effect: Champion Enemies)
◻️ CHRS TMAS (Effect: Christmas)
◻️ CLST RPH0 (Effect: Asocial Enemies)
◻️ CVRS ED (Effect: Horrible Curse)
◻️ D0NT ST0P (Effect: Don’t Stop Moving)
◻️ DARK NESS (Effect: Permanent Darkness)
◻️ DRAW KCAB (Effect: Reversed Controls)
◻️ DYSL EX1A (Effect: Dyslexia)
◻️ F0VN D (Effect: I Once Was Lost)
◻️ FACE D0WN (Effect: Mystery Cards)
◻️ FART SNDS (Effect: Farty Sounds)
◻️ FEAR M1NT (Effect: Scaredy Enemies)
◻️ FRA1 DN0T (Effect: Skittish Enemies)
◻️ FREE 2PAY (Effect: F2P Version)
◻️ G0NE S00N (Effect: Pickups Time Out)
◻️ HARD HARD (Effect: Full Heart Damage)
◻️ HART BEAT (Effect: Health Tempo)
◻️ K1DS M0DE (Effect: Kids’ Co-op Mode)
◻️ Easter Eggs 🥚 2/2 🔸
◻️ KAPP A (Effect: Grayscale)
◻️ KEEP AWAY (Effect: Tricky Pickups)
◻️ KEEP TRAK (Effect: No HUD)
◻️ L0ST (Effect: Hopelessly Lost)
◻️ LABY RNTH (Effect: Inescapable Labyrinth)
◻️ LARG HET0 (Effect: Downtempo–)
◻️ MAZE (Effect: Unending Maze)
◻️ MED1 C1NE (Effect: Mystery Pills)
◻️ MODE SEVN (Effect: Screen has a permanent Retro-Vision effect) 🔸
◻️ N0RE TVRN (Effect: Point of No Return)
◻️ N0W1 KN0W (Effect: Know the Unknown)
◻️ N1TE L1TE (Effect: Illuminate Darkness)
◻️ PAC1 F1SM (Effect: Pacifism)
◻️ PATH F1ND (Effect: Stay Out of the Maze)
◻️ PRES T0 (Effect: Uptempo++)
◻️ PTCH BLCK (Effect: Black Body)
◻️ SL0W 4ME2 (Effect: Movement Tempo)
◻️ SVPE RH0T (Effect: While Isaac is not moving, time runs extremely slowly. Isaac’s speed and fire rate remain normal at all times) 🔸
◻️ T0PH EAVY (Effect: Big Head Mode)
◻️ T1NY D0ME (Effect: Tiny Head Mode)
◻️ TEAR GL0W (Effect: Glowing Tears)
◻️ THEB LANK (Effect: The Blank)
◻️ THEG H0ST (Effect: Damage Timer)
◻️ THRE AD (Effect: Escape the Labyrinth)
◻️ VNKN 0WN (Effect: Forever Unknown)
◻️ WH0A WHAT (Effect: Camouflage EVERYTHING!)
