7,62 High Calibre Guide

A Decent Guide to 7.62 High Calibre [ENG] for 7,62 High Calibre

A Decent Guide to 7.62 High Calibre [ENG]


Hello, and welcome to my fairly simple guide on 7.62 High Calibre, where I’ll be covering the basic aspects of the game and also some more complex features and controls. This guide is 100% unofficial, and so if I have missed anything noteworthy then please feel free to let me know yourself. If you read this guide and it appears unfinished, then chances are it will be and I am currently in the process of editing it. I hope you enjoy reading this guide, and that it proves useful to you in your escapades across Algeira.This guide was written by ✪TakeMeToYourDealer✪

An Introduction to 7.62 High Calibre

7.62 High Calibre is a Strategic Action game, developed by Apeiron and published by 1C Company. The game follows the story of you, a mercenary, who has been hired to hunt down a Russian business man who owes a lot of money to the wrong people. Your journey in Algeira to hunt down this man will take you through Government struggles, Rebel rallies, and gangs of raiders and criminals, along with those trying to survive in this South American country. You have a wide variety of weapons at your disposal (a VERY wide variety) and you can complete your contract the way you see fit. The game will also let you take things at your own pace and allow you to explore the country, helping out various factions and people along the way.

Basic Controls

7.62 High Calibre, being a strategy game, has many different controls and commands to allow your mercenaries to perfrom many actions ingame. Many of the controls have ingame buttons on the User Interface, so the game looks more complicated than it really is, and you might find you wont have to use very many of these keys ingame. The keys can be remapped for personal preferences too. If you need to refer to the manual controls, they can be found both ingame, and in the Steam User’s Manual for 7.62 High Calibre.

Explaining the Controls

Most of the controls in the game are pretty easy to understand, such as ‘Drop Item in Hands’, or ‘Reload Weapon.’ But some of the controls may not sound familiar, so here’s a short explanation of what these controls do. These controls can all be found on your HUD, but also have shortcuts on your keyboard.

Sniper Shot – This type of shot will have your mercenary use the scope on their weapon. This’ll only be available if you have a high powered scope, like a 12x Scope or so. Red dot sights and Holographics do not use this type of shot, and instead are used when you snapshot or use aimed shots. Sniper shots are the most accurate, but use the ‘Sniping’ skill instead of the ‘Shooting’ skill, and so you might find that if your Sniping skill is low, using a Scope might make your shot harder than using iron sights, if your Shooting skill is higher.

Aimed Shots – Your merc will aim down the sight at the target, which takes longer than a snapshot or hip-firing, but it’s the most accurate out of all the shots covered by the ‘shooting’ skill.

Snapshot – Your merc will quickly raise their weapon and fire a quick shot. It’s the middle line for speed and accuracy, as it is neither the fastest method of firing, nor the slowest, or the most accurate, nor the least accurate.

Hip-Fire – You can imagine what this is. Your merc will fire their weapon from the hip, resulting in piss-poor accuracy, but it’s very fast to do and can be useful in close quarters, or if you don’t have time to aim.

Change Stance – Changes your merc to either of three stances; Standing, Crouching, or Crawling.

Clear Orders – Cancels all current orders. Useful if you realise you’ve just sent your men round a corner into an ambush and want to quickly turn them back.

All of the other controls don’t require much guesswork into what they do, and you’ll pick up all of the controls fairly quickly. It’s an easy game to learn, but a nigh-impossible game to master due to the smart AI and various situations you could be in.

Basic Tips and Advice

If you’ve already played the game before reading this guide, you’ll have realised that the AI will use some really nasty tricks and tactics in order to overcome your squad. These tactics can range from flanking, rushing, tactical use of grenades and keeping you surpressed in cover, allowing for the enemy to get the drop on you. There are many ways to counter these methods, and even use your own against them:

1. Watch every direction – If you fail to keep your eyes on a specific direction for an extended period of time, chances are you will get flanked and shot. It’s frustrating as it will happen every so often, or maybe in just about every firefight you get involved in, but it can easily be prevented by checking your rear every so often to deter any sneaky enemies trying to eliminate you.

2. Be patient – Running into battle head-on is dangerous and the odds aren’t going to be in your favour if you stumble upon an enemy with their weapon already raised. If you be patient and let the enemy make most of the moves, you can counter them with tactics of your own, making it very difficult for them to successfully wipe out your squad.

3. Be tactical – Simple things such as strafing around a corner is much more effective than having to run around one and then turn, so ensure every command you give your mercs will result in as little risk as possible, and cancel orders if you have to if it will put your mercs in danger.