◻️ TBOI Rebirth – Bosses 1/2
🥯 9MZR JAHF Chapter 4: The Womb 🗺️
🥯 Q4ND 8VQT Chapter 1: The Cellar 🗺️
🥯 Q4ND 8VQT 🎀 Chapter 2: The Caves 🗺️
🥯 J3HP Z4TW Chapter 2: The Caves 🗺️
🥯 ARCM E43S Chapter 2: The Caves 🗺️
🥯 J7BH 0TLG Ⓜ️ Chapter 2: The Caves 🗺️
🥯 NN97 YD1Z Chapter 2: Catacombs
🥯 9MZR JAHF 🔴 Chapter 1: The Basement 🗺️
🥯 NN97 YD1Z Chapter 1: Burning Basement 🗺️
🥯 73D9 JB2D 🔵 Chapter 1: The Basement 🗺️
🥯 4ZLZ 9HZV Chapter 1: The Basement 🗺️
🥯 Q4ND 8VQT 🔵 Chapter 1: Burning Basement 🗺️
🥯 CV19 MRQ8 🌑 Chapter 2: The Caves 🗺️
🥯 0VTH Q3ZC Chapter 1: Burning Basement 🗺️
🥯 FXZQ 2QFC Chapter 3: Dank Depths 🗺️
🥯 CDQ2 XL7E Chapter 3: Necropolis 🗺️
🥯 3640 7EMY ⚫ Chapter 1: The Basement 🗺️
🥯 Q6ER HE6A Chapter 1: Burning Basement 🗺️
🥯 BRTC TZEJ 🟢 Chapter 3: The Basement 🗺️
◻️ TBOI Rebirth – Bosses 2/2
🥯 J3HP Z4TW Chapter 3: The Depths 🗺️
🥯 J3HP Z4TW Chapter 2: Flooded Caves 🗺️
🥯 BRTC TZEJ 🌑 Chapter 1: The Basement 🗺️
🥯 F33S 9JER Chapter 4: Scarred Womb 🗺️
🥯 Q4ND 8VQT Chapter 2: The Caves 🗺️
🥯 WS87 K0ZN Chapter 2: Flooded Caves 🗺️
🥯 EMY8 4R0B Chapter 2: The Caves 🗺️
🥯 BW0T NMXL ⚫ Chapter 1: The Basement 🗺️
🥯 8ZHD T46S Chapter 1: Basement
🥯 EMY8 4R0B Chapter 4: Utero
🥯 NN97 YD1Z Chapter 3: Necropolis
🥯 PW4T MYMK Chapter 3: The Depths 🗺️
🥯 8JQB 1EHX 🎀 Chapter 3: Dank Depths 🗺️
🥯 QL2T 98M0 🟢 Chapter 1: The Basement 🗺️
🥯 J3HP Z4TW 🟠 Chapter 1: The Basement 🗺️
🥯 Q4ND 8VQT ⚫ Chapter 3: The Depths 🗺️
🥯 VC1G SX76 🔴 Chapter 3: Dank Depths 🗺️
🥯 419M HTBW ⚫ Chapter 1: The Basement 🗺️
🥯 9SPB XJ4H 🎀 Chapter 1: The Basement 🗺️
🥯 ARCM E43S Chapter 2: The Caves 🗺️
🥯 AVFC 3HLB Chapter 2: Scarred Womb 🗺️
🥯 EMY8 4R0B Chapter 3: Necropolis 🗺️
🥯 W76M GWM8 ⚫ Chapter 1: The Basement 🗺️
🥯 CV19 MRQ8 Chapter 1: The Basement 🗺️
🥯 AAFK J437 🎀 Chapter 1: The Cellar 🗺️
◻️ TBOI Afterbirth – Bosses
🥯 NFJE 68EP Chapter 3: The Depths 🗺️
🥯 G9WE WKXB ⚫ Chapter 1: The Basement 🗺️
🥯 ARCM E43S 🟠 Chapter 1: The Basement 🗺️
🥯 WS87 K0ZN 🟠 Chapter 1: Burning Basement 🗺️
🥯 AAFK J437 ⚫ Chapter 2: The Caves 🗺️
🥯 AAFK J437 Chapter 2: Flooded Caves 🗺️
◻️ TBOI Afterbirth † – Bosses
◻️ TBOI Repentance – Bosses 🔸
🥯 F33S 9JER Chapter 2: The Caves 🗺️
🥯 73D9 JB2D Corpse 🗺️
🥯 B8GS 4JAP Corpse 🗺️
🥯 NX1Z KR4Z Chapter 1.5: Dross 🗺️
🥯 0VTH Q3ZC Chapter 1.5: Dross 🗺️
🥯 NX1Z KR4Z Chapter 1.5: Dross 🗺️
🥯 0VTH Q3ZC Chapter 2.5: Mines 🗺️
🥯 9SPB XJ4H Chapter 2.5: Mines 🗺️
🥯 Q6ER HE6A Chapter 1.5: Downpour 🗺️
🥯 0VTH Q3ZC Chapter 1.5: Dross 🗺️
🥯 4ZLZ 9HZV Chapter 1.5: Downpour 🗺️
🥯 Q6ER HE6A Chapter 2.5: Mines 🗺️
🥯 RNQE 24TS Corpse 🗺️
🥯 0VTH Q3ZC Corpse 🗺️
🥯 RNQE 24TS Chapter 2.5: Ashpit 🗺️
🥯 Q6ER HE6A Chapter 3.5: Mausoleum 🗺️
🥯 0VTH Q3ZC Chapter 3.5: Mausoleum 🗺️
🥯 4TJ9 8GSH Chapter 3.5: Gehenna 🗺️
🥯 B8GS 4JAP Chapter 3.5: Gehenna 🗺️
🥯 Q6ER HE6A Chapter 2.5: Ashpit 🗺️
🥯 B8GS 4JAP Chapter 3: Necropolis 🗺️
🥯 JRYG FA0N Corpse 🗺️
🥯 W76M GWM8 Corpse 🗺️
🥯 CV19 MRQ8 Corpse 🗺️
🥯 4VJ8 XEPV Chapter 2.5: Ashpit 🗺️
🥯 4ZLZ 9HZV Chapter 2.5: Ashpit 🗺️
🥯 73D9 JB2D Chapter 3.5: Mausoleum 🗺️
🥯 NFJE 68EP Chapter 3.5: Mausoleum 🗺️
🥯 W76M GWM8 Chapter 3.5: Gehenna 🗺️
🥯 4ZLZ 9HZV Chapter 2.5: Mines 🗺️
🥯 0VTH Q3ZC Chapter 2.5: Mines 🗺️
🥯 4VJ8 XEPV Chapter 1.5: Dross 🗺️
🥯 Q6ER HE6A Chapter 1.5: Downpour 🗺️
◻️ Universal ⭐
Universal Bosses are those which may appear at the end of floors 1-5 and 7, replacing a boss from the pool for that environment.
🥯 B8GS 4JAP Chapter 2: Flooded Caves II 🗺️
🥯 WS87 K0ZN Chapter 3: Necropolis I 🗺️
The Fallen is a boss that can appear as the boss of any floor before The Womb The Womb/Utero Utero/Added in Afterbirth Scarred Womb Scarred Womb II, except for the first floor and The Depths The Depths/Necropolis Necropolis/Added in Afterbirth Dank Depths Dank Depths II (where a Mom fight is guaranteed). However, for The Fallen to appear as a boss, the player has to have been inside at least 1 Devil Room in the run (Using a Joker card will count to meet this prerequisite. Seeing a Devil Room door does NOT count). It also appears as the first phase of the Satan battle.
🥯 ARCM E43S Chapter 3: Dank Depths 🗺️
🥯 NX1Z KR4Z Chapter 1: The Basement
◻️ Krampus 👿
🥯 ARCM E43S Chapter 2.5: Ashpit 🗺️
🥯 4VJ8 XEPV Chapter 2: The Caves 🗺️
Krampus is a mini-boss that occasionally appears inside of a Devil room.
◻️ Mom 👠
🥯 VW7E BCP8 🔵
🥯 CDQ2 XL7E 🔴
Mom will always appear in the second floor of Chapter 3 or in the last boss room if Curse of the Labyrinth is active.