4. Use the right tool for the job – The huge list of weapons in the game calls for different strategies with each weapon you use. Shotguns can be used with buckshot, slugs, and dart rounds, allowing them to be used in many situations. Handguns can be aimed very quickly and are fastest to switch to in high-intensity combat. Sub-Machine Guns are fast and light, and allow your mercs to carry around enough firepower without being slowed down too much. Assault Rifles can be used at short ranges to long ranges depending on the situation. Sniper Rifles are ideal for long range combat and are useful for eliminating the most bothersome enemies fairly safely. Light Machine Guns can be used to surpress the enemy into cover, allowing for your other mercs to get a shot on them, or can be used offensively in a large firefight which requires a lot of ammo. Launchers are effective against groups of enemies and can be a good means of delivering them some longer ranged presents.


5. Be frugal – Save your money for the bigger guns and ammo, as you’ll be using the majority of the equipment you find from the start. Only spend your money on ammo if you need it, attachements, other equipment or advanced weaponry to get the edge in combat. Don’t waste money buying weapons you can find in plentiful supply in the hands of the bad guys.

6. Be reasonable – If a battle seems like it’s running in favour of the enemies, then it’s wise to retreat to another position and allow your mercs time to reload and heal. You may be outnumbered and outgunned, but if you know how to manage a dangerous situation, you’ll never be outclassed.

7. Highest Threat = Highest Priority – If you have the option to, always focus on eliminating the most dangerous target to your team first. An incapacitated, unconcious enemy isn’t going to do as much harm as the one three feet away with an Ithaca M37.

As the game goes on and you get the hang of the combat and how to overcome the enemy, most of these tips will be in use in essentially every battle you head into, and should never be forgotten. Even a puny Makarov PM to the back will do more harm than you would think. Keep your mercs well equipped, and ensure each one has a specific job. Assign a medic, maybe a sniper, and a fireteam of three mercs with AKM’s. It really depends on what you prefer, and what the situation calls for. Don’t be afraid to try out new gear, but don’t ditch your old gear in a hurry if it’s what was winning fights for you.

Guns And Ammo

I have personally never seen more weapons in a game than I have seen in 7.62 High Calibre. There’s a ridiculous amount of firearms you can acquire, and they all kick ass. This section of the guide is dedicated to the weapons of the game, and how to keep them kicking ass, even when you get your hands on superior equipment.

Weapons Handling

As I mentioned in the last section about ‘Using the Right Tool for the Job’, each different type of weapon has their own strengths and weaknesses. But how do you know which weapon to pick if they’re both Assault Rifles, or both Shotguns? Well each weapon has different stats which can make it more useful in some situations than other weapons of the same type:

As you can see, the SPAS 12 has several different stats that all mean different things:

Accuracy – The higher this is, the more likely your shots are going to land where you aim them. Low accuracy means bullets/shells will be going all over the place, and high accuracy will mean your shots will hit exactly where you want them to.

Damage – The damage per shot of a weapon. Doesn’t really need explaining.

Durability(Total/Dirt) – The durability of a weapon, and how long it will last. High durability means the weapon can take a lot to stop it from working, and the Dirt value means how dirty the weapon can get.

Rate of Fire (Single/Burst) – How fast the weapon can fire. Lower values mean faster firing, as the time indicated for each shot is the delay between each shot. For example, if a weapon can fire at a rate of fire of 0.32 seconds, this means that there will be a delay of 0.32 seconds between each shot. This counts for single shots and burst firing.

To Ready – The time it takes to ready the weapon, ie. the time taken to ready the weapon to fire.

Balance – This is an interesting mechanic. Balance affects the weapon’s weight in proportion to the weapon, as it would in real life – ie. front heavy guns have less recoil but take longer to aim. In 7.62’s case, the balance is measured as a whole for the weapon, and so a higher balance means the weapon will faster to ready and/or aim.

Every weapon has their own stats, so it’s best to first consider which type of weapon you should choose, and then pick a specific weapon for the job.

ALSO – Consider the weight of the weapon, and if it’s practical enough to lug about everywhere!

(Ignore the cheater tags on my mercs, it does that when you open the dev console. This was purely to provide an example of the weapon stats you can get ingame. :D)

Weapon Usage

Now that you have a rough idea of which weapons to choose, it’s best that you know how to use them properly. This isn’t meant to be condescending, because the gunplay mechanics in this game are very well thought out and have a range of features. Here are some steps on how to get the most out of your weapon of choice:

1. Use the right calibre – This cannot be stressed enough. Make sure the ammo you have can be used with the weapon you are using. Ie. You can’t put 9x18mm rounds in a 9x19mm Handgun, so be careful. The same goes for any other weapons.

2. Use a suitable ammo type – For most cases you’ll be using the standard ball ammunition. However you can acquire different ammo types such as Armour Piercing later in the game. As long as these rounds are the right calibre for your weapon, you’re good to go!

3. Clean your weapon – As you use your firearm more and more, it’ll start to become dirty and will go through wear and tear. You can fix your weapon by visiting some NPC’s in game, but to clean your weapon, you will need a weapon repair kit. Simply drag the kit onto the weapon in your hands and you will clean your weapon. Don’t do this in combat unless you have to though, it takes time.

4. Make your shots count – You’ll already know you can fire Single Shots, Burst Fire or go Full-Auto, but is it worth going single-shots with a LMG? Consider what weapon you are using, and what firing type to use, as well as your enviroment. Full-Auto is not very accurate at longer ranges.

5. It’s all about stance – Should you go Prone, Stand Up, or Crouch? Hip Fire, Snap Shot or Aimed Shot? Again, base this decision on your current weapon and your enviroment. For the most accurate shots, go prone and use aimed shots. If your weapon has an optical sight, you can use that for even more precision.

6. Let your squad get familiar – The more your mercs use certain weapons, they will become more accustomed to them and perform better with them. Let your team use similar weapons to each other so the squad as a whole performs better in time with them, and ultimately becomes a more effective fighting force. Ie. This could mean giving your team nothing but weapons from the MP5 range, ie. (MP5A3, MP5A4, MP5A5, MP5A5SD, etc.) as they will adapt to their new firearms in time.

The fun of 7.62 High Calibre comes from acquiring new weapons and testing them out on the local goons. Don’t be afraid to try out new weapons. See what works best for your squad. I personally had a merc with a FAMAE SAF SMG’s, another two with a UMP .45 and a UMP .40, and one with an AUG PARA SMG. I used an M1 Garand for longer range shots, and a Remington 870 Magnum Police for blasting close range baddies. Later I hired a sniper, and equipped him with a Springfield M1A. The weapons worked well for my squad and I used them extensively, long after the enemy started using better weapons.

Other equipment

As well as the firearms themselves, you can also use:

Grenades – Explosive and Shrapnel. Both used to kill and incapacitate enemies.
Flashbangs and Stun Grenades – Both used to incapacitate enemies. Non-Lethal.
Melee Weapons – Knives, Crowbars, Machetes, etc. Can also be used as tools.
Smoke Grenades – Tactical grenades which can be deployed to help you hide from the enemy. Can also be used as impromptu cover and can be useful for escaping tight spots.
Throwing Knives – What it says on the tin. Silent, lethal thrown weapons. Can double-up as melee too.

The Blue Sun Mod

Fantastically, a mod for 7.62 High Calibre has been made, named the Blue Sun Mod, and you can download it straight from steam without having to mess about with file directories!

This mod includes even more weapons, (gasp!) missions, NPC’s, and mercs for hire. It adds loads more hours of content onto a game which already has a lot to do, and it’s 100% free!

If you want to download it, then follow these simple steps.

1. Right click on 7.62 High Calibre in your game Library.
2. Click Properties.
3. Click on the ‘Betas’ Tab.
4. Choose the Community Patch and BSM mod Beta.

And there you have it. The game will update and you can run the BSM mod. You will have to start a new game though, but it’s a small price to pay for what you get. The patche also tone down the volume of the random crashes too.

If you have any enquiries or issues about the Blue Sun Mod, I’m not the best person to ask. R@S on the Steam Forums for 7.62 High Calibre is the man in the know. I don’t know if he’ll be annoyed with me for sending more enquiries his way, but hopefully not. He has helped many users before.

A Thank You

To conclude this guide, I would just like to thank you, the reader, for taking the time to check this out. I really appreciate it. (It took me hours to write, so I thought it would take hours to read!)

I would also like to thank R@S for his continued support with the Blue Sun Mod and his assistance to the players of this game. You’re a legend.

And last, but definitely not least, I would like to thank thedevelopers of 7.62 High Calibre for making such a good game. I thoroughly enjoyed playing it and I hope everyone else does too.

And so there ends A Decent Guide to 7.62 High Calibre. Peace!