◻️ The Seven Deadly Sins 💢
🥯 HCSQ B7TZ Chapter 1: The Basement I 🗺️ Go Up x2
🥯 L68K Z4CF Chapter 1: Burning Basement I 🗺️ Go Right x1
🥯 4ZLZ 9HZV Chapter 1: The Basement I 🗺️ Go Up x2
🥯 X0WZ VCAC Chapter 1: The Cellar I 🗺️ Go Right x1
🥯 EMY8 4R0B Chapter 3: Necropolis I 🗺️ Go Right x2
🥯 W47W BWSP Chapter 1: The Cellar I 🗺️ Go Down x1
🥯 Q4ND 8VQT Chapter 2: Catacombs II 🗺️ Go Right x2
🥯 XSP3 WB9D Chapter 2: Caves I 🗺️ Go Left x2
🥯 4ZLZ 9HZV Chapter 3: Necropolis II 🗺️ Go Left x1, Up x1, Left x3
◻️ Transformation seeds 🙂 – 🤡
🔗 More info: [link]
🥯 Q4ND 8VQT Chapter 1: Cellar II 🗺️ Go Left x2
◻️ People Seeds – After TBOI Repentance 🔸
◻️ People Seeds – Before TBOI Repentance (Old Seeds, Maybe not working⚠️)
🥯 M8QR D28S Anyone best soy milk seed ever
🥯 L168 0LX2 Daddy’s Love + Knawed Leaf = win
🥯 AV2P 1P1K Play as judas, bomb the stone chest on floor 2 to get goat head, reroll the item room using pennies to the machine once to get polyphemus
🥯 SCYH 3N4R Rune bag in secret room and blank card in item room
🥯 2H1Z ZQVT Ipecac, Bob’s Brain (Challenge room) and Bob’s Rotting Head (Challenge room)
🥯 911F 3ZLS Sephiram + Guppy transformations
🥯 1VM4 N9F9 Guppy Transformation in the Devil Room on Burning Basement II
🥯 A7BY CNYY Brimstone + 20/20 + Number One + Rubber Cement + Tammy’s Head
🥯 6A1T KLAS Anti grav tears, lump of coal, sheilded tears, magnetic tears, and the mask
🥯 8DBR FMZ3 Eden starting with sacred heart
🥯 3R3F LJK0 Monstro’s lung + tech X + chocolate milk (hard mode)
🥯 CPZZ 673A God head + magic mushroom 1st floor (greed mode)
🥯 WMQV 291Y Mutant spider + inner eye + Judas’s shadow + rubber cement+ Incubus
🥯 STNV TX0X Cricket’s head + Death’s touch + Incubus + Godhead + Monstro’s lung + antigravity tears + goat head
🥯 XQRK 0RBH Tech X+spoon bender (hard,AB)
🥯 6CN7 V1BY Keeper run too freaking good
🥯 YDOZ YZDW 🔥 Amazing Lost run
🥯 RGA8 0PGQ Start as the lost you will get epic fetus + tech and with all the items you will get conjoined transformation with triple epic fetus and triple tech, also krampus head
🥯 9ENM YK1P 🔥 Is probably the best Lost seed to ever exist
🥯 E9ZD LZMS Eden, use spacebar item in first golden item room, you can buy a key with pegeant boy
🥯 430S BJK7 Eden, for tammys head and brimstone
🥯 LYDG A310 Eden, proptosis, mr boom start really good continue
🥯 08K8 ADL0 Azazel gnawed leaf first floor and second dark bum
🥯 A7BY CNYY There is HP increasing item on first boss and for 2 boss with hp + luck
and for 2 floor luck foot
🥯 Q6P6 Y7YN Get devil deals
🥯 NQBL M4BE Play judas go devil deals and if you reroll the right things you’ll have fun
🥯 NQKJ 0XD0 Get devil deals, “1-UP” shop reroll machine
🥯 DXBH 3LCG Played as Isaac, If unlocked first Gold Room Mom’s Knife
🥯 9Y9B ZBMT Isaac starts in cellar and has dio in it
🥯 63Z6 Z4JD Reroll 2nd treasure room
🥯 2ZLP K0DZ Start as issac and dont reroll anything and eventually you will have brimstone, soy milk, and dr fetus. try to be very careful
🥯 EBQL TF60 Isaac easy mode pick up treasure room item then grab d6 and use bomb and dice for item #1 for item #2 just open 2nd treasure room, reroll for alternate good item
🥯 W01J HWPY Conjoined and Lord of the Flies transformations
🥯 1CSM AL3E Magic mushroom and sad union in treasure rooms and lump of coal from krampus!
🥯 81GF HDA2
🥯 FHYY F11C Have Fun OP two steam sales!
🥯 HSMJ T8L7 As Isaac, you will get holy mantle in the room to the left